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[Resolved] Saving x11 configs?

I’m running an nvidia card on X11 Plasma 6, with a 4K monitor alongside a QHD monitor. Both monitors are the same physical size, despite being different resolutions, so in the nvidia settings app, I’ve got the second X screen setup to generate 4K but downscale it to QHD in the output. It makes the second screen slightly...

Intermittent audio cutout over HDMI - Ubuntu 22.04.4

I’m getting intermittent audio cutouts on my machine. Audio will be playing fine but will then cut out for anywhere from ~0.5-5.0 seconds, then come back fine. What’s interesting is that other sounds may continue to play just fine while it happens. For example, playing a game there will be background noises and music, but...

My GPU is gone

I have an optimus laptop, and after the update to KDE6 optimus-manager stopped working. I needed a second display, and all my display outputs are on the Nvdia GPU, so I needed to switch. I tried many different X11 configs, envycontrol then more X11 configs, but I couldn’t get it working right, it would only be the internal...

What we need to take away from the XZ Backdoor (

A lot has been written about the XZ Backdoor in the last few weeks, so it is time to look forward. Before doing so, we share further details about what happened with regards to openSUSE. For an overview how it affected openSUSE users, please refer to the previous post....

Laptop won't shut down on any kernel version above 6.7

I’ve been trying to install Arch on an old laptop for the past few days but for some reason it will not shut down if I’m using any kernel above version 6.7. It goes all the way through and gets to Reached target: System Power Off but then just sits there and never actually powers down. I waited 30 minutes in case it did...

mkinitcpio failing on Btrfs (

I’m trying to install Arch on Btrfs but every time mkinitcpio runs it fails as shown in the attached screenshot. I’ve tried on the actual laptop which I’m trying to set up, and also on a couple of Hyper-V VMs set up as I usually do and I’ve never had this issue before. This happens when its run automatically after...

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