
FoundTheVegan, to news in Alabama preacher F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland kills himself after being outed as ‘transgender curvy girl’
FoundTheVegan avatar

She could've had the life she deserved, she could've still been the preacher, the politician, the parent, the anything. But for shame and fear, we have this. This is what all that "doing it for attention", "pronouns suck" and "groomer pedo" talk amounts too. People so scared to live that we have a dead body instead.

I hope she is at peace.


One of Bubba’s close friends put out a statement that said “are you happy now?? Bubba didn’t break the law or hurt anyone, are you happy now??” Which is true enough, especially if this guy wasn’t one of the usual anti trans politicians.

FoundTheVegan, (edited )
FoundTheVegan avatar

That's tragic, heartbreaking and a good question to ask.

But unfortunately I think the answer is yes. Bigots are happy, any queer death is a reinforcement that their methods work. All are so quick to say "trans people are mentally ill" and the immediately do their best to make that person's life a living hell, which is some twisted cruel logic. They don't want us to exist, they call to exterminate us from public life and they think by making our lives difficult enough we can be shamed in to non-existentance.

We can't let them win. Because victory is literally death, but we will always have to remember those who fell, honor their memory and use their tale as a warning against every piece of shit conservative bathroom bill deadname enforcement and trans healthcare blockade. Because unfortunately, trans people as a whole are very directly under attack. Please vote accordingly.


Yeah no they send us pms celebrating our suicide rate sometimes. They very much are happy.


He wasn't trans; he was a crossdresser.



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  • SkyezOpen,

    He emphatically stated that he does not feel like a woman and has not undertaken a medical transition. However, he has offered his Instagram handle as a method for people to reach out to him, which he claimed was a means to “make friends.”

    “Just my wife knows about it,” Copeland said. “It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress. I have a lot of stress, and I’m not medically transitioning. It’s just a bit of a character I’m playing. … I don’t go out and seek solicitation or anything like that.”


    That was stated to the people who outed him.


    Quotes from a right wing expose on him that asked him questions? okay and?


    Of course he's going to say that to a news site for right wing people.


    Yeah, they were probably fucking panicking.

    FoundTheVegan, (edited )
    FoundTheVegan avatar

    The username was "transgender curvy girl", I think that speaks volumes for how she wanted to be seen. I would love to ask her how she identified, but since she is gone and all we know is "girl" and "trans" in the space she felt safe, then we should absolutely be following her cue.


    He emphatically stated that he does not feel like a woman and has not undertaken a medical transition. However, he has offered his Instagram handle as a method for people to reach out to him, which he claimed was a means to “make friends.”

    “Just my wife knows about it,” Copeland said. “It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress. I have a lot of stress, and I’m not medically transitioning. It’s just a bit of a character I’m playing. … I don’t go out and seek solicitation or anything like that.”


    Quotes from a right wing expose on him that asked him questions? okay and?


    Of course he's going to say that to a news site for right wing people.


    Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is just tragic in every way.


    Read what he actually did before sobbing about his suicide


    Dude was a giga pervert who stalked local women and posted pictures of real kids in fetish memes he made. dude can rot


    4 day old account that has done pretty much nothing but post anti-trans bullshit.

    Bro get a fucking a life you terminally online loser.


    I comment on topics I find interesting. Cry about it.


    And apparently what you find interesting is Conservative propaganda on trans people.


    I find the modern debate interesting, yes.


    Lmao, do you actually belive anything you’ve said on this app is a “debate” rather than you being an obvious right wing troll? Dude, get off lemmy and go the fuck outside for once, you terminally online redditor.


    Yes I do think it’s healthy to hear opposing views. You are very angry for some reason, maybe relax a bit and you’d be more happy in life.


    Oh that’s a classic troll move just say “ur angry lol” in a desperate attempt to invalidate the other person. Mate, get a hobby that doesn’t involve trying to make strangers on the internet upset. You have a very limited amount of time on this earth and are you really going to look back on your life one day and be proud that you pissed off a bunch of random strangers by saying stupid shit?

    Probably not right? So maybe spend your time on a project you’ve been putting off, or teach yourself a new skill, or get a new hobby and make some new freinds, you will have such a more gunnery fulfilling life you look back on and be proud of if you do.


    Anyone who can read can see that you are angry. If you think I’m a troll maybe stop responding? I didn’t take pride in pissing you off, if you don’t like it stop wasting your life responding to people you hate.

    So maybe spend your time on a project you’ve been putting off, or teach yourself a new skill, or get a new hobby and make some new freinds, you will have such a more gunnery fulfilling life you look back on and be proud of if you do.

    I think you are projecting a bit. I’m fine and live a happy life with my family with a good job. I’m allowed to post my opinions to the internet. If that pisses you off, I don’t know what to tell you. Keep it moving and stop responding if it bothers you so much. But I bet I will receive another response because you lack impulse control.


    I’m not angry, despite how desperately you want me to be, nothing in my responses even shows signs of anger.

    And I dontbhage you, despite how much you want me to, I just pity you.

    If you really have a family you are happy with, would you not rather spend your time with them? Making nice memories instead of trying to get a reaction out of strangers on the internet?

    And I’m not going to block you just yet because I feel like there is a chance, however small, that I can actually get through to you, even if you want admit it to me directly, and make you realise that annoying strangers on the internet is not a productive use of your time and that you could be doing something better. Something that makes you and others actually happier and more content instead of just spreading mild annoyance eith your ““debates””


    I post on an internet forum when I’m alone after work. Lots of people do that, except you’re trying to paint it as a moral fault just because you don’t like the topics I am discussing. Cut out the preachy “I’m just trying to make you a better person” bullshit that you’re trying to use as justification for continuing to respond to me. You haven’t made one salient point other than whining. And I had you on the mark about poor impulse control.


    Unfortunately the “shame” surrounding these things stem from the concept of sin and living as a “sinner” in a “fallen world”. I’ve been shamed countless times because of things the church did not agree with. I don’t know if he ever preached any transphobic ideas in his time, but biblical ideologies are rife with gender roles and toxic ideas about women and masculinity. Even if he didn’t preach any of that toxic garbage, he must have been struggling a lot with his own identity, even though he said it’s only for fun and stress relief (paraphrasing). Small towns don’t act gracefully towards people experimenting with their sexualities like this. Can only imagine the rejection he must have experienced having all of this play off on the grand stage of his life in that little town, since literally everyone there knew him.

    matjoeman, to news in Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin likely dead, Putin meeting probably faked, retired general says

    NY Post is not a good source.

    netchami, to news in Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about antisemitic graffiti scrawled all over bathroom, getting berated by workers

    “Zionism = Fascism”
    “Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide”
    “Free palestine”

    If you call this anti-semetic, you actually deserve to get kicked out. Non of the messages even mention Jews, but Zionists can’t accept any form of criticism so they just call everything antisemitic.

    Fuck Zionists


    95% of people have never used the word 'Zionist in their lives before 10/07


    Uhh, no.

    jordanlund, to politics in Conservative parents look to exit public schools after progressives dominate board elections
    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar


    “The father was placed in handcuffs after recounting the sexual assault of his daughter by a transgender student in a school bathroom and demanding answers.

    Smith was later pardoned by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

    Loudoun County parent Scott Smith was arrested in 2021 at a school board meeting after his daughter’s sexual assault.

    “A lot of us thought that that was a turning point,” said another local dad whose child will graduate out of the district this year.”

    So you know that demands a fact check:


    “In May 2021, a male student sexually assaulted a girl classmate inside a restroom at Stone Bridge High School. He was transferred to Broad Run High School for the next school year, where he assaulted another girl.”

    Clearly a failure on the part of the school system… But then we get to the right wing talking points:

    “After much discussion over whether the perpetrator was transgender or wore a skirt to get into the restroom where the first teen was attacked, the report found no evidence that the attacker identified as female or gender fluid. It found no evidence that he wore a skirt or kilt that day, and no witnesses reported seeing him in a girl’s bathroom or trying to get into one.”

    The assaults definitely happened, but not in the way dad describes them as happening.


    Of course the NYPost fails to include such a useful and relevant bit of information.


    Why won’t the NY Post just change it’s name to the NY Liar? Everyone who has a brain knows that’s what they specialize in. Just admit it, and they can make that dumb argument that it’s good to lie, for western society or some sort of garbage like that.


    Of course the NYPost fails to include such a useful and relevant bit of information.

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Is it possible to blacklist sources?


    I have an extension on Firefox called Bye Rupert that automatically blocks sites controlled by Rupert Murdoch. I have it set to allow such pages to load in a private window, if I want to see them for some reason, but I have to make a conscious decision to visit the site.


    You mean on the community level or the user level?

    If the former: yes, but it might be difficult to do without a lot of people wrongly calling it censorship of legitimate journalism and starting a whole thing…

    If the latter, I don’t know but now that you’ve put the idea in my head I’m gonna try and find out…

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d take either but I’d think blocking on a user level would be possible.


    The perp is probably a straight white boy. if he was a poc the dad wouldn’t have changed story.


    The perp is probably a straight cisgender white boy

    As pointed out above, the claim was fully investigated.


    Imagine your daughter is sexually assaulted and your first impulse is to get excited about using it as an excuse to smear trans people. What a fucking ghoul.


    I mean why not twist your daughter’s assault to support your bigoted narrative? I’m sure she’ll never resent lying about the circumstances of her assault to serve her father. Being used by men, after all, is the highest calling of a woman.

    I wish I was surprised, but all I feel is disgust and an abundance of not surprise.


    We REALLY need a word for being shocked and appalled without being the least bit surprised. Happens to reasonable people all the time nowadays…


    Just reminds me of the Iago quote from Disney’s Aladdin:

    “Oh there’s a big surprise! I think I’m gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise!”


    I think of that Iago quote all the time. I was definitely channeling it here.




    Nah, less sad, more angry



    PabloDiscobar, to news in Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin likely dead, Putin meeting probably faked, retired general says
    PabloDiscobar avatar

    You can block this domain by tapping the domain name then click on the block symbol

    HubertManne avatar

    oh my satan I totally did not realize this. This is a massively huge thing that makes the fediverse better. Imma block so many "sources" in the next few days.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Yet another way the Fediverse is better than Reddit.


    Does this work on Lemmy and its apps or just kbin?

    I couldn’t figure it out, tapping on the domain just takes me to the page.

    Nobody, to humor in Company disables AI after bot starts swearing at customer, calls itself the ‘worst delivery firm in the world’

    ”There was once a chatbot named DPD / Who was useless at providing help,” the bot wrote. “It could not track parcels / Or give information on delivery dates / And it could not even tell you when your driver would arrive.”

    ”DPD was a waste of time / And a customer’s worst nightmare,” it continued. “One day, DPD was finally shut down / And everyone rejoiced / Finally, they could get the help they needed / From a real person who knew what they were doing.”

    They made a chatbot suicidal. I’m starting to think this may have been unleashed on the public a little too early.


    well, if you ever dealt with DPD then you’ll know the bot is not wrong


    It is wrong. There’s no way the humans will be any more helpful either.


    I dunno, I’m also open to the idea it’s not the technology that’s the problem in this case.

    machinin, to world in Hamas’ philosophy: All civilians, all children are tools of war

    Israel philosophy: every civilian, especially children, are military targets that need to be genocide.


    Which is still Hamas fault. If you place your military facilities in houses of civilians, refugee camps or even hospitals, these become legit targets. Which is why the term ‘genocide’ is completely missplaced. IF Israel would target civilian houses, that would be a war crime (even though still not a genocide), but since there have been countless proofs of Hamas using them for military purposes, they are legit targets.

    So yes, Israel is allowed to bomb a children’s bedroom – because of Hamas.


    Israel has been shown again and again to be murdering people who should not be targets, like their own damn citizens.

    Saying ‘waaa Hamas uses them so it’s okay to murder kids’ is not a fucking argument.


    But that’s exactly the argument international law makes. If the opponent uses civilians and civilian structure as a weapon, they are legit targets.


    This is a byproduct of Hamas tactic, to disguise themselves as civilians.

    If Hamas would care for “their” civilians, they would separate themselve, both visually and physically, from their civilians.


    What part of ‘PRESS’ indicates that journalists are okay targets?


    Or children; because they cannot be part of Hamas, despite what your ridiculous logic says.

    Israel doesn’t separate themselves because they have mandatory service for years after coming of age. Does that mean all Israelis 18 and above are lawful targets?


    IDF officially said from the beginning of this war that it can’t guarantee journalists’ safety in Gaza.

    Both the links you provided are after the IDF warning.

    Source: reuters.com/…/israeli-military-says-it-cant-guara…

    Or children; because they cannot be part of Hamas, despite what your ridiculous logic says.

    Gaza children play war in Hamas summer camp: youtube.com/watch?v=9Pw8SO0GOJU

    However, I agree with your saying it’s ridiculous.

    Does that mean all Israelis 18 and above are lawful targets?

    No. But for Hamas (according to the ten of thousands of rockets) the answer is yes.


    IDF officially said from the beginning of this war that it can’t guarantee journalists’ safety in Gaza.

    That doesn’t mean anything when they cannot leave, and should not be forced to since they are an integral part of the world.

    Gaza children play war in Hamas summer camp: youtube.com/watch?v=9Pw8SO0GOJU

    How are you blaming children?

    No. But for Hamas (according to the ten of thousands of rockets) the answer is yes.

    Then your logic is faulty.


    I’m not blaming the children, I’m blaming Hamas for bringing their children to the consequences that they face.


    Why in hostage situations do the police just not murder all the hostages?

    Right, because that’d be fucking nuts.

    DarkGamer avatar

    They might try to take out the hostage taker even if it meant a risk to the hostages, especially so if they were shooting civilians from behind said hostages.

    This is Hamas hiding behind Palestinian children and civilians while shooting at Israelis. Some of them are going to get hurt until the threat is neutralized.


    Some of them are going to get hurt until the threat is neutralized.

    70%+ are kids and women. Don’t underplay this.

    DarkGamer avatar

    It's interesting how often I hear this cited, the implication being that women and children under 18 couldn't possibly be militants, which is not true. Also, that doesn't fundamentally change the situation, but it does play for sympathy in the media. Evidently having a penis and being fully grown makes one less worthy of sympathy.


    I didn’t get it



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  • Enkers, (edited )

    Did you forget the part where Israel has been propping up Hamas in attempt to legitimize the Palestinian genocide?


    Well no, the Netanyahu administration has been propping up Hamas to keep the Palestinian Authority weak and incapable of resisting illegal settlements. Illegal settlers are a big part of Netanyahu’s base.

    There is no Palestinian genocide. If the Israeli government wanted to commit a genocide, they would be doing it a lot more effectively. After all, there are many ethnic Palestinians who are Israeli citizens; if there was a Palestinian genocide, those people would be getting killed, efficiently and systematically. They’re not.

    Netanyahu is a traitor to the state of Israel for funding an antisemitic terrorist organization, Hamas.

    It is unfortunate that Hamas likes to hide military operations in hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings. There’s a really good reason that international law forbids that sort of thing — because doing that makes hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings legitimate military targets.


    Per Hamas 2017 charter, there is no indication about “civil rights” or “civil safety”, so they actually (unfortunately) don’t care.


    There is no Palestinian genocide. If the Israeli government wanted to commit a genocide, they would be doing it a lot more effectively. After all, there are many ethnic Palestinians who are Israeli citizens; if there was a Palestinian genocide, those people would be getting killed, efficiently and systematically. They’re not.

    Israel is committing genocide at a rate low enough to avoid too much criticism from their protector states. It’s a long-term strategy that will take decades to complete.

    Israel has really upped their genocide game in the past few months and are finally feeling some push back.

    Israel is patient, they have no need to hurry the genocide along. The long, slow process is just fine.

    Enkers, (edited )

    Maybe you need a refresher on what genocide is. Here’s an excerpt from the UN definition:

    Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements:

    1. A mental element: the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”; and
    2. A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
    • Killing members of the group
    • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
    • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
    • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
    • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    Israel simply intends to kill enough Palestinians to guarantee an ethnic majority in the region. Even if they don’t intended to eliminate every Palestinian, that still constitutes a genocide.


    A mental element: the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”;

    Israel never showed intention to do so. So this is off.

    Killing members of the group

    Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

    Hamas members are necessarily Palestinians, so these are off.

    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

    Israel never showed intention to do so. So this is also off.

    Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

    Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    Israel never showed intention to do so. And never forcibly transfered children. So this is also off.

    Hence, your argument of genocide is false.


    Intent doesn’t need to be explicit, but in this case it is.


    In particular:

    “Deputy Knesset speaker Nissim Vaturi from the ruling Likud party wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Israelis had one common goal, “erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” Israeli Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu, from the far-right Jewish Power party, suggested that Israel drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza and said there were “no uninvolved civilians” in the territory.”

    Also the list of genocidal acts, as per the UN Genocide Convention, stipulates that any one of those acts is genocide, not that all 5 must be done. Acts 1 to 3 are very clearly being used in Gaza, and with Knesset members establishing intent it’s clearly a genocide, but arguably even without those statements the actions Israel has undertaken still fit the definition.


    Thanks for the detailed reply. I agree that the fact that the Israeli government is currently far-right is a problem, and it’s no making the war situation easier.

    Both politicians you quoted, Nissim Vaturi and Eliyahu, are far-right in their vision and views, as a result they say such an extreme sayings.

    However, they don’t have any military influence and cannot have because of their position.

    The ones who do have military power, didn’t show intentions to do so.


    Them being right wing is bad yes, but both politicians form members of the governing coalition, including Likud. One is the deputy Speaker. Israel is not a military dictatorship, the Knesset has control over them, and it’s made clear with the numerous expressions like this that the ruling parties have a genocidal intent.

    In addition, Law for Palestine has compiled lists of what they believe to be evidence of genocidal intent, including from military leaders. Some of the statements included are a stretch, but it will undoubtedly be enlightening for you to read through it.



    No, it’s Israel’s fault for stealing land and then committing genocide when those it was stolen from fight back.

    Also, what about the hundreds of children Israel has killed every year before the Oct 7 attacks?


    stealing land those it was stolen from fight back

    Ah the old “land stealing” argument again.

    Israel didn’t steal any land from Gaza, so your argument is false.

    what about the hundreds of children Israel has killed every year before the Oct 7 attacks

    Show proof with source

    @notsofunnycomment@mander.xyz avatar
    DarkGamer avatar

    Turns out declaring unprovoked war on Israel, committing genocide against Jews in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and then losing the war has consequences, crazy right?


    Why bomb it though? Why not send troops in to clear these places?


    Because they don’t need to.


    You do if you care about not killing innocent civilians. Hamas using human shields as a defence doesn’t give Israel a green flag to indiscriminately bomb those locations.


    If you place your military facilities in houses of civilians, refugee camps or even hospitals, these become legit targets

    Pretty sure this is bullshit. What is your source?

    If Hamas was hiding in an Israeli hospital, would the IDF take the same approach?


    Hamas philosophy: every civilian, especially children, are good human shields that we don’t care about.

    You see the problem here? This is why this war is so fucked up Both sides are in the wrong.


    One side spends billions on weapons and military power used to oppress the other. One side has created an apartheid state that stomps on throats of millions of people. Both sides are not the same.


    I didn’t say they are the same. I said they are both in the wrong

    tacosanonymous, to news in Dashcam video shows Vermont man being arrested after flipping off state trooper: ‘Freedom of expression’

    It’s been proven time and again that the cops don’t need to know or enforce actual laws. Suing cops is almost impossible, and when you sue the department, the taxpayers got the bill with little impact on the offending officer.

    Police reform now.


    when you sue the department, the taxpayers got the bill with little impact on the offending officer.

    Police officers and departments should be required to carry professional insurance policies to cover these payouts, just like doctors are required to carry malpractice insurance.


    My son is a cop and I’m completely for this. He’s an intelligent empathetic man that would definitely speak truth to power if called upon to do so. And I would say he agrees that the job attracts ignorant belligerent bully types that love pushing people around. And this behavior needs to stop for sure.


    It was about 10 years ago, but someone had interviewed a panel of police officers of different ranks from the counties in the bay area of California. When asked how many cops shouldn’t be cops, one officer responded 75%. The others agreed with that figure.


    How long until he’s out for doing the right thing?

    The thin blue line won’t tolerate him forever.


    You might be right.

    …there are more than 12,200 local police departments nationwide…

    Nearly half of all local police departments have fewer than 10 officers.

    The guy could work with five or ten other normal people.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    He definitely won’t speak truth to power because he’s already failed in that task.


    I commented once that “ACAB” is discouraging to those of the 800,000 officers in the US who are good. It wasn’t well received. Would you agree?


    No. If you’re a good person who chooses to work for a corrupt organization, you are also choosing to shoulder some of the responsibility for the actions of that group. I would also like to know where you got the idea that there are 800,000 good officers in the US, because that feels like a made up number.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    That just gives them more perverse incentives to not cooperate with any investigation into their behavior.


    Thank you for calling for reforms and not the moronic “defund the police”


    Don’t forget the last bit, “and taxpayers continue not to care and blindly support the cops”


    You forgot to add cry about taxes

    @RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

    if we make the taxpayers foot the bill for their police departments bad behaviors enough maybe they’ll start doing something about it

    unlikely but it’s worth a shot


    That’s how it currently is functioning and it doesn’t work particularly well.

    @RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

    we’re just not doing it enough

    when you try to drown a rat who’s good at swimming do you just give up or add more water?


    I love the analogy, made me giggle


    That is already the case, and yet here we are…


    That is already how it works


    Part of the problem is that police unions retaliate against any politician that tries to reform them.

    At this point, the police themselves are literally organized crime.


    Why do the police get powerful unions but we get fuck all


    Because police are enforcers for the ruling class, not labor. Their union is categorically different from a labor union.


    Turns out it’s pretty easy to get concessions from your rulers when you’re quite literally the last line of defense between their beloved status quo and the other peasants’ revendications


    At this point, spelled “from inception”

    pixxelkick, to news in Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about antisemitic graffiti scrawled all over bathroom, getting berated by workers

    The “antisemitic” graffiti in question was:

    “Zionism = Fascism”
    “Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide”
    “Free palestine”

    The fact that is being called “antisemitic” is fucking nuts. Labeling a genocide as a genocide isn’t antisemitic.


    They also called it hate speech.

    Fuck that Karen ass lady, the new york post, the owner, and any other shit stain promoting this shit.

    Israel is a colonist apartheid state actively committing genocide. Down with Israel and its supporters.




    accusing her of wanting to use the facilities because “Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own.”

    I mean, kinda

    Maggoty, (edited )

    They aren’t wrong though. Kicking Palestinians out of areas so they can convert them to Israeli settlements is a thing that’s been happening for decades and is happening right now.

    @Thteven@lemmy.world avatar

    They should add “peace in the middle east starts with the total dismantling of the Israeli government.”

    hellothere, to SquaredCircle in Inside Sting’s retirement plan and the AEW goal that will shape it

    I don’t think it’ll happen, but I’d love to be wrong and for Sting’s last match to be against Darby, with Darby taking the win.

    GeekFTW avatar

    I'll be happy as long as the match is against anyone but Ric Flair. TK can book his final match against one of Dalton Castles Boys for all I care as long as I don't have to watch Ric Flair take a chop, do the Flair Flop, and then (slowly) gig on camera until he bleeds to death in the ring.

    So I wanna be clear that I *fully expect TK to book Sting v Flair.


    Er, Sting versus The Boys would be incredible and I will not stand for them being slandered.

    You must immediately purchase Dalton some cheese, and a year’s supply of bird seed, as recompense.

    @ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Real talk, Sting vs Dalton would be a banger though.

    zzzz, to news in Harvard students scramble to take back support for letter attacking Israel as some CEOs look to blacklist them

    For anyone curious, here is the letter:


    It was surprisingly difficult to find! All the “news” articles were just he-said-she-said baloney.

    Edit: Here is the text so you don’t have to download the PDF:

    Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in PalestineWe, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison. Israeli of f i cials promise to “open the gates of hell,” and the massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters for refuge and nowhere to escape. In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel’s violence. The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years. From systematized land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary detentions to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings, Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden. Today, the Palestinian ordeal enters into uncharted territory. The coming days will require a f i rm stand against colonial retaliation. We call on the Harvard community to take action to stop the ongoing annihilation of Palestinians. This statement was co-authored by a coalition of Palestine solidarity groups at Harvard. For student safety, the names of all original signing organizations have been concealed at this time.


    Where is the support for the attacks.

    @drdiddlybadger@pawb.social avatar

    Damn. I find it incredibly difficult to trust any company that takes issue with this statement. They’re calling for an end to a genocide and get punished for it? Shit sucks.


    Getting blacklisted by them seems like a perk...


    That is pretty straight up and a sober critique honestly.

    Very_Bad_Janet, to worldnews in OceanGate listed job posting for ‘submersible pilot’ during doomed Titan rescue efforts

    OMG so that's why the CEO was piloting it? They couldn't find a sucker, er, pilot?

    v13 avatar

    Ohhhhhh! I didn't think about that!

    fiat_lux, to news in Elon Musk’s X to hire 100 content moderators in wake of Taylor Swift, AI fiasco

    Read as: Taylor Swift has enough money to defend herself by threatening Musk legally.

    The law is a weapon wielded by the rich, and brandishing it can convince other rulers to yield. Anyone else it helps is an unintended side effect.


    it's almost like we the people can no longer depend on the gears of a lawful society to correct our course - as if we need to try something else.


    We never could depend on it. But when a machine is broken, the solution of throwing out the entire machine and getting a new one may not solve the problems, and there's a high risk of having new and worse problems. The better initial plan is to figure out the parts that are causing the failure, analyse why those components broke, and adjust the design with more robust parts and better error handling.

    The problem isn't always the laws, many of them are very pro-society. The problem is which laws are created or challenged, by whom, and how often. Currently laws are prioritised by money when they need to be prioritised by impact and scale. The thing we can no longer depend on is our economic system.


    and we'll never move away from a capitalist society in time to avoid catastrophe if we don't remove the barriers to logical solutions.


    True, but I think weapons can be re-aimed.

    My personal theory is that if we change the motivation, we change the outcome. 100 years ago the world moved mostly from the Gold standard to GDP as a measure of money's value. Instead of measuring only productivity, let's measure social metrics too. We can't solve greed, but we can force people to pay for harm, and we can reward actions that collectively benefit everyone.


    not if government is frozen in a tug of war between the left and the right. sorry bud. conservatives have to go in order to accomplish anything. i don't see any way around that other than, at the very minimum, reeducation camps.


    not if government is frozen in a tug of war between the left and the right.

    Oh, you must be American, sorry, I was thinking a little more globally than that. Institutional corruption and capitalism are very worldwide issues.

    Your country definitely has a unique problem that needs to be solved, but I was sort of hoping the rest of us who rely on laws and their existence to survive wouldn't have to also die in the course of fixing that problem.

    Globally changing the definition of value and money would be hard, but it's been done before, and would have far wider reaching impacts across global industries including but not limoted the legal, political and religious industries.

    vodkasolution, to news in Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony, ban sexting outside marriage

    I hope for a mega screen to appear in the sky and stream 24/7 from pornhub. Premium.
    Fascist bigot

    ChonkyOwlbear, (edited ) to news in Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony, ban sexting outside marriage

    This guy is nuttier than squirrel shit. Total christofascist.


    Besides banning porn, he wants to ban no-fault divorce, and ban abortion with no exceptions. He called COVID vaccines a"mark of the beast", called for the jailing of Fauci, and the virus was engineering by Bill Gates to decrease population.

    @Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

    Please consider posting Nitter links, so it doesn’t give Musk a single cent in advertising by using privacy focused Nitter: nitter.net/DustyDeevers/…/1734792445789884779


    I gotta say one “good” thing about Xitter being so stupid is that I don’t doomscroll the site like I did when I was on. While I’m glad that Nitter exists because we need to keep an eye out for crazy, anyone who wants to avoid doomscrolling and losing brain cells might want to skip that link for their mental health’s sake.


    Didn’t know that was a thing. Thanks!

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