314xel, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss avatar

We already have “Three-Body”, a recent chinese production series from 2023. 30 episodes, tedious to watch, but ok quality. So no thanks, Netflix.


I don’t understand this sentiment. I read and enjoyed the books and also watched the Chinese series on YouTube, and while I think the Chinese production was decent I’m definitely interested to see what Netflix can do with [what I assume to be] a bigger budget as there is definitely room for improvement.


I found the pacing for the Chinese version to be so God damn excruciating I had to stop like 8 episodes in. I keep meaning to try again.

ryan213, to moviesandtv in How Christopher Lee Became the Greatest Dracula of All Time avatar

You mean the greatest Saruman of all time??


You mean the greatest Sith of all time??


You mean the greatest metal band singer of all time??

Rade0nfighter, (edited ) to movies in Tom Cruise Reshaped His Narrative with Edge of Tomorrow

Announcer voice Coming soon to a movie theatre near you…

Cruise 3: Cruise Cruisier - written, produced, and directed by Tom Cruise, starring Tom Cruise as Tom Cruise.

itsgroundhogdayagain, to movies in Tom Cruise Reshaped His Narrative with Edge of Tomorrow

Tom Cruise reshaped his narrative with Tropic Thunder.

Kolanaki, avatar

He should take a step back and literally fuck his own face.

chemical_cutthroat, (edited ) to movies in Tom Cruise Reshaped His Narrative with Edge of Tomorrow avatar

He is still a scientologist and responsible for the suffering of hundreds if not thousands of people. Tom can eat a gun for all I care.


Not just a scientologist, either. He’s the #2 scientologist. His best friend runs the cult.


So he actually is a hyper capitalist and not a scientology follower.


I think he’s just a massive cunt.


Well thats true either way.


I have been saying this for years. I can’t wait until he retires, and we find out all of his movies are subtly laced with scientology propaganda.

Dagwood222, to movies in Tom Cruise Reshaped His Narrative with Edge of Tomorrow

Watch “The Hustler” with Paul Newman, then watch “The Sting” with Newman and Redford, and then watch “The Color Of Money.”

Blaze, avatar

I’m sorry, but I don’t see the link with the article?

Blaze, avatar

I meant, your first comment


If I had to guess, he’s drawing parallels between Newman and Cruise’s careers. The Hustler was the first of several films Newman made in a short period of time that marketed him as a hero. It wasn’t his first Oscar nomination, but it did earn him one.

The Sting was a huge box-office success Newman was in after a bunch of flops, and helped bring him back into the spotlight.

The Color of Money finally earned Newman an Oscar, and it was reprising the same character he played in The Hustler after 25 years. You can definitely see parallels there between him and Cruise with Top Gun (36 years between it and the sequel), and weirdly enough Cruise is also in The Color of Money.

Blaze, avatar

Might be, thanks!


You’re not my real dad!


Pardon me to H-E-Double Hockey sticks for suggesting movies.


I love movie suggestions and I am pretty sure those movies you recommended are great classics, but your comment was giving big “google for lesbian porn” Facebook post energy…

Blaze, avatar

but your comment was giving big “google for lesbian porn” Facebook post energy…

Nice description ha ha


In what way does suggesting some classic movies have that energy?

GlitterInfection, (edited )

OP posted to a movies community about Tom Cruise’s narrative troubles, and how he changed them in the eye of the public.

Your comment recommends two movies that don’t have anything to do with Cruise, and a third, from 1988, with Cruise decades prior to his narrative issues.

You didn’t offer an explanation of why we should watch the movies, or even mention that Cruise was in the third, which is odd since you mentioned stars from the others. It came off as you ordering us to watch unrelated movies that don’t have anything to do with the article.

That just makes it feel very out of place. A recommendation list even with Tom in one of the movies feels like a sort of social non-sequitor in this type of thread.

That gives a similar kind of energy that a dad trying to search for celluloid clitorist couplings has when he mistakenly types into Facebook before confidently hitting Post.

Had you said:

“Tom Cruise was excellent in The Color of Money which was a sequel to the wildly successful and excellent The Hustler staring Paul Newman, and despite Cruise’s personal issues later in his career I recommend everyone see both films! Also watch The Sting if you enjoy Newman’s performance in The Hustler since he’s excellent in both.”

Or something like that, we would have all followed your thought train from the article.


Excuse the H-E–double hockey sticks out of me for being succinct.

Have a fun weekend.


I’m verbose mode.

FrozenPulse_Stocker, to ghazi in "Tales of Kenzera: ZAU" Understands the Complexity of Grief

Ooh. Looks right up my alley. Thanks for the spotlight!

FrozenPulse_Stocker, (edited ) to ghazi in How Dolly Parton's "Jolene" Helped Me Through Queer Heartbreak

Monogamous people being lied to and preyed upon by people who are not for the security of a stable relationship is something that makes me really need to watch my words, lest I go too far with my invective. Having the capability to commit that kind of betrayal against someone you ostensibly “love” makes you a bad person, and in a just world they would stay away from the rest of us. Seven years, poor guy. Glad he eventually found a healthy way to cope and thrive. God bless Dolly.

Thank you for letting me vent.

retrieval4558, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

I’m going to watch it but if those two assholes ruin something else I love I’m going to take a shit on their doorsteps.


It’s not like Martin is ever going to finish the story. At least we got an ending.

Muffi, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

Such a damn perfect casting for Big Shi!

scytale, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

I was burned by True Detective Night Country pre-debut reviews just 2 months ago. I’ll believe it when I actually see it.

GlitterInfection, (edited ) to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

I tried to read the books this is based on and felt like I was being punked.

The writing in the first chapter, specifically around the dialogue of the man on the stage who is telling the story about his wife’s father was so incredibly stilted that I couldn’t get through it. It was unfathomably badly written dialogue that I can only imagine it’s something lost in translation that triggers every pet peeve I have about dialogue.

And most people rave about the books. So this is probably a me problem more than anything. I just don’t understand it.

So as long as they hired some writers to do a better job at the dialogue I might be one of those people who likes the show and not the books.

edit: dialogue


Fwiw, usually “dialogue” is used for verbal speech. “Dialog” tends to be used for computer-related topics.


Fair correction. Thank you.

Dasnap, avatar

Huh, I always just assumed it was a regional thing.


It is.


This is region dependent. Whether it’s correct depends on where you come from.

Dasnap, avatar

I’m half way through The Dark Forest and while I’m really enjoying it, it’s certainly not because of the character writing. Could just be a translation issue but a native speaker would have to chime in on that. I’m still enjoying going through the trilogy though just for the concepts alone.


I always figured the dialogue was a lost in translation/ cultural disconnect thing. What I had a problem with was the way Liu writes women. The way Zhuang Yen comes into the story into the second book made me want to puke.


It was so tough getting through the first half of The Dark Forest because of the women. But damn the second half is incredible


It was so tough getting through the first half of The Dark Forest because of the women

I felt the same way, but in general and not only because of the women.

No Idea how he spent so much time writing about every ‘irrelevant’ detail and then rushing (what felt like) the most interesting part


Are you me?


Honestly, it’s hard to tell what with the fediverse and all that…


This ☝️is more true than I’d like to admit


Yeah, the character development and dialogue is pretty bad. I rave about it for all the cool ideas it exposed me to. I value that more highly than pretty much anything else. To each their own :)


My mom is in two book clubs and basically owns a library. I got us each a copy and neither of us could read it.


That’s because the book was not written in English. The translation preserves a lot of the cadence of the original Chinese writing. You may not be used to it, but that’s not uncommon for translated works in general.

themadcodger avatar

You're not alone. I tried reading them and the premise was something I could get behind but the way it was written drove me crazy. I agree that if they had a better translator to make it sound more native English, I probably would have been fine with it. Bit as it stands it sounded very Chinese still. I'm hoping the show will solve that problem for us.


I’m glad I’m not alone on this.

I may be able to retry them knowing that they aren’t translated in a way that feels more western, but I had just come off of some cozy-fantasy and sci-fi books and it was shockingly jarring to even try to get through.

I often feel like when most people love something and I don’t, I owe it to myself to figure out why.


It gets better after a very dry start.


I got about one third of the way through. I told some friends who’d finished it that the writing was driving me crazy and was hoping it would get better. Thry said it didn’t. I was deflated. Three months later, I got the audiobook version and I’m happy I did. Still not finished, but some of it inspired me to pick up the book again and review select passages.


Not only you. The writing style is very tedious. It’s even worse in the second book as it treats most characters as just plot devices.

At least the climax felt awesome. These books are bloated and could’ve been thin down to like 30% and wouldn’t lose much.


I agree. I got to the third act of the first book and just gave up. It had moments but I could just not stick with it.



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  • NielsBohron, avatar

    It’s a common problem with lots of classic sci-fi authors. Heinlein, Asimov, Philip K Dick, Larry Niven etc. are all terrible at writing believable dialogue and compelling characters. There are some exceptions, but most of their characters are cardboard cutouts so they have a way to move along a story or give exposition about the ideas.

    The Expanse did a pretty good job with characterization (in the books), and Kim Stanley Robinson is decent (but is still pretty “hit or miss,” IMHO), but in general, the weakest part of sci-fi writing is almost universally characterization and dialogue.

    MimicJar, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

    acting as a strong comeback for Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.

    No thank you.

    I’ve heard great things about this story, but I’m not watching something run by these loons.

    If it’s a one and done season, I’ll watch it once it’s done. If it’s going to take multiple seasons, I’ll watch it when it’s done. It’s Netflix, so they won’t finish it.


    Well, if they just stick to adapting the books (and to my knowledge the story is finished) I’m OK with it. With GoT the problem was mostly when the source material was over, till then they did a good job adapting the story.



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  • entropicdrift, avatar

    GRRM has probably written and rewritten The Winds of Winter a dozen times at this point. I bet the word count is higher than everything he wrote for the rest of the series combined, if you count everything written and deleted.

    Honestly, with his process we’re lucky we saw A Dance of Dragons at all.


    The problem with GoT is the same as with all productions where they constantly escalate with very little character building. There's nowhere to go, so inevitably when they do try and tie all things together there's nothing of substance and it's just a huge letdown.


    It’s based on book one of a trilogy.

    RootBeerGuy, avatar

    Just pirate it. And if you are paying for Netflix already it doesn’t matter if you watch it or not, you already paid.


    It’s not a matter of pirating or not, it’s a matter of quality.


    Eh, even when pirating, you don’t want to get invested into a story for them to completely ruin it in a few seasons. For how good the early seasons of game of thrones are, I can’t rewatch them because of season 8.


    That’s why I say you should always watch only the first season, of any series. You’ll see a lot more series and you’ll never be disappointed.


    Except when the season ends with a massive cliffhanger, which they all do.


    Still have to invest time and emotion into watching it. Money isn’t the only metric


    they do perfectly fine when they are adapting existing material. it’s when you ask them to write their own story that they can’t handle it. the first four seasons of Game of Thrones were fucking exceptional. I have no idea how you turn this book into a movie though


    Over its eight-episode run

    It’s a series AFAIK.

    I do agree they did a solid job adapting things, and I would hope the collective slap from the failure that was the final seasons of Game of Thrones would humble them.

    I’m not writing the series off completely, I’m just not willing to give it a shot until after a thorough review and clear ending.


    Unlike Game of Thrones, the source material for this is finished. Game of Thrones went to shit once they ran out of source material.


    Yeah I think you hit on the issue with your last sentence- a story that’s so nonlinear, idea focused, and time-spanning, I don’t trust them to adapt it and keep the nuance.


    Oh those fuck boys are involved? Hard pass

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    I had the same reaction. George R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, Scott Lynch, and Brandon Sanderson have me spooked.


    Brandon Sanderson is a machine. Nothing like the others

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    It’s about the frequency of Stormlight Archives releases. Last I checked, he stated he had over a dozen Cosmere novels to release before the next one drops. If he gets hit by a truck, that’s the end of it.


    Yeah but that applies to every author


    Of all those people, Sanderson shouldn’t have you spooked at all. As long as he doesn’t die, he will finish what he starts, I guarantee it.


    Hell, he picked up and finished the massive Wheel of Time series for Robert Jordan.


    Yeah where is thorn of emberlain? What’s the story with lynch?


    lmao is this post advertising something made by Dave and Dave? hard pass… especially if the motherfuckers are getting high praise in the press for an unfinished story. call me when you release the final finale and the general public receives it well


    Unfortunately there’s no way to actually predict the Three Body Problem.


    I knew they were involved, but I was surprised to see their name dropped in the article. I assumed they would try to downplay their involvement so I checked the article to be sure.

    I appreciate the honesty, but no thank you.


    The main trailer has “from the creators of Game of Thrones” so yeah they’re doubling down on the D&D.

    I meannnn. They had to finish an unfinished story, and they def fucked it up. But they also made some of the best television I’ve seen S1-5 based off GRRMs work. I’m not giving them a pass but holy fuck that gamble of him having an ending by S9 wasn’t like out of the realm of possibilities, I kinda also blame GRRM.

    That being said I’m definitely waiting for large scale reviews and friend suggestions on this one. The trailer did look promising though.


    It’s fair for GRRM to share some of the blame, but any Internet commenter, who can’t write for shit (see me), could have written a better ending.

    To me it seemed like they were bored and wanted to move on. They had Star Wars/Disney lined up. They had Netflix (possibly this thing) lined up. Conceptually I get it. They’d worked on Game of Thrones for years, it was time to move on.

    But they fucked up bad. Real bad.

    Obviously I hope they’ve learned and are better now, but I’m not betting on it.


    And the Three Body series is finished as far as I know.

    I mean, that ending had to have been the final ending right?


    I mean, he could pretty easily continue it. It’d just move to higher dimensional viewpoints. Or become Flatworld.


    Minor spoilers ahead.

    I have no clue what this show will be like.

    I read the trilogy and I’m not really sure that it will translate to the screen very well. The story is absolutely massive and spans from beginning in the Chinese cultural revolution and ends at the literal end of time.

    That being said, it is probably my favorite and what I consider the best sci-fi trilogy out there.

    Incredibly interesting concepts are explored and it also has a really interesting way of telling the story. It’s not just about one guy saving the whole universe. It catalogs all of civilization’s attempts at coming together and protecting humanity from an alien threat. And it also goes into all of the issues that humanity runs into while trying to work together, while also spanning across thousands of years.

    It’s a really fantastic series and I would highly recommend it to just about anyone with an intellectual interest in humanity’s future.

    It’s a big statement to say, but this book changed my outlook on humanity and globalism.


    I think the first book is easy enough.


    Adrian Tchaikovsky. Three books starting with “Children Of Time.” After centuries of collapse after meltdown, Earth’s last gast is an attempt to terraform dozens of exoplanets. The books do a great job of describing non-Human races


    The series was a really interesting exercise in not giving the protagonists anything like a fair fight. Like, the level of hopelessness is impressive. It made me realize almost every other story I’ve ever seen is like children’s material compared to this, in terms of hand-holding the audience and making sure they’re safe.


    I haven’t heard great things about the story, quite the contrary. Combined with these two dumbos behind it I have no hopes for this to be good. I’ll still watch it, because it’s sci-fi, though.

    Kyrgizion, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss

    On one hand, it’s the freaking 3 body problem. On the other, it’s Netflix🤮🤮

    troyunrau, to sciencefiction in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem Is a Grandiose, Compelling Sci-Fi Yarn You Don’t Want to Miss avatar

    Anyone who has read the books want to chime in? I read the books and they had a “painting in a museum” type quality to them, where each chapter was a well described static scene. Fun concepts (in particular, the Dark Forest concept), but really dry prose…


    I am personally wondering how they will pull it off. My guess is that the story/plot/pacing will be based on the book, but I’m sure they’ll add in more characters and drama. Probably heavily rearrange the order too.

    entropicdrift, avatar

    Oh I hope they don’t rearrange the order. That first book’s timeline-hopping narration was fantastic.

    I haven’t read the other two, tbf


    The ideas were mostly neat but I just couldn’t abide the plot being driven by absurdly stupid actions over and over.


    I had the exact same impression. Excellent ideas but need more fleshing out


    They’re pretty good. The quality of the writing, for me as an English speaker, was in the translation work by Ken Liu who did a phenomenal job.

    I can’t imagine it’s easy to convey idioms/ideas that native speakers take for granted in a concise way.

    I think he didn’t do the second book or third and it shows. Still good but more stilted.

    All that is to say that the incongruity and style may be a side effect of the translation process itself.

    NielsBohron, avatar

    I think there are some editions of the second book done by Ken Liu, aren’t there? I haven’t read it yet, but I got a copy from a used book shop, and remember thinking that it was the same translator. At least, I thought I thought it was…now I’ve gotta go home and check


    It’s just a massive time scale that it happens on, but yes that gives way to feeling like that. Read the first 2, put the last one down halfway through after it started shitting all over the first 2 books with a certain character’s actions.

    The second book has a really cool few pages that helped visualize what experiencing the 4th dimension could be like.

    The series is more interesting for its concepts than it is for plot or any one character imo


    I put the third one down as well, it just got too far into horror. I didn’t really have a problem with any of the dialogue or character development and really liked the first two. I do tend to be very uncritical of novels in that respect though. I was just not at a time in my life where I wanted to read horror in my leisure time. I went from that to Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series and was ever so delighted.

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