
QubaXR, to mildlyinfuriating in "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product?
@QubaXR@lemmy.world avatar

In the immortal words of James Stephanie Sterling “corporations don’t just want some money. They want all of the money”

dohpaz42, to linuxmemes in Linus does not fuck around
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I feel it’s equally important to point ot that Torvalds recognized his toxic behavior, apologized for it, and took steps to rectify it.

In an email to the Linux Kernel Mailing List, which also addresses the kernel update of Linux 4.19-rc4, Torvalds writes: “I need to change some of my behavior, and I want to apologize to the people that my personal behavior hurt and possibly drove away from kernel development entirely.”

“I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.”


It’s sad we don’t get this energy anymore. Who will keep the fuckers in line now


Yeah, shouting at your subordinates in public is utter bullshit.


So is breaking the userspace


So two wrongs make a right? Or could this have been a civil private email instead? And if civil private conversations aren’t working, then it’s time to part ways.


This probably helped others not to make the same mistake


Of working with Linus? Yes, it probably did.


What? I’m talking about breaking userspace?


A civil public email would have been fine.


Acceptable, yes. But a good manager knows not to shine a spotlight on the mistakes of the team. There’s nothing to gain keeping it public that you wouldn’t also gain by keeping it private. But your team’s morale is kept high if you sing their praises instead of their shortcomings.


I get what your saying, but i feel like the aggressively public development model means that more could be public here than i would accept on another team.


That was seriously admirable. From memory he actually did improve quite a lot after that as well.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve heard he’s not perfect but he doesn’t lose his temper anymore and has only gotten better with age. I respect anyone who can self reflect and introspect and come out a better person.


I’m really glad you added this, that was pretty awful to read.

reddthat, (edited ) to technology in /r/blind community migrates to Lemmy
@reddthat@reddthat.com avatar
nutbutter, to privacyguides in Redirect YouTube to Piped

There is an extension called LibRedirect that does this. It’s customisable, as in, we can set if we want to redirect to piped or invidious, and which specific instances to use. Not only just YouTube but other services like GitHub to Gothub, Twitter to Nitter, reddit to libreddit etc. The default settings are already great.

Edit - added the link.


That sounds great! I’ll check it out


It works with embedded content too. And if you’re on android, check out UntrackMe app on f-droid.

@eruchitanda@lemmy.world avatar

The problem with all those addons is that you’re limited; you can use only what they already set for you.

Redirector is more flexible.


That's not even true. I use my custom instance for Piped and Libreddit in LibRedirect on all my devices.


It is, but it already has all the services that most would use with big QoL features compared to Redirector. Namely quickly adding and removing instances, and quickly enabling and disabling redireciton for specific services. And is a lot easier to use in general especially for people who don’t know regex.

Plus Libredirect has a few features that redirector doesn’t, the ability to redirect to multiple different instances, and the ability to redirect embedded content such as any embedded youtube videos on any other website.
But as you said, redirector is more flexible if you need it for something other than the ~20 services that LibRedirect handles.


Libredirect user here (casual).

All of this only makes sense if you’re redirecting to a frontend, right? Not an alternative platform? For instance, it would be nice to redirect all Goodreads links to Bookwyrm, but I’m not sure if this is possible. (Already got it set to redirect to Biblioreads, but just curious since Bookwyrm is what I actually use.)


Redirector does embedded content, too. And stylesheets, scripts and anything (if you select it).


Yooo I had not heard of gothub I’ve been looking for something like this. I’m assuming it is possible to clone repositories?


I’m just over here looking for goth-hub.


I love this. Now i want to spin up and instance and start themeing

EpicFailGuy avatar


@handygaber @nutbutter @Twashe

Will have to settle for prawn hub

Lazerbeams2, to reddit in r/OpenAI reopened by ModCodeofConduct

That top guy seems like a strong candidate


Three sentences. Twelve words. Unlimited titties.

Honestly brings a lot to the table. They’ve got my vote.

ericjmorey, (edited ) to technology in /r/blind community migrates to Lemmy

This post is inaccessible to anyone who is blind.

So here's the content of the original post on /r/blind:

Announcement !

Since the news broke regarding the forthcoming changes to reddit’s API and the ippact that will have on the third party apps and tools many of us rely upon the mods here at r/blind have been working on an accessible option for those who either cannot or will not be staying on reddit. As talk of alternatives like mastodon, lemmy, and the like have increased we decided that it would be best to reveal what we have been working on, hence this post. Several days ago we shared this with those of you on our Discord server and have been asking for feedback.

This project is by no means finished or polished, and is currently operating on development backend code and a beta UI to allow for access to still unreleased features that our community needs such as up/down votes displaying state changes, and nested comments, read this as there are and will be bugs and outstanding accestsibility problems. However, the advantage of this platform is we control the servers, the UI, and can fix accessibility concerns ourselves instead of relying on a for profit company or the generosity of app developers to do it for us, not that the latter is unappreciated.

So please be understanding of the above and we hope those of you who decide to join and see what we have done so far for all of us, and please report problems as you find them.



The submitter on /r/blind also had the following to say:

There are no plans currently to close the sub, but several mods may have to leave reddit, leaving only a couple BVI mods, the website does not have a slash, and we do have another domain that will be being set as a landing page for the reddit, lemmy, and discord of ourblind.com (that's O U R).

eagleeyedtiger, to youshouldknow in YSK: The Dark Knight came out 15 years ago and you are not young anymore

I still remember all the online chatter about Heath Ledger getting cast as the Joker. The guy from Brokeback Mountain and A Knight’s Tale?

Then he gives us the most iconic live action Joker potrayal which hasn’t really been been surpassed in 15 years.

@Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

Just like the fucking dude that made The Hangover making Joker(2019)


Idk, I think Joaquin Phoenix played a better joker. That might be a hot take, but I stand by it.

yads, to youshouldknow in YSK: The Dark Knight came out 15 years ago and you are not young anymore

Jokes on you, I wasn’t young then, either. Hahaha, oh wait…


The joke is always on the old.

tartarsauce, (edited ) to privacyguides in YSK: Garuda Lunux default browser (FireDragon) contains problematic extensions

These are literally default search extensions from Mozilla that come with every vanilla Firefox install - some basic digging would’ve told you that (in fact, your very screenshot shows that the extension IDs come from Mozilla). They’re what allows the search options for those sites in Firefox. If you go to search settings and turn those search engines off, they have zero effect on you. Or better yet, simply hit “remove” in those settings to completely get rid of them, which makes them no longer show up anywhere, even about:debugging.

You’re welcome to move away from Garuda; it just wouldn’t change anything. You could also fork the code to remove the extensions by default, but at that point ask yourself why neither LibreWolf nor the Garuda team found it necessary to remove these extensions by default if they were actually a privacy threat (and again, you could just remove them yourself in 5 seconds through search settings).

Honestly, these default search providers could potentially be removed simply because more privacy-focused users have no reason to use such search engines, but that’s something you should take up with the LibreWolf/Garuda team in a polite discussion.

Here, this post could potentially affect Garuda’s reputation for something that’s completely harmless and is 2 layers upstream from them (FF > LibreWolf > FireDragon). It also makes privacy enthusiasts look silly and paranoid.

I understand why seeing these would make you suspicious, but the next step would be to look it up somewhere rather than jumping to a conclusion.

OP, I’m not trying to scold you (and I’m sorry this comment feels that way) . Rather, this is a reminder to everyone here: please do some due diligence before posting stuff.

(P.S. As someone who once also used this distro and browser, I would also recommend to just setup FF or even LibreWolf the way you want instead of using this specialized distro fork. Not for any malicious reason, but simply because important security updates are bound to come late to a fork of a fork.)

@rodneyck@lemmy.world avatar

Well said.


Thanks, but I worry it may have been a little too assholish on my part. Again, I wasn’t trying to bring OP down and definitely don’t want to be one of those smug “I know better than you and will jump on every mistake of yours” types. I know what it’s like to have those kind of people jumping on your throat for a relatively minor thing, because I’ve made this kind of mistake before. Just want to state again that my intent isn’t to dogpile on OP but to remind everyone to be cautious before assuming.

I edited the comment to remove the unnecessary snarky chromium bit. !@elltee I’m sorry if this comment made you feel shitty. It isn’t what I intended to do.

@rodneyck@lemmy.world avatar

LOL, we can all come off sounding a little assholish, don’t worry about it. You made sound points. The OP came off sounding a bugle of fear without doing any research, or backing up any of their concerns. You stepped up.

Smoothie_Criminal, to aboringdystopia in Boomers had it easier.
Smoothie_Criminal avatar

Hillary stole Bernie's nomination and robbed Americans of his presidency


Did she steal it tho?

The Bern caved, which was a cuck move.

I still support him but that was a clown mistake imho setting working and young people back a decade or so.


As much as I hate to say it, Democrats would've just lost even harder if the vote was divided. He did the right thing at the time, the democrat party never would've backed down on Hillary back then.

That entire election was egos that overestimated how things would go.


I love this guess parading as facts. We don't know what would have happened and now there is no way to tell. But we do know that Bernie fed the 2 party system, which has been screwing wage slaves for most of the century. Trump won anyway, so the entire exercise turned out to be futile as we now know though. As long as people keep playing two party system aint nothing changing. Democrats can control both house and Presidency, and we are still getting fucked. Obviously this aint political party issue, since neither will improve anything for plebs. Last time something like that happened was when FDR was in charge lol


I mean, you can call it guess parading. At least I'm not calling people cucks for my guess parading.

It sounds more like you wanted a theatre than any real change. There's just no realistic scenario where it would've actually worked and we got Bernie. Not in that year.


Hillary didn't rob him of it; the Democratic Party robbed him of it.

Smoothie_Criminal avatar

True, I should've worded that more accurately.


I wanted to believe this during the 2016 party primary like I needed to breathe. Hell, I STILL want to believe it. But the reality is that the American people robbed us of his presidency.

2016 was one of the first elections where Gen X, Gen Z, and Millennials collectively outvoted the boomers and the silent generation, by the slimmest of margins. It goes without saying how much the older generation drinks from of the neo-liberalism kool-aid. A self-professing socialist was always going to be a hard sell.

As far as the 2016 Democratic primary goes, Bernie got 1820 pledged (elected) and 45 unpledged (super/unelected) delegates. To win by one delegate, he would have needed to get 518 additional super delegates to overcome Hillary's pledged delegate lead over him. A win from him would have caused an outrage, since the unelected delegates would have overridden the elected (read: will) of the Democratic primary voters.

The most important thing American voters can do is to continue to demonstrably show how neo-liberal socio-economic politics is marching us to generational ruin to every voter you know, and then vote appropriately in every local, state, and federal election.

Tigbitties avatar

AND she lost to Trump.

kokoapadoa avatar

Because of America's dogshit election system, she won the popular vote.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I'd give anything to go back in time and see how that election goes differently with an Approval Vote.

@justhach@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, a candidate like Trump was not an "if" but a "when".

Even if the Dems had won that election, history has shown they they would not have made any real.changes. They would have done nothing to try and prevent something like the Trump Presidency from happening. They wouldnt have tried to fix the rigged gerrymandered districts, they wouldn't have pushed for voting reform, they wouldn't have tried to call put the insane rhetoric being put out by right wing propaganda machines, and they wouldn't have instilled better checks and balances on the presidency that relied on more than the assumtions of common decency, respect, and tradition.

Nah, they would have rested on their laurels for electing the first female president, and be caught with their pants down when the GOP successfully harnessed the resentment of angry white men for being "under the rule" of a black muslim socialist for eight years, and a satanic pedophile child eating woman for 4.


Even if the Dems had won that election, history has shown they they would not have made any real.changes.

THREE Supreme Court justices would have been very different today. Thats going two have repercussions for the next 3 generations.

@justhach@lemmy.world avatar

Fair point.

I guess the bigger point I was teying ti make is that someone like Trump would have happened regardless of what happened in 2016. Maybe not him specifically, but this has been the work of right wing propaganda machines for 30+ years. If not in 2016, then 2020, and if not then 2024, etc.

The fractures in American society are so deep that I cannot see any real unity in that country ever again.


It was the Democratic establishment and the corporate media that stole it. The biggest thing they fear is a candidate that puts the American people over corporate interests.

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And then Biden did it 4 years later.

See the pattern? Combined with all the “left” side of democrats support for US imperialism.

Bernie and people like him ain’t gonna change shit, not any more in the future that they did in a past decades. It’s time to radicalise way beyond him and the lukewarm electoral socialdemocracy, the only thing that can change something for the better, and did in the past, is the organised working class.

Kata1yst, to adhd in Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD starter pack
Kata1yst avatar

I'm trying so hard to stop perpetuating the cycle with my son.

I'm obviously ADHD (undiagnosed), but I learned coping mechanisms at a young age, some healthy and some unhealthy, same as my father and grandfather.

My son is now fully diagnosed at 6, has weekly therapy, summer occupational therapy, and is doing medication trials that seem to help a ton. It's honestly amazing and so incredibly sad watching his journey. As a family we were so frustrated and unhealthy due to something he had no control over. I only wish we could have taken action sooner.

For anyone who is struggling with a child acting out, don't wait a second longer than you have to. The cost is so so worth it.


u can try feeding him coffee. apparently its a cure according to a post i saw earlier here

comfy, to gaming in Does this post look good for the reddit blackout?
@comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

If it were me, I'd also emphasise how reddit caring about profit over users is a systematic issue, not just a bad decision in isolation that will go away with this boycott, and that non-commercial alternatives like Lemmy won't have this problem.

BrooklynMan, to memes in Don't do it reddit
@BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar

I've already started to wean myself off reddit, as I'm sure they wot back down. they never have from ever bad decision, ever since I moved there from digg 15 years ago. and reddit has really gone downhill in terms of the environment. it's become really hostile and toxic, and I don't really mind leaving when this place is such a nice alternative.

lemmy feels a lot like reddit did all those years ago, and I'm happy to join a new community and help it grow. it feels like it's time.

Bishma, to chevron7 in How could this not be a real show?
@Bishma@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You don’t see as much from the DeLuise family since Stargate ended. Or, at least, I don’t.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

I watched Wayne's World recently and I totally forgot Michael DeLuise is in it

danikpapas, to politicalmemes in My mind's eye when I see those trump signs

Nice, you added bunch of shit that don’t have anything to do with each other. Nice post bro


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