doctortofu, avatar

Separately from that, it drives me mad how warped the idea of “consent” is in Windows (and in tech in general). “Later” is not the opposite of “Yes” goddammit!

Imagine sexual consent was similarly warped: Hey Becky, you wanna have sex? You can only answer “Yes, right now!” or “Maybe later,” and I’ll keep asking you FOREVER. So, what will it be?


Windows SP (Sex Pest edition)


Maybe later


Even teenagers know that no means no

Why doesn’t Microsoft?

  • A meme I saw on /g/

Windows does give off the vibes of the type of person who does that tbh. See: “I see you’ve been interacting with me in the ways you generally have to, have you considered interacting with me in these ways? Oh you know that competitor isn’t nearly as good as I am, look at all the ways I copied them”

DumbAceDragon, avatar

Windows users will say this and then call you slurs when you even suggest other options exist


This is what trying to emulate Apple does to you. Fuck Windows 11.

drathvedro, (edited )

I just set up VFIO. I remember it being a total pain in the ass a few years ago, so I was expecting to spend a whole week debugging and tweaking. But, it was surprisingly easy. In just a couple hours I’ve got a windows 11 VM with it’s own dedicated GPU up and running. And the next question that popped into my mind, that I’m yet to solve, is, “What now? What did I just do it for?”. All the games I wanted to play now work on wine/proton, some even went out of their way to not work in a VM specifically. Yes, there are a couple pieces of shit software that I need windows for, but I’d rather keep trying and testing open source alternatives, maybe even participate in their development to the best of my ability, rather than maintaining a VM just for them.


its* own dedicated GPU


god i love linux. Shit just fucking breaks, doesn’t tell you, leaves you confused, until you go and find out why. Dont want an application? Great, it didn’t install to begin with, or you can just remove that shit.

Problem? Try something else. There’s something you’ll like eventually. I much prefer being treated as a schizo, to being treated like im a fucking deranged psychopath who likes floating windows, and nested settings menus for some reason. Please, take away my window arrangement freedoms, and give me something that does more, with less. I love it. It’s great. You want to know the best part? If you don’t want that, you just don’t have to use it. Truly an incredible platform.


These days it’s easy to license Windows, but hard to stop telemetry.

Microsoft actually charge you for the software you use, how can they maintain the illusion that you’re exchanging your data for access to the service?!

$50 per year, minimum. That’s how much data collection costs you. In reality, it’s far more, as that number makes various assumptions and does not include the value of the data Google, Facebook and Microsoft collect and keep to themselves - >$50 is just what’s traded openly on the market.

Microsoft charge $99 per year for Office, one of the main tools they use to collect user data.

Hyphlosion, avatar

As an aside, I really miss Lynx the Office Assistant.


I’d take Clippit at this point.


His name is Clippy!


It was all about the dog anyway XD


Hey, I know everyone wants a nice software experience.

But in Microsoft’s defense, why shouldn’t every user allow Microsoft to extract at regular intervals a part of the monetary value of users’ life-force until death? OneDrive and Windows SaaS is a great model, actually, that enables exciting opportunities to vampirically suck dollars from bank accounts of every single user continuously forever.

Has nobody even thought of the substantial ARPU benefits?


Changes like this don’t come about in a vacuum. Microsoft made it easy for users to fuck things up and users did fuck things up and then users complained about Windows getting fucked up when it was the users doing the fucking.

So now Microsoft has made it harder to fuck up Windows because people complaining about it being hard to fuck up Windows is more politically tolerable than people fucking up Windows and then telling everyone Windows is all fucked up.


Sure, but I’d wager that pales in comparison to the gain from being able to conveniently ‘default’ users to the options that grant MS access to the largest amount of data.

In addition, a somewhat plausible excuse to then hide away the ability to turn off all of this ‘guidance’ under the pretense of looking out for the end users.

This is the telemetry and monetisation equivalent of “we have to ban encryption to stop the criminals and terrorists, won’t somebody please think of the children” only much more successful

callyral, (edited ) avatar

Does anyone know how to delete OneDrive (disable it and delete all the data in it) without deleting my Microsoft account? There’s random old pictures backed up there, I use my MS account for Minecraft and nothing else.

I’ve tried but there’s no button for disabling it that I can find on the website?? All the instructions talk about some kind of OneDrive folder but I’m on Linux so of course I don’t have that.


Shit in a manilla envelope and mail it to Microsoft’s headquarters.

It won’t help with your one drive issue but it’ll be hilarious and if enough people do it then it could become a real headache.


While Microsoft deserves this, USPS workers don’t. Spend the money you would have getting a newer computer that can run Windows 11 to fly to their headquarters and take the dump at their doorstep. Bonus points for maintaining eye contact with the receptionist or security guard.

discusseded, (edited )

Run a PowerShell session as admin and enter the following commands:

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -match “OneDrive” } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -AllUsers

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object { $_.Name -match “OneDrive” } | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Might be easier to do this in PowerShell ISE so you can edit these two commands. But this will first remove the installer package for OneDrive so that it can’t reinstall again, and then it removes the installed app from all profiles.

I haven’t personally tested this, but I use PowerShell professionally and the commands are solid. If it didn’t work then it just means that Microsoft packaged OneDrive in a different manner than the other built-in apps. You can also remove other annoying apps that are pre-loaded this way. Just swap out “OneDrive” for the proper name or partial proper name of the appx app. Use Get-AppxPackage by itself to learn what the proper names are for the apps that are installed.


Windows 11 has made me feel old.

wtf just popped up, whats it doing

Even on maybe 6 year old hardware and SSD some components like the news and weather, sometimes search just take so long to populate that its a question why anyone would use it, and I often don’t intend to

wheres that setting

Still have control panel and settings, now we get two right click menus! (More options summons the old win10 styled right click context)

Wish I could stick to windows 7, it was comfortable and clean, people got in a tizzy when they decided to report when you logged on to a server. And look im sounding old


The two right-click menus are just pain. I can’t imagine the reasoning. It’s a core UX interaction that is used by every user repeatedly throughout the day. There is no excuse for this type of redundant, time-wasting nonsense.


Well the new one is cleaner! But it didnt fit all the options because we forgot how to make dynamic UI elements, so we figured the user would be fine clicking again and just reimplementing the last dynamic UI we had.

But heres a button for our AI product that summons an edge window locked to the side of your screen that provides the same functionality as using it in your browser!


Priorities, I guess!


Wish I could stick to windows 7

Bring back XP. Win 7 is far better than 10, which is more tolerable than 11, but XP didn’t have any of the multiple settings menu systems.


I actually like onedrive 🥹


I like it at work and used to like it at home until I ran out of space and was forced to make financial decisions. Now I use a cheap used server and Nextcloud/Syncthing.

riskable, avatar

Aha! We’ve found him, boys! The One. For whom the drive was created. Hence the name.


Hey you do you.


Computers, phones, cars, TVs, everything now is a vehicle to get you hooked on some subscription plan, the same way cigarettes are simply a delivery method for the real product being sold, nicotine. For computers, Linux is a fine alternative. You might have to tweak a bit but it’s not the 2000s anymore, a lot of distros are easy to use. For cars though… My hope is that soon, these living rooms on wheels where everything you do needs a monthly subscription become annoying enough that some underdog car company sees a market and comes up with a dumb model that doesn’t need to be connected to anything to work 100%. Or maybe I’m just getting old.


Here’s to hoping connected cars won’t be obligated through legislation.

snaprails, avatar

Effectively already started to happen. Restrictions on use and higher tax and other charges for older cars designed to “encourage” people to buy newer ones, nearly all of which are in some way connected.

Seasoned_Greetings, (edited )

As soon as that happens they will start dropping the price of “smart” cars to undercut the market. That’s how monopolies work. One major reason they can do that is that a dumb car model sees the manufacturer and dealer paid exactly once. The smart car model sells your data and requires maintenance to a point where some cars just won’t start if it isn’t done. This renders continuing income to both the manufacturer and the dealer.

For proof of concept, look at the smart tv market. Dumb tvs largely aren’t around because the price of the hardware is subsidized by the money they make collecting your data, so a dumb tv of the same specs is always prohibitively expensive compared to a smart tv.

That can, will, and in some ways is already happening to the car market.


But don’t you dare suggest Linux or else you’ll be an obnoxious zealot. Better to just keep your head down and let Microsoft maintain their monopoly and steadily make the lives of everyone who uses a computer worse.


Win11 got me to finally get off my ass and switch to Linux… it’s just so invasive, and the way it eats up resources is flat out irresponsible.


Windows 7 was really the last good windows.

Windows 10 was when I switched fully to Linux in my personal life. Windows 11 is far, far worse.

In a work setting, when the admins give it a short leash…it’s bearable. But aside from proprietary software i don’t understand why people choose to use windows.

I don’t think I’m being patronizing here. If anything, it’s the computer that’s being patronizing.

I recently had to spin up a Fedora VM and a Win 11 VM, simultaneously, from ISO. Guess which one required more interaction. Guess which one was quicker from “Boot from CD” to “functional web browser”. Whatever metric you want…clicks, words on the screen (even excluding EULAs to be fairer), pages, time, whatever. Fedora was a much smoother and faster experience


Same here. I think my friends have been expecting me to come crawling back to Windows but not only have I since used the SSD for other Linux projects, I have had no desire to go back to Windows. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE has been a true delight to use and learn Linux with. I smile every time the desktop loads. I use three monitors and KDE handles windows better than Windows ever could. It does it with far more customization options and its features just make sense and feel really useful, all without being forced.

Oh, and all my games run with higher FPS than they did with Windows 11.

I have had to reinstall it twice due to my learning process, but the last reinstall was a while ago and I’ve since learned how to fix problems that I create or the very rare update issues. It’s a very different beast when you’re coming from a lifelong use of Windows.


The desktop was feature complete in 1998. Everything after that was unnecessary complication. I use xfce desktops and it hasn’t changed a bit and I love it.


False. We didn’t have wobbly windows in 1998.

riskable, avatar

You may not have had them but I sure remember the plastic sheeting keeping the wind at bay!


Maybe 4 years ago I would’ve thought that last line was an exaggeration about win10, but ohhh boy if thats not their goal now I don’t know what is.

Problem with average users its either be fucked in ways that arent apparent until you have to buy a new PC even though your last one was perfect fine, or you fuck yourself up and don’t know how to fix it, let alone to approach the thought of that.

To who I have suggested Linux to, usually they are already familiar but not using it as a daily, I’ve said how installation was smooth and easy, most of the software I need is available or has a nice alternative, some games need light config but there are some that won’t, but it isnt for everyone. If they’re modifying reg keys to make it less annoying, they deserve a less annoying OS, if they don’t give a shit… their loss lol


but it isnt for everyone

Downgrade them to Windows 10 Enterprise and activate with MAS.



Thank you, most likely what I’ll end up doing


Don’t forget O&OShutup, should be run regularly as well to catch the things Windows Update resets.


Had to move to a Win11 machine, because of work - I’ve never been so frustrated with a Windows interface in my life. For reference, I’ve used everything from Windows 3.11 to 10, enjoying most upgrades (except Vista). Never have I experienced such UI and usability downgrade.

ikidd, avatar

Windows 8 was a nightmare unless you installed Classic Shell, then Microsoft eventually figured out that desktops aren’t tablets and deprecated Metro after about a year of people bitching.


This is the only one from the list that I skipped. They couldn’t force me to upgrade from 7 at the time, then the reviews came, and I wouldn’t touch 8 with a stick. Waited for Win10 instead.

I wish I could skip 11 to whatever next version they fix it with, but alas this time I’m trapped :/


Agree, I thought Vista was bad until we upgraded to Win8. Holy shit was MS huffing some whack shit when they designed that monstrosity.


I think they were feature complete with 98 and polished with xp. Everything after that was unnecessary bloat and chasing flashy UI trends (or worse, needlessly changing things to “innovate”).

I use xfce and it basically hasn’t changed UI style since xp and I love it.


I disagree for 3 things: UAC, PowerShell, and general driver abuse loopholes being closed and making security not a joke

I will also say from my personal experience there are a fair number of QOL improvements in the UI, but they kind of threw most of them away with 11, but hey, at least we get tabbed explorer… Which I still can’t figure out any real use for, especially the way it’s implemented…


Making security not a joke blessed us with crap like safedisc, securom, secure boot, denuvo, TPM, Pluton, Widevine, HDCP and more heinous crap. I think I can live without.

The only good thing is the UAC prompt. That one makes sense. Doesn’t protect any of your important files, but keeps windows from killing itself. Sometimes.


Youtube keeps locking up, crashing randomly. This is the official Google-published Youtube app, on iOS.

I’m a greybeard and another greybeard tried to ask me when it was that everything worked perfectly since it never had since the 1980s for him and I said like four years ago.

Until the last couple years, it hasn’t been normal for apps to just lock up, freeze, do weird shit, and crash. Not even little nobody apps in the app store, let alone the google core suite apps.

The car I have now, the screen locks up, does weird things.

This is a new cultural standard for shippable quality. A new, lower standard.

riskable, avatar

It’s you! A soul of chaos has been found!

Quick! Someone summon the incarnation of entropy! We can finally fix the timeline!


I’m happy to do what I can to repair our history … as long as I get to use GitKraken


on iOS

Well there’s your problem.


Google apps used to be significantly better on iOS than android for a long time. The commenter is pointing to the quality of software developers are happy shipping has went down not the os.


It’s not always the app software. I’ve had lots of instances where I had software that worked perfectly fine, but which then got serious issues after an os update. I can recall one instance with an android app which lost functionality after an os update, but with windows it’s a constant worry and if any software breaks for someone, my first reflex has become to check if windows has been updated recently. I can’t speak about apple devices, but if they make a change in the os, then it’s bound to affect apps as well.


iOS is rock solid historically. That was its major claim to fame: less flexible, but more reliable.


I think Google did something fucky recently. I’ve been having chrome lock up for me on my lightweight Linux distro when it never has before. It seems like the ram management is totally out of control now.

I use chrome because the dev features are still the best and I need them for work, but I think I’m finally going to switch to Firefox for my non dev needs.


If you’re going to use Chrome, at least use a fork.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

My car’s Bluetooth stopped working and when I turn on the radio, the touch screen goes crazy and it thinks that I’m trying to change the audio settings. It also says the year is 2167. The only way to reset that computer is to tear the whole front end of the car apart. I just keep the radio off and listen to music with a Bluetooth speaker. I don’t have the time or money to have a dealership take apart a nine year old car for the fuckin Bluetooth and radio. As long as it drives well and passes inspection, I’m happy.

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