@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar



I write and think about culture (for fun and to pay my rent). My obsessive interest is people and how we work, individually and collectively, which makes me interested in most things, with a particularly keen interest in cogsci and psychology (I grew up around medical science). I studied painting and drawing at uni and I used to play in bands and work in the music industry. Maybe I'll switch to using my real name here eventually.

Photo description: White woman with black hair and saxophone

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fifilamoura, to random
@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

The fact that these "private rockets" keep exploding, wasting resources and polluting our planet even more, is such priapic end stage capitalism, it's the viagra ravaged dry thrusting of billionaires who can't come unless they're strangling
Gaia and, when they come, emit a pathetic fizzle fueled by the pettiest of frustrations. There is no sex, let alone seductive love, only death masquerading as vitality.

rysiek, to random
@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

I've been struggling recently with the question of why AI-generated memes are not funny to me.

And I think I finally got it.

Basically, they are not much different from someone describing the joke. Not telling the joke — but describing it.

Telling a joke, or making a meme, requires care and effort to make it work. Dropping a prompt into image autocomplete really doesn't.

To me, there is just nothing there to relate to, nothing to anchor the humor, so to speak.

@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

@rysiek also, overly polished things are only really funny if they're making fun of an overly polished thing. The Yes Men's satire is funny because it looks like what it's imitating. Memes are funny because they're crude, throw away riffs (that can echo and also be riffed/ripped off of). Memes are slapstick, basically.

blogdiva, to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

it's the year 2024 and USA media still doesn't get there are negros latinoamericanos and that our negrura and negritud are not less than African American blackness and negritude.

@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

@blogdiva I think White people in America kind of don't think Black people exist anywhere except in America and Africa. A bit like some White people in North America seem to think there are no Black people in Europe and that White Supremacy doesn't exist in South America. Or how White liberals get confused when immigrant communities vote for conservative or right wing politicians because they think all immigrants are poor refugees (when immigrants are often actually quite well off, that's how they can afford to leave and get accepted as an immigrant....money buys citizenship almost everywhere).

fifilamoura, to random
@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

Of course they do, remakes and franchises are the GenX version of nostalgia fueled desires for things of our childhood and are a form of generational cultural oppression (being forced to endure endless Beatles nostalgia was what the Boomers did to my generation and most of us learned absolutely nothing from it).


BigAngBlack, (edited ) to random
@BigAngBlack@fosstodon.org avatar

Black market meat growing it's portfolio

Some states are now trying to ban lab-grown meat


David Marshall, Arizona Republican
''It’s because of organizations like the FDA and the World Economic Forum, also Bill Gates and others, who have openly declared war on our ranching.”

Pepin Tuma
''There are plenty of foods that are not healthy for us that aren’t banned,” Tuma said. “The question is: Should government be the one to come in and tell us what we can or can’t eat?”

@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

@BigAngBlack Black market meat already exists, there's a very big trade in things like bush meat.

fifilamoura, to random
@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

"Asked by Q+A host Patricia Karvelas if Israel should face sanctions for its military operations, Mr Husic said that would "enter into the public debate increasingly".

"It is not up to me to be floating those type of discussions, but the point for me is to say certainly that we need to see Israel take a different position when it comes to the flow of humanitarian aid," he said.

"There are at least seven different points at which that aid could come through, not least of which being through Rafah, and that needs to be improved."


mekkaokereke, to random
@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

The people that vote for the Oscars, don't look like the people that watch the films. The Academy is much older, whiter, and dude-ier*. Oscar winners, are the inevitable outcome of Oscar voters.

The question isn't "Has the Academy changed enough to where filmmakers from marginalized backgrounds have the same chance to win an Oscar yet?"

The question is "Will the Oscars have the same relevance to society 10 years from now, that they do today?"

(*In 2022, 81% white, 67% men.)

@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

@icastico Yep, it was a bit "for people new to feminism/into "you go girl, lean into it, up with girls" type feminism. Enjoyable enough fluff but not about to actually get too radical in any way. It wasn't intersectional feminist Barbie but that's okay, it's still pretty entertaining considering what the big studios are churning out these days.

The studio/production house that keeps releasing phenomenal movies is A24. The work they release is almost always great storytelling, fosters genuine diversity instead of tokenism, and it's Incidentally, one of the few studios/production houses that met striking workers demands so got a waiver to continue filming during the strikes. We need more of this kind of integrity, creativity and love of filmmaking. They do exactly what studios are meant to do, they support and nurture talent and get really extraordinary films made (EEAAO was one of theirs, and more recently the very remarkable The Zone of Interest, they're both remarkable films that really use film as a creative medium and not just "a visual book" type filmic storytelling). @mekkaokereke

fifilamoura, to random
@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

I hate the glorification of war that's going on around Ukraine and Gaza. The racking up of body counts like it's a videogame. The dehumanization of the enemy/Other. The celebration of killing. War is horror not glory.

mxtthxw, to random
@mxtthxw@mxtthxw.art avatar


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  • fifilamoura,
    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @davecarter @mxtthxw My mom's a GP and we had the same conversation. Particularly after it became clear that many Western nations weren't going to do the rapid quarantining and shutdown of international travel needed to contain it. That said, how quickly researchers spun up vaccines by working together at first was impressive (the subsequent pharma bullshit and denial it was airborne were pretty depressing though and made it very clear we were fucked because corporations put profits before life).

    cstross, to random
    @cstross@wandering.shop avatar

    Three Tory ex-home secretaries warn against politicising anti-extremism

    Exclusive: Intervention by Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and Amber Rudd just before Michael Gove unveils official definition of extremism


    When Priti Patel of all people starts saying "steady on, that's a bit illiberal", this shit's definitely a bit illiberal.

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @cstross Are they objecting because it's illiberal or just because the Tories are crabs in a barrel and constantly trying to usurp and unseat each other? I suspect the latter. It's not like any of them suddenly developed ethics.

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @cstross One can always dream that the garbage will take itself out, though I doubt we'll get that lucky.

    gwynnion, to random
    @gwynnion@mastodon.social avatar

    Class reductionist anti-identity politics "leftism" is some of the whitest, most worthless shit possible, and I've never seen one of these guys who wouldn't turn to the dark side if the fascists only offered him enough money.

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @gwynnion The original identity politics is White suprenacy so identity politics isn't inherently antifascist (see the issue with Vichy gays, White feminism, etc). From my perspective, one of the main problems with those guys is that they're not actually collectivist and are often engaged in identity politics themselves (just class and often male based identity), otherwise they'd see how identity and human rights intersect and practice intersectional politics that understand that fighting racism, homophobia and ableism are part of class politics as well. Also, they often have an odd view of who is and isn't working class that's often less about economics and more about, well, identity politics. These things are not mutually exclusive and we're doing the masters work and fostering tokenism when we believe they are!

    inquiline, (edited ) to mastodon
    @inquiline@union.place avatar

    Friends, strangers, haters: I have... made hay. Let no one say I haven't committed to the bit.

    (Wrote a paper about Asstodon, everyone be kind)


    #STS #Mastodon #Commodon #autoethnography #DareIUseTheHashtag #Donkeygate #FirstMonday

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @adamgreenfield I do kind of love that by the time I go to look at the original offending post you're replying to that the poster has almost always been suspended already! Means I don't know what idiocy or hate they were peddling but that's kind of a perk. @mapto @inquiline

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @inquiline I get a 404 error if I click through so it's not just hidden, the poster or post no longer exist (for me at least). @adamgreenfield

    rolle, to fediverse
    @rolle@mementomori.social avatar

    I have mixed feelings about the larger social medias. Whenever I post an opinion that is somewhat more controversial or viral, there are always a couple of assholes that feel the need to bring me down. This doesn’t happen on the Fediverse, because we have this mindset where we do not like even tiniest bit of bullying that makes one feel unsafe.

    This is why I love the Fedi. It’s my safe zone.

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @rolle I enjoy the Fediverse but it's got plenty of bullies and trolls too because it's made of people (and they do tend to target racialized or higher profile people). I have a pretty good time here but I do sometimes see other people being harassed or have to block people myself, but not having advertising/engagement algorithms definitely helps in that it's not inciting conflict.

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @rolle It's safer for you and that's great but it's good to be aware that our subjective experiences are just that and not objective (especially on social media where everyone is having a highly subjective and different experience for all kinds of just practical reasons). We can love the fediverse without needing to pretend it doesn't come with the usual issues people come with (while also appreciating that it doesn't make them worse via advertising/engagement algorithms).

    blogdiva, to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    so, what am getting from Canadians on Mastodon is that Stephen Harper went from Prime Minister to Bond Villain. or was he a Bond villain that got to be Prime Minister?


    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @MHowell Harper's people were pretty deeply involved with Trump and vice versa. People really need to understand how global the movement for a kleptocratic theocracy actually is and start paying more attention to geopolitics (if they want to understand national politics, which are downstream from international politics). https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/09/06/Mike-Roman-Canadian-Ties/ @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @stationkeeper Actually, the US Republican party is just one branch of a global organization run by evangelicals and the owners of extraction and construction/development/exploitation/war industries (mining/oil/real estate and development/prisons, arms and surveillance)....whether it's God or surveillance technology, the idea is to create a society were everyone self oppresses because they're being watched all the time. This is why all issues related to privacy and whether we own our own body are pivotal issues (digital surveillance, policing and for-profit prison systems/IP and who owns and profits from knowledge and creative work/trans, women's and disabled people's rights and refugee rights...as you can see, many of these issues intersect because they're all about the core issues of self ownership and personal freedom).

    The Republican Party isn't actually running the show, it's an outpost itself because the corporations and religions behind this are global organizations not national ones. This is part of what makes it so hard for the parts of government and politicians who aren't already captured to respond, corporations literally often have more global power than nations do (it's even worse for poorer nations but that doesn't mean America or the Republicans are running the show). Americans and the rest of us in the West really need to learn how to not always center America and to understand there's a whole big world out there we need to pay attention to...particularly if we want to understand what's going on in our own nation (and, yes, the US is a bad actor because Americans have been very groomed by evangelicals and corporations to accept a form of fascism that provides some citizens the illusion of freedom). @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @violetmadder It's more like a coalition of interests, there's no one owner or mastermind at the top but a mixed bag of religious fascists and corporations working together. I'm sure there are groups and people with more or less power, but they're more a coalition working towards a common goal. One suspects there would be a lot of stabbing each other in the back once that was achieved (and probably along the way too but we're less likely to hear about that). @stationkeeper @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @lispi314 See also pretty much every think tank funded by right wing millionaires and billionaires (which is most of them). They usually have some incredibly banal name. Right wingers do their real high level work by hiding behind a screen of impenetrable banality, often made to sound official/bureaucratic, impartial and the opposite of what it actually is (doublespeak as communications policy, basically). @dalias @msquebanh @blogdiva @MHowell @hannu_ikonen @stationkeeper

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @msquebanh Fraser Institute is constantly treated like a neutral source by Canadian media, despite being the source of Koch funded oil industry antifactual nonsense. @lispi314 @dalias @blogdiva @MHowell @hannu_ikonen @stationkeeper

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @violetmadder I'd disagree about politics, one reason they've worked so hard to weaken democracy around the world and to work around governments (which is what a lot of "free trade" deals actually are and why they exist) IS because democratic governments/collective citizen actions and enforced legal guardrails are the only way to fight them. This is why they've worked so hard to convince everyone that "small government" is good, to capture the Supreme Court in the US so they can change the rules, and why they buy politicians to keep in their pockets and spend so much money fighting the government/regulations. It's also historically why they've fought against women getting the vote (until White supremacists needed women to vote in the US, which is a big reason why White women got the vote in the US) and Black people voting. Destroying our collective power so they can curtail our freedoms is all part of the same war on democracy and the Commons. @stationkeeper @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @violetmadder Some of them are ideologues, some are just travelers of convenience, so some of them believe very deeply and genuinely that they're God's chosen people (and that their power is proof of that). I wouldn't underestimate how messianic a lot of this is on multiple levels. @stationkeeper @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @violetmadder See Orban's Hungary or Putin's Russia for examples of this. @stationkeeper @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

    @fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @violetmadder An additional factor on the local level too is the slow death of a lot of local media, especially good investigative reporting. But also just to keep people informed about local politics and issues. @stationkeeper @MHowell @msquebanh @hannu_ikonen @blogdiva

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