
div, to tech in Reddit and the End of Online ‘Community’

"These people who are mad, they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free. And that free comes at the expense of our other users and our business. That’s what this is about. It can’t be free."

Funny, seems like he has been getting all of it from content to moderation for free, and now he is the one angry it isn't free any more....huh.

Singletona avatar

Funny coming from a techbro that thought to farm out getting site content from that userbase he's now wanting money from.

Like I get it if he's wanting to not go into debt, but at the same time he's shot any chance at user good will and assistance in the face with a cluster fat man.


You're right on the money. Spez is just a generic CEO waving his dick around. Prick.


Generic CEOs wouldn't do a catastrophic AMA like he did. They would stay out of it and let PR or somethind handle the situation. He puts his face out there, I suppose, particularly because he looks up to Elon Musk and wants to emulate him.

Jojo-Mcfrost572 avatar

Nailed it.

CEOs. Literally the worst. Toss up between "politicians" or CEOs. They take what they don't produce and exploit it for their masters.

Singletona avatar

'What's Scum?'
'bankers, politicians, cattle kings. Scum.'

Jojo-Mcfrost572 avatar

Too true

@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Young Guns 2 throwback? Classy! Clip



swope avatar

Seems like a case for r/selfawarewolves ... If that's a thing that still exists.


Wonder if there's a magazine/community on Kbin or Lemmy.

swope avatar

There is, and I commented on a thread they had. But I'm too much of a noob to get back to it and get you a link.

swope avatar

It's the same as when he started talking about "landed peasantry", the projection is strong, aware or not.

Jojo-Mcfrost572 avatar

Rmemes has passed a motion to only post landed gentry memes. So yeah


This is my favorite one yet lmao


That's because he sees himself as a king.

NotABearJustAHuman avatar

Well I didn't vote for him

Kichae, (edited )

But the ownership class always deserves to get things from regular people for free. It's only those of us who make our living from our physical or mental labour, rather than owning property, that don't deserve free shit.

That's just the hierarchy in action, doncha know.


Yeah, the hubris is out of this world insanely unreal. Christ man, whoever that VP of Comms is at reddit is not doing a good job.


Yep mainly moderator's.

Also the thing we were getting for free (or paying for app) was a good service. If the Reddit app wasn't crap when could have had that money. Many pay for premium to remove ads and still use these apps

@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

I had thought those where your words at first, you can quote like this;

These people who are mad, they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free. And that free comes at the expense of our other users and our business. That’s what this is about. It can’t be free.

I'm struggling to show you what symbol it is without it turning into a quote, so here's a picture of the greater than symbol;


FaceDeer avatar

To display formatting characters without having them actually affect formatting, put a backslash in front of them. Like this:


That produces this:


@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar


nice, thanks for that


The "\" is a so called "escape character" in thise case. Just FYI :)


Oh, nice! So I set the quote in between the greater then and less then symbols and it will show the quote? That is pretty cool. Thank you.


Not quite I think. I believe this uses markdown, which just uses the > at the beginning of a line

> This is a quote

should become

This is a quote

And if you need more lines, you just keep symboling

> 1
> 2
> 3



You don’t need multiple > unless you want to quote paragraphs, see my comment further down

rideranton avatar

And I believe you can do a multi line quote with 3:

>>> hello darkness my old friend
I've come to speak with you again

hello darkness my old friend
I've come to speak with you again

Unless I'm wrong and this isn't actually working

Hmm well that looks like it worked too well

> test



Nah, multi-line is just

> line 1
line 2
line 3

line 1
line 2
line 3

You only need multiple > if you want paragraphs:

> paragraph 1

> paragraph 2

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

swope avatar

Yes but when can we use ||spoilers||


>!Testing!< is the Reddit spoiler syntax, not working yet, though: >!Test!<



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  • cwagner,

    And also confirming that the Lemmy spoiler syntax does not work on kbin.

    YeetTheRich, (edited )

    ::: spoiler test post, please ignore //&gt;<; the narwhal bacons at midnight //&gt;<; :::

    I hope the inconsistent escape character behavior doesn't break anything. Also, it would be nice to have some way to start a new paragraph after a spoiler with a blank line between them.


    Feels like I'm back on Reddit circa 2015 LOL


    This never changed for those of us who used old reddit ;)

    FaceDeer avatar

    I had no idea it was different for new Reddit, I never touched that interface except to hurriedly find my preferences and set them back to Old. :)


    I think it has a wysiwyg editor or something.


    Well it did because everyone on old Reddit already knew how to use it LOL



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  • briongloid,
    @briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

    I've been wondering what that feature was.


    If they had charged API fees such that 3rd party apps would have had to charge a monthly fee to users....I would have probably just paid. And I know I'm not the only one.

    But they priced it intentionally to kill 3rd party apps, because they wanted to channel access through their garbage app with its "promoted" ads all over the place.

    It's not about "free vs. not free" it's about intentionally killing off the applications that made reddit likeable as a platform.


    Even with the api fees, 3rd party apps are no longer allowed to show nsfw content. Would you still have paid a monthly fee?


    And that mods use to effectively moderate.

    Singletona avatar

    Also, as a disabled internet user, those APIs are of value for the sake of accessability. Given Reddi'ts own app is, and forgive me to use technical jargon here, steaming pile of bullshit even for those with perfect vision?

    Yea fuck you too spez.


    their app is so ass and the response is to kill all other apps rather than improve their own

    I mean, they could have just stolen the good designs from other apps and made theirs more user friendly, but fuck that, better to scorched earth the motherfucker

    honestly, I was going to stick around reddit but after seeing all the bullshit he's spewing in these tech interviews I don't want to give him a penny of my time/data


    Their app WAS more user friendly. This whole thing is them buying Alien Blue, deciding it wasn't monetized enough, and ruining it


    That's why this whole debacle is so mystifying to me. If they would have tried to monetize the 3rd party space by way of charging a reasonable API price to the devs, it's not hard to imagine that most serious Reddit users wouldn't have any qualms with parting with a few bucks here and there to keep the status quo. I can't imagine that Reddit is able to create a situation where they earn more from their advertising platform per user than having users simply pay to maintain the existing experience.

    The only theory I've heard that makes a lick of sense is that if Reddit fundamentally changes the site experience to pursue other monetization options (Hello Reddit NFTs), then 3rd party apps would've been able to just ignore implementing those features entirely.


    My speculation is that they want to charge LLMs like ChatGPT, especially for training. Those devs basically want to access every conversation on Reddit.

    wave_walnut avatar

    I guess too. IPO might be for sale to AI big tech.


    What's weird, it doesn't make sense even then. I feel like it started as a simple miscalculation by Spez which he took personally. I mean, the part he insulted the Apollo dev is clearly that, but maybe the whole thing as well?


    Is there anything stopping an organization with programming talent from accessing all of Reddit via http and bypassing the API fees?


    Google Scholar does just that stoppage, for example. It'd be cheaper to pay API fees.

    s_s, (edited )

    My "make it make sense" theory is--this is entirely about the IPO and we need to look at the biggest issue from last years social media sale.

    Musk sued Twitter for obfuscating/failing to disclose how much of it's activity was bots during negotiations. It was a legit point of contention. These social media services are incentivized to turn a blind eye to the problem. (eg The "impressions" number that Facebook and Google sell advertisers is all malarkey) You'll notice that now that Musk owns twitter he doesn't say a word about bots other than occationally patting himself on the back for shutting bots down (ok yeah sure elon).

    I think reddit is in a similar predicament where they really want to inflate their user stats with bot activity for the IPO, but they can't because the app stores provide solid stats on users and user activity and they don't control that flow of information, the 3rd party developers do.

    If they think 15%-30% of the sites activity is repost bots, they really don't care about alienating the 5% of users using third-party apps.

    The AI learning angle is all smoke-and-mirrors.

    And in reddit's case, rather than someone like Elon buying/fact checking the terms of purchase, for IPOs you have to get your disclosure documents past the SEC. Smart people, but hardly experts at how social media companies run.


    Yup, if two months ago they said reddit premium members won't experience any changes, and started pushing ads to 3rd party clients and restricted NSFW posts on 3rd party clients without premium I bet there would have be considerably less push back. I know I probably would have ponied up to $60/year,but instead I have abandoned the site without any intention to return.


    Yeah. It's the paying a lot for considerably less since NSFW makes up a huge proportion of the content. I don't think (all) users would have balked at $5/mo for unrestricted content access. $10/mo with restricted access, though? Some people have a problem paying that for streaming which has real costs. It's just not happening to get access to half of a text based platform which barely hosts videos.

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    I think there's a little more to it. If they're trying to go the Meta way where dwell times and other such evil metrics are used, they need to have their own app for that level of info. It might be a requirement for their IPO or requested by their advertisers.


    Seems like those kinds of metrics could be collected by the 3rd party devs if Reddit requires them to include a bit of code in their 3rd party apps as a condition for API access.

    Telorand, to politics in A Left That Refuses to Condemn Mass Murder Is Doomed

    And no small number of supposed leftists found in all this cause for celebration. Others, meanwhile, loudly refused to condemn Hamas’s atrocities, insisting it was not their place to decry the “military strategy” or “violent resistance” of oppressed Palestinians.

    Whom? I want names or at least hard numbers. Too many people throw around these nebulous quantities like it is self-apparent support for their claims. You know who else uses that tactic? Dishonest politicians (it’s a favorite of right-wing politicians stoking fear or feigning support).

    This reads like someone with confirmation bias and no real data to back it up.

    Israel doesn’t get a “Get Out of Warcrimes Free” card just because they had warcrimes committed against them. Fuck Israel, fuck the Hamas. I stand with the citizens on both sides caught in the middle.


    There’s just no justification for killing civilians, no matter what you’ve experienced. It’s being done by both. It’s wrong by both.

    logicbomb, to politics in Republicans Started a Civil War They Don’t Know How to End

    Republicans Started a Civil War They Don’t Know How to End

    Anybody with a tiny knowledge of American history will know how to end it. Just look at how we ended the American Civil War, and then do the same to MAGA. Appeasing them doesn’t work. Fight them directly. Eject them from the GOP and force them to start their own party. Find your own people to run against them in their districts and campaign hard. Get rid of MAGA like the plague it is.

    I’m sure they’re afraid that Democrats will take advantage of the situation and gain more power. During the American Civil War, France invaded Mexico because it had the opportunity while the US was distracted. But the US had no choice but to focus on our own issues. All that other stuff had to wait while we sorted our own shit out.

    The same thing goes for the GOP. They’ll have to work with the Democrats to get anything done at least until they can sort their shit out. This is one of those situations where the moral solution aligns very well with the practical solution.

    mojofrododojo, (edited )

    Eject them from the GOP

    this would require republicans to grow a spine (not likely given their opposition to stem cell treatments) or have a sense of basic decency, love for their country, all things we know the GOP will not manage any time soon.

    We should reanimate Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and just turn them loose on the caucus.


    If Lincoln was alive today, he’d be a Democrat.


    After he fucking strangled Trump. For sure.


    They would have assassinated him already.


    Do I need to dig up Sherman and whack some 'lectric through 'im, boss?

    Jerkface, (edited )

    I mean I get what you’re saying, but this was their solution. They aligned themselves with these nutjobs precisely because they saw the demographic shift in the US and feared they would never win another election. There is no second-place, as far as they’re concerned. This is what ‘at-all-costs’ looks like. It was this or political irrelevance. Changing their values meant losing their identity, which would be equivalant to death.

    !deleted488580, to politics in How Popular Does Biden Need to Be to Beat Trump? Not Very.


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  • flipht, (edited )

    Russia stopped pushing Jill Stein quite so hard once they compromised the major parties (democrats by releasing their emails, republicans by using their email trove as kompromat.)



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  • MelodiousFunk,
    MelodiousFunk avatar

    Presuming whatever party emerges from the ashes doesn't manage to still be worse. Which... gestures vaguely at the kind of humanity that gains and keeps power


    It's interesting to watch people claim that all the Republicans care about is owning the libs, then simultaneously hear that those same people are voting entirely to "fuck the Republicans."



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  • AnotherAttorney,

    If that's the case and you don't claim it, fair.



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  • AnotherAttorney,

    I'm sure. /s

    (I can add meaningless edgelord replies with italics too)

    muse avatar

    You're still going to die alone.

    HubertManne avatar

    I mean his initial comment says replublicans are essentially the neo-nazi party now. Which I agree with. The key term is now. If the republicans somehow got back to being a more centerist conservative party I might vote for them again but boy they would have to show it across the party at this point and show they mean it with their votes and it would take awhile. The democrats passed a republican think tank healthcare bill and they (the republicans) are rabidly against it????

    muse avatar

    Cope more

    Yepthatsme, to politics in Jack Smith Wants to Put Trump on Trial Before the Election

    Everyone in the world who has ethics and morals want that too

    pearsaltchocolatebar, to politics in Is Trump Really, Truly Going to Be a Dictator?

    He literally said he was going to be. I’m not sure why this is even a question.


    Bet, drop the quote and link.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar

    Example 1: 0:25: Baker, today in the New York Times, he said that I want to be a dictator. I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day.

    Example 2 on Hannity
Hannity (18:33): “We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody.”

    Trump (18:51): Except for day one.

Hannity (18:53):
    Except for?

    Trump (18:54): He’s going crazy. Except for day one.

    Hannity (18:55): Meaning?

    Trump (18:56):
    I want to close the border and I want to drill.

    Hannity (18:59):
    That’s not retribution.

    Trump (19:05):
    I’m going to be… He keeps… We love this guy. He says you’re not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, no, no, no. Other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator. Okay?


    i don’t see how there’s any other topic in the discussion at this point
    “well moving on from the plan of a brutal, unending dictatorship, what’s your position on corn subsidies?”


    Gotta feed the news goblins.

    @OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

    It is not. Conservatives are gaslighting you, and the media is trying to sell their clickbait. Possibly unpopular thought: at some point it becomes our own fault for choosing to engage? Like the big bad wolf asks “are you home right now?”, where even if you answer “no!” then you have still fallen for the trick? (i.e., of COURSE he would be a dictator, that’s not even a point, but why allow them to control the conversation to switch to the talking points that they choose, rather than driving our own points that we would rather be discussed, like what to do about school shootings or climate change and such?)

    Innuendo Studios has a fascinating whole entire video series called “The Alt-Right Playbook” if anyone wants to learn more about their limited variety of tactics, that are nonetheless extremely effective for those who do not recognize them.


    I really enjoyed that series. Very informative.

    @OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

    IRK? It totally changed my method of responding to the world… I used to painstakingly attempt to respond unless it was extremely obvious that someone was 110% a troll, but now I know that even halfway reasonable people simply cannot be “reasoned” with, if they have an entirely different worldview than me. i.e., don’t give someone a list of 100 reasons to not allow Trump to win - they don’t care (after the 1st impeachment, and the 2nd impeachment, and January 6, and everything else), nor are they looking for facts and willing to change their minds. I would change my mind in a heartbeat if the facts pointed in a different direction, but they will not, b/c it is not “facts” that are causing them to support him, even if for some people that once was true.

    Ofc I still fall for the tricks, but like 90% less often now:-).

    BolexForSoup avatar

    You sound like me lol. I rewatch 1 or 2 chapters of that every year easily. It’s fantastically done.

    I bet you’d really enjoy “You couldn’t make Blazing Saddles Today” if you haven’t seen it already

    @OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

    Hehe, what a fantastic story! It reminds me of The Cabin in the Woods, except that might have been nowhere near as successful (or… wasn’t it?), and others such as Addams Family and Bewitched that changed the course of television forever. I remember when I first watched Night of the Living Dead, multiple decades after it was released, and was just shocked - shocked I tell you, shocked! - that it broke the rules of always ensuring a happy ending. Somewhere along the way I also discovered anime e.g. Fullmetal Alchemist, which in some version or another (JP? EN sub or dub?) opened up with one of the very first scenes being the image of his dead mother crawling around after her corpse had been resurrected and everything was bloody from his limbs having been removed - but anyway: THAT’S NOT A CARTOON!?

    I love insightful works like that (edit: I mean the video that you linked + Innuendo Studios, not necessarily all of those above), which see so much farther than the rest of us that they are able to complete the circle and wrap back around and parody it for us to see it also from their POV:-). It’s outright infectious, b/c once you outgrow something by seeing The Truth, you can literally never go back to the way things were before.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    I’ve got nothing to add, fantastic points and examples. I just enjoy reading your comments haha you’ve got a very jovial tone

    @OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

    Well thank you also for your own comments - it is always nice to be appreciated, and I appreciate you.:-)


    He literally already tried to be.

    “Does he want to?” is not up for debate. “Can he?” is the question. People downplaying the danger he poses are pushing the needle towards “Yes, he can.”

    @linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

    And he’s currently fighting in court to receive dictator benefits for breaking laws.

    Sharpiemarker, to politics in Do You Remember the Ecstasy of Electing Joe Biden? How the Coalition That Defeated Donald Trump Crumbled

    They really don’t get it… They just can’t fathom that liberals are voting for Democrats to save democracy not because we have any interest in Joe Biden. We just don’t want to become North Korea. How hard is that to understand?

    Heresy_generator, to politics in Some Voters Think Trump’s a Criminal and Support Him Anyway
    Heresy_generator avatar

    This is part of why the GOP has been manufacturing lies about Joe Biden being corrupt so urgently: They can't convince most people that Trump isn't a criminal so they're trying to convince them that both candidates are criminals so it doesn't matter.


    Ah yes! Biden is so corrupt that the GOP had to go after his son, who isn’t a politician, in order to get anything on him…


    And are still failing to make anything meaningful stick - despite having “mountains of evidence” lol


    Right, because Biden wasn’t involved and set up Hunter countless times with his backroom China deals right? Biden hasn’t been accused a dozen times long before he was POTUS of inapprotiate shit with women, Hillary wasn’t busted with her off the books shit with her home server and emails…RIGHT??? Don’t kid yourself.


    Small potatoes compared to the opposition. How do we give you a wider perspective?


    Countless times?

    Dozens of times?

    The hyperbole isn’t helping you. You might have an argument if you actually stuck to one or two substantive examples, rather than throwing out ridiculous numbers.


    I love how this is so patently obvious about Republican tactics, and just yesterday I had someone trying to argue that this isn’t an inherently Republican talking point. “They’re all crooks, so they’re both the same!”

    You can’t convince me that some of them aren’t Russian trolls looking to stir dissent and destabilize the nation.


    Can Russia still afford trolls these days while paying for the war?


    Trolls are cheap. Much cheaper than tanks.


    Plus trolls don’t need spare parts or a supply chain that can be embargoed


    I’d argue that’s already been done. That’s why we’re here.


    There’s obviously Russian troll farms but when researchers published their memes and other posts, they were often kind of weird and didn’t gain wide reach.

    So, my theory is that we don’t need Russian trolls to destabilize the nation. We have plenty of political marketing firms right here in America that have a deeper cultural understanding and an equal amount of shamelessness.


    It would be so American if Russia hired an American firm to destabilize ourselves because we have a better understanding of the zeitgeist here.

    someguy3, (edited ) to politics in Trump Is Actually Guilty of the Kind of Bribery Republicans Imagine Biden Did

    It’s always projection.

    Has anything been done about Trump forcing the secret service to stay at his hotels?

    Kalkaline, to politics in A Left That Refuses to Condemn Mass Murder Is Doomed
    @Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

    I see no one celebrating the brutal killing of civilians except for the right wingers who are ok with killing Palestinian civilians in retribution for the killings of Israeli civilians. People should be allowed to live their lives in peace, period.

    Blackbeard, to politics in A Left That Refuses to Condemn Mass Murder Is Doomed
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar

    And no small number of supposed leftists found in all this cause for celebration.

    and also

    Those who approve or condone Hamas’s atrocities constitute a small minority of the left.

    Mr. Levitz should take a deep breath and figure out what exactly he’s trying to say, and to whom.

    be_excellent_to_each_other avatar

    That's a great catch - a contradiction straight out of an Ace Attorney game lol.

    Ubermeisters, to politics in Palin’s Civil War Threat a Sign of Very Bad Things to Come

    deaf from how loud these dog whistles are getting


    Screaming the quiet parts



    flossdaily, to politics in ‘Lock Them Up’ Is Now the Republican Party’s Highest Goal

    We’re well into the Republican primary, and I have never heard any of the candidates talk about how they want to solve our economic problems.

    They simply do not have any policy platform at all. They have no plan.

    They have unsubstantiated conspiracy theories against Hunter Biden.

    They have endless excuses for Trump.

    They have a fierce hatred and fear of the tiny fraction of the population that is trans.

    They have fierce hatred of immigrants.

    … but they have no plans to make anyone’s lives BETTER.

    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    That is how to spin them like a top, ask them how.


    ‘Pubs are an opposition party. They have no interest in leading or governing. Their only platform is “anti-lib.” Being unrepentant jackasses generally annoys the libs so they keep doing it.

    Syo avatar

    Conservatives voters probably feel liberated and ecstasic as they can throw away the veil and stop pretending to care about governing.


    Veil? Hey! According to thesaurus.com, that’s a valid synonym for “hood!” Great work!

    jordanlund, to politics in Jack Smith Wants to Put Trump on Trial Before the Election

    Everybody but Trump wants the trials before the election. :)

    You’d think if he was innocent he’d want to clear his name before voting too!

    Jaysyn, to politics in Are Democrats Tricking Republicans Into Nominating Trump?
    Jaysyn avatar

    Sure are. Just like we tricked those morons into killing themselves via COVID. /s

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