
You can use an account on all instances but I think the lack of consolidation is the single biggest problem with Lemmy/KBin tbh (the lack of ActivityPub in some of the other Reddit alternatives also doesn't help).

Obviously there's a smaller userbase here, which is fine and expected but can make some communities feel a little empty. Having basically the same community in multiple places across multiple Lemmy and KBin instances makes that issue a lot worse though - ideally communities covering the exact same topic should be automatically consolidated in the way you describe. And ideally on an opt-out basis for the user - so you see the amalgamated page by default and can see the individual ones if wanted.


I'm also wondering this, I'm considering a shift to MBin but Artemis is a big variable in whether or not I do!


That looks super-fun, visual novel set inside a monster-collecting RPG is a jam to start with but I'm always up for some gratuitous weirdness on top!


What a baffling decision to not remaster and not release on PC. I guess they were burned by the GTA remasters but took the wrong lessons on board.


I've got some interest in them but, tbh, only if they're federated. Which I know some are very unlikely to, but I don't really want to be bothered investing in multiple websites with heavily overlapping functions that can't talk to each other (though I know Tildes is moderately different).


Absolutely fantastic game and really well suited to the Switch. I've already got it for PC but if cross-play ever comes I may well pick it up here as well.


Absolutely fantastic game and really well suited to the Switch. I've already got it for PC but if cross-play ever comes I may well pick it up here as well.


Looks very Danganronpa. Only played the first one of those but I had fun, so keeping an eye on this.


Hey, just wanted to say thanks for posting this and for transcribing the game list. This is exactly the kind of thing where a video is worse than just a list in plaintext imo! :)


This is cool stuff - glad to know they're thinking about what to do with the 3DS ones as well, fingers crossed for a rerelease! I had a big sweep of the 3DS/Wii U eShops before they closed to just pick up anything I wanted before they went, but I completely forgot about the Picross e games.


I think KBin and Lemmy could've both used being a bit more fully developed before Spez started throwing his tantrums tbh. Like, I've no intention of going back to Reddit, I very much see KBin/Lemmy as works in progress that will only get better, but I do think friendly criticism is really important and should be taken on board.

With this in mind my biggest gripe is that the magazines/communities I subscribe to are buried in my profile. Every time I'm on here I keep clicking on Magazines or searching for communities when trying to find what I'm subscribed to, rather than remembering to check my profile.

I also agree on the migration point. It's something that's a wider Fediverse problem too - Masto really needs migration that moves toots and likes as well.

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