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GTK, to GNOME avatar

Reminder: instead of using StackOverflow for your questions about GTK and the GNOME software stack, use the GNOME Discourse instance:

You can also use it for applications and the overall GNOME desktop.

#gtk #gnome #development

ljrk, avatar

@GTK I understand that but discourse has a different format to me. Also it's UI is a lot more confusing and has truly terrible load times.

SO was good at one thing: Presenting an answer directly below the question, without much hassle, scrolling and even with quite minimal Js.

lunarloony, to openSUSE avatar

Did another Mac thing! After a false start last night, is now up and running. And it's blummin' fast for an old girl.

Best part is, it turns out the fastest processor this Mac can take is like £15-20 on eBay. That plus a bit of extra RAM will make this into a tidy little performer. (Not a Performa, sadly.) (Also not that little.)

Quiet enough to keep in the living room, too.

lunarloony, avatar

It's somewhat frustrating that I have 32GB of perfectly usable DDR3 RAM, but the Mac won't boot with it in - either because it's not ECC, or it's slightly too fast. Poopins.

vga256, avatar

@lunarloony with a 5,1, the only limitation is that you cannot mix ECC and non-ECC, and Registered and non-Registered RAM. It automatically downclocks the memory bus to handle slower RAM. It has no problems with DDR3 that is faster than the CPU is rated for.

fedora, to fedora avatar

As we make our five (now four) year plan more concrete, we want to come back to the high level goal and measures that help us to understand what we are doing, why, and if we are being effective.

TL;DR - We’re going to double the number of contributors who are active every week.


blaise, avatar

This is music to my ears.
I have dabbled in Fedora contribution for a few years and it often feels like once I figure out what the current table stakes are, they turn out to be just out of reach.

elainefs, to debian Portuguese avatar

Saiu a correção da lib que estava ocasionando erro de acentuação no

Kiloku, avatar

@elainefs Era isso q quebrava a digitação no whatsapp?

AxelTerizaki, to GNOME French avatar

Ah oui ça marche bien gnome et ses extensions. J’ai juste pris une extension compatible pour avoir un dock anime, j’ai voulu glisser déplacer des apps pour les réorganiser et paf pastèque.

Et ça plante tout le bureau c’est impressionnant. Tu peux dire adieu à tous les trucs pas sauvegardés dans tes apps même si alt-tab ou la touche super fonctionnent et permettent de changer d’app. Cet écran les recouvre et te force à logout.


#gnome #linux

AxelTerizaki, avatar

@nekohayo Alors moi je l'avais sur le côté gauche de l'écran mais j'imagine que ça change pas grand chose héhé :)

Ouais bah on fait ce qu'on peut avec ce qu'on a :)

nekohayo, avatar

@AxelTerizaki Testé à gauche, dans ce cas l'extension ne crashe rien mais ne semble pas trop comprendre comment réordonner parmi une tonne d'îcones, tout ce qu'on drag se retrouve toujours en position no.1 (en haut), y'a probablement un bug à rapporter si ça se produit avec la dernière version (que je ne suis pas en mesure de tester) mais bon…

aj, to GNOME avatar

Heh, I updated to Ubuntu 24.04 and gnome is not pleased about it 😅

i3 looks fine, but Regolith and vanilla GNOME are both borked. That feels like something funky specific to GNOME font handling maybe? But initial troubleshooting steps like tweaking/resetting font choices or refreshing font cache got me nowhere. I'll have to revisit this, but if anybody has ideas I'm all ears.

nekohayo, avatar

@aj Must be one of[]=gpu%20renderer as a result of the newly introduced NGL backend.

unnameduser, to debian avatar

There are some serious issues with repos. As well as with everyother Debian based distro repos.

For the last 4 months :

  • A Mint (Cinnamon) APT upgrade broke my system. Well, sh.... happens. Unsatisfying troubleshooting led me to install Debian 12.
  • Debian 12 (Cinnamon) works fine. As a complete noob it's a little bit harder to set. But it works. Until it doesn't, when APT depots are someday broken or unsafe. Wtf those were the ones installed by default !


unnameduser, avatar
  • Clean, proper install Debian 12.5 (KDE Plasma) : by default, freshly installed, APT depots failed again.
  • Install Mint (Cinnamon) again. At first use, APT update worked. Could change repos for local ones. It works again ! Yeepeekai ! But for how long ?

It was supposed to be an easy ETC/APT/SOURCES/LIST troubleshoot but that never worked, and the same error happened on various distros. Or my hardware/UEFI root is corrupted, or I'm gonna switch for another OS at next bug.


fabrius, to ubuntu French avatar

Aujourd'hui, je fais du rangement chez moi et j'ai retrouvé un livre de @ploum, Benoît Caccinolo et Joyce Markoll.
Ce bouquin m'a énormément aidé pour mes débuts avec

ploum, avatar

@fabrius : j’osais pas encore mettre "ploum" sur la couverture de mes livres ;-)

begasus, to KDE avatar

New at / , 23.08.5, a nice plugin that let's you preview your markdown files while editing them in (and others).

hl0dwig, to ubuntu French avatar

il y a quelques semaines je suis passé d'Ubuntu à AlmaLinux et j'étais agréablement surpris par la rapidité avec laquelle j'ai fait ça 🤓

En quelques lignes de commande que j'ai listées dans un article de blog, j'ai dis Ciao à Canonical 👌

scy, to debian avatar

Well I'm not sure I agree with your decision to automatically set up systemd-boot as my UEFI boot manager just because I'm installing the systemd-boot package.

I literally just wanted to read the manpage and play around with bootctl.

I especially disagree with your decision to first fuck with my existing, working GRUB2 installation and then copy kernel and initrd to /boot/efi, which turns out to be not large enough on my system, leading to a somewhat broken boot setup.

iameru, avatar

@scy that sucks. Sounds like one of the reasons why I am so happy about hourly btrfs snapshots of everything under the sun including /boot, / or even /etc as a subvolume.. I can roll back with a few commands.
Good luck with the clean up 😬

scy, avatar

@iameru It's not so bad, grub is still working, but it broke secure boot for some reason.

Reinstalling grub might just fix it, but I have 100 things on my plate right now …

gnomeapps, to GNOME avatar

Markdown is great and is made even greater by a sleek editor like Apostrophe! Take notes and create documents with this distraction-free app. The program's special "Focus Mode" lets you start writing your next masterpiece one line at a time. It also supports all markdown syntax, with options to quickly add a placeholder link or table. Preview your rendered work, then export to a variety of formats!

You can get the app on Flathub here:

A screenshot of Apostrophe, showing "Focus Mode" with several paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum. In the middle, highlighted and in bold, is the text "We're in focus mode!"
A screenshot of Apostrophe, showing a code block, a link, an image and a table
A screenshot of Apostrophe, showing a split view preview with several paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum

GianniLivore, to KDE Italian avatar
GianniLivore, avatar

@filippodb @dslaveone sì, ci mette tanti soldini.

kde, avatar



fedora, to fedora avatar

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 coming in hot!

On top of the great work that @AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that!

This release brings:

  • OpenGL 4.6
  • High quality audio out of the box
  • Plasma, Gnome, Server, and Minimal variants available
  • The latest that comes with Fedora Linux 40!

Learn more:

itsoulos, avatar

@fedora @AsahiLinux what are the differences between fedora 39 and fedora 40 for asahi?

fedora, avatar

@itsoulos @AsahiLinux There are two layers, the differences that Asahi brings with this update and then that new non-DE specific things that are a part of Fedora 40 in general. This article has some of the Fedora Asahi things and the general announcement has the details for what's new in Fedora 40.

fedora, to fedora avatar

Folks are enjoying the Fedora and @centos booth at Red Hat Summit this week. Come check out the ThinkPad X1 Carbon and Slimbook Fedora 1 if you're here!

Thanks to Lenovo and Slimbook for these awesome devices that come with Fedora preinstalled!

major, to fedora avatar

If you use on cloud, amazon-ec2-utils is headed your way with some helpful udev rules and tools.

Now you can manage block devices using the same "sdX" conventions used in the AWS console and API. 😉

It's on the way to for users, too! 🥳

major, avatar

I wrote a quick post about how to set up amazon-ec2-utils on @fedora and how to see the differences after installing it:

smallcircles, to ubuntu avatar

Why is it so hard in and with to show thumbnails of the screenshots I made, so I know which image to select without painstakingly opening them one by one from separate file window?

There's many images in my screenshot dir, all having thumbnails, except those created in the last 5 days. Why no thumbnails here? Why?

sonny, avatar

@smallcircles we are working on it! GNOME 47 will use the file manager (Nautilus) as file chooser.

Nautilus is able to generate the thumbnails, not only display existing ones.

cc @antoniof

abstrm, avatar

@sonny @smallcircles @antoniof

So if you keep a Files window open in the screenshots folder, you will get thumbnails in the current file chooser?

bentsukun, to fedora avatar

I wrote about my adventures with remix and its self-destructing file system.

vwbusguy, avatar

@release_candidate @bentsukun The regular Fedora installer does let you pick the FS. Asahi is a bit of a special case.

vwbusguy, avatar

@darkling @bentsukun Yeah, unfortunately, you're almost certainly right. Generally, this ends up being indicative of a failing disk scenario and not caused by the filesystem itself.

pwithnall, to GNOME avatar

Disappointed to see pages given to in-person events and financial reporting in the latest GNOME Foundation report, but not a single mention of environmental reporting or the work multiple people have done to allow remote participation in GNOME events.

This stuff is important. We cannot keep doing business as usual and ignoring the emissions elephant in the room.

sonny, avatar



We are working towards decentralizing events and rebuild local but connected communities. I will continue to press on that issue.

governa, to linuxmint avatar

22 Will Bring Independence, Improved Security, and Compatibility :linuxmintnew:

tuxedocomputers, (edited ) to KDE German avatar

TUXEDO OS 3 with Plasma 6 is available!

For the upgrade process, which we describe in detail here, we have created a script that will guide you through the changeover:



@tuxedocomputers hmm when doing the

"In a few days, after restarting your system, you will see the announcement of the availability of the upgrade to Plasma 6. If you are not using our Tomte system helper or would like to start the upgrade directly, simply install the corresponding package: sudo apt install tuxedo-plasma-upgrade"

it still says "tuxedo-plasma-upgrade ist schon die neueste Version (1.7.1~tux1)."

tuxedocomputers, avatar

@odo If it is already there, the message was probably clicked away by mistake. You will find an icon to start it on the desktop.

dada, to ubuntu French avatar

Au fait, je suis passé à #Ubuntu 24.04 sur mon PC portable qui me sert pendant mes déplacements et... bah ça marche nickel.

Mon vieux X280 ronronne et les nouveautés de GNOME sont discrètes et agréables.

C'est du bon.

La suite dans 2 ans !

dada, avatar

Avec mon installation sauvegardée tous les jours avec Déjà-dup, mes données personnelles systématiquement balancées dans Nextcloud et mon compte Firefox, j'ai juste fait une nouvelle installation et attendu quelques heures que tout reviennent à sa place.

C'est beau.

LabPlot, to KDE avatar

will mentor ten projects in Google Summer of Code () this year, including two projects for , a FREE, open source and cross-platform and software.


➡️ Kuntal Bar ( will work on adding 3D plotting support to cater to the evolving demands of scientific research.

➡️ Israel Galadima ( will work on Python wrappers around the LabPlot C++ API.

nilesh, to ubuntu avatar

Has the of begun?

.deb packages are no longer installable:

Deus, avatar

@nilesh A few months ago, someone on here already talked about their enshittification by going the MS route with their Ubuntu Store. Had planned to switch from MS to Ubuntu (after this Windows 10) but looks like I'll have to wait a bit for a better (distro) option.

happyborg, avatar

@nilesh I've been using Ubuntu since v16 and never knew I could install .deb packages with the GUI until, now when I can't 🤷‍♂️ (as I am on 24).

I guess before long I'll be back on Debian.

The good thing is that we can easily leave behind. Windows and Mac are much harder for people to leave.

I have a new laptop on the way and was forced to accept Windows on it. So maybe instead of Ubuntu I'll install Mint 🤔

maryjane, to GNOME Portuguese avatar

Some app developers complain about getting in their issue trackers, issues specific to a distro, or a distro packaging issue.

But several distros have their own bug trackers for package issues. Some like debian recommend to report to the distro first.

Makes me think that maybe software stores like software could indicate in the application issues section something like:

This application is provided via your distro's repositories. Report any issues to distro bug tracker first.

maryjane, avatar


"and it's (unfortunately) impossible to programatically determine if an app accepts distro package issues as well"

If this is an issue, then it is might an issue for a distro packager to edit the appstream info about reporting tickets.

Because they cannot do this programmatically.

bragefuglseth, avatar

@maryjane If they take the time to package the app manually, they might as well fill in a metainfo field IMO :)

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