Linux Hot

Is anyone using VMware under a Wayland host?

I’ve been using VMware Player (free version) for a while now and it’s been working fine. Recently I switched to Wayland and VMware’s grab input behavior broke. The guest gets most keys correctly but Alt and Super are intercepted by the host. Clicking on the vm also gives me a remote desktop popup on the host prompting to...

Dynamically restrict application privileges similarly to Shelter on Android (specifically it's capability to "Freeze" apps when not in use)?

On Android, there’s an excellent tool called Shelter. One of it’s features is to “Freeze” an app. This essentially makes it completely dormant and inactive until you unfreeze it. No background processes, network activity, etc....

Creating a self-contained binary (

I have a program (fldigi, pointed to by the github link) that uses dozens of shared libraries. I would like to be able to distribute a pre-compiled version of the program for testers. I could require each tester to install the shared libraries and compile the program for themselves, however, this would be extremely difficult for...

How can i do whatever I want to do ?

I wanted to install jackett and sonarr, they are complicated to use as is, moreover I am using Ubuntu. I am following fuidleine for installing jackett with STUPID command line making it EXTRA difficult. But now I have to change directory ownerships and what nots. I am the ONLY user on this machine. I want to own everything by...

A Bash script to rip music off CUE/BIN files (

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share a Bash script I made to automate ripping music off CUE/BIN files. It splits BINs into separate files, so it’s 1 file per track, and strips pregap data, encodes audio tracks to FLAC or Ogg Vorbis, and it also generates new CUE sheets....

Auto kill memory leaking processes before swap death loop

I’m using linux mint 21.3, and a process (brave aka chrome) sometimes memory leaking, so eats all the RAM, and then linux goes into swap death loop, when everything freezes (sometimes the mouse cursor is moving), and nothing can’t be done, i can just see the HDD led blinking, and do a reset. Is there a way to make the system...

Simple fix on KDE wayland for windows to remember their last position (

Thanks to /u/ for mentioning KDE window rules. In KDE, we can add rules for windows so that they behave in specific ways. One rule that can be added is the position: remember rule, and it’s possible to make that rule apply to all windows by removing the match field. This way, closing and reopening...

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