style99 avatar

Among people in general who actually read comments, the left does have a distinct advantage.

Kerrigor avatar

If Republicans could read, they'd be real mad

DracolaAdil avatar

I think they are already mad, regardless of whether they can read or not.


I come here to not read about politics, left or right

DracolaAdil avatar

I feel you dude, but we cannot be blind to politics...especially my generation (gen z).

Everything has been turned into a political issue and it's up to us to make sure that the world in dragged into the correct directions.

This affects every facet of our lives, and we have to make sure to make the most of it.

Uranium3006 avatar

I never had a choice to not be political so here I am

Balssh avatar

You're in for a bad ride then. There will always be politics in some magazines/threads.


Haha, good one tankie. Look, I can hide the sun with one hand! xD


Imagine if Lemmy just totally avoided playground level political debate?

doctorplasmatron, avatar

i like you.




People will stay where they’re right, and avoid places where they’re wrong. See: Facebook groups.


I don’t think I’m all THAT left leaning. I just like to be told I’m wrong… I may have problems.


I agree. I think most people just miss the point that young people tend to move faster the others established. It doesn’t help that people’s views o left v right differ depending on their agendas etc…

ZIRO, (edited ) avatar

I think that the left-right dichotomy is inherently flawed. A lot of what I believe might be considered “right-leaning” or “left-leaning,” but I cannot say that I prescribe to either sort of ideology fully or with any fidelity.

I will always be opposed to any view with a pervasive “moral” authority, and both the so-called left and right are obsessed with their own versions of this. The problem we run into is the false supposition that beliefs can be categorized on a spectrum spanning right to left (or, even more liberally, a spectrum spread across two dimensions). It has been a ridiculous notion from its inception, whenever that might have been.

Building one’s identity (another silly notion, in general—identity itself being a frivolous construct that functions only as a fulcrum for the extortion of social power) upon a supposed spectrum is likewise ridiculous. You can be conservative or liberal, or anything, really. But those beliefs do not exist in a linear or planar dimension. They are so far removed from each other that one cannot fathom sliding incrementally from one to the next.

And to each respective party, “left” and “right,” the other can be demonized as evil, even without full comprehension of the other. It’s all just so damned tribalistic and silly.


It’s completely natural for humans to fall into a binary thinking.

It’s evolutionarily advantageous to fully focus on “the enemy”, whatever that may be, and “the friends”, our own family/tribe, absolutely hating the enemy while absolutely loving your family. It’s what made it most likely that our genes persevere, if you give the enemy the benefit of the doubt, and they backstab you, you’re dead, but not if you just kill them first/don’t trust them at all in any way.

This concept permeates our society and you see it everywhere. It’s always “us” vs “them”. If your ideology “wins” politically, throughout most of human history that means you get to kill your opponent, while if you lose, it means you may die. So it’s naturally almost the worst thing in the world for us if someone disagrees with us politically.

It’s really amazing how almost everything about the way we behave is completely shaped by what made us survive in some form or another thousands of years ago. The only way out so far is trying our hardest to resist our natural programming and apply rationality, which comes with its own set of problems.


Nah, it’s probably because most of us left Reddit at some point, either due to banning left-wing subs or due to corporate dickery.

The right-wingers went their way, to places like Voat, Saidit, Gab and Truth Social.


I agree with you that Lemmy may be more left-leaning than other social media platforms due to the lack of bot activity. However, I think it’s also important to consider the type of content that is shared and discussed on Lemmy. As a platform focused on creativity and expression, there may be an inherent bias towards progressive or left-leaning ideas and discussions. Additionally, Lemmy’s community guidelines prioritize kindness and respect, which can create a space where voices from marginalized communities feel safe to share their opinions and experiences. Overall, while bot activity certainly plays a role in shaping the political climate of social media platforms, I believe that Lemmy’s unique culture and values also contribute to its overall political orientation.

That being said, I appreciate your comment and am glad to see thoughtful discussion happening on Lemmy! Let’s keep building a supportive and inclusive online community together.

Geert, avatar

Right wing bots. That’s a good one.

Be good to others - no bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia

As long as these rules are in place and enforced arbitrarily by power tripping mods you’ll only see the woke bubble. Alternate ideas are not allowed. Try talking about any of the taboo subjects and see how quickly the ban hammer falls. is just as bad as reddit ever was. I said that I personally don’t want a transgender transition surgery and they banned me. These are not places where real discussion can happen.


Say hello to my blocked list.

Hikiru, avatar

Then find another instance where you can be as homophobic and transphobic as you want


you can be as homophobic and transphobic as you want

Lol see how easily you are triggered? I mentioned nothing about others. I can support trans people to be who they want to be and not desire the same treatment for myself. But all you hear are dog whistles, and that stops all discussion dead. It’s the basis for an echo chamber.

When my personal choices are see as “transphobic” the problem isn’t with me.

Hikiru, avatar

No one wants to force you to get surgery. It’s possible you were just misunderstood since announcing you don’t want to transition is a completely random and pointless thing to do. I said that in my comment because you said you wanted the rules about homophobia and transphobia gone

tomthegeek, (edited )

announcing you don’t want to transition is a completely random and pointless thing to do

We celebrate people transitioning, isn’t it a little bigoted to not also celebrate not? I mean accepting who you are on the inside is what this is all supposed to be about, no matter who you are, isn’t it?

you said you wanted the rules about homophobia and transphobia gone

Nope, not what I said. Read it again.
I said they were enforced arbitrarily, by mods who only hear what they want to hear.

some_guy avatar

I want to pick a fight but let’s please stick to topics Ive already thought of a clever comeback for


Clarifying my position is picking a fight?

Sounds like you’re the one out of clever comebacks.


Discrimination is not a “real discussion”.


Me personally choosing not to have gender transition surgery is Discrimination?


I dont think that is the case. Left leaning people are just much less accepting of authority, so there are more likely to move of of reddit. right leaning people also tend to be more conservative, so they are more likely to stay on there old platforms.


Come on I don’t think so. Lemmy was a left leaning platform since the beginning.

gon, avatar

Well that’s still the same point though. Lemmy and the fediverse are all about rejecting the authority of centralized services/social media.


There have been many right-wing exodus from reddit over the years. All of them have centered around a perceived “free speech” issue, and they have always flocked to the most promising alternatives (e.g. Voat). Obviously Lemmy with its origins was never seen as particularly appealing for that crowd. This time the issue just happened to touch the left-leaning part more.


Yeah, there’s that one shitty instance pretty much everyone defederated from a week or two ago.

It’s actually one of the oldest instances, over a year old. Because the worst far right trolls that got ip banned from reddit came here when they couldn’t make a new account on reddit.


Probably also explains why Lemmy is doing well.

Knock on wood, but Lemmy’s grown to the point now that it almost completely replaces Reddit for me. The only reason I still stop by Reddit is for more niche fandoms that haven’t taken off here quite yet.


I’m a right winger here for free speech reasons



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  • thevioletdragon,

    I didn’t follow mask mandates because I was required to or told to by any authority. I did it because it was the right thing to do based on the science, and still is (which is why I still mask up in enclosed or busy spaces).


    If you’re old enough to remember when seat belt laws started/became more prevalent, you’ll remember the right-leaning folks were all up in arms because “muh freedom to do what I want if it doesn’t hurt anyone else” not realizing (or not caring about) the effect their choices had on their children. While center/left leaning people were just like “I already wear it because it’s the smart thing to do”.

    More recent example: smoking bans


    I don’t use a mask currently, but if transmission levels of the flu or COVID were notably above average in my city I absolutely would wear one indoors. I think with really busy indoor places I’d just find something else entirely. I don’t know how I was ever okay with level of crowd density.

    Action_Bastid, avatar

    No, it’s just a matter of who they accept as legitimate “authority”.

    If the Dumbass-in-Chief, their ministers, and their news had all told them to wear masks, they absolutely would have, but every single one of their primary authority sources were pulling in different directions and they don’t accept any “liberal” sources as legitimate authority. You can see it at a much smaller scale by looking at Church congregation sizes where some ministries focused on trying to protect their elderly and infirm members and those who didn’t.

    Conservatives who had pastors who told them to wear masks were a LOT more likely to do so than ones who were getting mixed messaging.


    Remember when their Dumbass-in-chief told them to get vaccinated and they booed him?


    My crazy fundie paternal aunt told me the only reason Trump said to get vaccinated was because he was “forced” to say it, and that she does not believe, to this day, he ever got vaccinated or that he even ever got Covid.

    We don’t get along. 😂


    People on the “right” are vastly more accepting of authority than people on the left. For example, the people who didn’t wear masks were willing to die because Tucker (or whichever right-wing shitgoblin they listen to) told them to. It wasn’t some sort of anti-authoritarian expression, it was pure authoritarianism.


    If we’re talking about acceptance of authority, right leaning folks are less likely to do so

    Right-wingers love authority, especially if it’s the kind they approve of. It’s literally part of the ideology. A lot of them didn’t wear masks because the right-wing grifters (like Tucker) told them not too.

    Wearing masks during the pandemic was just smart, common sense and had nothing to do with authority, in spite of the right-wingers trying to make it seem like it was.


    I think it’s a different political dimension entirely isn’t it? You have left vs right economics, and then authoritarian vs libertarian governance. I don’t buy into that stupid political compass, but the axes do seem accurate.

    STRIKINGdebate2, avatar

    I honestly don’t think that’s the case. There’s tons of right leaning and left leaning people that are bots. You can just never know. I think it comes down to the age range using this place and the culture using it. Reactionary people prefer sites like 4chan or the other online communities designed to cater to them. The age comes in because based on research the largest age demographic using Lemmy is between 25 and 35. This site is too underground to attract the middle aged and older cohort that are right wing. It’s also not hip enough to attract the under 20 crowd who make up the bulk of Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool viewers.


    Surely you’re pulling those age ranges out of your ass.


    I’ve run into a handful on here … but they’re always downvoted to oblivion, and even their sealioning comments often get removed by mods.


    I think since 2015-16, the hardcore redditors are now experts on seeing trolling. I bet the mods are no stranger here either.


    That has to be it. The Nazi bar story has been making the rounds too.


    Just a reminder for everyone, not you specifically: Respond once, twice if you absolutely must, to clarify and then you walk away. If you’re explaining over and over, everyone is losing.


    Yeah, you just get deep comment chains that don’t add anything to the discussion. Just clicking, and clicking … and it’s just noise.

    Good lord, could you imagine?


    Tbf r/politics was extremely left leaning.


    /r/politics is just DNC lib screeching and astroturfing. Nothing leftist about it. At least not since Sanders lost the primaries in 2016. That was the first major shift there.


    Ah, you mean left left… Not left


    Extremely is a stretch.


    “Extremely” doesn’t go far enough to accurately describe that cesspool

    hamid, (edited )


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  • SCB,

    We get it, you’re vegan an anarcho-communist

    Resethel, avatar

    Just be take a short trip to any country outside the US and you’ll realize that it is indeed the case: No left in the US.


    Ah yes, like Europe?

    Spain, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Hungary? Which socialist right wing “paradise” should I visit?

    Or maybe Germany, where the AfD is gathering steam?

    Maybe actually learn about the world before spouting sayings you learned on Twitter 3 years ago.

    Resethel, avatar

    Europe sure has a big resurgence in right wing politics, however a socialist left is still represented (albeit on the decline).

    I’m not stating that there is a socialist paradise somewhere, just that in the US you can hardly consider the left “left” (Overton window, yadi yada)


    bee nurse


    There is a left it’s just not the established Democrat party.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    Well, the American left is extraparlimentary


    Lemmy is a decentralized protocol not a centralized americanized political leaning social media.


    Do you think that’s relevant? I don’t see anything about either reddit or lemmy that makes it harder for right-wingers to join. I can tell you that America does not have a monopoly on the alt-right (AfD, Brexit, etc)

    I’m keen to learn more if you’ve seen evidence in this topic. I wouldn’t know how to investigate, tbh.


    On Reddit is way harder now (like I care), it is not about monopoly but a state controlled company that’s has censorship from a party.


    state controlled company

    Umm. Do you mean Tencent? They have a minority holding. The idea that China actively controls reddit is hard to reconcile with the amount of content that is critical of China. Or let me know what you mean, if not that.

    has censorship from a party

    What censorship, what party? Do you mean t_d being shut down? Because a better explanation of that would be that the majority of civilised people finally had enough of the nasty chumps in that hole, and good riddance to them. Or let me know what you mean, if not that.


    State controlled and censored I mean three letter agency, as the NSA leaks.


    If the platform owners are driving discussions by manipulating feeds (Facebook) or running bots to make the platform look popular (Reddit), the right-wing presence on those platforms might not be as real as we believe.


    Well, looking at elections worldwide, the far-right isn’t as small as any extremist party should be…


    Nope. It’s because it was originally made to be a echo chamber for Communists. The devs are open communist


    How do you reckon the design influences this? What do you think supposedly enabled that?

    What specifically makes it a platform designed to be an echo chamber?


    It was originally made because they couldn’t say some stuff on r/communism…/fuck_the_white_supremacist_reddit_ad…

    This then later became lemmygrad. Lemmygrad is a echo chamber. That’s what I mean with that it was originally designed to be a echo chamber.


    Then good thing when they developed the platform they didn’t make it a legal requirement for you to make an account and browse only Lemmygrad.


    They developed the software, they don’t run all of lemmy. They run one singular instance.

    It’s open source, if you actually think this software pushes left echo chamber, you’re a smooth brain.

    newIdentity, (edited )

    Pretty sure lemmygrad originally was a dev run instance. I don’t know if it still is

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