plscks avatar


Just this guy you know, software engineer, exwrench, spacesim, family, synths, doggo

plscks avatar

I picked this up based on this comment and it’s really great, thank you for the recommendation!

plscks avatar

Hi, great that there is something here for X4 now, there wasn’t initially when I’d looked. Thank you for making this place!

Anyways, I’m really new to X4 but I’ve got a load of mods. I have most of the ones that are used in this let’s play poorly series by ArquebusX:

They are all rather nice, but in addition I’ve added the Waypoint Fields for Deployment mod:

It’s really nice to not have to right click through the menus and add in a couple hundred orders to deploy laser towers, makes my wrists hurt!

plscks avatar

That was an absolutely wild ride! I’d like to have one of those in my game eventually

plscks, (edited ) to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Welcome to Nexus Clash

Nexus Clash is a browser-based MMORPG, we are under active development and have been around since 2010. In Nexus Clash you can play a character which ultimately will have the option of being one of a number of classes that are Unaligned, Angel, or Demon. Each class has its own unique skills and abilities. You can use these skills for your own personal advancement (of each character independently), helping your characters faction through logistics and support, RPing (role playing) a specific character concept, and generally playing in the style that works best for you.

Your character will gain XP (experience points) by doing things (attacking stuff, reading books, healing other characters, and much more). Once enough XP is gained your character will gain a level and be granted CP (character points) with which you can buy skills for your character. Skills range from better attacks, potion brewing, summoning, magic casting, survival related skills, and much more. When your character reaches level 10 you will be able to cross out of the mortal realm and choose a side to fight for (unaligned, good, or evil) by selecting a tier 2 class. Then again at level 20 you will be able to choose a tier 3 class as a progression of the tier 2 class you selected at level 10.

That is a very brief overview of the game just to have some sort of information available as to what Nexus Clash even is. I'll try to attach a screenshot of the basic interface, typically a person wouldn't post detailed information on the whereabouts of their characters, but in this case it is my own character and it is for the benefit of this post. Pictured is the main game screen where you can see the logged in characters information, the message pane under that which reflects any informational messages, results of actions, and things you or other player have said and or done. Underneath that is the tile description which is the description of the area your character is currently located. Then you will find the pane that lists other characters or NPCs also at the current location and the information you have available about them. Last but not least there come the panes for the various actions you can take. To the right is a side bar which contains multiple tabs such as the (displayed) in-game minimap, the inventory pane, and several other useful things which sometimes depend on the class of character you are.

I'll try to post game updates in here when they happen as well, but please note that this magazine is not exclusive to game updates or a developer blog or anything like that, just a general space for anything Nexus Clash related!

Here are a few helpful resources:

#NexusClash #MMORPG #PBBG #BrowserGames

plscks, (edited ) to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Patch Notes - 2023 June 2nd

Game Mechanics

  • A mighty Void Leviathan roams the void between the islands of Purgatorio, devouring unlucky souls who stray too far from shore. It is a formidable foe that will require great effort from the strongest of raid teams to defeat, but victory brings with it rewards!

  • Some refinements have been made to how the Unholy Grail interacts with Fallen. This might not be noticeable right away.

  • Kills with Font Traps now work for Council of Keys seal seizure.

Quality of Life and Interface

  • Nexus Champion's interface for Wandering Way has been improved.

  • The dropdowns are limited to the map size.

  • You may now Teleport with a single click to tiles in the minimap.

Major Bugs

  • Fixed an issue that was over-prioritizing imps over AP rewards in high-level Desecration among non-Defiler exits.

  • Fixed an issue that was whitescreening Stygian Brutality attacks.

  • The Displacer mutation was erroneously hindering the attacker when the attacker had it (and by connection, not helping the defender when the defender had it) in pet vs pet fights.

Minor Bugs

  • Fixed an issue that was blocking users of custom spells with apostrophes from using or reloading a spell.

  • Removed legacy blocks on enchanting Frozen Gauntlets and Blackened Gauntlets.

  • Users of Dark Oppressor Curses or Absolve weren't being shown correctly when someone in the area is Agony Cursed.

#NexusClash #MMORPG #PBBG #BrowserGames

plscks, (edited ) to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Patch Notes - 2023 June 8th

Game Mechanics

  • The framework has been built for a new game mode. Details to follow.

  • The maximum number of extant outer planes minibosses has been dialed down a bit. This won't be evident until some of the current ones are slain.

  • Toned down the damage stats on the Void Leviathan a bit.

Major Bugs

  • Corrected an issue where enchanted weapons failed to attack - hotfix applied 2023-06-03

Minor Bugs

  • Vassals and lieges weren't getting notifications when the liege released them involuntarily due to morality change or release/reset.

Nexal Arena Shard Deathmatch! June 11 - August 11

Greetings, Nexals!

At various points, players have pointed out (most recently here) the idea of a compact Nexus with less complexity, one character per player and a shorter cycle. In the coming days we will be introducing the Arena Shard, a game mode running alongside the regular world in which we can experiment with these ideas. For the next two months, new characters who participate in the Arena will fight, level up and claim territory in a closed-off plane that is a microcosm of the wider Nexus universe. At the end of this, a winning team will be determined and (if it's well-liked) we can do another round of it. Details to follow in a FAQ below.

EDIT: This event is now live! The entrance is at 40,31 Cordillera!

When does the Arena event start?

Round One will begin on June 11, 2023 (this Sunday), in the early afternoon American time (evening European time). There will be a global announcement when this happens.

How do I put an alt into the Arena?

The entrance will be a portal at the yacht Agriphila, at 40,31 Cordillera.

Characters who enter the Arena must be Level 1 mortals. The owner of the character must have at least one other character who is at least Tier 2 (so the inescapable arena isn't a newbie trap) and must not have another character in the Arena. Dark Pacts cannot be brought in, and characters may have up to a dozen of the following: books, potions, non-innate weapons, ammo, armor, amphetamines, spellgems and demonic boons/ices.

Once inside, characters live their whole lives in the Arena. There are no exit portals, but releasing a character will remove it from the Arena. All Arena characters will be returned to the regular game world when the round ends.

How does the Arena play differently than the regular Nexus?

All characters in the Arena will respawn within it, regardless of class or Guild affiliation. The Arena is a small, high-pressure plane containing a broad range of Nexal items and terrain. It is our hope that a compact world where everyone is leveling up at once will make for a fast-paced, competitive Nexus.

Characters in the Arena do not join Factions, but choose their infusion alignment at Level 10 via Guilds, whose shrines can be found at the most obvious locations associated with each side. Evil characters cannot be in the Forces of Good and Good characters cannot be in the Forces of Evil. Only Transcends can be in the Forces of Free Will. Arena characters without a Guild affiliation do not infuse. There is no Active Infusion in the Arena, only Passive Infusion.

CP caps out at Level 30 inside the Arena and Ranks cannot be earned there, so there's no advantage (or disadvantage) to bringing a character with a bunch of stat grinds and no advantage to grinding inside.

Some skills that teleport you across planes, influence where you respawn, or relate to active infusion are disabled for purchase inside the Arena. (Infuse, Greater Infusion, Stepping of the World Gate, Portal Cleaving, Word of Recall, Hellspawn, Transcension, Empyreal Bond, Phylactery, Dark Pact).

Is this well-balanced?

Probably not! It's a fairly simple shakeup of gameplay that draws entirely on existing content. We're throwing a lot of changes at gameplay at once (no strongholds, no Ranks, passive infuse only, a compact world, a definite endpoint) and what that means is hard to predict. We look forward to finding out. The worst that can happen if it's a total disaster is that we do just the one round of this. A small event with a definite endpoint is the perfect sandbox to try changing some things up.

When does the round end?

Round One will end (and a winning team will be declared) on August 11, 2023, two months after the start date. The team in possession of the most infusion territory inside the Arena will be declared the winner. What the win conditions are may be made more complicated and layered in future rounds.

Should we continue with a Round Two, the nature of Round Two's map (and likely what the mechanics quirks are) will be impacted by the winner of Round One. We're certainly open to suggestions as to what should be different from regular play in Round Two.

#NexusClash #MMORPG #PBBG #BrowserGames

plscks, to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Patch Notes - 2023 July 24

Game Mechanics

  • Conduits with Reveal Weakness will get Damage Dealt stats for bonus damage dealt via their Targeted debuffs, and will be notified when their Targeted debuffs helped someone deal more damage.

  • The Illuminated status effect from the Redeemed's Candle of the Soul now prevents NPCs from hiding.

  • Lowered the requirement thresholds for Infusions achievement badges a bit since literally no one had gotten the badges so far no matter how much they had done. The badge thresholds were 20,000 and 30,000 infusions; they are now 10,000 and 20,000.

  • The Holy Light effect from Gem Refraction will now make those under the effects of Chlorophilter in the same tile receive its full effects.

  • Wraiths go free when the Lich dies.

  • Elementalists with Rebalance Area may summon a new pet, a Lodestone of Balance. Lodestones have the same immunity to normal decay as all other Elementalist Pets; they cost 15 MP to summon and the Elementalist may have Level/10 Lodestones. A Lodestone will sacrifice itself to destroy an incoming area status effect, effectively preforming a Rebalance Area action reactively when the Elementalist is offline. Lodestones have very poor offensive ability but very good durability, and will always be summoned Passive.

Quality of Life and Interface

  • Pets that are implied to themselves be flying, such as bat swarms, phoenixes or air elementals, can be targeted by flyers in close-quarters combat without errors.

  • Your current coordinates display outside of the collapsible location pane.

  • Added a new Character Setting that disables autosummoning via Scribe Pact or Stygian Murder Wasps. Souls trapped by Pacts scriven by a character with this toggle on will still become Soul Thralls, but those Soul Thralls will be wandering monsters ceded directly to the Dark Powers (the same as collecting on a revoked pact) instead of going to the Dark Oppressor.

Major Bugs

  • Fixed an issue where the Polarity Adaptor upgrade effectively did not work.

  • Soul Thralls and Possessed Thralls should now be properly unstealable.

  • Aspect of the Netherworld wasn't allowing manual turnoff of the status effect.

  • Turncoat classes with opposite-alignment spells (Acid for Redeemed, Electric for Fallen) weren't getting correct conversion of their damage-dealing spells when they tiered up. This has been manually corrected for the one person who reported this issue but should work correctly at tier up going forward.

  • Fixed an issue where the Piercing spell capstone just plain didn't exist, but claimed that it did when used against precisely the sort of target it shouldn't have worked on (soakless targets).

  • Fixed an issue where Infusion badges granted their first achievement on the fourth badge step, not the fifth. Since Infusion achievement badges had their thresholds lowered (see above) this meant some people got an achievement from Infusion unusually early. This too has been resolved. If you got a Rank one achievement early from this, the way the math shook out under the hood means your next rank will require one more achievement. We think this is fair, and it'd take a lot of work on our end to resolve it differently.

  • Hovering was preventing close-quarters attacks indoors, and now shouldn't.

  • Pet attacks weren't triggering zerg flag tracking at all, and now should.

  • Fixed a longstanding major issue with Mark of the Wendigo that kept Marks from maturing into usable statuses the vast majority of the time.

Minor Bugs

  • Elementalist spell MP cost increases for elemental skills should now correctly apply to target shooting.

  • Rank in Hell now correctly wards off Stygian pet attacks.

  • Primal Matter AP/MP reduction should now apply to material transmutation the same as component transmutation.

  • Fixed an issue where pets of NPC summoners always missed their attacks when in the presence of another NPC.

  • Chlorophilter now applies its effects on all status ticks instead of just on AP ticks.

  • Corrected minor bug where breath stats were not incrementing correctly - hotfix applied 2023-07-15

  • Corrected an issue where going to character pages of characters that do not exist caused a 500 error.

  • Applied some improvements to a long-standing issue that was triggering NPC respawns elsewhere most of the time when a player character respawned in Purgatorio.

plscks, (edited ) to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Patch Notes - 2022 July 1st

Game Mechanics

  • Draught of Discretion has had its MP cost reduced, from 5/10/15/20 MP to 2/3/4/5, depending on the potion.

  • Some crafty players figured out how to start Arena play with some extra CP. This wasn't intended, so we set everyone to the same level: while in the Arena, all characters enjoy a temporary CP bonus of 50 CP (including snuck in CP, not in addition to)! These last until the event ends, after which they get taken away again.

  • Wraith MP and HP have been increased to 50.

  • Wraiths that damage target MP now steal that MP for themselves if they are below maximum.

  • When a death creates a corpse in the presence of a Wraith, the Wraith will consume the corpse to cast one of four effects if it has the AP/MP to afford to do so.

  • Elysian Giant Silver Swords get the same bonus vs undead as Tarnished Swords.

  • Adjusted Blasphemy vs Hashaa in a prior hotfix to generate Bone Guardians controlled by the grailholder instead of allied (and uninteresting even if they had worked) ghouls.

Quality of Life and Interface

  • When a pet is stolen with Touch of Corrupted Loyalty, other pets (presumably its former enemies and now allies) shake off targeting against it.

Major Bugs

  • Resolved a longstanding issue (with a hotfix prior to this) where Stygia wandering pets weren't properly targeting non-locals.

  • Fixed an issue that was thwarting proper Arena passive infusion with a hotfix prior to this.

Minor Bugs

  • Fixed an edge case with the Unholy Grail with the potential to crash daily ticks (said edge case has never occurred on live server).

  • Fixed an issue with a prior hotfix where Arena characters were still joining autofactions.

#NexusClash #MMORPG #PBBG #BrowserGames

plscks, to NexusClash
plscks avatar

Patch Notes - 2023 August 1

Game Mechanics

  • Earthquake accuracy is now the greater of spell accuracy or 50%, instead of relying solely on spell accuracy.

  • Bursting Flare accuracy is now the greater of thrown accuracy or 50%, instead of relying solely on thrown accuracy.

  • Casters of Glyphs of Pain now get damage dealt and kills credit for any damage or kills that their glyphs do.

  • Holy Transfer castings now provide Buffs Granted stats to the Advocate.

Quality of Life and Interface

  • Conjured Shotguns are now visible in character inventories. mand hasn't been found yet.

Major Bugs

  • Resolved (hopefully) an issue where characters with true sight (Bat Animus or Overlord on home ground) weren't able to find invisible characters in the area through searching.

  • Hotfixed a nasty issue where flying pets were untargetable by players.

  • Supplemental damage skills that use MP were allowing expenditure deep into negatives: Fires of War, Fiery Shafts, Ineffable Burning, Holy Radiance, Grim Mien and Dragon Sight.

  • Intimidating Aura castings by Stygian Overlords on their home territory were lasting four hours when it was supposed to be two.

  • Fixed a bug where Golden Goose kills by the Fallen's pets gave the gold to the victim.

  • Nexus Champion pets now cease to adjust morality as if their master was Neutral when stolen by a Corruptor who has no need of such balancing.

  • Arcane Trail and Channeling Trail should now only grant Buffs and Debuffs stats when another character is present to buff or debuff.

Minor Bugs

  • Elemental Fog, Origami Bow and Unsettling Aura didn't send the user a message when the effects expired.

  • Planar Protection from a potion and from a respawn canceled both conditions when one expired. They have been changed so multiple instances can be active at once.

  • Walk-in Closets should now display in the list of stuff in your stronghold.

  • Resolved an issue where Electric spells claimed a 5% better accuracy than they really have in attack dropdowns.

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