Paedophiles create nude AI images of children to extort from them, says charity | Internet safety | The Guardian

Internet Watch Foundation has found a manual on dark web encouraging criminals to use software tools that remove clothing. The manipulated image could then be used against the child to blackmail them into sending more graphic content, the IWF said.


Fucking pieces of shit

ChocoboRocket, (edited )

Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.


Meanwhile when police do get more ability to spy, they’ll raid the houses of environmental groups or other activists they spied on within a month.

LustyArgonianMana, avatar

Govt is spying on us to force us into espionage or other acts (eg witness testimony). They don’t care about harm done to others unless there’s an outcry.


Hint, police doesn’t actually give a shit about hypothetical children getting harmed. This all a ploy to get the idiotic population to accept and even demand the police to invade everyone privacy.

Imagine Bill Clinton’s secret service agents on Epstein’s loliplane. Think they gave too shits about old people fucking 17 year olds ?


There’s a huge difference between teaching sex acts and helping kids avoid predators.

The lack of action against pedophiles is just going to fuel Qanon conspiracy theories and lead to vigilantism.

uriel238, avatar

Neither QAnon nor the federal government cares much about kids. A guarantee of food and medical care would save a lot more lives than hunting child predators. Most child sexual abuse comes from people they know: parents, relatives, ministers, teachers, neighbors. Online stalkers count for a very tiny portion of crimes against children.

This is a moral panic piece, like terrorism scare pieces in the 2010s


That doesn’t mean we need to divert attention away from pedophilia.


Yes, that’s exactly what that means. Stop falling for the circus show. Anarchists, communists, gays, terrorists, trans people, pedophiles. Do you see the pattern ? A common enemy is a powerful thing to wield. It doesn’t matter if they exist or how many there are. The unbelievers are witches anyway, burn them, BURN THEM !


I want to be happy that the IWF exists and is collecting data about this kind of thing. This is extremely difficult and important work.

But they are also lobbying to ban encryption, arguing that privacy only helps criminals.

Sorry, but if Facebook is too dangerous for kids, instead of banning encryption so the authorities can more easily catch child abusers, let’s just ban children from using Facebook before they fall victim to abuse.


The premise is ridiculous, this is “think of the children” type social panic mongering.


Now, is it “paedophiles” or “pedophiles”?

clark, avatar

British vs American spelling, no?


Yes, exactly.

Caligvla, avatar

If you needed any more reason not to post photos of your kids online, well…


And also to talk with children about predators


This is an example of why every responsible parent should forbid their children from uploading any pictures of themselves online, or better yet, bar them from social media entirely. This might be a hot take here, but parents should install monitoring software on all of their children’s devices and be open about it. Not doing so is negligent.

Your kids could end up on the pedo registry if they take a picture of themselves and someone changes it into porn.

We could deal with this easily by banning the distribution of porn entirely.


We could deal with this easily by banning the distribution of porn entirely.

Easily? This would cause riots.


The average coomer would rage out in their basement and nothing would happen.

If people are that addicted to porn, it’s proof that it needs to be taken away.


Ah yes the good ol " don’t dress like that if you don’t want to be raped " idea.


I don’t even understand how that even connects.


Welp you were never that bright .


There’s no reason why children should be using social media. I support legislation that will bar them from it. They need to go touch grass.

uriel238, avatar

Most kids are banned from social media anyway. But it means nearly every kid in the US has broken the CFAA, committing a felony typically given a twenty-five year prison sentence. I don’t know how that will play out in the EU, but we really don’t like putting our kids in prison for creating social media accounts on false pretenses.

Or their parents, for that matter. Especially since we work all our adults so much they have neither time nor energy to parent.

Blanket solutions are not going to fix this.

Appoxo, avatar

Not like Twitter officially has an +18 rating in Germany…

Just checked:
Why the fuck is Facebook, Instagram and TikTok +12 here?!
Facebook is basically an extremists training ground. Insta and TikTok aint much better >_>


No one is going to prison for creating accounts of websites.


I expected AI to destroy humanity, but more with killer robots and less job theft and creepy weirdos making porn

paraphrand, (edited )

Have you not heard neckbeards explain how technology is driven by porn before? They are very proud and excited to explain it to you.

Edit: see? they can’t resist. Note that I never weighed in on the validity.


Lmao why are you so upset dude


I’m no more upset than the person calling them creepy weirdos.


Well they’re not wrong, tech had been and still is for a huge part driven by sex. Nothing to be proud or ashamed about, it simply is what it is, we’re humans and as much as we pretend to all be prudes, we looooove a good sex.

Appoxo, avatar

Well that and financial incentives, right?


I mean, it would be nice if demand for sex was just pushing us towards AI VR waifus or something. Let the neckbeards put on a haptic suit and bang all the Evangelian characters or something. Kinda fucked that we’re going straight to fully-automated sexual exploitation of kids…

I wish we lived in a cool cyberpunk dystopia instead of the horror show that is present day reality.


Well honestly, if pedos having a go at VR AI kids keeps them from harming actual children … People do fucked up things, if we can give them a VR AI outlet then let’s go

HubertManne avatar

and that is a way to abuse that technology that never crossed my mind. do I actually belong to this species?!


Be honest: you never had any dark thoughts? Never did anything bad?

Yes, you might not be doing this particular bad thing. Yes, your inhibition of your dark thoughts might be better. Yes, you might be very sheltered and have a loving upbringing.

But I’m pretty sure if you truly look inside yourself without shying away, you will see that yes, you belong to this species.

Appoxo, avatar

I do have some dark thoughts at time.
But they never include minors.


you never had any dark thoughts? Never did anything bad?

Yes, you might not be doing this particular bad thing.

You: Yeah sure, but I never did this particular bad thing.

Welcome to the species, bud. We’re all a little mad here.

HubertManne avatar

oh sure. fleeting flights of fancy. thats why people get killed in moments of passion type of thing. but think about it. they have the thoughts about the kids and they have ai that pretty much should theoretically get what they want but no. that is not good enough. they need to use it to extort them. this really is beyond me. im pretty sure in this scenario I would stop at jacking to the ai solution. its like I might kill someone to defend my life or a loved ones life or maybe an innocents life and maybe I could be angry enough to do it as well. but like kill just to kill or something. thats wack.

TimeSquirrel, (edited )
TimeSquirrel avatar

Yes, you do. We all have the potential for the most horrific acts of evil you can imagine in the right circumstances. That's why we usually have such a hard time when we give people power to rule over others and need a convoluted system of checks and balances to make sure nobody becomes a dick. Yet it still happens. Benevolence is not the default human state. You have to work to stay that way. That ability separates us from the brutal world of the wild.


Not everyone tho i believe everyone is different that’s why some good people will never get into power or will be killed after getting power or just get the power taken from them because they are not corrupt enough to keep it kinda like why there are no ethical multi billionaires (atleast that i know of as of yet).


Everyone is not that different: after all, we all are the same biological species: homo sapiens


Bruh so is every dog or cat the same ?


Everyone is not that different


Every wild dog will chase and eat prey and their own poop, and attack any dog that challenges them or their pack.

Every wild cat will chase and catch their prey, and then play with it while keeping it alive for a while until it ultimately dies.

Humans are basically dogs or cats that have 1000’s of societal incentives not to chase and play with prey, drilled into most of us from the beginning, but everyone still has that innate ability that will come out under the right circumstances. If civilization ended today, who you think you are, and what you think you are not capable of today, ends today.


U know what i used to think like that in some ways i still do but still gotta say there are and always will be some good people in the world maybe they are one in a billion but still they do exist . What shapes a human is their memories, thoughts , the people they know , the things they did etc. So its is impossible that everyone is the same while our primal urges maybe same, some of us still overcome that and can be different .

JoMiran, avatar

These sickos could just wank off to the AI-gen stuff, but I suspect that the real thrill is in the abuse.

Time to look at memes before I get more upset.


Long ago on Reddit I read a comment about inmates beating up on child sex offenders partly because it’s a sick thing to do and partly because they don’t want them to get the slightest foothold of influence over another inmate. They thrive on exerting power over weaker individuals and manipulating them.


I’ve heard at least one story of an inmate getting a longer prison sentences for actually killing at least one or more pedos in the same jail as him. I’m not a fan of prison violence, but that is something I could turn a blind eye to.

Appoxo, avatar

You mean the offender gaining influence?



HubertManne avatar

and while obvious I also did not even think about this which, man, the level of wrong here is insane.


More castration is needed.


Lobotomy might be better


Falls from buildings is more effective.


Cue the AI apologists trying to explain how AI child porn is a safe, victim free outlet for pedophiles to indulge in their mental illness.


Pedophile apologists*

Nobody interested in the development of AI would be interested in defending pedos, unless they’re pedos. That’s reality.

Why lump the two groups together?

In fact, AI is used by these orgs to prevent workers from having to look at these images themselves which is partially why mod/admin/content filter people’s burnout is so high.

Everytime some nasty shit (pedo shit, gore, etc) is posted on tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, etc, those reports go through real people (or did prior to these AI models). Now imagine smaller, upcoming websites like lemmy instances that might not have the funds or don’t know of this AI solution.

AI fixes problems too - the root of the problem is cyber extortion. Whether that means the criminals are photoshopping or using AI. They’re targeting children for Christ sake, besides that being fucked up all by itself, it’s not hard to fool a child. AI or not. How criminals are contacting and blackmailing YOUR CHILDREN is the problem imo

admin, avatar

Why lump the two groups together?

Because it’s very hard to make a “think of the children” argument out of this without doing so.


Hadn’t thought about it that way!


AI apologists? AI and pedophilia are very different things.


Yes, people who will defend AI in any arena and reject any criticism or examples of harm that it produces. They do this to try and control any narrative or discussion that may lead to regulation. Classifying AI CP as harmful would necessitate action that restricts AI, which AI apologists are very much against. Lemmy is unfortunately overrun with them.

Grimy, (edited )

Restricting AI will only kill the open source scene and make all AI products subscription based. Since we are moving quickly to an AI driven society this would give our whole economy to google and Microsoft.

Some of us understand what’s at stake.

The individuals doing such actions should absolutely be prosecuted, it needs to be illegal to make deep fakes of someone, triply so when it’s used to extort that person.

But if you catch someone drunk driving, you prosecute him for drunk driving, you don’t ban cars.

But obviously, if someone says “think of the children”, you should always mindlessly give up whatever freedoms they are asking you too.


If cars are routinely crashing and sending people through the windshield you require seatbelts.

You’re doing exactly what I’m referring to.


There are no seatbelts. Its either cars or only public transport.

Can you explain what’s wrong in what I said instead of saying “you are one of those that is against restrictive regulations, therefore are wrong”

We should be very vocal about it, Openai and their friends are. They have lobbyists in Washington trying to convince the government AI is too dangerous for people to have free access to it. They are using the media to dessimate hate and trigger people’s emotional response.


There are no seatbelts. Its either cars or only public transport.

So you’re essentially (and falsely) asserting that there is no way to regulate AI without eliminating it completely. Do you understand how insane and reckless that sounds?

Should AI be able to give instructions on building a bomb as well because to not do so “sTiFlEs iNnOvAtIoN”?

If people are going to train AI they have an obligation to ensure it’s not producing harm and there should be consequences to those who design and train AI in a reckless or harmful way.

Yes, you should be restricted from creating a child porn generator.


I think the question is: should we have designed the internet such as to have made it impossible to find bomb plans on it? And to be honest, I don’t think the internet would be what it is if it were possible to have that level of filtering and censorship. Child porn is reprehensible in any form. To me, it makes more sense to blame the moron with the hammer than to blame the hammer.


What you are asking for is equivalent to stopping people from writing literotica about children using word.

Nobody is advocating for child literotica or defending it, but most understand that it would take draconian measures to stop it. Word would have to be entirely online and everything written would have to pass through a filter to verify it isn’t something illegal.

By it’s very nature, it’s very difficult to remove such things from generative models. Although there is one solution I can think of which would be to take children completely out of models.

The problem is this isn’t a solution that is being proposed, sadly all current possible legislations are meant to do one thing and that is to create and cement a monopoly around AI.

I’m ready to tackle all issues involving AI but the main current issue is a handful of companies trying to rip it out of our hands and playing on people’s emotions to do so. Once that’s done, we can take care of the 0.01 % of users that are generating CP.


Except you’re not trying to ask for seatbelts. You’re arguing we get rid of the cars.

Ai being the vessel for the problem which is cyber extortion.

You handle the extortion bit by making seatbelts. Not seatbelts that auto buckle. Not cars that don’t start without one. But by providing the safe guards to the people who can then make the decision to wear them and to punish those that put others at risk by their misuse.

You don’t ban alcohol because of alcoholics. You punish those who refuse to use them safely and appropriately and, most of all, those who put others at risk.

That’s freedom. That’s the American way. Not anything else.


Except you’re not trying to ask for seatbelts. You’re arguing we get rid of the cars.

No I’m not. You want me to be saying that because it makes it easier for you to make your argument, but that wasn’t what I suggested anywhere.


No I don’t. You want me to think that because it makes it easier to be aggressive towards.

I’ve obviously misunderstood you, so I’m sorry about that. I should’ve led with questions instead of assumptions and that’s on me.

I think any mature adult who’s for AI, knows that some safeguards and changes are necessary- just like they are for any new invention


Use of child porn is never victimless. Not even if it’s fully AI generated.


Not even if it’s fully AI generated.

Who is a victim in that case?


It enables pedophilia.


But who is a victim here


All of the children who end up getting abused because the pedophile escalated their fantasies.

A society that tolerates pedophilia on any level is morally guilty.


All of the children who end up getting abused because the pedophile escalated their fantasies.

That’s a reach.

With that logic you can blame, say, videogames for shootings.


I mean i agree with you they are everywhere even on lemmy .


I am disgusted but not surprised.

norbert avatar

Pretty sure I remember people saying this kind of stuff would happen as soon as deepfakes started being a thing accessible to the public.

We really don't have any solution to this yet. The tech is advancing so quickly at this point; every other month there's a significant jump in capabilities. I feel like the cat is out of the bag, photorealistic AI images are available to the home user with virtually no technical restrictions or limits and no amount of regulation is going to put the genie back in the bottle.


We really don’t have any solution to this yet.

We do, and always have, but good luck with implementation. Humanity hates acting like an adult.

  1. Critical thinking: society knows to a certainty deepfakes exist and hence should be intrinsically skeptical of any image they see, demanding the image’s source establish some reason to trust the image. We could be less blindly trusting.
  2. Body acceptance: for 0 seconds of humanity’s history has it made credible sense to shame someone over having seen them naked. We could choose not to.
  3. Competence: Appeasing these people only encourages them. If people would just understand that giving your blackmailer what they want is always strictly worse than not doing so, it would remove the incentive to blackmail. Why would you trust your blackmailer to keep your secret? Makes no sense.
norbert avatar

I agree with everything you said but I don't actually see a solution you've posted. Yes we could grow up and have a more mature view of sex and the human body but that doesn't change the ease of access or manufacturing potentially illegal material right now.

quindraco, (edited )

If we could implement maturity and so on, ease of access to the tools would be a non-issue. And the tools would be as legal as crayons or pencils, and the “material” as legal as any cartoon. But I agree with you that this is a super real practical problem, because we can’t.


Bro are you actually advocating for CP right now?




I must have misunderstood your post. Can you explain it to me in simpler terms?


Uh… I’ll try.

Society can’t be trusted to handle things like adults should. If it could, very well-done drawings of minors depicting them as nude would be a non-issue as blackmail material both because society would just shrug off any such images being published as inconsequential and because minors would be raised to know that cooperating with blackmailers accomplishes nothing productive.


Thank you, I understand you now. I still disagree, but I can see where you’re coming from.


I suggest we send all sex taboo enforcers, to die in prison. At least for as long as it takes for violence to become less acceptable than sex.

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