
PmMeFrogMemes, to politicus in North Carolina Dem-Turned-Rep Tricia Cotham Was A Plant All Along

I hate living in NC so much. By the numbers we should be a blue state. Our governor is a democrat because he’s elected by popular vote. Narrowly of course, but still our lawmakers should at least be close to a 50-50 split down the ausle. Instead we avoided a republican supermajority in congress by the skin of our teeth. And just as we’re breathing a sigh of relief SURPRISE this bitch decided she wanted to upend what little faith we had in our state government.

Republicans are always finding ways to subvert democracy but this is the most vile shit they’ve pulled yet imo. I can’t imagine anything more effective at keeping people from the polls like showing them no matter how they vote, even if their candidate wins, it’s all for nothing because their candidate was a plant.

Brunbrun6766, to politicus in North Carolina Dem-Turned-Rep Tricia Cotham Was A Plant All Along
@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

And if she doesn’t get removed and laws put in place to prevent this, people will do it again, and again, and again


Well, it didn’t happen with Kirsten Sinema, what makes you think this time will be different?


Yeah you shouldn’t be able to run on blatant lies and not face actual punishment


You must be new here

@RavenFellBlade@lemmy.world avatar

George Santos proves that you can, in fact, lie blatantly, right down not even being who you say you are.


I mean, it’s honestly not that different from the party swap in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Political parties aren’t some sacred temple of worship. They have a long and dirty history of being created, ignored, absorbed, and realigned.

@4am@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a difference between “ideas shift over time” which is democracy and “I pretended to be a candidate for the other party and then pulled a bait & switch when I got elected” which is fucking fraud.

Personally, if I were God Emperor (ie if it was up to me) this asshole would get 20 years.


There’s a difference between “ideas shift over time” which is democracy and “I pretended to be a candidate for the other party and then pulled a bait & switch when I got elected” which is fucking fraud.

Personally, if I were God Emperor (ie if it was up to me) this asshole would get 20 years.

Bait and switch is bad, certainly, my lord God Emperor, 20 years? Isn’t that excessive?

some_guy avatar

For defrauding the public and eroding the trust in our political institutions?


Fuck with elections, sit out for 5 election cycles. Certainly more deserving than anyone in a cell block over some weed.

Bristlecone, to usa in Joe Rogan Tries To Pin Trump Quote On Biden, Gets Corrected On Air, Is Meathead, Idiot?

The cognitive dissonance just baffles me. He literally just got done saying you’d be committed for saying such a thing, then finds out it’s his guy saying it and apparently a boils down to “he fucked up” and “You can tell he mixed up his words”. Jesus fuckin Christ.

the_q, to usa in Joe Rogan Tries To Pin Trump Quote On Biden, Gets Corrected On Air, Is Meathead, Idiot?

Joe Rogan is and always has been a stupid motherfucker.

WarmSoda, to nottheonion in Trump Unable To Come Up With Own Material, Keeps Ripping Off Hitler

All he wants to do is yell incoherently in front of groups of people. He never stopped doing it even when he was in office.

Take the moron off the ballot and let him fade away in semi crowded gyms yelling at clouds.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, to thepoliceproblem in Texas cops can't stop killing people with their cars while chasing immigrants
AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

Why would they? They're never held accountable in a meaningful way.

At least there is no reason to ever visit Texas or it would be a shame I couldn't go.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Yup. With Biden openly backing militaristic policing, there’s no chance of meaningful change.

Also, isn’t this exactly the kind of authoritarianism that Texans routinely support?



@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

You’re going to have to be more specific.


What am babbey maid from?

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve never hit the upvote button so hard in my life, you hilarious SOB. Thanks for that.

Buffalox, (edited )

Which is also why it’s OK, because it’s mostly Texans the cops kill.
I do feel sorry for the immigrants though.
Sorry this is bad taste, and I don’t really mean it. But for Fs sake, why do so many people support the insanity and inhumanity in states like Texas?

SuiXi3D avatar

Hey, some of us were born here and have no way of getting out. That’d be the vast majority of us that live in the metro areas.

Deceptichum avatar

People can escape North Korea but you can’t get out of Texas?

@Mozingo@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Deceptichum,
    Deceptichum avatar

    No, I think it’s incredibly difficult which is why I know people in Texas have it comparatively easy and can’t use the excuse of there being “no way of getting out”.

    SuiXi3D avatar

    Money, bruh, and not nearly enough of it. I have trouble paying rent, much less moving to another state.


    A person can escape out of North Korea, but not their family. People are tied to places for more than just their own lives being stuck there. It takes quite an incentive for most to move away from those they care for and who care for them.


    Maybe you are not a Texan in your heart?
    I don’t quite get why you can’t get out though. There is freedom of movement among all states of USA AFAIK.
    I understand if you want to stay close to friends and relatives, but surely the possibility exist to move to a less dystopian state.
    But as long as you are there, be sure to vote against the Republican insanity.


    It can be a pretty big financial undertaking to uproot your life and move to another state. Not everyone has the savings to do that without severe risk to their basic needs.

    Also it can be emotionally challenging to move away from your friends/family.


    OK, I’ve been at the bottom here in Denmark, and I’ve moved twice across the country during that period. But in Denmark we get help you probably don’t get in USA.
    I seriously hope things improve in USA, because it’s ridiculous that people have to struggle like they do in one of the worlds richest countries.


    Across the country of Denmark lol. Well done.

    @Mozingo@lemmy.world avatar

    Lmao right? Texas alone is 3 times as wide as Denmark. If you were to move from say Dallas to Los Angeles, you’d be moving about 1500 miles, or 6 Denmarks.

    SuiXi3D avatar

    Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

    Yeah, I’m broke. I had to wipe out what little savings I had just to move to another apartment down the street. There’s no way I could move elsewhere without the support of my family.


    Blue states need to setup refuge camps for people like you rather than have states fight over who can give billion dollar businesses the best tax break.

    Red states couldn’t outcompete and brain drain is a longer term strategy than corporate welfare.


    With Biden openly backing militaristic policing

    This doesn’t sound like what you’re describing…

    Incorporating key elements of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the Executive Order requires Federal law enforcement agencies to ban chokeholds, restrict no-knock warrants, provide de-escalation training, and implement stronger use-of-force policies that include the duty to intervene and render medical aid.

    Quote taken from here whitehouse.gov/…/a-proclamation-on-national-commu…

    @FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

    Nice try: pbs.org/…/watch-fund-the-police-biden-says-at-sta…

    A shame dead victims can’t eat your excuses.


    To the feds “we are independent Texas Tough” , “Join the national grid? screw you!” , “our state, our decision to remove womans rights!” “Don’t tell me feds!!”

    To Biden “pwease help us and secure our bowder… we suck at it”


    Biden openly backing militaristic policing,

    bwahahaha what the actual fuck is this shit supposed to mean? honestly, citations, now, otherwise gonna relegate you to the pile of hyperbolic shitposters where you belong

    @DougHolland@lemmy.world avatar

    Mr or Ms FlashMob provided a fine citation, which I’ll reprovide.

    Mr Biden is not Donald Trump, which is why millions of us voted for him, but he’s completely pro-police.


    That article is not support for your premise. If anything, it’s milquetoast bullshit. Nothing which supports Openly Militaristic Policing. First off, we can totally support the idea of better trained cops. Shit trained cops is 90% of the fucking problem. If cops can’t make it through rigorous training they shouldn’t wear the badge. Perhaps better trained police will step in when their mates decide to murder people more often.

    The defund the police crowd painted themselves into a corner and now want to drag the Dems into it with them. Dems as a whole didn’t sign up for that shit; vague, nebulous war cries with no actionable objectives are the fucking problem, and you’ll never convince people that law enforcement is completely unnecessary. I even believe we could do away with a substantial portion of law enforcement if we’d fund mental health and rebuild sanitariums, but then you’re just returning to institutionalization as a ‘fix’ when it’s actually just imprisoning the mentally afflicted.

    And here were are, once gain, explaining: there aren’t easy answers, and there are few right answers, but holy fuck are there a lot of wrong answers out there people just love to latch on to.


    Clearly you didn’t read the article.

    Since its implementation in March of 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star has been a $10 billion human rights disaster. It’s also led, in many counties, to 1000 percent increases in unnecessary vehicle chases.

    This is a Texas-initiative to create Texas-sized problems out of molehills. They group all sorts of arrests together into their OLS statistics regardless if it has anything to do with it.

    What is President Biden’s involvement in causing these vehicle deaths of individuals uninvolved with any crime whatsoever?

    Sure there are a lot of insane Abbot supporters but it’s a big state, for example you can’t paint Austin and Lubbock with the same brush.

    Boddhisatva, to politics in New York Criminal Defendant Already Being Real Pain In Ass

    “I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” he said.

    Is it just me or is this some odd phrasing? Shouldn’t it be, “…with his mother and I there…” Almost sounds like he’s not the father which, to be honest, wouldn’t surprise me. Also, the judge never said he couldn’t go, so this is just one more lie from Trump.

    As reported by AP, Merchan did not say Donald Trump would not be able to attend the graduation. He commented that it was too early to make a decision.

    “It really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial,” Merchan said.

    AP added that if the trial proceeded as planned, Merchan would be willing to adjourn for one or both days.

    In other words, if Trump keeps his trap shut and doesn’t cause needless delays, then the judge would be willing to let him go, but what are the odds of Trump being able to do that?

    @Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

    In other words, if Trump keeps his trap shut and doesn’t cause needless delays, then the judge would be willing to let him go, but what are the odds of Trump being able to do that?

    Pretty good if he keeps falling asleep

    homesweethomeMrL, to politics in New York Criminal Defendant Already Being Real Pain In Ass

    Trump begged PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can he have the day off from crime trial in May so he can attend the graduation of his beloved son what’s-his-name, no not Junior, no not Eric, the one what came out of Melania’s vagina while he was busy fucking a different porn lady he arranged payoffs for during the 2016 campaign?

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? Merchan said that May 17 is a long way away, and we’ll see. (Likely part of it is that we’ll see if Trump conducts himself like a good criminal defendant or if he acts like a gag-order-defying, court-disrupting hellion piece of shit. That could factor.)

    . . . REAL TALK: If Donald Trump could tell America five things about Barron Trump that involve personal knowledge of the child — like maybe what music he likes to listen to, or who he has a crush on, a food he craves, anything, we might just keel over from shock. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about going to that graduation, and if he didn’t have court that day, he’d spend it waddling around a golf course, lying and saying he won another tournament.

    lol. Wonkette is great. Go give them money.

    tygerprints, to politics in Over 80 Percent Of Texas Women Don't Know How Bad Their State's Abortion Laws Are | They thought there would be exceptions. There aren't.

    There's an article in USA TODAY (in April 2nd edition I think) about how restrictive Texas abortion laws are forcing women to have babies born with Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder that forces the child to be born unable to breathe, having to be force fed through tubes and having to undergo major heart surgeries over and over again, not to mention all the medications they have to be given around the clock.

    Most women in states where abortion is allowed choose not to have the child when they find out the baby has this condition. Unfortunately, it usually isn't detectable in a fetus until long after 12 weeks, and many states now ban abortion after six weeks' pregnancy.

    I only wish that the horrors these self-righteous white turds are forcing on American women would visit them somehow, someday. And I think they will in the afterlife, for there can be no redemption for condemning babies to have to endure life as a series of unimaginably painful shocks and horrors.

    GardenVarietyAnxiety, to usa in Joe Rogan Tries To Pin Trump Quote On Biden, Gets Corrected On Air, Is Meathead, Idiot?

    “Brain worms” lol

    15liam20, to nottheonion in Trump Unable To Come Up With Own Material, Keeps Ripping Off Hitler

    "It is a pathetic, dog-like face, the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs. In a rather more manly way it reproduces the expression of innumerable pictures of Christ crucified, and there is little doubt that that is how Hitler sees himself. The initial, personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon. "

    • George Orwell’s review of Mein Kampf. Gave it two stars.
    MrJameGumb, (edited ) to usa in Oh No Did We Miss The Great Rightwing Froot Loops Boycott Already?
    @MrJameGumb@lemmy.world avatar

    Firstly, he’s a tucan not a parrot

    Secondly, are we really surprised at this point that the psychos on the far right are pissed off that a company is promoting peace on earth and good will towards men at Christmas? I’m pretty sure they just like being angry. That’s like, their hobby

    eran_morad, to politicus in Rudy Giuliani About To Pay Election Workers He Slandered SOOOOOOOOO Much Money

    Lol fuck this guy.

    sanguine_artichoke, to politicus in Rudy Giuliani About To Pay Election Workers He Slandered SOOOOOOOOO Much Money
    @sanguine_artichoke@midwest.social avatar

    But under the new Conservative penalty paradigm he’ll just never pay, right?


    They’re allowed to show up at his house and just take an appropriate amount of his stuff. I heard that from someone I trust.

    Edit: I am not a lawyer.


    Rudy isn't really a lawyer either, so you're even.


    Great point!

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politicus in Liz Cheney, Rachel Maddow Agree: Donald Trump Greater Threat To America Than Liz's Dad
    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    If memory serves me right, Liz's dad was mainly a threat to things outside the US

    @Okokimup@lemmy.world avatar

    Unless you go hunting with him.

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