
Far more people support you than would ever support that asshole. Good on you for responding with kindness, it must be exhausting.


I don't believe in hell, but for people like you I think I can make an exception.


Having read a lot of Stephen King, I definitely enter.


This game was a lot of fun and I'm glad it's still getting love. Buggy as fuck, but still fun in co-op.


I can't think of any but I'd love to get one if you get good responses to this question. Pilotwings was great on N64.

Ukraine hits Russia with multiple drone attacks (

LiveNOW's Andrew Craft spoke with former Marine Corp. Intelligence Officer and CEO of Global Risk and Intelligence Planning Hal Kempfer about the Ukrainian drone attacks. They also spoke about Biden's decision to keep Space Force in the state of Colorado. More LiveNOW from FOX streaming video


We might be disagreeing on the cluster munitions thread but this is based as fuck. Thanks for sharing!


Cluster bombs are highly effective at what they're using them for. And the alternative is mines. Neither is exactly civilian friendly, but at least this way the failure rates are lower and the bombs you're leaving behind are actually being targeted at something instead of buried and forgotten.


Easy. A single artillery shell will likely miss, meaning you need to use more of them. Cluster munitions hit a wide area, and therefore you need to use less of them. It's like using a shotgun vs a rifle. I'd highly recommend this video for more information.


We're at an impasse and I'm going to agree to disagree here. Specifically on them being used without much regard for accuracy because that just seems nonsensical. The whole goal of shooting at a thing (or a person) is to hit it (or them). Firing at random just wastes ammo and doesn't help the war effort. As for "used to excess", how do you define what's excessive? Certainly an artillery battery will not keep firing once the target has been killed. And as for the cluster munitions being devastating to civilian populations well after the war ends, so are mines and no one is complaining about either side using those. Not to mention the Russians started using cluster munitions first so if anything this is just achieving force parity.


When leaving a room say "Bi" instead of "Bye".

Are there really so few car enthusiasts on this site? This sub seems to have such little traffic. What gives?

Coming from Reddit, there were multiple car-related subs and they all saw some fairly heavy traffic with lots of posts and comments. Heck, even some of the model-specific ones seem to get more interaction than this sub does. What’s the deal?


There's also just fewer people in general here.


autodoc! I really enjoyed their implementation in The Expanse.


I want capes to come back. And also gold fringed epaulettes. Basically anything to make me look like an early 1900s prince.

exchgr, to random avatar

no idea how i can beat a personal record for all of prospect park’s bike loop, but no individual segments of it


@exchgr Your previous attempts had better individual segment times but not overall times. For example if there's 2 segments and the following runs happen this could occur

1st Run
Segment 1: 5 seconds
Segment 2: 25 seconds
Total: 30 Seconds

2nd Run:
Segment 1: 25 seconds
Segment 2: 5 seconds
Total: 30 seconds

3rd Run (Record)
Segment 1: 10 seconds
Segment 2: 10 seconds
Total: 20 seconds

Ski, to random

I'd like to start using microblogs but I never really feel like I have anything super valuable to say.

OC /r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn.

Link to the NCD mod's post about the matter via teddit (aka, reddit doesn't get any value from your visit):


Pretty sure there's also a /m/noncredibledefense here on Kbin


This is wildly clickbaity. We've known forever that mammals existed alongside dinosaurs. Calling it a "human ancestor" is a bit misleading when really it's more like a rat/cat/dog than a hominid of any kind.

"Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. (

@ernest how do I report a Magazin on ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a...


What if they don't believe in the Christian God because the Christian God is demonstrably not real?


I definitely followed all of the marketing and was expecting about 3 or 4 more skill trees, more meaningful choices in side quests, and generally a more living world. Plus like, 20 hours of gameplay that got cut out and turned into a cutscene.

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