Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

As a former redditor I am glad to have found a new "home" and I hope I'm not intruding. Nevertheless, we are all a huge migration that is bound to change how kbin works and we're bound to piss off some pre-migration Keebinetters. The fact you guys were here before and not in reddit makes evident you don't want this to become a carbon copy of reddit. From the interface to the group dynamics, please lets us now...

What can we do NOT to ruin kbin for you?

bornInbread avatar

best thing you could do prolly is to never use the word keebinetter again

Pegatron avatar

What's up my kbinsters?


Yeah, that word is giving me the keebeejeebees.



CynAq avatar


How about kbinians or kbinistas?

cacheson avatar


(kbinians is good too)

assbutt avatar

This isn't just kbin, that's kinda the whole point. A name based on kbin is short-sighted, because kbin is only one small piece of this thing.

Instead of instantly doing the same shit we did on reddit 15 years ago, why don't we do things differently this time? We don't have to call kbin users anything. In any case, please god not "keebinetter."

minnieo avatar

i like your name

assbutt avatar

Thanks, I picked it myself


Isn't this like saying that Chicagoans should just be called Illinoisans, which should just be called Americans, which should just be called Earthicans?

Pegatron avatar

What's up kpops?


"Dear Fediverse Citizen..."

Molliepop avatar


deaconblue avatar

I was thinking fediverts but I think fedizens works better


"Hey there, fellow feds!"

livus avatar

I unironically like this.


I hope it doesn't stick because it really sounds stupid, no offence.

assbutt avatar

It makes no sense. Without context, I would have no idea that "keebinetter" is supposed to mean "user of kbin." What's wrong with established naming conventions? And who reads "kbin" as "keebin"?

A name based on kbin doesn't make sense anyway, the whole idea is that this isn't just kbin.



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  • Cavalarrr,
    Cavalarrr avatar

    We've all missed the memo, I just found out it's officially the kawaii boys international network.

    AnakinSandlover avatar

    This is too funny and it's my headcanon for me now.

    MisterMoo avatar

    We could take a page from Utah and call ourselves Kbahns.

    Pegatron avatar

    Sounds like a German highway

    insomniac_lemon avatar

    Exclusively for Kei-cars


    I'd wager keeping our narwhals and bacons out of this is probably a good first step? I'm here to join Kbin not turn Kbin into reddit 2.0. Hope we can get some real feedback on this one from people who have been here for a minute. lol

    unlimitedbacon avatar

    *Looks around awkwardly


    Oh I don't know, the when-does-the-narwhal-bacon era of reddit was pretty good all things considered.

    bee avatar

    I totally agree, Reddit had a way better vibe back then. The narwhal bacon/chili soap/advice animals era was really stupid but it was also pretty fun.

    dmc avatar

    Thanks for the chili soap reminder! I hadn't thought about that in a long time.


    How do you feel about references to broken arms or that one guy's wife?


    I yearn for the pure delight of NEW jokes, that haven't been repeated half a billion times.


    What are those?

    I think I remember apps with those names. But it sounds like you mean a particular kind of user?


    It's an inside joke from the early days of reddit. Basically if you ask someone in public "When does the narwhal bacon?" and they reply "The narwhal bacons at midnight." then you know they're a redditor. I don't know if anyone was ever stupid enough to actually try this in real life though. lol


    Aren't you kinda just doing the reddit thing of "I'm not who you asked but I'll chime in anyway?" Yes, you may be right, but why don't we let them answer rather than just turning it into another reddit hivemind circlejerk based on what we assume the answer is.


    To be fair, the whole place is less than a month old my friend. Not gonna find many, if any, people newer than us.

    Bendersmember avatar

    It's been super refreshing to have some change, before I'd check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments and be right almost always. Take into account that sometimes things get crossposted and reposted and it starts to show you how unoriginal it all can be.

    cyberian_khatru avatar

    before I'd check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments

    Yeah that's also because reddit has been botted and astroturfed to hell and back. I don't believe for a second that more than 50% of r/all are actual humans. Also, karma manipulation was taboo in 2014, but it's standard procedure today.

    Bendersmember avatar

    It was nice that the past year there was a user? Or bot? That would call out when a bot Cherry picked a comment and pretended it was its own. But too little too late in the end.

    Nepenthe, (edited )
    Nepenthe avatar

    I got so fed up with them that I started doing that. Reddit Boost allowed me to tag people, and I was using it to keep track of which posts were bot posts, call them out, and collect more names since they usually followed each other around.

    Got asked whether I was automated once or twice and I did mistake a frequent r/tumblr user for the same because they were so incredibly efficient.

    This was a very interesting and useful experiment for me, but seeing reposts here and there that were made and populated entirely by 20-30 bots with like two real people unaware they were talking into a void left me with dread in my stomach.

    You're right. Too little far too late, and probably nothing could have stopped the flood the way reddit functioned and as little as they cared. The free karma subs were a damn cancer imo because of the way they enabled that.

    cyberian_khatru avatar

    Look, now, that's working as intended. It gave reddit a huge boost to engagement numbers that it could boast about. Bots are a double edged sword, or a sort of forbidden magic. They enable bad actors, but they are a hell of a number incline for the circles they follow and interact with. Happens in other platforms, too: 1/4-1/3 of most celebrities' followers are bots trying to pass off as normal-ish users. And, as long as their presence results in a net engagement per cost increase, publicly-owned platforms don't have an incentive to purge them.

    Bendersmember avatar

    Well thank you for your service, I definitely noticed and appreciated it! I never understood the karma thing, ya there's a tiny part of me that thinks "oh cool, people agreed" but not to the extent so many took it. I even was frustrated when I had a post take off because I had 200 + people commenting the same suggestion and I couldn't figure out how to turn of notifications for a specific post. Now I post things that maybe have a chance of a discussion, not a question with tons of one word answers haha.

    Nepenthe avatar

    Oh lord, I've had to mute comments once or twice because very obviously nobody read them to see if someone already said it, and I was drowning in identical replies. I don't get people.

    But then, the thing that got me to stop caring about karma was under a video of a guy rating the sexiness of children at an ice rink.

    Some guy was whining about how of course the person recording wasn't doing anything about it, because if he spoke up what if he got punched, and why does everyone expect guys to do everything.

    I'd responded that their own mothers, smaller and weaker, would absolutely risk that same fight to protect any kid and that he could stand up to pedophilia visibly in action if any woman could.

    At -13k, it is still my least popular comment I've ever made. I find I am ok with that. May we never be what we were.

    Bendersmember avatar

    I hear you. I was once downvoted for saying "life is short, I had recently lost my dad and it's free to be nice", in a thread where someone was upset about a parent over a small squable. There is a part of you for a second that takes it personally, but I'm glad I pretty much instantly remember that hurt people hurt people. I got better things to do than be hurt by strangers that are projecting, and I don't want to pass it along to the next person I interact with.

    Nepenthe avatar

    It does hit home sometimes. On the positive side, most of the people arguing with me have never met me in their entire life, and usually are visibly taking something out on me. A lot of people have it rough these days, and that's likely even more true of those who turn primarily to the internet. No one gets to be on a hair trigger if their life is going well. A couple times, the cause of the argument had branched from what was clearly a shared hobby, and I've wondered if we actually could have been friends if they'd stop screaming at me for a minute.

    Depressingly, in my repeated experience, nothing will ever piss anyone off faster than telling people to be nice to each other. Gonna do it anyway, though. Be excellent, fucksticks.

    Bendersmember avatar

    "So it goes" is one of my favorite quotes, I've experienced what you describe on Reddit and in real life. Hard to wrap our minds around fact everyone has a whole jumbled up life and mind and experience life same as we all do. I'll keep doing my best to take the higher road and keep focus on the big picture, life is too short to argue with strangers in my opinion.

    Xperr7 avatar

    What do you mean, the same song lyrics or an endless string of "nice" after the number 69 show up is sooooooooo funny the umpteenth time.

    Bendersmember avatar

    Endless strings of "nice". I'm all for a good laugh, but you'd literally have to make a separate post and tag it as serious to be able to talk about people replying "THIS!!!" under most top comments. Then that post would get downvoted to hell haha.

    LunarLoony avatar

    Or a transcript of the entire Spanish Inquisition sketch.



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  • yunggwailo,
    yunggwailo avatar

    nothing about reddit is worth saving

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    Honestly large scale things like this sort of organically self organize and evolve. I'm sure some people will be the old Reddit people, some will be new, etc etc. I started using reddit around a year after its launch and was super active. Over the years my interaction with reddit became mindlessly browsing. Kbin has been fun because I'm way more motivated to be active as it's a new, exciting community.

    I think we should all just be friendly and let things go how they go. That's pretty much what's going to happen anyway. I like that people here generally seem nice and thoughtful though.

    themadcodger avatar

    Agreed. I've found in general the fediverse is made up of people who are usually nice and thoughtful. There are dark corners to be sure, but we're trying to create a place that is welcoming and without the toxicity that exists elsewhere.

    WorriedGnome avatar

    @themadcodger and the great thing is if a corner of the fediverse becomes too toxic, you can move to another instance and create a new less toxic community. This is where I love the concept of the fediverse, no walled garden

    @spirinolas @Ski @NumbersCanBeFun @eatmoregreenfood

    themadcodger avatar

    Exactly! Each instance (here, on Mastodon, etc.) has its own rules and culture. There's a place for everyone, and the bad actors get shunted onto islands by themselves.

    themadcodger avatar

    To some extent, but I agree with @ski. I was on Reddit pre-Digg and did my fair share of baconing at midnight with France. But that said, I don't really want Reddit 2.0.

    To agree with you, though, @NumbersCanBeFun, I think we can show Reddit that we don't need their platform by creating something new and unique here that fits our needs. The fediverse is a pretty cool place, and we can create a section the way we want it. Let's make it awesome on our own terms, not beholden to any ideas of "how things have always been done".


    The only change I can really think of is to have fewer copy/paste boilerplate meme comments. I'm struggling to imagine what is unique to reddit, and what "something new" would look like. It's still just be everyone sharing entertainment, ideas, knowledge, and advice wouldn't it?



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  • eamus_catuli_,
    eamus_catuli_ avatar

    This cordial exchange evidence this [isn’t yet / won’t be] Reddit 2.0??

    Alto avatar

    That sort of thing was the norm on reddit once upon a time


    This whole exchange is reminding me of how reddit used to be. I didn't realize how far the site had fallen.


    Do you remember how proper grammar used to be a big deal and any typos in the post title would get eviscerated in the comments?


    I actually miss those days, before it devolved into “language is fluid so I can use ‘there’ however I want.”

    Alto avatar

    How about when people actually followed reddiquette for the most part? Reddit really did use to have a cozy feel to it. Big enough that there was something for everyone, but not so big that you never saw the other parts of the site.

    LunarLoony avatar

    Side note, is there an agreed-upon 'fediquette'?

    aroom avatar

    be nice. don't downvote to make you feel good.


    Versus the past several years where people would just say "whatever its reddit" without recognizing the irony. Like saying "whatever its just a english convention, not a grammer convention" and then they don't end the sentence with a period 😤

    awsamation avatar

    It still happened every once in a while. Not often anymore, but not extinct either.


    Finding that perfect balance would probably help a lot. Enough of the Reddit flavour to draw people over, but not so much that it becomes, well, Reddit 2.0

    lixus98 avatar

    AFAIK /kbin is pretty new, even more so than Lemmy, I've been here for some days and the explosion of users is honestly insane, but also pretty exciting to see.
    Also the users that have migrated so far have been "high quality" and really friendly, in my opinion users like you, like us, are pretty much the base of what /kbin will be.
    We have to keep in mind that this site is not Reddit and probably never will be, but that's what I like the most about it.

    QuestioningEspecialy avatar

    Also the users that have migrated so far have been "high quality" and really friendly

    My god, you just reminded me of some of the worst parts of Reddit. (they shall go unnamed)


    Wait are we part of the original wave of Kbin immigrants?

    bee avatar

    Considering that we were able to make 3 letter usernames, we've gotta be in the first few thousand.


    I was so stoked to get this, you have no idea. hahaha

    Nepenthe avatar

    I spent like an hour going back and forth about whether to keep the original spelling, number, and multiple underscores in my old name because that was just how my main always was and I haven't had a non-numeric handle in decades.

    Suddenly realized the sheer specificity of it meant googling my user could easily find the most ancient stuff, got creeped out, dropped it immediately. Now all anyone who tries to find me is getting is Victorian era poetry and pictures of plants.

    Become unsearchable.

    bee avatar

    Become unsearchable.

    Words to live by, I'm so fucking hyped to be a bee.

    assbutt avatar

    Couldn’t agree more, old chap!

    themadcodger avatar

    Yeah, more or less. I've been on the fediverse for a little bit, but about a month ago it was mainly just the dev Ernest posting to himself. The fact that this is still in prototype phase and working as well as it does is frankly amazing. Timing wasn't great with reddit imploding now, since it's a bit trial by fire, but I'm really excited about where we're going.

    lixus98 avatar

    I imagine many users that use the mobile app will remain on Reddit, however Reddit will fuck up again driving users off site again, I will consider that a different wave of immigrants than this one. So yes, we are among the first users of /kbin.


    FWIW, I’m like 97% mobile (Apollo user) and I’m staying over here. Reddit can suck it. I’m going to stay Reddit-free for at least a month, and see how kbin/Lemmy/Mastodon look at that point, before I even think about backsliding to go peek at Reddit. I’m excited about seeing something new evolve!

    lixus98 avatar

    Hopefully it gets to a point where we can ditch Reddit all together.

    aroom avatar

    I really don’t mind the silliness of some reddit custom and would love to see people having a good time, if being excellent to each other.

    What I really didn’t like on reddit was how people could be mean and get a rush from the group effect. Like I remember it was pretty consensual how everyone hated those people who stick their hand with superglue on the ground to protest climate change. Those people are surely not part of the problem. How could we treat them with such disrespect… just to have a blast.

    Those unhealthy behaviors need to stop if possible. At least it would be nice to try to stay nice in our exchanges.

    Edit: And also people need to keep it cool with downvotes. You don’t need to agree to everything or even be pleased by every comment. If you have something to say, speak.


    Completely agree - as a post migration Keebineebi.

    This reminds me a lot of early Reddit - tbh a lot of Reddit still had this.. what it is to me is: appreciation for the fact that someone took the time out of their day to make a post.

    Maybe just the fact this place is federated will get people to understand the real people side of this and not just some place to pop off because who cares it’s all on behalf of a company I don’t even really care about or value.

    aroom avatar

    I just want to say that I really like this new trend to let anyone introduce them self with their own kbin denominator. As a kaykaybeewy I completely approve.


    I too enjoy being a Karabiner.


    I'm partial to the term kebabweenies myself

    bee avatar

    As a fellow kabanero I'm inclined to agree.

    Nepenthe avatar

    As a kabinet, I would like to be full of soup


    Speaking as a Kibben, my bowl is empty.


    Kabanero is actually pretty good lol

    0xtero avatar

    What can we do NOT to ruin kbin for you?

    Just a bit of patience and understanding. The software is a prototype. It'll fall over a lot.
    Not every question needs an answer today.


    Does it show active user count somewhere? I'd love to see how much influx there really is.

    Nepenthe avatar — At the time of this comment, there are a whopping 123,919 users on this instance alone.

    There's also a second kbin instance now called that lists an additional 18,296.

    May that number continue to multiply


    Thanks a lot!

    QuestioningEspecialy avatar

    The software is a prototype. It'll fall over a lot.

    ...Remember that Man of Steel trailer?

    shatteredsteel avatar

    For being a prototype, it's still damn good.

    I agree that patience will be key to making kbin into a greater place, the rest will come naturally as community(ies) begin to form and prosper.

    onceuponaban avatar

    Yeah, this instance was unusably slow when I first showed up, but the dust seems to be settling and I'm looking forward to see how this goes.

    Lazycog avatar

    I'm not a pre-migration keebinetter, but wanted to point out that kbin was published as a very early version of itself about a month ago by the user /u/ernest, Might not find many pre-migration keebinetters.

    Also lmao love that the "keebinetter" sticked!

    themadcodger avatar

    Haha, is "keebinetter" actually sticking?

    Ashley avatar

    The “Kbaes” is my pick lol

    garrettw87 avatar

    I dearly hope not. The first time I saw it, I thought "you've got to be kidding, that is sooo clunky"

    aroom avatar


    Lazycog avatar

    No idea! Just thought it was funny that this was the second post with "keebinetter". Haven't seen any alternatives and "kiibiis", "kebineer" and "keybean" or any other hasn't seen light of the day yet.

    Nepenthe avatar

    Wonder if this is going to qualify as the first running joke. Either way, I love that all of them are without exception deliberately terrible. Kiibii sounds like Dracula describing New Zealand

    Ignacio avatar

    As I said on other posts, karma must stay irrelevant. We can live only with upvotes and downvotes without them being translated into virtual points that mean nothing and feed our egos and toxicity.


    Wasn't the pre-migration crowd basically just Ernest talking to himself?

    • Stop asking for email at registration time, if you can (it's not hard to spin up new email addresses, so it really solves nothing).
    • Avoid all forms of censorship. Free speech is sometimes painful...that's the price we pay for it. This is first and foremost.
    • I'm OK with moderate gotta keep the lights on.
    • Keep the UI simplistic.
    • Robust APIs.
    garrettw87 avatar

    I don't mind it asking for an email address. As I was thinking about this earlier today, I imagined that it would be both possible and ideal, if architected correctly, for multiple accounts to be tied to the same email address. I haven't looked at the code here yet to see how it handles them, but since it's in PHP which I happen to know well, I'm sure I'll be getting familiar with the codebase soon.


    A certain amount of censorship ist necessary. Free speech absolutism might sound good in theory but w have seen what happens to voat et al. If we allow hatte speech to run rampart on this platform we will drive people away. Additionally there will be legal problems as many countries have laws in place against things like incitement if violence against groups of people.


    Avoid all forms of censorship. Free speech is sometimes painful...that's the price we pay for it.

    No. Not worth the pain for me. If this place gets infested by Nazis and alike, i'll be gone in no time.

    tjhart85, (edited )
    tjhart85 avatar

    My thoughts on this is that things shouldn't be changed to conform with how Reddit did things.

    I saw people saying that default settings need to be changed because that's what Reddit people would expect by default and it's like .... How about no?

    I'm part of the migration (Saturday), but I don't want this to become Digg3.0! I want it to be better and its own thing.

    Now, those settings I was talking about (basically who/what you follow is shown to others by default), I fully think those settings should be changed by default, but not because that's how reddit did it, but because it's a good idea (imho).

    We've also got to keep in mind that KBin is basically a one man operation right now and not a company with 2000 people and expectations need to go through that filter first. This site is fucking amazing with that in mind and I think if you just look at it as Reddit 2.0 it's easy to forget the achievements that Ernest has made.

    Human_Potato_Hybrid avatar

    I agree. I don't want this to be a clone of reddit. It is its own thing and should be allowed to grow organically.

    And the fact that this is all being developed by a single person is phenomenal.

    CoderKat avatar

    IMO it is good to recognize what Reddit did right, though. The UX of Reddit, while imperfect, was generally much better. At least when I first signed up, I vaguely recall a wizard to help you find subs to subscribe to. And there's things like how many comments Reddit can show in a single thread and the quite effective "show more" dynamic loading (contrast with how this site paginates after really not that many comments and I'm not clear what it does, if does anything, to limit thread depth).

    watchdog avatar

    I’m new to the neighborhood as well, but what about being called kbinauts instead of keebinetters?

    MeowdyPardner avatar

    I like kbinauts, similar to mastonauts for mastodon which both kinda fit the "space" fediverse/universe theme


    /r/politics, /r/blackpeopletwitter, /r/whitepeopletwitter, /r/til, /r/tifu, /r/aita, /r/askreddit and all sorts of trans/terf/whatever activism should stay on reddit.


    I was mostly there for hobby sobs and I never understood: what WAS black people twitter?

    cedar avatar

    Essentially, Black Twitter is its own sub-section of Twitter that became prevalent around 2013 as a higher amount of non-white Americans online used Twitter. A lot of tweets involve humour relating to African-American Culture and commentary on systemic issues. The Wikipedia for Black Twitter has a decent overview of how it developed and its impact on social media. The subreddit was then made as a hub to share the funny, relatable, or insightful tweets from that section of Twitter. I hope that is a useful answer, I am a white Australian so my summary is based on what other people closer to that community have said.


    This was very informative! Thank you kindly.

    Blakerboy777 avatar

    /m/enlightenedcenterist right here. "I hope no one defending minorities or trying to eradicate them from public life get on here. They are both insufferable."


    It might not seem necessary, but Reddit was extremely hostile to minorities when those subs were created. There are parts of Reddit that remained hostile until the very end. If it turns out that it's necessary here, then it's necessary here, but a lot of those hostile elements are hopefully going to go off to voat or whatever.

    Burp avatar

    Isn’t voat shutdown?


    Is it? I stayed out of the toxic parts of Reddit and any counterparts to it so I have no idea what the status of it is now. I know they had hosting issues but that got resolved I thought?

    Nepenthe, (edited )
    Nepenthe avatar

    I don't mind having subs and discussion for it, but I think the reason for both the suggestion and the downvotes is that the memes just leaked everywhere.

    They're the only thing that breaks containment like this. I could go to r/artifactporn or r/books and not see stuff about environmentalism. The immediate rabid response if you found the memes annoying did not help.

    While definitely a visibility and self-esteem boost for those they pertained to, the civil rights posts very quickly became a lazy karma farm that felt out of place and non-contributory, because there was no place they couldn't end up.

    Add to that any sub where trans memes became common ran an actual risk of becoming another full-on trans sub, just with a different flavor. I don't think this happened often, but it did happen to a few, and I just... I just subbed for budget cooking recipes, man. You do you if you can tell me what to do with the potatoes.

    It has worth, but the way it ended up it was aggravating and while I can't agree with them at the end of the day, I'm not surprised by the request. The problem isn't inherently activism, the problem is there wasn't always awareness of the actual topic people came to see.

    Unfortunately, I don't think there's really a way to tackle that beyond asking people to respect the topic and actually contribute to some sort of discussion, which I can already hear being shouted down in the name of discrimination.

    SFaulken avatar

    Not acting like the average redditter (redditer? rediter? redditor?) Is a good start.

    Just follow Wheaton's Law.


    Not pre-migrater either but I hope we can drop all the Redditisms (e.g. "and my ax!") and start over/create our own. Like I don't want to hear about the poop knife or potato ever again :)

    Cavalarrr avatar

    "I choose this guys dead wife".
    "He did nazi that coming".
    "insert any song lyrics here, see 50 child comments typing out the rest one line at a time using increasing amounts of caps lock and exclamation marks".

    Please no.

    aroom, (edited )
    aroom avatar

    I really don’t mind people being silly and having a good time. All that matters to me is to be kind.

    Cavalarrr avatar

    There's being silly and having a good time, and then there's racing to the bottom in an attempt to artificially inflate your Internet points with unfunny copy pasted jokes, at the expense of any meaningful discussion.
    Unfortunately once a subreddit hit it's critical mass, that's pretty much all you could expect from the top comments of any given post.

    aroom avatar

    Maybe but in the time being it’s up to us to keep it cool. I really enjoy my experience on the fediverse so far. I’ve been around for years and I like it now.

    BlackCoffee avatar

    Ha here have my Kbin award stranger!

    iNeedScissors67 avatar

    Don't forget every politics post having the same top 10 comments, one of them usually being a David Frum quote, so I have to scroll way down to find any discussion. Annoying as hell and I'm usually in agreement with their viewpoints...I get almost as annoyed by people I agree with as people I don't if they're not interested in actually communicating. A random but weird pet peeve of mine in Reddit was if somebody tells a story about some horrible thing that happened to them, and then there are just 86 replies of "HUGS!". Seems like so much of reddit in retrospect was just saying the thing that will get you guaranteed up votes. I kind of like that the upvotes here are virtually meaningless.

    aroom avatar

    But did you heard about the game?

    You lost!


    That predates reddit by years though. That's basically integral to the internet rather than any specific community.

    aroom avatar

    That wasn’t my point at all but ok. 🤚

    shogoll, (edited )

    Fair enough, I thought you were referring to the "redditisms" part of the original comment.

    Sorry I didn't catch the intended meaning

    aroom avatar

    no worry, as @awsamation summarised i poorly succeeded at my attempt to humour you, my bad.

    awsamation avatar

    Then you failed to properly convery whatever your point was. Because the only real interpretations I can see are 1, considering the game one more of the reddit things to be hopefully left behind or 2, just shoehorning in a mention of the game for its own sake.

    aroom avatar

    bingo! the second it is!


    I'm all for leaving the broken arms and dead wife at Reddit, but "and my axe" predates Reddit, and as a meme/inside joke originated on 4chan. I'm pretty sure that's just part of the internet at large at this point.

    Cavalarrr avatar

    Slightly off topic, but why are we saying 'kee'binetters? Where is the 'kee' in kbin?


    Tomato, tomato.


    I've been pronouncing it "KayBin".

    BiggestBulb avatar

    Same here


    Yep, same for me.

    aroom avatar


    themadcodger avatar

    I don't believe there is an official pronunciation but Ernest said it's a take on /sbin/ on Linux, so I would guess kay-bin

    aroom avatar


    SpacemanSpiff avatar

    That’s correct. Like sbin in Linux (the inspiration for the name according to Ernest)

    Abigail avatar

    I wonder what the k stands for… I love understanding name origins and acronyms

    Cavalarrr avatar

    Interesting, I thought it was just an abbreviation of the original Polish site, (which would also explain why 'subreddits' are called magazines, karabin = rifle). Either way, that's pretty seamless inspiration.

    Nepenthe avatar

    which would also explain why 'subreddits' are called magazines, karabin = rifle

    Oh my god. But then that doesn't explain why the magazines have articles. Unless — and this could very well be possible — this is the most clever double entendre I have ever encountered

    Cavalarrr avatar

    I mean, you read articles within a magazine. I don't know what articles are called over on, to be fair, but I think there's only so many ways you can stick to the rifle reference, hahaa, especially when the main English instance no longer has that reference.


    I’ve been pronouncing it “cabin”.

    I’m assuming that’s just me, now.

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