@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar



I like to code, garden and tinker

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

The r/FluentinFinance subreddit, a regular on the front page, may be a massive influence campaign (lemmy.world)

The post in the screenshot was from January; the original poster has since been suspended for a reason I could not find, even with reveddit. Since then, the same 6 accounts mentioned above seem to be in some sort of limbo, as most of them have been suspended, but still post the same topics regularly....

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Fluent in finance is just another forum that says it’s your fault your poor. They say you don’t play the game right and they may be right for a rigged game. But the fact is you shouldn’t be required to play a game to get whats your fair share, and fluent in finance just says you didn’t invest right and didn’t setup your future right to live off the backs of other workers.

The rest is just hyperbolic headlines which drive engagement which is the cancer of any social media platform. No one makes a billion dollars in income as defined by the US tax code, they make a billion dollars in equity which can be used to back loans which is part of the whole issue of obscuring cash flow. Then they can just use this as fodder to call anyone supporting this idiots cause “No one makes a billion dollars a year” when we know they do, it’s just accounted differently.

dudeami0, (edited )
@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

My question would be, why do you need a more powerful server? Are you monitoring your load and seeing it’s overloaded often? Are you just looking to be able to hook more drives to it? Do you need to re-encode video on the fly for other devices? Giving some more details would help someone to give a more insightful answer. I personally am using a Raspberry Pi 4, Chromebox w/ an i7, an old HP rack server, and an old desktop PC for my self hosting needs, as this is cheaper than buying all new hardware (though the electricity bill isn’t the greatest haha, but oh well). If you are just looking for more storage, using the USB 3.0 slots on the Raspberry Pi 4b you can add a couple extra SSDs using a NVMe to USB 3.0 enclosure. For most purposes the speeds will be fine for most applications.

As for SSD vs HDD, SSD hands down. The only reason you’d pick an HDD is if your trying to get more storage cheaper and don’t mind a higher rate of failure. If your data is at all valuable, and it almost always is, redundancy should be added as well.

And as for running Linux, if it can’t run Linux I wouldn’t want to own it.

Edit: Fixed typo

Cloudflare Alternative

What do you guys use to expose private IP addresses to the web? I was using the npm proxy manager with Cloudflare CDN. However, it stopped working after I changed my router (I keep getting error 521). Looking for an alternative to Cloudflare cdn so I can access my media server/self-hosted services away from LAN....

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

This might help, sorry if it doesn’t, but here is a link to CloudFlares 5xx error code page on error 521. If you’ve done everything in the resolution list your ISP might be actively blocking you from hosting websites, as it is generally against the ISPs ToS to do such on residential service lines. This is why I personally rent a VPS and have a wireguard VPN setup to host from the VPN, which is basically just a roll your own version of Tailscale using any VPS provider. This way you don’t need to expose anything via your ISPs router/WAN and they can’t see what you are sending or which ports you are sending on (other than the encrypted VPN traffic to your VPS of course).

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

A blockchain is just an verifiable chain of transactions using cryptography and some agreed upon protocol. Each “block” in the chain is a block of data that follows a format specified by the protocol. The protocol also decides who can push blocks and how to verify a block is valid. The advantages it has comes from the fact the protocol can describe a method of giving authority across a pool of untrusted third parties, while still making sure none of them can cheat. Currently the most popular forms are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

Bitcoin for example is just an outgoing transaction to a specific crypto key (which is similar to a checking account) as a reward for “mining” the block, followed by a list of transactions going from a specific account to another account. These are verified by needing a special chunk of data that turns the overall hash of the entire block to a binary chunk containing a number of 0 bits in front, which makes it hard to compute and a race to get the right input data. This way of establishing an authority is called Proof of Work, and whoever is first and gets their block across the network faster wins. Other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum use Proof of Stake where you “stake” currency you’ve already acquired as a promise that you won’t cheat, and if someone can prove you cheated your stake is lost.

The problem it solves is not needing a trusted third party to handle this process, such as a government agency or an organization. Everyone can verify the integrity of a blockchain by using the protocol and going over each block, making sure the data follows the rules. This blockchain is distributed so everyone can make sure they are on the same chain, else it’s considered a “forked” chain and will migrate back to the point of consensus. This can be useful for situations where the incentive to cheat the system for monetary or political gain outweigh the cost of running a distributed ledger. It can also be useful when you don’t want anyone selectively removing past data as the chain of verifiability will be broken. The only issue with this is you need some way to reach a consensus of who gets to make each block in the chain, as someone need to be the authority for that instant in time. This is where the requirement of Proof of Work (PoS) or Proof of Stake (PoS) come in. Without these or another system that distributes the authority to create blocks, you lose the power of the blockchain.

Examples I’ve heard of are tracking shipments or parts (similar to how the FAA already mandates part traceability) and medical records. This way lots of organizations can publish records relating to these to a central system that isn’t under any single entities control, and can’t change their records to suit their needs.

These systems are not fool proof though, PoW has the ability to be abused using a 51% attack and PoS requires some form of punishment for trying to cheat the system (in cryptocurrency you “stake” currency and lose it if you try to cheat the system). Both of these run into issues when there is no incentive to invest resources into the system, a lack of distribution across independent parties, or one party has sufficient power to gain a majority control of the network.

Overall you are right to be skeptical of cryptocurrency, it’s been a long time since I participated due to the waves of scam coins and general focus on illegal activities such as gambling. The lack of central authorities also perpetuates the problem of cryptoscams, as anyone can start one and there are limited controls over stopping such scams. This is not dissimilar to previous investment scams though, it’s just the modern iteration of such scams. The real question is does it solve a real problem, as Bitcoin did in the sense it helps facilitate transactions outside of government controls. You might not agree with that but it does give it an intrinsic value to a large number of people looking to move currency without as much paperwork. Now if it makes it worth $68.5k USD (at current prices) is a different story, different people have different use cases and I only highlighted one of those.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

I use my own router with DD-WRT in-between the ISPs router/modem and my LAN, and use a different subnet. I haven’t had any issues with this myself, and my router just sees the ISP router/modem as the WAN.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

I’ve never ran this program, but skimmed the documentation. You should be able to use the https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori/blob/master/docs/Configuration.md#data-directory (or a custom database table following those instructions) along with the https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori/blob/master/docs/Usage.md#using-web-interface for launching the web interface. A simple bash script that should work:

<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">export </span><span style="color:#323232;">SHIORI_DIR</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=</span><span style="color:#183691;">/path/to/shiori-data-dir
</span><span style="color:#323232;">shiori serve -p 8081

To run multiple versions, I’d suggest setting up each instance as a service on your machine in case of reboots and/or crashes.

Now for serving them, you have two options. The first is just let the users connect to the port directly, but this is generally not done for outward facing services (not that you can’t). The second is to setup a reverse proxy and route the traffic through subdomains or subpaths. Nginx is my go-to solution for this. I’ve also heard good things about Caddy. You’ll most likely have to use subdomains for this, as lots of apps assume they are the root path without some tinkering.

Edit: Corrected incorrect cli arguments and a typo.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

SQL is the industry standard for a reason, it’s well known and it does the job quite well. The important part of any technology is to use it when it’s advantageous, not to use it for everything. SQL works great for looking up relational data, but isn’t a replacement for a filesystem. I’ll try to address each concern separately, and this is only my opinion and not some consensus:

Most programmers aren’t DB experts: Most programmers aren’t “experts”, period, so we need to work with this. IT is a wide and varied field that requires a vast depth of knowledge in specific domains to be an “expert” in just that domain. This is why teams break up responsibilities, the fact the community came in and fixed the issues doesn’t change the fact the program did work before. This is all normal in development, you get things working in an acceptable manner and when the requirements change (in the lemmy example, this would be scaling requirements) you fix those problems.

translation step from binary (program): If you are using SQL to store binary data, this might cause performance issues. SQL isn’t an all in one data store, it’s a database for running queries against relational data. I would say this is an architecture problem, as there are better methods for storing and distributing binary blobs of data. If you are talking about parsing strings, string parsing is probably one of the least demanding parts of a SQL query. Prepared statements can also be used to separate the query logic from the data and alleviate the SQL injection attack vector.

Yes, there are ORMs: And you’ll see a ton of developers despise ORMs. They is an additional layer of abstraction that can either help or hinder depending on the application. Sure, they make things real easy but they can also cause many of the problems you are mentioning, like performance bottlenecks. Query builders can also be used to create SQL queries in a manner similar to an ORM if writing plain string-based queries isn’t ideal.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar
How was the process before

I could find this on the process from theconversation.com:

For decades, UAW leaders were chosen through an indirect process common to many unions. Delegates to the UAW convention chose top officers, and regional conventions picked regional directors.

Has UAW been a sleeping giant this whole time on account of its leadership selection process?

I’m not sure how this affects overall union operations, but it appears there was a lot of corruption involved in UAW leadership that lead to this new voting process. Wikipedia has a summary on these events:

A corruption probe by the Justice Department against UAW and 3 Fiat Chrysler executives was conducted during 2020 regarding several charges such as racketeering, embezzlement, and tax evasion. It resulted in convictions of 12 union officials and 3 Fiat Chrysler executives, including two former Union Presidents, UAW paying back over $15 million in improper chargebacks to worker training centers, payment of $1.5 million to the IRS to settle tax issues, commitment to independent oversight for six years, and a referendum that reformed the election mode for leadership. The “One Member One Vote” referendum vote in 2022 determined that UAW members could directly elect the members of the UAW International Executive Board (IEB), the highest ruling body of the UAW.

Are stand up strikes common? Do they win concessions?

I can not answer to the commonality or how successful these “stand up” strikes are. Overall, striking in any capacity is a tool at the union’s disposal when contract negotiations reach a disagreement. How effective this will be is yet to be seen.

how to turn events on and off in Javascript (lemmy.ml)

Hello, so I am experiencing a problem in my javascript app where I cannot stop a user spamming a button. The app is used to draw three random numbers from a range. when a button is clicked, a number is drawn and a special animation plays, then the next number can be drawn. I am having trouble preventing the user from spamming...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

For your own sanity, please use a formatter for your IDE. This will also help when others (and you) read the code, as indentation is a convenience for understanding program flow. From what I see:

  • Your enable and disable functions are never called for this portion of code
  • You use a possibly undeclared enabled variable, if so it never passes scopes between the handleClick and animation methods
  • You do not use any callback or await for invoke or updateCurrentBox, causing all the code after either to immediately run. As a result, enabled is never false, since it just instantly flips back to true. I’m not sure what library invoke is from, but there should be a callback or the function returns a Promise which can be awaited.

Things like this turn people off from Linux

I run Mylar on my Xubuntu server to manage my comic collection. I found out recently that there’s a tool that can convert the embedded .jpgs to .webp to save space, but it only works on cbz files and not cbr (zipped vs rar for those who don’t know). I wanted to convert all of my cbr to cbz so that I could run the tool on all...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

If you are expecting a more windows-like experience, I would suggest using Ubuntu or Kubuntu (or any other distro using Gnome/KDE), as these are much closer to a modern Windows GUI. With Ubuntu, I can use the default file manager (nautilus) and do Ctrl+F and filter files via *.ext, then select these files then cut and paste to a new folder (drag and drop does not seem to work from the search results). In Kubuntu, the search doesn’t recognize * as a wildcard in KDE’s file manager (dolphin) but does support drag/drop between windows.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Thermometers, like most measurement devices, are always accurate until you get two of them. Each device has a specific tolerance (or should, otherwise it’s probably a horrible tolerance), for a grill thermometer this will look like -/+5C/10F. Additionally, everything used to read a measurement needs to be calibrated regularly to ensure proper function, otherwise readings cannot be trusted. For a thermometer, the easily accessible way to calibrate are to use ice water (does it read 0C/32F) and boiling water (does it read 100C/212F). Using these constants will allow you to adjust your thermometer and get a (more) accurate reading.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

I also fail to see how this applies here. What is the disinformation? Where is the Russian bias? If you are seeing something I am not, please elaborate, but the summary in the article is:

No one would blame Zelenskyy for choosing the lesser of two evils here: Western banks over Russian tanks. Yet, the grim fact remains that even if his nation succeeds in repealing the Russian invasion, the future in store for Ukraine is not necessarily one of sovereignty and self-determination but, most likely, one of Western economic tutelage.

Of course large global asset managers are going to see money signs in their eyes. The fact is that Ukrainians are being put between a rock and a hard place, and exploitation of those kind of situations is capitalism 101.

Also, if you are assuming this is Russian propaganda, why is it coming from a website ran by a British political activist funded by a British investor. It also seems to be “mostly factual”. I’m failing to see where the tie to Russia is.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Season 8 on more torrents is probably considered to be the new hulu reboot. This is due to the disparity in the home release seasons and the television TV seasons. So most likely if you have seasons 1-7, you have all the home release versions of the show, and therefore have the entire library.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Looking over the github issues I couldn’t find a feature request for this, so it seems like it’s not being considered at the moment. You could make a suggestion over there, I do think this feature would be useful but it’s up to the devs to implement it.

That being said, I wouldn’t count on this feature being implemented. This will only work on instances that obey the rules so some instances could remove this feature. When you look up your account on my instance (link here), it is up to my server to respect your option to hide your profile comments. This means the options have to be federated per-user, and adds a great deal of complexity to the system that can be easily thwarted by someone running an instance that chooses to not follow these rules.

If your goal is to stop people looking up historical activities, it might be best to use multiple accounts and switch to new accounts every so often to break up your history. You could also delete your content but this is again up to each instance to respect the deletion request. It’s not an optimal solutions but depending on your goals it is the available solution.

Edit: Also if your curious about the downvotes, it’s not the subject matter but your post violates Rule 3: Not regarding using or support for Lemmy.

Are transfer speeds tied to internet speed?

When i connect to my jellyfin server to stream/download video/audio the speeds are tied to my internet speed. If my internet speed drops so does the transfer rate from my server. However it seems tied to my internet download speed (which varies from 0.5 to 80 mb/s), not the upload speed(which is usually 2 mb/s), and if i...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Sounds like some QoS software is also limiting LAN traffic, seeing as it still works if the internet is disconnected. I would look if your router has “Adaptive QoS” or something similar enabled.

Meta Just Proved People Hate Chronological Feeds (www.wired.com)

Meta conducted an experiment where thousands of users were shown chronological feeds on Facebook and Instagram for three months. Users of the chronological feeds engaged less with the platforms and were more likely to use competitors like YouTube and TikTok. This suggests that users prefer algorithmically ranked feeds that show...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Best I could find is here, which is an article by Randall Munroe (the xkcd artist), and states:

davean (the xkcd sysadmin) wrote the patch

This blog post links to another wayback machine page (thank you archive.org!) here, which explains the sorting algorithm and states it’s original author:

Fortunately, the math for this was worked out in 1927 by Edwin B. Wilson.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

From Time (link: time.com/…/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/)

So far, the median prison sentence for the Jan. 6 rioters is 60 days, according to TIME’s calculation of the public records.

An additional 113 rioters have been sentenced to periods of home detention, while most sentences have included fines, community service and probation for low-level offenses like illegally parading or demonstrating in the Capitol, which is a misdemeanor.

Overall these people are getting less time than kids who get caught with some weed on them.

You can think you have rights, or you can know your rights, but when you violate the law don’t be surprised when one of the most pro-incarceration states around throw you in jail. Lots of protesters get arrested and prosecuted as a scare tactic. This is if you are assuming these people didn’t have seditious intentions, which does change things a bit. Overall sounds like they fucked around and found out, at least protesters fighting for real causes are more prepared to get fucked with by the state than these jokers.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Does the flash drive show when you run lsblk with the correct amount of space? dd will overwrite the partition table and works directly with the underlying physical blocks of the device. If the flash drive isn’t broken, you should be able to rebuild the partition table with parted (tutorial from linuxconfig.org on the matter)

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

In most setups I have seen, the nginx instance provided by Lemmy is used due to the routing needed between lemmy/lemmy-ui being handled in nginx. Your reverse proxy can then point to the nginx instance to expose lemmy.

What is the long-term storage plan for Lemmy instances?

Over time, Lemmy instances are going to keep aquiring more, and more data. Even if, in the best case, they are not caching content and they are just storing the data posted to communities local to the server, there will still be a virtually limitless growth in server storage requirements. Eventually, it may get to a point where...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

As for the data transfer costs, any network data originating from AWS that hits an external network (an end user or another region) typically will incur a charge. To quote their blog post:

A general rule of thumb is that all traffic originating from the internet into AWS enters for free, but traffic exiting AWS is chargeable outside of the free tier—typically in the $0.08–$0.12 range per GB, though some response traffic egress can be free. The free tier provides 100GB of free data transfer out per month as of December 1, 2021.

So you won’t be charged for incoming federated content, but serving content to the end user will count as traffic exiting AWS. I am not sure of your exact setup (AWS pricing is complex) but typically this is charged. This is probably negligible for a single-user instance, but I would be careful serving images from your instance to popular instances as this could incur unexpected costs.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Sounds like the cache got corrupted possibly? See if Ctrl+F5 clears up the issue, or try restarting your browser.

How many people here have actually used XMPP?

With all the current discussion about the threat that Instagram Threads has on the Fediverse and that article about how Google Embrace Extend Extinguished XMPP, I was left very confused, since that was the first time I’ve heard that Gchat supported XMPP or what XMPP actually is, and I’ve had my personal Gmail since beta (no,...

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Google tried to add support for it in their product

Is like saying that google tried to add support for HTTP to their products. Google Talk was initially a XMPP chat server hosted at talk.google.com, source here.

Anyone that used Google Talk (me included) used XMPP, if they knew it or not.

Besides this, it’s only a story of how an eager corporation adopting a protocol and selling how they support that protocol, only to abandon it because corporate interests got in the way (as they always do). It doesn’t have to be malicious to be effective in fragmenting a community, because the immense power those corporations wield to steer users in a direction they want once they abandon the product exists.

That being said, if Google Talk wasn’t popular why did they try to axe the product based on XMPP and replace it with something proprietary (aka Hangouts)? If chat wasn’t popular among their users, this wouldn’t of been needed. This could of been for internal reasons, it could of been to fragment the user base knowing they had the most users and would force convergence, we really can’t be sure. The only thing we can be sure of is we shouldn’t trust corporations to have the best interest of their users, they only have the best interest of their shareholders in the end.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

As for the article, I think this is generally PR and corporate speak. Whatever their reasons were, they apparently didn’t shut down the initial XMPP servers until 2022 so it was a reliable technology. There “simplification” was bringing users into their ecosystem to more easily monetize their behaviour. This goes along with your last paragraph, at the end of the day the corporation is a for-profit organization. We can’t trust a for-profit organization to have the best of intentions, some manager is aiming to meet a metric that gets them their bonus. Is this what we really want dictating the services we use day to day?

Some good-faith questions of some seemingly apparent benefits of a potential Corporate Fediverse, and the detriments of defederating from a Corporate Fediverse. Could I get some answers?

Hey guys. I admittedly am mostly a layman to the Fediverse as a concept. So I am coming into this post with the knowledge that I don’t understand the technical intricacies of it....

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

These are just my opinions on the matter at hand.

TLDR; it’s not all about growing as massive as possible and letting everyone talk to everyone. It’s about communities being able to make choices for their user base and the freedom to choose who to federate with. It’s also about users having a choice of which instance they use to interact with the fediverse, and with whom. Having Meta involved limits these choices in not so obvious ways.

Doesn’t the fediverse have an inherent protection and/or immunity from corporate take-over?

Yes, but that does not mean it is invulnerable. Take the World Wide Web as an example, over the past couple of decades the decentralized web has become increasingly centralized. Projects such as Lemmy and Mastodon are a shot back at this trend, to try and break the web up as it was. Each instance gets to decide if letting large corporations federate with them is the best choice or not. It seems that a lot do not want this, and this is exactly the kind of protection from corporate take over that is inherent. The more large central servers are allowed to take a central role, the more power they will gain to snuff small communities and instances. They will do this by fragmenting users bases and communities over time, or any other dirty tricks they can come up with.

Also, having billions of dollars at your disposal is known to increase your influence overall. They can outspend anyone to sell most people on how Threads is interconnected and fediverse friendly, if you let them sell that lie they will win in time. They’ll do this, pull the rug and say how other independent instances aren’t corporating. They will shut off access to these communities in one way or another and begin the process of centralization. It has happened before, and will happen again.

Aren’t we protected?

If you choose to not use Threads, you are not giving your information directly to Meta. But, that does not mean you are safe. Meta is a corporation, and will try to pull whatever tricks they can to take over as the dominate player. They are going head to head with Twitter, what makes you think instances a fraction of Twitters size are safe?

Also, saying we are isolated by our individual instances is a bit humorous as they are federated. If one instance pushes most of the content is that really isolated? What about upvotes, engagement and any other activity that is pushed to other servers via the ActivityPub protocol? These will all be taken in by Meta, which means you are feeding them activity. Sure it’s safer, but they are still getting more data by engaging in the ActivityPub protocol than they get via scrapping pages. Also, they don’t have to play fair with the ActivityPub protocol, there are a lot of dirty tricks that could be used to hamper content on other instances than their own.

Is there anything currently stopping Meta from scraping the Fediverse for our content?

No, and the fediverse should not care. The goal of the fediverse at the moment is to stay independent and have a user base that is not reliant on a single entity and to stay away from the influence of corporate interests. If you operate in a public space, someones always going to be able to see it. It’s all about who owns that public space.

Won’t we grow & educate?

Who is we? Users that value their freedom will stay in the independent fediverse instances. Those who are looking for a twitter alternative will probably go to Threads. Those who don’t care will probably stay on Twitter. Any of these users might have multiple accounts on some or all of these services. Trying to group this together as “we” is a bit disingenuous.

As for growth, it’s not safe to assume that independent instances will grow because of the federation of users from Threads. Users that are on Threads are likely to stay on Threads, users that join instances are likely to stay there. Look to linux users to see why you aren’t going to convert many over the virtues of freedom and decentralization, you’ll just become another “fanboy”.

Aren’t we worried we’re forcing an ultimatum while the Fediverse is still in its infancy?

What is the ultimatum? This is a pretty loaded question, since some of the fediverse is already fractured. The fact you can spin up your own instance, invite whoever you want and keep the interests of your community out of the hands of corporations is the goal. Freedom to host your own community. Anything else is just having a capitalist mindset on growth, the line doesn’t always have to go up. Getting the most users isn’t the end game, it’s having a community that you belong to and feel a part of.

What’s the harm in pulling the ripcord if we try it, and it’s truly not a good fit?

Each instance chooses what is best for their community. Being a part of the mainstream content feed isn’t the goal of most of these decentralized communities.

“What about an influx of low-quality content?”

Why do instances need to let users block Meta when they know their users want Meta blocked? What’s stopping users from going to an instance that doesn’t block Meta if their instance disagrees with their opinion? It’s all about doing what instances communities want, or users can migrate if they feel their needs aren’t being met.

“What if Meta doesn’t moderate well?”

Meta will probably be able to moderate for their advertisers better than most instance operators will be able to. But again, it’s not about moderation and sanitizing content for advertiser revenue, it’s about having a space that is for the community by the community. It doesn’t need to be a single homogeneous community so ads can sell. Some of us want that outside of a corporations control, others don’t or don’t care, all are valid. Thankfully, everyone has a choice instead of being forced to do one or the other.

@dudeami0@lemmy.dudeami.win avatar

Being an admin of an instance, I can’t even see my own history of visited posts. I can’t verify this, but I doubt this information is being stored in the database currently.

This being said, each instance has full control over their API server and the web-based application being served, so they could add monitoring to either to gather this data. If they did this on the API end it would be undetectable. Running your own instance is the only fool proof method, otherwise you need to trust the instance operator.

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