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queermunist, in U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts avatar

Already have more nukes than every other country, this is literally pointless. After a certain point having more nukes just becomes a hat on a hat.


Oh there is a point. Hint: Who does the US Government pay to maintain/create it’s nuclear arsenal?


The US Department of Energy…

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

Private contractors probably, it’s all a big bonanza for a few rich people to get richer I’m sure. Just paying for more hats on hats.

But never underestimate how dog brained these people are, they probably actually believe this makes us more secure lol

downdaemon, avatar

General Electric unless it’s changed

TankieTanuki, (edited )

One of our most handsomest generals! a-little-trolling


Is this what Lt. Surge got promoted to in Pokemon Red 2/Blue 2?


It’s probably just a dick waving thing that’s meant to stress the blyats and get them to spend money on useless shit.


Russia has more nukes. It also has weaker conventional armed forces and a history of nuclear sabor rattling, hence the US and its allies being nervous about a degraded MAD system.

queermunist, avatar

5000 nukes is already enough to end civilization, what the fuck would having even more be worth?


With MAD, the idea is to be in the position that any adversary knows that if they attack you, they will be utterly annihilated. There should be no scenario under which an adversary sees a nuclear attack as advantageous. The US has aging systems and both China and Russia have been developing new capabilities. Numbers alone may not keep up, especially if a large number of missiles are disabled via nukes or other means.


America has a lot of warheads but its delivery systems are relatively behind Russian and Chinese systems. For instance, the current US land/silo based missiles are Minuteman 3s, which were first built in the 1970s. Even with upgrades, they are generally understood to be inferior to much more recent Russian Yars and Chinese Dong Feng missiles.

That said, increasing the number of warheads doesn’t really help in terms of that deficiency so the between the lines conclusion is that the new American missile systems have hit such snags that the military is considering making up the deficiency with numbers of warheads.


Does it really matter if the delivery system is inferior? Google says they have five thousand warheads. Even if 4900 get intercepted (98% success rate), 100 nukes will connect.

Also, besides the launch silos, there’s the bombers and the nuclear subs, which are enough to end the world by themselves


Nuclear war planning isn’t as simple as applying a rate of interception or failure to your stock of warheads. You have to plan for eventualities like what happens if you’re subject to a first strike - can you ensure that enough of your own warheads will survive to retaliate? If not, or if your opponent thinks not then your opponent is much more likely to try a first strike.

Modern missiles aren’t just faster or harder to shoot down, they’re also more survivable. Have you noticed that while the Russians and Chinese parade their missiles on big ass trucks, the US doesn’t seem to have any? That’s because there isn’t a road or rail mobile variant of the Minuteman 3. So those MM3s have been sitting in silos only for decades, more than enough time for opponent satellites to pinpoint exactly where they are. On the other hand, a Russian or Chinese missile can drive around their own road or rail systems and be untraceable unless you have real time satellite footage that just happens to catch them moving.

So if your missiles can’t move, you can only protect them by hardening their emplacements and silos. Unfortunately, most American silos are about as old as the missiles in them and were designed to withstand much lesser yields of warheads. Maybe some could be brought up to a newer standard, but building of that scale would also paradoxically tip your opponent off to which missile sites to target first.

Therefore, if you’re in a position where you aren’t convinced your own missiles will survive a first strike, your only move to maintain deterence is new missiles or more missiles (or both). Contracts were passed out for new missile designs around 2017 but it seems like nothing has come to fruition. Therefore the only other option is to build more warheads so that they can be fired from planes and other systems instead.

This leads on to the next point which is that warheads are not all necessarily sitting on missiles read to go at all times. Most of the time they’re in central stockpiles that are easier to guard and maintain and are only parcelled out to units in times of heightened nuclear tension. A modern nuclear power has more platforms that can deliver nukes than actual nukes themselves - the whole point of a nuclear triad (ICBMs, planes, subs) is to ensure maximal redundancy so that no one type of attack can destroy all delivery systems.

Hence, a nuclear war planner has to figure out how many ICBMs and warheads are likely to survive a first strike, then figure out how many warheads are needed to put on planes and ships and subs for a counter strike. If the US military is thimking it needs more warheads, then one major reason could be that it’s realized it’s delivery platforms are not as survivable as predicted.


Do they need them to be good, or just to have a lot? Look at Hamas breaching the vaunted Iron Dome by sheer number of projectiles. Likewise, I heard Ukraine overwhelmed Russian S-300/400 with a simultaneous launch of something like a dozen ATACMS


ICBMs are notoriously difficult to intercept. Nobody realistically has an interception system able to take down enough of them to matter. The problem with old ICBMs is that they’re less survivable if the enemy strikes you first so you need even more warheads and delivery systems to compensate.

Crackhappy, (edited ) avatar

Have you ever played TF2? Because a hat on a hat makes sense, from a certain point of view.

MrsDoyle, in Japanese hospitality wears thin as overtourism takes toll

Oh dear. I was planning to visit Japan in the autumn. Guess I will give it a swerve. Maybe Korea then? I haven’t flown anywhere since the Before Times and have a hankering for foreign travel.


Go visit in winter, it’s spectacular. Go away from where tourists go, it’s an incredibly intimate country to visit.


Depends when and where. Avoid summer or winter vacation. If you’re doing Kyoto, visit temples very early in the day to avoid crowds. Or perhaps find slightly less famous places.


I was just in Japan a couple weeks ago. Kyoto was incredibly crowded at the tourist spots, but it was the peak of cherry blossoms so I expected it to be crowded. I didn’t meet a single unfriendly person while we were there, it’s definitely worth it.


I went earlier this year. It was gorgeous.

The tourist areas were shit. There’s a LOT of tourists treating the city like a playground. Trash everywhere. Loud idiots on the train.

If you go and assume a respectful personality, you’ll be fine. Just don’t be the 10% who fuck around.


Why would you change travel plans based off of a single article? Go visit Japan


I live in korea and recently visited Japan. Both countries are wonderful to visit.

Went to Tokyo and Kyoto, the touristy spots were very busy. As long as you’re polite and respect Japanese social “rules”, it’s fine. And there’s plenty of other places to visit if Kyoto is too contentious right now.

Korea also has a lot to offer in Seoul and Busan. It’s a short few hours and reasonably priced high speed train between the two cities.

Plenty of other countries in the region to visit as well.


Thanks! Will do some more research…

doom_and_gloom, avatar

Feel free to DM me if you want some recommendations in Japan that aren’t the top 3 cities. I can probably guide you toward some towns that would have a greater appreciation of your spending money. You might have to pantomime a bit more, though.

yoz, in Israel rescues four hostages in operation Palestinian officials say killed more than 200 people

This can be resolved easily if both sides just become atheist. Religion has never done anything good for humanity.

Drewfro66, avatar

If you believe this conflict is about religion, you are a gullible idiot. The conflict is a colonial one; the same sort of genocidal displacement we saw in North America only on the age of smartphones.

If everyone on both sides became Atheists, the Israelis would still be butchering the Palestinians and the Palestinians would still be fighting for their freedom.


I am not sure if it is all 100% religion. But I sure know that the extremists of both side will have a toast on those great news. Netanyahu and his right wing party will love that 4 hostages could be freed by so much violence. At the same time Hamas in control people also love this news. Non of the people in charge on either side cares for the lives of civilians, no matter if they are Israeli or from Gaza or any other country. They just clinge on to power by spreading hate and killing any sympathy for the other side. And this day is truly a sad and devastating day for peace in this region.


Religion is evil my brah.

TWeaK, in France's President Macron calls snap election after far-right triumph in EU vote

Eerily reminiscent of David Cameron calling for a Brexit referendum.


More similar to Sunak calling the current General Election. It’s very unlikely they will win but they have to do something rather than let it get even worse!

linkshandig, in U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts

I hate this country

BombOmOm, avatar

Tell Russia to stop issuing nuclear threats, we just got another one from Putin in the last 24 hours. It’s easy to dial back tensions when you aren’t being threatened with annihilation on a daily and weekly basis.


The United States has something like 5,600 nuclear warheads. A single one is capable of ending life as we know it. What number is enough of a deterrent for war hawks?


A single nuclear warhead is not capable of ending life as we know it, where did you read that ?


Have you heard of mutually assured destruction?


Yes, and it requires much more than a single nuclear warhead


MAD is a domino effect. One rogue launch is all it takes for nations all around the world to retaliate

BombOmOm, (edited ) avatar

Many of those are due for retirement purely due to age. There isn’t a replacement system for many of them. Furthermore, countermeasures have gotten better; future designs will better take these into account.


Call me a bleeding heart but my preference would be that there are no future designs. The world needs to disarm of nuclear weapons


The US has no business in that conflict, we literally only make things worse. Putin and Ukraine have zero to do with our lives, and the idea that we need to be in a war with russia is just silly propaganda.

carl_marks_1312, avatar

NATO expansion after the dissolution of the UDSSR (against what threat?) Is the first aggression… Also, even though Medvedev like to bark a lot, Russia has a clear nuclear doctrine.

Danterious, (edited )

Happy cakeday. And yeah deescalation requires both parties to open to de-arm not only one of them.

Honestly though the best case scenario of how this all ends doesn’t really look great to me.

Either Russia loses the war, the government destabilizes, a power vacuum is formed which causes a power shift in a way likely to lead to more aggressive action in the future.

Or Russia wins the war, eyes other countries after it settles into Ukraine, NATO/US need to respond or else it sends the wrong message to other countries allied with them, and we head for WW3

Edit: There is also the idea of a stalemate and this just becomes a continuous war that doesn’t really end, but honestly I can’t see that being stable long term.

ChihuahuaOfDoom, in U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts

Are we in another cold war?

astrsk, avatar

Spoiler, we never stopped the first one.

acosmichippo, avatar
bquintb, avatar

We are still in a cold war, only now it’s more complicated because more countries have nukes…including North Korea which is kind of a wildcard.

Check out Nuclear War by Annie Jacobsen. It’s a well-researched and horrifying scenario where deterrence fails because N Korea launches on the US. it takes you step-by-step through the decision process our government would take in response. Its gripping and pretty damn terrifying and shows just how delicate the whole situation is.

str82L, avatar

If this topic is your bag, I’m guessing you’ve also read Jeffrey Lewis’s book on the topic:

A great read, if very slightly outdated. Could still represent a possible future if Trump returns to power, or perhaps even if he doesn’t. Either way, Arms Control Wonk podcast is an entertaining and informative listen for anyone remotely interested in this topic.

str82L, (edited ) avatar

I have to wonder why this comment would be downvoted. It’s because I mentioned the T word isn’t it. Sigh.

wagesj45, avatar

Just recommended the audio book to my library. Thanks.

bquintb, avatar

That looks good, got it added to my read list. Thx!

tapdattl, in Israel keeps pounding central Gaza as Palestinian death toll in hostage rescue raid rises to 274

Who has killed more Israeli hostages, Hamas or Israel?




Without a doubt.

Whirling_Cloudburst, in Majority of Americans and Europeans support ending the war in Ukraine

Too bad Russia hasn’t bled enough to consider a real negotiation.

QuarterSwede, avatar

You’re getting downvoted but you make a great point. That /is/ what it would take for Putin and his cronies to come to a reasonable negotiation.

davel, avatar

Russia and Ukraine tried to negotiate a settlement in early 2022, but the US sent Boris Johnson in to scuttle them.…/ukraine-russia-war-peace-diplomac…

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

Do you think a peace deal that cedes Crimea and parts of Donbas to Russia, while also keeping Ukraine out of any defense pacts, to be a lasting prospect? It is hard to imagine that the story would end there.

davel, (edited ) avatar

All I can say for certain is there is no scenario where the story ends. If the Republicans gets into office next year, the new administration may wrap things up as quickly as possible in order to focus their belligerence on China, which in the grand scheme of things is no better, but it might stabilize things in eastern Europe for the short- and maybe even medium-term. Starting a hot war with China still seems years away, which leaves the possibility of it never happening 🤞 But I don’t mean this as any sort of endorsement for the Republicans in general or Trump in particular. Maybe Biden’s administration will make similar moves after the election, should they win it.

Daxtron2, in U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts

Does anyone else have dreams about nuclear war on a regular basis? Cause I do, and I don’t particularly care for it.


posadist-nuke I’m dreaming of nuclear war keytar


Maybe Todd Howard?


Does anyone else want to set the world on fire? Cause I don’t. I just want to start a flame in your heart.

disguy_ovahea, (edited ) in Thousands gather at White House for pro-Palestinian protest

This article is missing some information. CNN-News18 has had live coverage for the past six hours. Things started off well. White House staff installed anti-scaling fencing, which is normal. They were waving flags, holding signs and a red border signifying a red line. The chants were loud and all seemed well organized.

As the crowd grew, a few protesters began spray painting a statue and throwing smoke bombs, obviously discrediting to the cause. Park Police began taking spray cans from the protesters, who in turn started throwing objects at the Park Police. That’s when the pepper spray came out. Bad actors were ejected and the protest continued.

The vast majority of protesters are civil and facing no resistance in their protest.

Watch it live here:

krolden, avatar

Civility is how we got here

sylver_dragon, in Majority of Americans and Europeans support ending the war in Ukraine

I have to believe the actual poll and report aren’t as glaringly stupid as that headline. If you ask nearly anyone, “do you want peace?” They are going to respond with “yes.” The devil is always in the details though. Ask them, “should the war in Ukraine be ended by the Ukrainian Government capitulating to all Russian demands to secure an immediate peace?” And, you might find a lot of folks are suddenly less peaceful. This reminds me of the old saw:
There’s lies, damned lines and then there is statistics.

With a crafted question and a bit of p-hacking you can get a lot of results you want out of people.


If you ask nearly anyone, “do you want peace?” They are going to respond with “yes.”

They didn’t ask them that though.

What You Need To Know A majority of Americans and Europeans support ending the war in Ukraine and favor a negotiated settlement through NATO

Their main reason for wanting the war to end is the loss of life and casualties


Great now Putin will simply publish made up numbers again next time. So much investment and just like to destroy everything…

zephyreks, (edited ) in Israel rescues four hostages in operation Palestinian officials say killed more than 200 people

Please use the actual news site (CNN), not an aggregator link (Google News).


My apologies - I should have caught that. Fixed.

pyrflie, (edited ) in Japanese hospitality wears thin as overtourism takes toll

Tourism has a limit. Too much and you overwhelm the culture you are there to see. It’s happened a lot in the US Parks the last few years and I’m happy to see popular foreign locations broadcast this. Heritage sites are important and may need to restrict the number of visitors. Much as I hate this.


Sure, and if there were discussions of reducing all tourists, that would be great. But it’s just racism. Meh.

TheDeepState, in Children Among Dozens Killed in 'Appalling' Israeli Attack on UNRWA School

Why does Biden support genocide?


I don’t know. Why does Trump support it even more strongly?


Because Trump’s a piece of shit.

I’d go so far as to say anyone who supports genocide is a piece of shit.

circuscritic, (edited )

Butterymales vibes.

Also, Trump isn’t the President. So whatever he may, or may not do, is hypothetical… It’s also irrelevant to what Biden is actually doing…you know, because he’s the current president…

floofloof, (edited )

I know. The concern is just that people will run from Biden to someone even worse, not realizing he is even more extreme in his support for Netanyahu. So it seems worth mentioning. I know there’s no ready answer. The electoral system leaves Americans no good options.

knightly, avatar

In the tech industry, when a system doesn’t work and can’t be fixed we throw it out and start over.


I’m also in the tech industry and that’s not my experience.


Better question, how much worse will it be if Trump is elected?


Will his ego allow him to be as humiliated by Israel as Biden has been?

Iheartcheese, avatar

How come we aren’t allowed to discuss how bad Biden is being over this without people just saying ‘Trump is worse.’ You can discuss one without bringing up the other. A condemnation of Biden is not supporting Trump. Nobody here was saying lets not vote for Biden. I am voting for him because obviously Trump is worse. But that is literally the only defense of Biden when it comes to all this. “Trump would supply even more bombs to blow up children with.”

That’s literally whats just happened. Those are most likely bombs paid for with my tax dollars and so many of Biden’s cultists refuse to allow you to criticize him.


The problem is it’s been co-opted by Trumpers, Russian bots/influence and right wing nuts.

So unless a comment carries an explicit statement of something along the lines of “Still going to vote for him”, I will treat such comments as simply another attempt to dissuade Biden voters to get Trump in office

Iheartcheese, (edited ) avatar

Gotcha. Ok so we got that out of the way. Why does Biden support genocide?

WraithGear, (edited ) avatar

As far as i can tell, Biden is historically pro isreal. Openly refers to himself as a zionist. His religion demands that isreal gains power in order to attempt to make the bible only embarrassingly incorrect. His parents instilled in him that due to WWII the Jews are justified in taking the land and this includes their current encroachment. He has been the main and highest paid donar recipient of pro isreal groups for his 5 decades in politics . Changing course now would force a critical evaluation of his 5 decades of blindly giving unwavering support to Israel and recognition that Palestinians are people. Also the US has made enemies of everyone in the region, and Israel gives us a “foot hold” there.

All this makes the finding of a genocide a mere consideration for his polling numbers.

Iheartcheese, avatar

That sounds about right. So thats what we are left with. Vote for geocide or mass genocide in November.

Do you want 50 blown up kids or 150? Vote now!


It boggles my mind that you can type out “I’ve already decided everyone who disagrees with me is faking it” and still think of yourselves as reasonable.

Iheartcheese, avatar

Pledge your loyalty to Biden then you are allowed to criticize him.


Because he is the poster child of conserving the Reagan-enshittified status quo, and the US administration is attempting to continue keeping a leg up on the cold war it desperately wants to continue.



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  • Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Zionism ≠ Judaism, and to conflate the two is deeply antisemitic. Cut that shit out.

    BeatTakeshi, (edited ) avatar

    Your analysis is right but I think you mean Zionist lobbies. Many Jews have been vocal and condemn Israel’s action. Just because Israel calls itself a Jewish state dies not mean Jews accept to be assimilated with its actions, far from it.

    I also agree it’s a miscalculation

    beaxingu, in China's exports grow 7.6% in May, beating expectations despite trade tensions avatar

    the Chinese economy is as fake as any economy can get and non of there numbers are actually public like you would have in a democracy there a dictatorship that can make up any numbers they want.

    carl_marks_1312, avatar

    “The WTO, World bank, IMF and US officials were duped by China’s fake numbers”

    Cope lpl

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