
Geometric7792, to piracy in Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?

why is nobody talking about a fake image? hmm

themeatbridge, to atheistmemes in This shuts down the argument from the right wingers who are beholden to the evangelicals

It would shut down the argument, if they were arguing in good faith.

Conservatives don’t care about facts, reality, or hypocrisy. They want to win because they are good.

This is critical, you aren’t arguing with a Conservative’s ideas, because they don’t believe in ideas or values or causes. Conservatives believe in themselves and therefore whatever they say, whatever they do, whatever they want, it’s all righteous. If they have facts wrong, fuck the facts. If they commit crimes, the laws are wrong. Existence is the only justification they need to support whatever is most beneficial to themselves at any given moment in time. I am, therefore I am right.

And we got six of these motherfuckers on the SCOTUS.


We have to use their own weapon against them: We go all in on Originalism! Make Originalism Good Again!


"In not interested in reality" really sums up their entire position, doesn't it?


Perfectly stated! Incredibly frustrating to read, but you’re 100% right.

@MostlyBirds@lemmy.world avatar

If they commit crimes, the laws are wrong.

To be fair, this reasoning actually holds up for a very large proportion of our laws.

@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

While true, if someone they didn’t like did the exact thing they did and received the same punishment, they would still see their own selves as unjustly punished and the other person justly punished.

See: The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion

1chemistdown avatar

The alt right playbook is worth a watch, but you have fully summed it up in a concise way that is an easy tl;dr.

ProcurementCat, to nostupidquestions in Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?

It's interesting how just 6 days ago, a boat with 750 people on board, including 100 kids, capsized near Greece, only 104 survived, and it's less of an issue than those billionaires


People tend to care more about the stuff that happens closer to them, or is somehow related to them. You probably don't care all that much about the armed conflict in Mali between the government, ISIS and Wagner Group.


if you live in europe, the Mediterranean sea is you know, right next to you. And way much closer than the distance of the titanic to the shore in America, which is about 1000 nautical miles.


I don't know anything about Mali, which is closer to to me than Titanic, but I do know a lot about the Titanic.


It was an issue for a lot of international organizations, but Greece and EU made themselves look like fools https://vlemmy.net/post/119595

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I don't disagree, but missing sub is an unusual phenomenon and mystery that gets people interested.

I don't think the billionaires part is all that important, I didn't know about it until today. The Kursk, the kids trapped in a cave, the miners that have spent months in a mine, those were all news too.

But yea immigrants from war-torn regions - nobody cares unless they have "blond hair and blue eyes".


That's what I'm more upset about.

Who gives a shit about a couple of billionaires. Why does this have to be a world-wide news story? Why don't we care about the 100s of refugees that die all the time in maritime accidents and why are those things dominating the news?

Time and time again we give the rich people all of our attention. Fuck that. We shouldn't be letting the media direct our attention like this.


The Greece tragedy is lacking the irony and hubris of this.

I mean, it's a tourist submersible that was aiming to bring billionaires to view the Titanic wreckage and it likely got wrecked itself. And they named the submersible Titan.

The sub's company OceanGate was dinged by a former employee for all sorts of safety issues and they fired and sued him. There are also lots of choice quotes from the CEO (who happens to be on the vessel) about moving fast and breaking things, and regulations stifling innovation. So there's some possible karma involved.

@vegivamp@feddit.nl avatar

Ah, another dummkopf manager who thinks a software methodology can be applied to hardware.

Well, better hope he can deploy the fix in production within the next what, 10 or so hours?


"OceanGate" sounds a lot like Heaven's Gate right now ;P


And Watergate. Anything [something]gate is bad news.


Cablegate was kind of good ;)


I think it's because the story about a missing submersible is unusual, and moreover, it's about a rescue attempt. This makes it more interesting than many other, albeit more dreadful, news stories.


And they were diving to look at the titanic, everyone's favourite maritime disaster.


sure. It has nothing to do with the fact that in one of cases they are 5 billionaires while in the other one they are 750 poor migrants. No, totally not.


It's the mystery, where are they, what's their condition, what's going to happen, etc. ? It's like watching a movie. We're shallow and just want to be entertained.

@berkeleyblue@lemmy.world avatar

Not entirely no, I didn’t see any news outlet leading the story with “5 Billionaires missing after Submersible lost contact”. For quite some time we didn’t even know who was on board. It’s more the fact that boats in the Mediterranean sink all the time, it’s still tragic but we know that that’s an issue we have now (most people unfortunately seem to have decided that they do not care that much). A submersible going missing and the coast guards of 2 countries looking for them, while thei only have air for a couple days, no one knowing where they are and it involving the titanic guarantees clicks, it’s almost like a movie plot. The fact that they are wealthy is certainly not the reason for it though, it’s the circumstances surrounding it, it’s unusual. People also know how ships work and why they capsize, while most people don’t have the slightest idea how deep sea submersibles work.

So yes, the ship capsizing and killing that many people is horrible and should get more attention, especially from the Goverments involved. It’s ridiculous that we let those poor people drown by the thousands and treat the ones who made it like scum. But I’m not convinced the Titanic story got traction BECAUSE the victims have money.


so you think that 2 governments would had started spending millions if 5 migrants had somehow been trapped in the seabed of the Mediterranean?


5 migrants? No fucking way. 5 average citizens of any developed nation? Sure. We perform expensive and resource intensive search and rescue operations for people lost in the wilderness or out at sea all the time. And once the media brings attention to it, there's a lot of pressure to keep the funding going, otherwise next election cycle people are going to remember the current leadership as "those guys who just left some poor people to die to save money."

ivanafterall avatar

I see your point, but I do think the poster above is right: "rescue" situations do tend to get a lot of media attention. The Thailand cave rescue and various mine collapses also spring to mind (Baby Jessica, anyone?). None of those involved particularly wealthy people (I don't think?) and they got some measure of global attention.


really? The first point of information I found out was that it cost 250k to get on.

"hey did you hear about the submarine that's lost?


"It cost 250k to get on, to go see the titanic wreck"

pretty much how my entire day went yesterday with various coworkers

DudePluto, (edited )

That may be true to your experience but for the first few days I heard about this story it had nothing to do with the who or how much it cost. Stories with novelty will always sell more than stories without much novelty. Edit: And I'm not saying that's right. The accident in Greece is a horrible tragedy, and we should value everyone's lives equally no matter how much wealth they have. There are legitimate points where we as a society turn a blind eye to the poor (always). But, this is not a story that's surprising why it's getting so much attention. It's gross how some people in this comment section are choosing to increase their hatred toward the rich rather than increasing their compassion for the poor

ivanafterall avatar

I agree with you, mostly, but you could also argue that the situation only exists/is only possible because they're wealthy (the same reason the only sub apparently capable of rescuing them is owned by another billionaire). But that doesn't diminish your point--were these somehow 5 poor people stuck at the bottom of the ocean in a sub near the Titanic, it would still probably get a lot of attention.


The Thailand cave rescue was all over the news and they were poor.

Its about novelty, nothing more nothing less.

A bunch of rich ppl have died on Mt Everest this year, nobody gives a shit as its a common occurrence.

@vegivamp@feddit.nl avatar

750 people drowning is also unusual, and there's also been rescue attempts.

All these victims have loved ones, and i don't wish death on anyone, but for the billionaires I find it quite hard to care much.

I still hope they're saved, though; and if they are I very much hope the experience will have changed them.

@relative_iterator@sh.itjust.works avatar

750 people drowning is also unusual

It's terrible but not that unusual.


Unfortunately it is not that unusual since the EU stopped Mare Nostrum to save money

Kantiberl avatar

That's just not the same. Drowning is quick and if you don't save them immediately they're most likely dead. Slowly suffocating in a sub while the clock ticks and something can be done about it is a different story.

Learn to care.

@vegivamp@feddit.nl avatar

You're assuming they're suffocating, when the smallest fault in the hull's integrity would make the thing implode, killing them before they realized what was happening.

Like everyone, my ability to care has limits. You can't worry and care about everything. I'll give my fucks for those who didn't grow rich exploiting others, thanks.

jordanlund, to politics in Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) “elsewhere”. Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

It’s more than kind of insane when you put it all together like that


And there are no mysteries here. We know he did it. We saw him do it, in some cases. We have known for years about the fake-elector scheme. We’ve all seen photos of the documents at Mar-a-Lago. We’ve heard him, on tape, begging for state officials to betray our democracy.

If the law is allowed to matter, these people are simply fucked.


@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Yup. But the law doesn’t matter, and we’re all fucked for it.

I’ll happily be wrong here, but I don’t think I will be


Wow, the trials are roughly a year after the indictment/arrest? Is that normal in America or is it so long due to the special circumstances?

Are they just waiting for an availability in the court or is it to allow enough time for the lawyers to go through processes and do their job?


Yeah, it can take a while to come to trial.

Look at this psycho who just got sentenced in Idaho for killing her kids and a couple other people:


Murders were in 2019, bodies were found in 2020. She was charged with the crimes May 25, 2021.

The trial started April 10, 2023. 2 years after being charged.


This is a great timeline format! Thanks!


I try to keep it from most imminent to farther out. Georgia will jump to the top if something happens there, and the D.C. one will get updated when there’s an arrest date.


Georgia may the most important trial. He cannot be federally pardoned for it and so a conviction in Georgia puts him in jail for real ( though I am not sure if Kemp can pardon him ).

The New York trial is the same but it is too easy to spin that trial as a witch hunt. If that is the only reason he is convicted, America is in for a bad time.


Georgia is more dangerous. The legislature there passed a law, which Kemp signed, allowing for the removal of a DA under certain circumstances.

The leading theory is that as soon as she brings charges, she’ll be removed.



LOL, I was waiting for this update!

Neato avatar

Those 2 trial dates are so far in the future. He needs to be convicted and barred from holding office before the next Presidential election.

Though I do wonder at the chaos if he's convicted around June-July 2024. Only 3-4 months before the election. Is that enough time for Republicans to pivot to a new deplorable?


Even if he were convicted on all the charges we have so far, technically, none of them would bar him from office.

He could be blocked from being sworn in by, you know, being in prison, I guess. But the convictions themselves would not be blockers.

What we need is a Constitutional Amendment that bars convicted felons from higher office, and while we’re at it, maybe add an age cap as well. Nobody over 70 for President, Congress, Senate, or Supreme Court.


It’s insane to think that he could be convicted of all charges, but possibly the only thing that actually sends him to (or keeps him in) prison is losing the election and his shield to hide behind.

@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

I think the thought is that most middle of the roads won’t ever consider a criminal. There are some hardcores that won’t ever flip. It’s about gripping those on the teeter side of the triangle.


I don’t think his chances of winning are all that good even if he had zero indictments, but let’s hope they do push him out of the running with reasonable people.


He’s polling pretty even with Biden at the moment. This country’s voters disgust me.


The election isn’t for 16 months, waaaay too early to take polls seriously.


The last elections had the poll analysts throwing their hands up in the air, so I am hoping those results are heavily skewed in some way and trying not to think about it.


What we need is a Constitutional Amendment that bars convicted felons from higher office

This would be dangerous, allowing inconvenient politicians to be excluded from office through framing or selective enforcement of the law.

What we really need is a population capable of making better decisions.


Oh, no doubt about that, but which is more likely? :)


100% agreed. This is exactly what happened in Burma if I recall correctly. Democratically elected president removed from office as a result of criminal accusations - her crime was attending a gathering in contravention of covid restrictions IIRC.


What we really need is a population capable of making better decisions.

Where do you propose to get one of those, and what will you do with the existing population?


If we make them felons they can’t vote. We could also do things like scapegoat them and find ways to disenfranchise them.

(The Rs have a whole history of this sorta shit. I wonder if half the reason they’ve been so bad lately is that they worry those tactics will get used against them. )

@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

This is such a great comment imo.

Ets a shlippry shlope thar bod.

squiblet avatar

Sure, their entire lives are endless projection: “what if other people can treat us like complete shit, like we do to them?”


Educate them! As much as possible. That’s being undermined now too.

@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

The education need right now is almost beyond our reach. Weve been needing it. Itd need to be grass roots fucking re education. Some media does it, music, etc. But the younger kids need critical thinking skills most of all, and learning mindfulness, self acceptance. Like classes in real fundamental life shit that they’re not getting. I don’t know how much school has changed since my days. So I dunno. But tampering w schools with the books, that’s just…the term fascist is spot on. DeSantis is dangerous. Someone will see him and even springboard off him deeper down the right wing rabbit hole as a politician.


Serious question because I don’t fully understand the judicial process and what not. Why are the trials so far in the future?


Perfectly good question…

There are a lot of different confounding factors when you set a trial date. As much as we’d like, Trump isn’t the only trial happening, so other cases have to come first.

There has also been a really big backlog on trials. Covid slowed EVERYTHING down. Here in Oregon it’s so backed up, there’s a class action lawsuit.


I can’t imagine how bad it must be in New York.

The Florida trial has extra issues. The number of top secret documents means having lawyers with top secret clearances, you also have two extra defendants who have to find their own Florida based lawyers.

All the added time is to make sure the defendant gets a fair trial.


Here in Oregon it’s so backed up, there’s a class action lawsuit.

A notorious gun-runner from Eastern Canada won his freedom when his trial was taking too long. He sued on a “put up or shut up” play because we have a right to a speedy trial, and since the Crown didn’t think it could build a good case in time (a fast shredder ate the evidence?) it had to release the guy and void the charges.


You’d think they’d rearrange their schedule some to deal with the guy who’s a major national security risk.


He has a right to a speedy trail but it’s in his political interests to delay things. So in addition to all the good reasons this will take a while (like all the extra work to deal with how classified material will be used during the trail) Trump and his team will also be doing everything they can to delay things.


I read in another article that the D.C. courts have another 800 cases just for the 1/6 rioters, that doesn’t even count “normal” D.C. crime… so there are only so many days on the calendar.


I feel the same way, but then any special arrangements (like rushing to trial) provide fodder for an appeal.

Really you want the legal proceedings to be extra measured and methodical.

I guess this means that yes we’re headed for a situation where a GOP president can pardon Trump, but that’s really a separate issue that needs to be tested by the law and by democracy.


Very worried that Trump will pardon Trump. He cannot pardon himself for the stuff in Nee York or Georgia though.

Politically, it is too bad the Stormy Daniels one comes first. He could be defending the federal charges from jail just before the election. The “porn star stuff” may not be strong enough to justify that to some people. It is going to be easy to position him as a victim of a politically motivated witch hunt.


I don’t think the populace has much appetite for revolt, but surely if these criminal proceedings are derailed in any way due to the perpetrator being the president that’s a democratic crisis.

I mean some of the charges he’s facing involve election fraud, and the perp is just going to pardon themself? What is the point of democracy if you can have yourself fraudulently appointed president and then become immune to prosecution because you are indeed president.

Even in his first term there was the investigation into interference, which was ultimately discarded because you can’t prosecute or investigate a sitting president.


this shit is gold. Thanks bruh.


This is very helpful. Thank you!


It’s why I do it! :)

LollerCorleone, to kbinMeta in do you say it as kay-bin or k'bin?
LollerCorleone avatar

Kay-bin, obviously.

numbscroll avatar

Originally thought cabin but didn’t stick. Kay-bin 100%.


Same here. But I’d not be surprised if we have Cabin for kbin at some point.

MashingBundle, (edited ) to piracy in Empress forgot to take her meds again

I saw this tweet a while ago that was like “Piracy lore is crazy, there’s only like 2 people who know how to crack Denuvo. One of them is a psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain, and the other only cracks football games”

I’m paraphrasing, but honestly it’s so accurate…

Edit: For anyone confused, here is a great writeup on the history of Denuvo cracking, and Empresses lunacy


That was one of the wildest things I read in a while

Onii-Chan avatar

What a crazy fucking read. Thank you for posting that.

clitoris avatar

that was a great read, i recommend it to everyone who sees this post


Welp, that was a wild read. Thank you for sharing!


Great read. Thanks 👍


Both are based in their own charming ways


That was a fantastic read, thx!


Holy smokes. Got sucked into that one. So is she still the only one that can crack Denuvo? You mentioned 2, is the other not very active or something?


I knew about Empress, of course, because how could I not? But I’ve not been in the game piracy community for years, and I had no idea she was this… Unstable.


The other cracks football games? You mean like FIFA? Because I haven’t seen any cracks of those…


Football manager.

@iagomago@feddit.it avatar

who is this cracker? Asking for a friend…

@SexualPolytope@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I think they mean MKDEV.


And only football manager


absolute legend


This was a fantastic read, thank you for sharing!


You have to be crazy to crack denuvo, and Empress fits the bill

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain

Crab Juice

only cracks football games

Mountain Dew



Football as in FIFA?


Football manager looks like


and the other only cracks football games

I actually LOLd at this

@BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar

Aside from balking at the audacity of using a platform for piracy as her own personal blog, the community was quick to knock her down a peg.

So I guess you read them all? The great thinkers? To verify how you are above and beyond their thinking? Do you understand how utterly arrogant this post makes you? I will tell you why. To put yourself above thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Adam Smith, John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francisco de Vitoria, Friedrich Nietzsche and so many others. Human beings who have helped shape the foundation of the world we live in today. I am talking about the most basic of basic stuff we now take for granted like property, human rights, democratic governance and rule of law. Without these ideas and those who dedicated their lives to refine them, our world could not be like it is today.

This was a strong argument, but as someone else jokingly pointed out:

removed shut up, they pirated rdr2

Which, to be fair, Hobbes and Kant never did.

I’m fucking dead 😂


Only two people willing to crack denuvo games. And publicise their cracks.

Usually talent like that leads to well paying jobs, well paying jobs usually lead to wanting to not go to prison.

That doesn’t mean people don’t have the skill, it means they’re not willing to use it, when someone else is already taking the heat


Is it actually illegal to crack Denuvo?

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Illegal? Probably not, so long as you were careful about not hosting any of their code/data

Would doing it publicly end with you getting buried in lawsuits? It might. Anyone can sue for any reason, and copyright holders love making examples of people

sab, (edited ) to technology in how to block meta from mastodon
sab avatar

For kbin users to unilaterally block content from threads:

  1. Go to /d/threads.net
  2. Click the block button next to the subscribe one

The only drawback is that it will only start working after the first piece of content from threads.net has been shared on your instance - for now it returns a 404 not found.

Edit: Mileage may vary, depending on how Threads solves its fediverse integration.


Thanks! Keeping this open so i can do it later.

1chemistdown avatar

Great! Commenting for finding later.

dumples avatar

Does anyone know if kbin.social will even federate to begin with?

HeartyBeast avatar

Since Threads won't apparently be federating at all, with anyone at launch - no.


Getting a 404 error, but might just be due to kbin upgrades, etc.

static, (edited )
static avatar

Does /d/ block an instance?

I think there is a misunderstanding in the kbin community.
/d/ blocks a domain, A domain is not an instance.
But i'm not shure what /d/ blocks or not. As far as I know it's what's between the bracket's after a post ()

sab avatar

You're right that it's a bit trickier than I thought. It blocks the shared content: images and other content hosted at lemmy.world can be blocked from https://kbin.social/d/lemmy.world/ , but it will not include links to external sites, nor will it work for text posts. Blocking lemmynsfw.com worked fine for me, but that's of course because it's an image-heavy service.

Whether or not it will work for threads.net off the bat I guess then depends on how Threads interacts with the fediverse; whether it merely shares a link content stored locally, or whether it distributes the content in its entirety.

I updated my post to clarify!

MrModule, to games in Memes on c/Games - yes or no?

No. R/gaming was a clownshow of the same low effort garbage posts. Have a day of the week or push it to another sub.


Look at this hidden gem! -posts picture of Witcher 3-


OMG, this game is so buggy, when are they going to fix it?! GIF of Skyrim being Skyrim

genoxidedev1 avatar

Hot take: GTA IV on PC is a badly optimized port

SuiXi3D avatar

DAE think Cyberpunk is the worst thing ever?!?!?!

BiggestBulb avatar

Why is this game always so blue?

Anyway, Battlefield 3 is pretty good so far

@tiwenty@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly, I wholeheartedly agree

discodoubloon avatar

Yeah I’m a fan of the subs that do allow it one day a week. Sometimes you’ll see stuff custom made for the sub based on some comment or post that made the rounds.

But yeah for now I’d say no memes. As everything expands I’m sure we can get enough people to get gaming meme subs going.

jon, to mildlyinfuriating in Juste received this love letter from reddit's admins
jon avatar

Honestly, mods should just force the issue and make Reddit replace them. It's going to be a big problem if Reddit needs to find new moderators for hundreds if not thousands of subreddits. And that's assuming all the new moderators will play along and not immediately join the protest, go on a tyrannical power trip, or just go dark after a few weeks.

Why would anyone even want to be a mod right now? It's like your boss threatening to fire you from a job you're not paid for while the building is actively on fire.

olrik avatar

The K-man did that : https://kbin.social/m/Seinfeld I'm flopping I'm flowing I'm all over the place. It be so


Mod of /r/homeimprovement here, that's exactly what we are doing. We are staying dark and forcing them to replace us if that's what they want to do at this point. We are at least going to make them work for it, lol.

patchw3rk avatar

PS: Please setup a community here. I will join.


Did yall move to the fedeverse somewhere?


Do you have a community set up here already?

HappySerf avatar

Today could be the day!


That is what will happen though. A lot of mods have already been replaced.

Tight-laced avatar

Replaced by whom?

I get that some people will step up into being Mods, but modding is hard and thankless work - I've done it a few times over the years.

There's always subs crying out for new Mods, so you'll end up scraping the barrel for Mods, then the quality will go down, people will get pissed off. With thousands of Subs suddenly needing modding, there's simply not enough volunteers to go around.

One of Reddits unsung resources was its army of Mods keeping the content of some quality (define that as you will). Reddit really is cutting its nose off right now.


Out of curiosity, how likely do you expect those reddit mods to move to lemmy? I see a bunch of retiring mods posts, but not many that have said they were moving here.


There will be lag, sometimes significant lag, in moving I think. Remember, the protests were about trying to save Reddit, and, failing that, making it as obvious as possible that Reddit's about to shoot itself in the groin. People who have invested a decade or more building and running stable and growing communities kind of have to grieve the loss of the fruit of their labours.

I do think you'll see many of them show up here relatively soon, as users. But the prospect of rebuilding from near scratch will probably take a little more time for people to wrestle with.


Good, if they insist on having things done the way they want for free, then they can take care of doing it themselves.


If they replace you, can I have the sub? And force every User to stay in character or get banned?

patchw3rk avatar

Hey, one of my favorite subreddits! Get 'er done! I left with the fiasco and not turning back. I'm happy you guys are buckling up your seatbelt.

Asenath avatar

If they aren't making enough money now, they'll just love paying people to keep popular subreddits up.


That seems like it will present a problem. If an uninformed redditor asks, “hey is it safe to move this wire?” And some troll replies, “yes”… with no one there who is knowledgeable to moderate. Might lead to some disastrous outcomes.

*edit - I agree with you forcing the admin’s hands. Im not sure they know what they will be getting themselves into.

Gingerlegs, to reddit in Reddit's garbage app just keeps getting worse

Stop using it then 🤷‍♂️

@AstralJaeger@lemmy.world avatar

Still have Apollo installed, and just installed Mlem. At this point I‘m not going to bother with going back to the frontpage of unawnsered questions


i haven’t mustered up the emotional fortitude to uninstall rif yet. still, i seem to have gotten out of the habit of absent mindedly opening it


That was me w baconreader for sure.

Now I have one Lemmy app for when lemmy.world is working, and another for when it isn’t.

Haven’t open baconreader in a while, but haven’t uninstalled it either.


Noooo I gotta write “fellate fuck spez” so other ppl on reddit see that I am totally totally against reddit. Just gonna buy some reddit gold to really drive home the point!!!

@Redjard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Reddit nfts I hope you mean


Spez hates him for discovering this one weird trick.


Fuck u/spez


But I like him/her/them even more!

abfarid, to comicstrips in How was video game DLC born?
@abfarid@lemmy.world avatar

The comics are by Dorkly, but the watermarks have been removed. Please credit the authors.

c4, to piracy in Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?
c4 avatar

It’s an obvious fake

soft_frog, to RedditMigration in Well shit, they're even going after tiny not-so-active subs like mine

One thing I've noticed: if you land on Google from search around 20% of comments are from now deleted accounts. Try searching "best bike reddit" and see for yourself.

I think the hypothesis that power users are leaving is showing itself to be true.


Looks normal to me. This phenomena though is perhaps the saddest part of the whole thing. It'll take years to build up a similar amount of excellent info.


Who burned the modern Library of Alexandria? u/spez, and fuck him for it.


Just open the cached copy of the page when googling for reddit results

Rhaedas avatar

Curious how the new results are affecting Reddit overall. I don't know how Google works these days, I got away from figuring out that stuff for websites long ago. Would a hit to a private page and the user backing out only affect that link's rating, or is there a bigger picture of the algorithm that would see a spike in low Reddit results and start reranking the domain itself?


I just used power delete suite on my 13 year old account this morning. Every comment and post is gone.

CMLVI avatar

I'm waiting to do it because I want to leave no trace, and any closed subs are unable to have comments changed. Also, waiting til the last minute because I'm not trying to dead mod one of my subs; I hate Reddit, buts it's a smallish sub (30k) and I don't want to just leave it. Only two of the five mods are active, and he's thinking of leaving as well, so I guess we're gonna have to mod search?? At least get one person in and then dip.


That's the problem. Really you should do what you can to sabotage it and get the users over onto the fed. X

CMLVI avatar

I agree. It's just hard to do that to people I've been in a community with for 10+ years. Reddit won't even notice that sub getting deaded, but the users will. The only nodding we had to do was repost bots and very rare racist stuff (really not even relevant to anything either lol)


check back in few days, lot of people are reporting their deleted comments were restored


PowerDeleteSuite doesn't get everything, particularly on old accounts. PDS uses your New, Hot, Top & Controversial lists on your profile - however reddit has been limiting the length of these lists for a few months now.

For example, if you have a link to one of your older Top comments, you might see a bunch of low karma replies underneath that PDS didn't touch.

The only real way to get everything is to do a GDPR request and use the links in there. Shreddit can do this (in particular the github version, the website charges $15 for the feature), however even then it will panic and stop part way through. I've had to edit the files and split them down, and even then I haven't yet finished. Shreddit uses the API though, so it won't work after 1 July.

Also reddit have been restoring some comments evert couple days - you might find some that PDS removed have returned. Supposedly this is to do with how reddit's CDN structure works, but that may also just be an excuse. I wouldn't be surprised if reddit tries to claim ownership of everyone's comments and restores most if not all of them, so those google searches might start working again.


I had a post saved for ultimate watch order for clone wars. But the user is no more. :(

XanXic, (edited )

Can confirm. I've been doing a lot of technical setup lately. Hardware, and niche software. Any issue I had or comparison of online services I looked for Reddit was the top result and of course I would click it because I'm burnt out and just want an answer. I'll say about a fourth of the comments on the comparison/help posts are now deleted or edited to make a statement about Reddit. Everynow and again it'd be a private sub. It was super wild. Luckily google has a cached version to view the sub in those cases.

I don't think Lemmy will ever be able to replicate that utility though. There can't be an expectation of a very specific technical post to still being around in 5 years since it'd be contingent on the instance to still exist.


If the instance is federated then the content will live on all the instances that it's federated with. Every single instance would have to go away for the content to disappear.

If anything, Lemmy is way more reliable than Reddit, which is currently controlled by a whiny crybaby making unpredictable decisions.

There are already plenty of support communities generating legitimately helpful information. I expect it to only get better.


Wouldn't other instances have to subscribe to the community to cache the content? Although your instance may federate with others, I thought content wasn't shared between unless one subscribes to the other.

TinyPizza avatar

Was trying to figure out why imgur just always seems broken now (it's because of my VPN) and as I scrolled past all the reddit results like 1/3 of the answers had been deleted. It brought a tear to this former lurkers eye.

Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar

You may want to use something like libredirect to access rimgo, an alternative front-end for imgur; although it must be said that public instances are often limited.

TinyPizza avatar

I've taken your suggestion and although it didn't do a whole lot for my Imgur problem, in general I like whats all going on with it. Thanks for the advice. It may not have been the outcome I wanted, yet it still feels like a small victory.

Kombat avatar

Imgur went through a purge recently of uploads not associated with accounts. They also stated they would be purging NSFW content.

BigVault avatar

I just tried to find one of my very popular, but deleted help comments on r/synology via Google but couldn't find it.

What I did find heartening is that they've flagged the sub as NSFW so I can't view anything unless logging in (which I can't do because my account is gone). Also, r/plex is set to private so that's useless too.

chefs kiss.

samwise avatar

Respect to r/Synology and r/plex! I loved those subs


Can you put the url in the wayback machine? You can install the internet archive official extension if you often need to access past copies of web pages. Just click the extension when you encounter a deleted page.

Spacebar, (edited ) to politics in Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC
@Spacebar@lemmy.world avatar

This makes 79 felony charges so far

Hush Money case for Stormy Daniel’s, a former Playboy model, and a 3rd woman

  • 34 felony counts - Falsifying business records in the first degree

Classified Documents Case

  • 32 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act
  • 6 felony counts of obstruction-related crimes
  • 2 felony counts of false statements to the FBI
  • 1 felony count attempted destruction of evidence

Attempted Coup (January 6th)

  • 1 count conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election"
  • 1 count conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding
  • 1 count conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted
  • 1 count obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote

Georgia Election Interference

  • Greater than 0 but TBD



Winning on indictments, that’s for true.

PoppinKREAM, (edited )

Thank you for listing out all of Trump’s charges from the indictments.

Here is a refresher about the recent indictment and charges related to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the January 6th insurrection.

Trump pushed the big lie that the election was stolen. Trump lost in the courts^[1] including the Supreme Court.^[2] Then he tried to pressure state officials.^[3] He tried to pressure Pence.^[4]

So what does Trump do after exhausting all nonviolent methods of overturning the election? Trump turns to his supporters and lights them up making inflammatory statements such as;

  • We are going to fight for the survival of the nation.
  • Now is not the time to retreat, its to fight harder.
  • We will never give in, never back down, never surrender.
  • We will fight like hell.
  • You have to get your people to fight.

Trump primed them for weeks.

State officials had started getting death threats weeks before the attempted insurrection following the general election.^[5] Trump saw first hand what violence was being created as his supporters rioted and vandalized black churches in Washington back in December.^[6]

Trump didn’t stop his incitement after the initial violence, he got more specific. He told his supporters how, when, and where. He gave them 18 days notice inviting them to the rally telling them to be there, that it will be wild.^[7] And on the day of the insurrection Trump told his supporters to march on the Capitol and fight like hell.

Following the riot Trump continued to promote the big lie that had incited the insurrection. After the mob was dispersed, Trump praised and sympathized with the mob in a video he released, claiming once again that the election had been stolen.^[8] Then he praised the insurrection in a tweet after the mob had been dispersed. He told his mob to remember Jan. 6 forever. He said that he loved the insurrectionists and that the violent mob were special people.

  1. New York Times - Over 30 Trump Campaign Lawsuits Have Failed. Some Rulings Are Scathing.
  2. BBC - US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed bid to overturn election
  3. USA Today - Trump is heard on audiotape pressuring Georgia secretary of state to ‘find’ votes to overturn Biden’s win
  4. Politico - Trump pressures Pence to throw out election results — even though he can’t
  5. NPR - ‘Someone’s Going To Get Killed’: Georgia Republican Official Blasts GOP Silence On Election Threats
  6. Toronto Star - Black churches vandalized, four stabbed, dozens arrested at pro-Trump rallies in Washington
  7. New York Times - 'Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date: Inside Trump supporters’ online echo chambers, the chaos of Jan. 6 could be seen coming. People posted their plans to come to Washington — and showed the weapons they would carry.
  8. Wall Street Journal - Trump Tells Rioters, ‘I Know How You Feel,’ Draws Bipartisan Condemnation

Trump primed them for weeks.

I am afraid that Jan. 6 will be seen as a mere skirmish before their real battle against democracy. I hope that wherever Trump will be taken for court and prison will be sufficiently safeguarded from the mind-washed lunatics.


What up poppin glad you are here

@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Holy crap it is so awesome to see you on Lemmy! This plus the indictment has totally made my day. Keep up the great work!


PoppinKREAM! So glad to see you here. As usual, thanks for your very informative post.


Nice to see a familiar account here! If it wasn’t for PoppinKREAM I’d have been far less informed during the Trump years!


PoppinKREAM in the mothafuckin house! I’m home.

@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

Those bullet point quotes are…jfc

Thanks for participating, we all appreciate it


Oh shit! My man KREAM!


Thank God Poppin made it over to Lemmy! Glad to have you here!


Thank you for commenting this! Very informative!


Damn good to see you a friendly face in these parts!


Plenty of friendly faces round these parts. Perhaps not quite as prolific though.

Today is a good day.


Yes! You made it over here!

This makes me happy.


Damn bruh, I remember you from that shithole reddit! Thanks for keeping us informed.

@jerome@lemmy.world avatar

Well done. Very appreciated.


Poppinkream. Now it feels like home


The legend returns!!


So happy to see you here, PoppinKREAM!! Thank you for everything!!


I had hoped you’d migrate to lemmy. I am happy you are here, and appreciate the work that you do.


Thanks for mentioning. I didn’t even check who wrote it … but it all makes sense. So happy PoppinKREAM made it out alive.


Others have beaten me to say it, I’m glad you’re here.


Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump’s Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.


…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.


Thank you for providing a good source and quoting, I’m definitely saving this.


I want to print this 1000 times, wrap it in a plastic binder cover letter so I can use it to smack people upside the head with it every time they utter the phrase “bOtH sIdEs”!



PoppinKREAM, (edited )

In a phone call, Trump tried to pressure officials in Georgia into making tens thousands of votes disappear to try and steal the 2020 election. They found no illegal votes, refused to overturn the results and began receiving death threats from Trump’s supporters.^[1]

After Trump had exhausted all legal forms of overturning the election; From having over 60 frivolous lawsuits thrown out from all levels of courts including the conservative leaning Supreme Court (Trump picked 3 justices out of 9), and after his Attorney General Barr resigned (an individual that covered/stalled investigations for Trump), Trump turned to his stalwart supporter in Vice-President Pence. A lie was pushed that Mike Pence could refuse to certify the election results as he presided over the counting of the ballots of the electoral college during the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6. Pence refused this illegal power grab. Having no further recourse Trump incited an insurrection during a rally Trump held at the same time the E.C. ballots were being certified. Trump’s supporters erected a gallows, stormed the capital where several people subsequently lost their lives including police officers. Politicians were incredibly lucky they escaped. For example Capitol Police Officer Goodman’s quick and heroic decision to lead an angry mob away from where congression members were hiding probably saved many lives. This mob was chanting hang Mike Pence, many of whom wore tactical gear, carried zip ties, and used flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays as weapons while attacking police officers that protected Congress.^[2]

  1. BBC - Trump inciting violence, warns Georgia election official
  2. The Guardian - The martyrdom of Mike Pence


Great to see you here and excited for fresh KREAM


Thank you! Love to see you here!


Back on Reddit, most of my saved comments were from you, PoppinKREAM. Glad to see your detailed (and well sourced!) explanations are here on the lemmyverse now too.


Seeing you here makes Lemmy feel even more like home… Thank you for all you do!


Glad to see you made the leap, keep up the great work you hoopy frood you 👍


Holy fuck is it 2016 again


Great to see you on here!

@kescusay@lemmy.world avatar

Goddamn, this is thorough! It’s like I’m reading PoppinKREAM over on that other site… sees username …O hai!


It’s great to see you here, still poppin these kreamy info dumps.

@BuckRowdy@lemmy.world avatar

Dang you’re here too? Did you leave reddit?


I’m delighted to wander into a PK comment. This feels like home now! Thank you for your continued commentary and sourcing.


You’re a legend. Glad to see you here


You are a welcome sight.


Legend. So glad you’re here!!!




No reply necessary, but damn it’s great to see you here! Thanks as always for the detailed, sourced info!


Love to see your hard work here!


You’re the GOAT.


Fuck yeah, nice to see you here!!


PK spittin’ facts as usual! I’m so happy you’re here! :)


So good to see you here, PoppinKREAM, after the reddit debacle. It gives me hope for the kind of informed, careful, and comprehensive analysis on Lemmy which is, after all, your calling card.


Poppin off for real!


Be aware that this may not be the same person as /u/poppinKREAM. That’s the beauty of the fediverse™


They edited a previous Reddit comment with their Lemmy info.

PoppinKREAM, (edited )

While not wrong, it really is me :)

Though there’s no way to really prove it unless you know some personal things about me that I can prove. But I tried to stay somewhat anonymous other than being a Canadian anthropologist who works in athletics lol

As per @doc suggestion, I have edited a comment on reddit I made a few weeks ago to include my Lemmy handle.



other than being a Canadian anthropologist who works in athletics

And who doesn’t know at least a dozen of those?


Hockey players are a mysterious and atavistic civilization.

You think the Yanomamö were violent? Hoo boy.


Take this gold award, you made me laugh pretty hard 🏅



@Wodge@lemmy.world avatar

I’d say it’s pretty easy to work out it’s you, long ass concise posts that are correctly cited with sources is poppinkream enough for me!


Even if it wasn’t you, someone copying your well-sourced comments would be welcome but I’m also super happy that you could validate using your reddit source content.


Edit one of your old posts on reddit to add your fediverse account name?




Good idea! I’ll add a link to it on my parent comment above.


Perfect. Welcome!


You’re an absolute legend. And this is publicly known, so I’m choosing not to provide sources, but they’d be easy to find.


Omg, I love your username.


Thanks! One really doesn’t want to get mixed up with that guy nowadays ;)


What’s your bank account info? I can confirm your identity that way.


I have a test… how do you feel about the Dakota Access Pipeline?


I’m still disgusted by the actions of the militarized police force that violently brutalized indigenous protesters.


Yup, that’s the PK I know and love


I do believe it is you, hiya! I’m being perverse as a matter of policy.

I try not to get too invested in identities anyway. I look at the user if I need the context to evaluate their frame - but usually, you know when you’re reading insightful commentary.

“on the internet, no one knows I’m a dog”


Every day the content on Lemmy gets better all around. It’s getting very close to giving me everything I used Reddit for.

@GuyDudeman@lemmy.world avatar



It’s great to see you here! Thank you for your excellent work!


Aw yeah, poppinKREAM.


Lemmy is complete if Poppin is here giving out knowledge.

NegativeLookBehind avatar

Wow, that's ridiculous. Bet the traitor walks anyway.

squiblet avatar

At this point it seems like nothing will ever happen to him, ever. He seems likely to remain free to commit more crimes, whine endlessly, swindle money from idiots and further harm the country.


Only the best felony charges! More felony charges than anyone’s ever seen! You wouldn’t believe it!


No one’s ever had so many indictments as me! Everyone all just said, “wow look at all the indictments he has!”


you gotta hand it to him. It is impressive to collect so many charges and still be out of jail.

Is it a quality that recommends him for president, or any position of power as menial as being the guard of a parking lot? God beware no! Get him away from any power, any money and anything where he could harm people, because he will do that for sure!

But it is impressive in itself.

@AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

Yet still nothing about sedition or treason, which will be the only thing that’ll have a chance to bring him down for good.

@TechyDad@lemmy.world avatar

To update a quote from George Takai, “People are worried about Biden’s 80 (age), but we should be more concerned about Trump’s 79 (felony charges).”


Oh my.


George is a fantastic shit poster on Mastodon. I am loving it.


It’s wild that there are so many charges, and in such a short timeframe. It feels like just yesterday that we weren’t sure if he’d ever be charged with anything…

When I heard that this was the 3rd indictment, I found myself thinking, “Ok, there’s the Mar-A-Lago case, but what was the first one? Ah…”

In the future there will be entire college courses dedicated solely to the Trump era.


It’s wild that there are so many charges, and in such a short timeframe. It feels like just yesterday that we weren’t sure if he’d ever be charged with anything…

Investigating, assembling all the evidence, putting together the case is a very involved and time consuming process.

Especially if you want to get every single little detail correct in order to make the case as bulletproof as possible.

KevonLooney, (edited )

We had three, yes. What about fourth indictment?



Next week


That one is gonna come from Georgia!


Sometime between now and September 1st. See my timeline comment elsewhere in the thread:

2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)


That’s republican front runner, y’all.



Let us never forget the words of Lindsey Graham, of all people

“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it.”


They’ve been trying ever since the Bush years to deny reality. Ever since WMDs they’ve been sore that reality has a liberal bias, and have been stubbornly hanging on, in the hopes that once they get past this one scandal then Republican values will win out, just you wait.

squiblet avatar

It depends which segment you mean. At the core, the party is run by idealogues, and pirates. The idealogues really believe in looney religious shit (as in, "jesus is coming!" or "demons"), or insane economic theories. The pirates don't give a fuck about ideas or religion at all - they just want to steal money from the government and through rigging the economy.


My comment applies to Republicans broadly as a whole. Regardless of their motivations, they all find reality inconvenient and when their policies failed (WMDs in Iraq War, 2008 financial meltdown), they tried to blame others rather than admit their policy was the major cause.


I mean if I wanted my guy to win no matter what and didn’t care about democracy I’d probably go for the dude who has a friggin cult following and sells boatloads of merch who has already attempted to change the results of multiple elections by any means possible, because if they win there’s a chance they’ll never have to worry about winning again

artair, to fediverse in threads is already going great 💀
@artair@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely no surprise there. When you keep the barrier to entry low and throw in an algorithm to increase “engagement” via outrage, the soup turns to poison quickly.

This is why every time someone says the Fediverse is “too confusing,” I just smile and nod. That attitude of petulant, lazy, self-imposed gatekeeping is what’s keeping the Fediverse a much nicer place to be.


It's concerning just how many people can't be bothered to spend 5 minutes to pick an instance... Keeps it nicer for us though

Nepenthe, (edited )
Nepenthe avatar

I don't really think it's fair to pretend that, before two weeks ago, anyone under god had any idea what an instance was unless they were already heavily tech-oriented.

It took me hours of trying to read through not-my-kind-of-jargon to understand what the hell I was looking at and what kind of consequences that unexplained choice would have, and it really seems like a good number of users that initially struggled forget the learning curve extremely quickly the moment they're over it.


There was no learning curve for me. I randomly picked an instance LMFAO!


Decision paralysis is real even for stupid things. Like, “what are the implications if I pick the wrong instance?” Was something that made me put off finishing signing up for mastodon and I’m not embarrassed to admit it. Acting like it’s trivial isn’t helpful to anyone even if it was trivial or you


Oh you’re one of those just looking for a reason to be pissy. I wasn’t trying to be helpful to anyone, I was simply sharing my experience. Touch grass


Probably some truth there. It’s probably a bit of feeling defensive as well

Sorry if I was too froggy


Same here. I had no idea what picking an insurance meant in terms of the amount of people, communities, level of engagement, etc.

I could have picked one of the more toxic communities that have been defederated and my experience of lemmy would have been much worse


Yeah decision paralysis definitely delayed my joining any ActivityPub based sites, but really most of what it affects is stuff that wont matter until you’ve spent enough time on the platform to understand the difference to begin with


It was a case of: Lemmy.ml isn’t accepting new users atm BeeHaw requires me to tell them why I’m a good user So does this other instance… Why do I have to justify myself!? Hey, Lemmy.world let’s me just sign up! Perfect!

And that was how I chose an instance. Thank you for joining story got with Valek

Sarsaparilla avatar

It took me hours of trying to read through not-my-kind-of-jargon to understand

I started off going down that road of trying to understand it, but my laziness and impatience got in the way and said "just start using it and you'll work it out." And that's exactly what happened for me. In a way, the explanations made it all sound much more confusing than it really is. Sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath and dive in.


Same. I signed up for the first instance someone mentioned positively. Seems fine, only about 5 minutes of research invested

Nepenthe avatar

Honestly, you're right, and I think the analysis paralysis that the fediverse immediately presents isn't really helped by the fact I'm just generally a neurotic person. Wanting/NEEDING to understand how every aspect of something works and why lends itself really well to things like linguistics and biology, but I feel bothered when I skip the tutorial in a game I already know. What if I missed something and I'll never be able to figure out how buttons work.

Sarsaparilla avatar

Don't worry, I hear ya! I'm currently 4.9 hours in on my first run of the story game, Detroit. People in the reviews say it is a short game and they have less than 3 hours playtime ... but I don't wanna miss any narrative or clues! haha!

I joined Mastadon in December and that's when I first tried to understand it all. I researched a server to join and it was right confusing ... what if I picked the wrong one? Then I pretty much abandoned the account because I didn't understand how to stay on my own server while browsing around (also didn't help that I'd never used Twitter either, so I didn't actually know what I sposed to be doing lol).

Then the whole reddit debacle happened and I signed up for a Lemmy & Kbin. And there was all the jargon again. But I think because I was actually jumping ship from reddit, this time I wanted my move to have staying power. So it was unusual for me to "skip the tutorial" but I was getting so frustrated with the jargon, while I could see others were already having conversations. And it was through the participation that the jargon finally defined itself. I even use my mastodon now, as well!

Nepenthe avatar

Oh, I never realized the storylines in Detroit were that short. I'm exactly like you, and I've also found that the more games I play at once, the less I enjoy any of them. So my hands are a bit tied in terms of backlog and that one's been on the backburner for...years, now that I think of it. But That bumps it up my list considerably if I can 100% it in like 3 days.

I was very close to giving the fuck up initially, though. You know what the biggest encouragement was when I was signing up? When I was looking through the comments on kbin, someone said all the hoops would keep the idiots out, and I will put in a _lot _ more energy if it means both showing off and being where the idiots aren't. I'd say having a barrier there really has done some good for the overall quality (for now), but the people claiming it's good to make sign-ups as hard as possible are sometimes the same people claiming there isn't a barrier at all, and it comes off as very strange elitism.

Reading the explanations and advice people were giving to each other made a whole lot more sense than anything the internet was handing me, but even some of that could be head-scratching, and hands-on is probably the best way to go. Not without its dangers. I still think I got incredibly lucky to end up on an instance I like this much. Imagine having admiration for the dev for once.

Sarsaparilla avatar

I never realized the storylines in Detroit were that short.

quick Google search tells me average play-thru time is 12hrs and completionist is 32hrs, so I dunno what I was looking at. I'm 5hours in, so it remains to be seen whether it's gonna take me 32hours or 64hours minimum. 🤣 You'll have to forgive me, it's the steam sale so I've been looking at lots of games. Not that I need any more because I've probably only ever touched a quarter of my library, if that!

someone said all the hoops would keep the idiots out,

Yeah I liked that take as well. That layer of jargon really is a fantastic filter.

sotolf avatar

I've been on mastodon for years so I knew :p


Self imposed gatekeeping. Damn that's real


It’s like IRC. Just zany enough to keep out the riff raff.


Oh the IRC days, what a time


IRC is hugely flawed but also, I miss it. Could we have a federated discord? It’d basically be irc but easier to find stuff right?


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that what Matrix is?


All matrix is to me is a classic late nineties action sci fi movie.

@Seven@lemmy.world avatar

The Matrix but they use the Matrix protocol on a The Matrix themed Matrix IRC channel talking about talking about The Matrix in the Matrix protocol in a The Matrix themed Matrix IRC channel (woops sorry that is the Matrix 2 I think my bad)


There’s also a way to add matrix usernames to Lemmy accounts, so it’s possible to make an app that ties the two together. Is that a feature people would care about?


Man I’d love that. I feel like we will soon honestly. I just hope the lemmy/Kbin apps bring these other federated projects inside, so we can do it all on one app too.


/slap speaker_hat

*Veltoss slaps speaker_hat around with a large trout.


Veltoss (~user@fastinternet-1b-3c-115.com) has joined


This just awakened some repressed IRC memories I didn’t know I had.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You have been kicked from .


If extra layer of "difficulty" is introduced by giving the users the choice of an instance is enough to keep them away, then I'm all for it.

It just needs to be easier for the ones that managed to figure it all out (better apps, stability, UI/UX, and QOL updates)

IMO the only algorithm I'll accept for lemmy/kbin is slightly faster "expiration" for posts, sometimes some posts stay too long on my frontpage.

zalack avatar

Kbin generally seems to churn faster than Reddit for me, but posts on Lemmy do seem to stay around for a awhile.

@zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

The default “Local/Active” sort algo needs to be tweaked. It makes it look like there are no new posts for days. If you use All with Top Day, Hot or New there’s way more going on.

ArugulaZ avatar

My first instinct would be to say, "This is the 21st century, learn to use a damn computer already!" But then I think of the long term and WANT people to think it's too hard to join Mastodon or Kbin, just to keep the average IQ of these sites above room temperature.

poplargrove, (edited )

IMO if technical difficulty is the filter, it would actually only select for people good at computers. There are otherwise dumb, shallow people who are good at tech.

(I’m not saying its difficult using lemmy, just replying to the idea in general)


Absolutely agree. I love the high barrier to entry and how it has kept the conversations (for the most part) more substantial.


I know I’m an old school techie, but was there really a high entry bar for lemmy compared to say twitter or Instagram? I honestly don’t know, other than r3dd!t the last social media I signed up for was what? Facebook well over a decade ago?

If the few steps it took to make a user name, pick an instance, and then get my head around the fact that I had to also join any instance I wanted to respond to, is enough to keep the unwashed internet masses out, well, they are just even dumber than I already thought.


Non-techy guy here. I read an infograohic and made an account. 0 issues whatsoever. And the infographic was just to help me understand how it works. You don’t really need to understand lemmy to interact with it

Sarsaparilla avatar

get my head around the fact that I had to also join any instance I wanted to respond to

Wait. What? Why are you doing that?


Because stating a wrong fact is the fastest way to get the right answer?

So, if I have an account on one instance, and I want to login / reply to another, how do i do that. I’m using the liftoff app.

I take it I shouldn’t have more than one instance login? Don’t worry, at this point I’ve only got two, it really didn’t seem right when I was making the second one.

Sarsaparilla avatar

I don't actually use an app as I'm on PC. I often use the search option on kbin to find the local version/link of a magazine or post, so that I can subscribe or comment to anywhere on the social networking Fediverse, from one account.

I actually have two kbin accounts but the 2nd is just a backup in case my usual instance goes down for whatever reason. I also have two Lemmy's (a main and a backup) but I prefer the feel/interface/features of Kbin better, so those are pretty much backup accounts too. Regardless, I don't need them all ... just one, this main account, to browse, subscribe, and comment to other fediverse threads and magazines.

You should be aware that Lemmy uses ! in it's links, while kbin uses @ ... (example !nails@kbin.social compared to @nails@kbin.social) ... sometimes that's all you need to change to find your local version in the search.


Many people genuinely give up at the “pick an instance” stage.

Part of it is a slight failing for not blasting “if you join any of these instances you can respond to posts on any of these imstances’ communities” but also the level of tech literacy has fallen off of a cliff post-smartphone world.

Bolstering technology literacy (I’m talking simple things like: what is a file browser, where do things you download go by default, what are some common file types for music/videos/applications) need to be added to public education because there’s clearly a decline happening here that will have downstream ramifications.


I’d say it’s less so a decline and moreso a lack of literacy to begin with. The number of relatives I have that are fucking stupid with the internet is insane. And surprise the kids are just as stupid with tech, since the parents are dumb and companies made tools for them and the kids.


Yeah, I think the late 20th century and then some of the 00s were a sweet spot where there was finally cool stuff to do with tech, but you still needed to learn some skills to do them. Though even those skills were pretty basic.

I remember a kid in high school coming to me to see if I’d burn him a custom CD and he’d pay me and I was surprised because I thought it was all pretty basic shit that all it took was trying to figure it out. Though on the other hand, that was during the era where many discs were lost to buffer underflow and you had to be patient enough to not really use your computer for anything else while a CD was burning at like 2x speed (the hardware would go faster but then the underflow was more likely).

Though in hindsight, that might have just been my family’s shitty computer at the time. My dad was semi tech savvy but generally bought shitty computers, compaqs with Celeron CPUs and no graphics card. Though we did at least have a dedicated 56k line (which would only get speeds of like 48k, though later when the line was switched I do remember seeing the occasional 64k which confused me because I thought 56k was the fastest a connection could be).


I used to think the next generation was going to out code, design, and trouble shoot me in five years, and that the one after that would make me feel like a dinosaur in my 30s.

Now I’m almost 50, and the army of tech savvy teens coming for my job simple hasn’t materialized. With the ease of use of so many devices, a world where “plug and play” actually exists, the effort and skill requirement for most things has gone way down. On top of that, the battle for attention is so great that there is always something easier to go play with, and if it requires a bit of noodling to make it work, screw it.

For a bit I thought “Great, job security!”, but now I’m at the point where I need to think about finding interns and replacements, and unless they come from one of the historic tech pipelines like PC gaming or the makers community, not a lot of kids have that kind of background.

There are great programs now in the schools for making app, 3D printing, graphics, music, etc, that draw kids into technology. However, like everything else it’s all slick and user friendly. You don’t have to spend hour after hour figuring out how to make the thing work.

I watched my two year old nephew trying to swipe on the pictures in a magazine and was confused why they didn’t move. He was basically born with an ipad in his hands.

I agree completely that a basic computer class covering those things and more should be standard in schools. Now we have niche tech courses akin to the woodshop and autos class of my high school, but they are electives, and don’t cover the fundamentals.


Yeah I dove into Lemmy and Mastadon with very little research and even Mastodon with its “pick an instance you like first” step was extremely easy. I ended up on smaller instances for both and honestly I like it. Best part is, if you feel some FOMO either make another account on another instance or in the case of Mastadon export your account and migrate it to the new instance


This this this. The fediverse being “confusing” keeps the idiots, boomers, trolls, and overall horrible people away. Having to learn something new is too much for those people. Lemmy/Mastodon and so on are “nerd” platforms, and I really like it that way.


Easy on the boomer stuff. You just lumped “horrible people” into the same group as regular people that happen to have lived more years than you. If you are looking for a “nerd” platform, you’ll do well to remember that there are a ton of extremely nerdy boomers out there and you just helped turn the soup to poison for them

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