TheArstaInventor avatar

TheArstaInventor avatar

What happened to the billions of investment they promised for hydrogen production? many huge media outlets covered it, but then it was super quiet, what is going on?

Engine maker Cummins agrees to pay $1.67 billion to settle claims it bypassed emissions tests (

Cummins Inc. has agreed to pay an over $1.67 billion penalty to settle claims by regulators that the engine manufacturer unlawfully altered hundreds of thousands of pickup truck engines to bypass emissions tests. According to the U.S. Justice Department, which announced the agreement in principle Thursday, Cummins' alleged...

TheArstaInventor, (edited )
TheArstaInventor avatar

True, but I was still curious about what communities get mentioned here. And also, without communities catering to different users' interests, there will be no engagement.

OC Updates on Interstellar kbin app: account login, voting, subscriptions, and more

If you haven't been following the Interstellar magazine, I've added a lot of functionality since the last thread here, including views for magazines/users/domains, better navigation for wider screens, QoL additions (like the @ button to reveal originating domain, inspired by Artemis), and a lot of different bug/functionality...

TheArstaInventor avatar

This is awesome! Keep up the great work and I hope the project doesn't get abandoned like Artemis, seems great so far, maybe you should look into creating a discord too for short-form discussions revolving around the project :)

TheArstaInventor avatar

BTW I highly suggest you make a launch announcement on places like m/KbinMeta here with github downloads linked to get more users' attention

EDIT: I think you made a concept post here a while ago?

TheArstaInventor avatar

That is good indeed, artemis wasn't open source and the whole project's progress and work as a result was lost, glad to know a more open approach is being taken here!

TheArstaInventor avatar

I understand what you mean as for privacy, but at the same time, I do think at some point to reach the average user, it will be a must to be on Play store and Apple store. That being said, in early phase APKs are perfectly fine for tech-savvy users.

TheArstaInventor avatar

Certainly nowhere near the scale of/from reddit.

TheArstaInventor avatar

Oh you mean't outside Kbin, makes more sense.

TheArstaInventor avatar

I typically don't encounter any communities from instances like lemmygrad here, maybe I will if I actually search for them but as it is on Kbin it's been pretty nice here.

TheArstaInventor avatar

What about passanger vehicles? Would be huge loss if these new stations are strictly limited to trucks honestly...

TheArstaInventor avatar

Both american automotive companies competing for 1st place! Lol.

TheArstaInventor avatar

I think buick actually is a major brand for GM in china and that has kept the brand alive so far.

TheArstaInventor avatar

That would actually be smart, bringing back saturn, I think that brand was really cool and would have a much better image than a buick anyways lol.

TheArstaInventor avatar

The main problem is actually with users like you and I mean no offense here, people subscribe which is a great start but they fail to post or contribute in ways that can help content and start a discussion.

This post drew attention and people have commented below, but if you didn't post this, the community's last post would have been 2 days ago.

My point is be the change you want to see, if we want Kbin to succeed, yall gotta start posting, not just looking around.

TheArstaInventor avatar

Well I really didn't look at your profile much so I am sorry if you feel personally attacked, that was not my intention.

My point is, if we all posted rather than saying "it feels empty" (not saying it just for you, saying for everyone in general here), then it would not feel so empty, as I mod some big communities here and I know for the fact that there are MANY lurkers who barely contribute, which is why it feels empty, but it's good to see you being active.

If it feels empty, then we need to take action and be the change we want to see. That is what I mean't and not targeting any individuals here, just saying in general.

No need to involve jesus christ, chill out :)

TheArstaInventor avatar

No worries! It was a misunderstanding and that happens :)

And I agree with you as for the empty feeling, but with organic growth and encourging more people to contribute, hopefully content increases in kbin.

TheArstaInventor avatar

But fuel cells still rely on raw materials and I imagine they are more energy intensive to produce and more expensive as a technology to develop and produce than the already established ICE technology which has been around for decades.

This is why I am personally rooting for hydrogen on ICE to be honest - besides the unmatched emotion an ICE can give you obviously haha.

TheArstaInventor avatar

The "issues" you list is something companies like Toyota has already dealt with and even if it's small, there is still a growing hydrogen infrastructure in some places in the world like california with people driving these cars.

Yes they are challenging, but we have already overcome and have vehicles and infrastructure in production.

I see many hydrogen critics list how hydrogen is "very volatile, able to ignite, cold as heck, extreme temperature" and etc, well yes, there are challenges, but despite that there are companies out there that have dealt with them and already have products running on the same hydrogen you are talking about.

Not trying to blindly support hydrogen or anything, but in my opinion we are past the point where we debate and claim hydrogen is not possible and has many issues - many of them are no longer an "issue" when its already out there for consumers in some parts of the world, and if these issues were a huge barrier, we won't have vehicles like Toyota mirai selling at all, so these issues are not issues but maybe "tricky", "expensive" and "slow development" would be the right words.

TheArstaInventor avatar

it seems like despite the fuel cell itself being relatively small, I just googled the weight of Toyota's hydrogen corolla racing prototype, which weighs 4210 lbs, while the toyota mirai weighs around 4400 lbs, Google bard also says Toyota is aiming to make it's hydrogen combustion corolla weigh less than 3,700 lbs as development continues.

Super interesting, I honestly think ICE development is being pushed to even more advanced levels, I think with the right infrastructure, they can certainly compete and if they take off I don't see fuel cells being favored over them.

It's crazy how despite how old the ICE technology is, these companies can still find ways to keep improving it, despite the engine being much heavier, the overall car weight is actually less than the Mirai which itself is a great feat. I'm personally optimistic about Hydrogen combustion for sure.

TheArstaInventor avatar

Also it seems like the weight on the Mirai could also be due to the battery it has as a backup after the fuel cell itself, and then electric motors, if you look at the whole package it does get heavier.

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