Fediverse Hot

An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin - kbin.social (kbin.social)

Hello everyone, check out my announcement post linked above and if you don’t know who I am, check out my past post to learn more about me and It would mean a lot of you show your support for my future iniatives inside the fediverse!...

Mastodon Incorporates as a Non-Profit in the US (wedistribute.org)

As a project, Mastodon has operated under the umbrella of Mastodon GmbH, a German company that benefited from non-profit status with the German government. Despite all indications that they were doing everything right, Mastodon GmbH recently had its non-profit status revoked, resulting in the team to seek an alternative....

Fortnite V-Bucks Codes List 2024 Links

Are you ready to level up your Fortnite game? Well, get ready to be thrilled because there's a way to unlock an abundance of V-Bucks without spending a dime! Yes, you heard it right! Fortnite V-Bucks codes are the ultimate treasure for every Fortnite enthusiast out there. These codes are like magical keys that open the doors to...

Mobilizon v/s Nextcloud (v/s other?) for a network of people event calendar

I have been given the task of finding a proper platform for building a network of education, medical and other initiatives in my country, that have all the same focus (I am sorry I can’t give details yet on the project, but you could probably could get a grasp of the idea if you think in something like a church whose...

Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

I’ve explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can’t help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a...

Fediverse privacy vs information in dating apps, the case of Alovoa

This dating app has many problems yes the fediverse is all about privacy but what about actually knowing enough information to swipe yes or no. For all one knows the person may or may not be single, may or may not have kids may be an evangelical ect ect. All one knows about the person is where they live an a picture that may or...

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