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iAmTheTot, in CW: fire, screaming, death | UNCENSORED footage of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation protest against genocide
iAmTheTot avatar

If any of you are considering watching it, just... Don't. Know that a man I immolated himself in protest to the war in Gaza, and that he suffered intense pain for that protest. Make of that what you will.

HeartyOfGlass, in CW: fire, screaming, death | UNCENSORED footage of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation protest against genocide

I’m glad it’s archived. It’s horrifying to watch, but still a fraction of the kind of horror happening to Palestinians. Respect and RIP. This guy earns the title of “Most American Cop” for pulling a gun on a charred fucking corpse.

Talaraine avatar

I.Q. of a cucumber. What a dumbass. A dude even screams, "I don't need guns here I need a FIRE EXTINGUISHER!"

Braniac just keeps shifting his stance, repointing the thing as people try and help him.

ivanafterall, (edited )
ivanafterall avatar

I think he's panicking. The shuffling is like a scared kid who doesn't know what to do. He's traumatized after unexpectedly watching a man burn himself alive. And the gun makes him feel safe, even though it's illogical. Just my guess. Maybe he's just an asshole. It's pretty awful regardless.


He’s also guarding the Israeli embassy at a time when many people hate them. I’d be on edge if that was my 40 hours.


A freeze response is a perfectly common reaction to something like this. Happens regularly in car accidents. People panic, freeze, drive straight into a tree. It's not unlikely that you would react in the same way.

If anything you're the one with the IQ of a cucumber to think otherwise.


So much for being a trained professional lol

We don't even pretend these people can handle weapons and or stressful situation anymore.

Surpised this pig didn't shoot the burning man because he made him feel uncomfortable.


The freeze response probably should’ve come before the gun came out.

As well, it’s not some regular Joe-schmoe. It’s (supposed to be) a trained professional who is (supposed to be) entrusted with a gun whose purpose is (supposed to be) to serve and protect the people. A trained professional is supposed to know what to do in a shocking situation beyond instinct. That’s (supposed to be) the whole point of training them.

So sure, random Lemmy user might react the same way (though probably without drawing a gun). A police officer shouldn’t.


It’s (supposed to be) a trained professional

That’s why the gun came out. His brain locked up and his training kicked in. Unfortunately he has no training about what to do in this type of scenario because it’s completely unexpected.


Maybe the training shouldn’t be, “draw your gun and then figure out what’s going on”


Good point, how about you go guard the Israeli embassy right now.

iAmTheTot avatar

I don't think you'll find many here that disagree there. But that wasn't the initial premise, the initial premise was, "why did he do that?"


What in the rabbid fuck must his thought process have been?

iAmTheTot avatar

Just watched a man inmolate himself with his own two eyes. I can't imagine there was much of a thought process at all. Real life is not the same as a video. It's relatively easy to watch something through a lens after the fact and talk about what makes sense and what doesn't. In the moment, guy was having some intense trauma happening right in front of his eyes and trying to do his best in the moment.


Probably just wanted to end his suffering…who am I kidding.

NegativeLookBehind, in Romney: If your position is being cheered by Vladimir Putin, it’s time to reconsider your position. (5:02) avatar

Republicans 40 years ago: Fuck Russia

Republicans now: I’d blow Putin if he was standing in front of me


1984 levels of turnaround.


When I called out my father for his love of Putin versus his love of Reagan, he said he was wrong in the past and had to relearn a lot recently… Oceania has always been our ally.


Has he read 1984?


If I remember correctly it’s free on Audible for those more able to spend the time listening vs. reading.


The irony is that he accuses the media of being the thought police, he knows pieces of the story, but I’m pretty certain he’s never read an entire book in his life.


When I read it, it was quite different than I thought it would be based on common portrayal.


Republicans now: Our NATO Allies suck! Attack them! I don’t care!

ImInLoveWithLife, in youtube's search function is atrocious now - ProZD

Not to mention corporate news. It’s impossible to find anyone else discussing particular events or raw video or even live streams without wading through what seems like thousands of every damn news channel with their talking heads and editors about any topic. I certainly understand why it’s important to have news easily accessible, but it kills me that I used to be able to find news media critique and videos of happenings from everyday people, and I just can’t anymore, at least not without serious digging. Obviously the rise of other video platforms plays a role, as does the need to ensure accurate information for specific things, like a pandemic or climate change, but I can’t help but see just how homogenized and corporatized it’s all become.

This isn’t to say there aren’t great channels out there that meet my needs, I just miss being able to type a keyword in and finding regular people, not trying to game the algorithm, not trying to make youtube a career, just getting their voices out there.


YouTube recommends the most bullshit local news from an irrelevant place when I subscribe to the channels I wanna see news from. So ridiculous

ivanafterall, in The Male Fantasy
ivanafterall avatar

Thanks, I finished.

lvxferre, in Shakira speaking 7 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Arabic)

She’s rather proficient at both Portuguese and Italian. She has a bit of a hard time distinguishing mid-open /ɛ ɔ/ and mid-closed /e o/ in both (see: PT “história” and “adora”, IT “scuole”), so you can kind of guess that she’s a native Spanish speaker, but past that her pronunciation is clear and fairly easy to understand - to the point that you can even pinpoint which varieties she’s taking (conscious or unconsciously) as pronunciation reference:

  • Portuguese - Paulistano for sure. She kept Spanish coda [ɾ] intact, but she’s raising the final vowels (even if not necessary).
  • Italian - Northern-ish, urban. She renders /s/ as [z] (Southerners would use [s]).

Her Italian prosody sounds a bit off, but I can’t pinpoint exactly why. She also realised “specialmente” with /s/ instead of /tʃ/, but this sort of “slip” happens. (At least she isn’t hyper-correcting “caso” if, in case into “cazzo” dick, like the pope did.)

Her English shows a rather thick American accent (rhotic, tapping), but that’s kind of a given (she lives there IIRC).


Great comment. She effectively communicates in all those languages, which is impressive. Who cares about her pronunciation mistakes or her accent ! Still, your analysis is interesting to understand the roots of Latin languages and how subconsciously we tend to phonetically use our mother tongue phonetics when communicating using other romanic languages and dialects. It happens to me when speaking specially French or Italian that I cannot avoid but using the tonic syllable of my native language. I always say that, even is not a Latin/greek based language, I love how Swedish pronounce their English: in my experience, kind of trying to communicate efficiently and forgetting, as much as neutrally possible, about the accent. (To be said that later on I learnt that most Scandinavians also have a strong accent when speaking English). I guess that the question is if to be considered a proficient speaker of a specific language, do you need to loose all traits of a foreign accent?


subconsciously we tend to phonetically use our mother tongue phonetics when communicating using other romanic languages and dialects.

Yup. The “posh” word for that is transference; you transfer features from all varieties that you speak into each other. It isn’t exclusive to Romance varieties, it’s just that among Romance languages you can get away transferring more stuff (as there’s a good chance that the feature in question also exists in the target language).

This gets interesting in Shakira’s Portuguese, because she is not transferring a few Spanish features into Portuguese, even if she could theoretically do so, and still pass as a native. A quick example of that would be how she pronounces “determinante” with [tʃi], even if plenty Portuguese speakers would use [te] instead, as you would in Spanish.

I guess that the question is if to be considered a proficient speaker of a specific language, do you need to loose all traits of a foreign accent?

It depends, really. There isn’t a single answer. For some, full proficiency is to speak a language as native speakers would; for others it’s just about being able to communicate with other speakers (native or not) efficiently.

Personally I’d consider the Swedish speakers from your example as fully proficient, as long as they’re able to communicate what they want.

Binthinkin, in Jon Stewart Is Excited To Take Over "The Daily Show"

I came back from Iraq and this show came around and at first I was excited someone was telling the truth about our nation but then stopped watching it when I realized nothing was going to change and shit just kept getting worse.

Now I welcome him back because now that our grandparents and parents are kicking the bucket finally we can get to work beating back the morons, weirdos and racists without as many dipshit privileged gatekeepers around.

Jaysyn, (edited ) in (Short Summary Added) BREAKING: EU Wants To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Vladimir Putin Interview, Per Report [10:23 | Feb 07 2024 | The Hill]
Jaysyn avatar

I hope Ukraine drones his ass.

Propagandists are fair game in war, just ask Lord HawHaw.

Also, if you're even remotely comparing Dr. Fauci to Putin, I cannot take anything you say seriously.


There is nothing wrong with interviewing someone, and Fauci impacted my life more than putin ever has. I dont know why they are comparable, but Fauci is a bad guy too.

Nurse_Robot, in (Summary Added) Watch: Biden Says He Talked with Deceased French President as Mental Fitness Concerns Mount [10:18 | Feb 06 2024 | The Hill]

Smells like propaganda


Very much so.

jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

How is it propaganda, if you are not under a rock you should know this was a concern for many since the start, only Vote Blue No Matter Who people see it as a non-issue, when it comes to Biden’s mental decline.

Reporting on it is better than people sticking their head in the sand and believing everything is fine with Biden 2024.


Lmao you sure had a lot of projection in response to my three words

jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

Ah, okay, hahaha.

I was not expecting it to be a big deal, I was quickly adding more on my views on the subject.

It is true that people will take it differently and not everyone will come eye to eye on subjects that concern politics.

Thanks for the reply, made me search and learn!

Projection is a psychological phenomenon where feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people. Psychoanalysts regard projection as a defence mechanism of alterity concerning “inside” content mistaken to be coming from the “outside” Other. In psychoanalytic thought, it forms the basis of empathy by projecting personal experiences to understand someone else’s subjective world. In its malignant forms, it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others, breeding misunderstanding and causing untold interpersonal damage. Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping. Projection has been described as an early phase of introjection. Wikipedia

anarchyrabbit, in "You have a quote that I found interesting, where you said the problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least. Can you unpackage that?"

Oh snap I just finished this 5 mins ago. Great episode!

Talaraine, in "You have a quote that I found interesting, where you said the problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least. Can you unpackage that?"
Talaraine avatar

Honestly one of the more interesting Hot Ones episodes and it's not because I don't like the others. I do.

Mr. Oliver simply said the things that I think a lot of us are thinking but aren't able to articulate as effectively. Just so happens that's what makes a talk show successful, yeah?

mozz, avatar

Yeah. There are other episodes that I think are more entertaining, but it's genuinely rare and special to see someone who cares about journalism have an opportunity to be on TV and talk about it. He didn't even have a chance to say that much and he still managed to fit some gold in there.

Talaraine avatar

All while he's choking to death on 'Da Bomb' lmao.

He gets even more points!

Obi, (edited ) avatar

I thought he handled the heat pretty well to be honest, was excepting his pasty British face to melt off lmao.


Yeah, I watched this a few days ago and also came away thinking it was one of the better episodes I've seen.

jemikwa, in Making American cheese to debunk a conspiracy

What happens when a chemist tries to cook.
Sodium citrate is pretty easy to find online and can go in all kinds of cheese sauces. You can even use it to make a stovetop mac and cheese with your favorite cheeses that won’t get goopy or oily. The other chemical Nile used isn’t really needed, it’s probably more so it holds together into the sheet shape for mimicking singles.
Another alternative to getting sodium citrate is to add American cheese to your cheese blends. Not singles, but deli counter/block cheese. It’s enough to smooth out sauces made from other cheeses.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

You can also just add some velveta to your cheese sauce. It’s overloaded with that shit.


Isn’t Velveeta a block of American cheese?

vlad76, avatar

No, it’s plastic.


Oh okay


Making ‘shitty’ cheeses (i.e. replicating Mexican restaurant cheese dip/ rotel creations) is a kind of fun trial and error process depending how you look at it. But your first attempt is definitely a learning experience. Adding more/less powdered milk etc and jerry rigging mixtures is a vibe thing


He bought very expensive standardized foods to make a cookie, not realizing that standard just means consistent. They’re for calibrating machines.

I think he knows now that him fucking with food is a mistake and I love him for trying.

I like making a bechamel and still use sodium citrate sometimes, depending on how I feel about my cheeses.


Oh yes, I’m very glad that he did this video and attempted to make singles himself. My first sentence was a jab at how ungracefully he cooked the cheese haha


I think he needs to keep doing it while not learning how to actually cook because it’s weirdly educational.

PP_BOY_, in What lead to the Taylor Swift AI incident, day by day Explanation avatar

This shit was happening to actual kids for a decade before some billionaire saw it and got offended.


AI CP running rampant, but Taylor swift is where we draw the line. Hell there was an article a few weeks ago about a high school girl having fakes distributed around school, but nah, Tay Tay is too far.

bloopernova, avatar

Girl in the UK committed suicide because of bullying that included deepfake nudes of her.

(That article doesn’t explicitly say deepfake, so I could be mistaken)


Yeah the media coverage only came due to the popularity. This is a larger issue that’s not been addressed yet in most states and regions.

ChicoSuave, in Gordon Ramsay makes a grilled cheese

It’s a steak melt, not a grilled cheese.


How do you melt steak?

MrJameGumb, avatar

With enthusiasm and great determination

tsonfeir, avatar

With cheese.

Kolanaki, avatar

Technically, everything has a liquid state.


With hot.


I like the parts where they gave evidence for their claims and didn’t leave anything out, unlike what pastors do by hiding evidence.

Aren’t those pastors just the worst?


How does that video not have more views!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Caligvla, avatar

Yeah, they make some really good points but they never give any actual archeological evidence for any of their claims, it’s just “historians found this”, which is basically the same thing religious people do to justify their beliefs. I feel like the documentary is on the right track, but the execution is so-so.

OptimusPrimeDownfall, avatar

I mean, they DO site their sources. It’s in the description.

Satan has amassed an impressive list of biblical scholars ready to reveal the “standard stuff” taught in Christian seminaries: Bart Ehrman (UNC Chapel Hill), John J. Collins (Yale), Dale Allison (Princeton Seminary), Susan Niditch (Amherst), Ron Hendel (UC Berkeley), and Hector Avalos (Iowa State). This is established seminary curriculum about biblical history, biblical morals, authorship claims, and early Christianity — a curriculum never shared with the congregation.

They even show clips of those experts reading from well-cited books like Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence or The Apocalyptic Imagination. You can go read those or others of multi-hundred page books shown if you want the definitive evidence, but in this case this wasn’t about “here’s the hard evidence”. Especially since people don’t change their minds if you present evidence like that.

It’s supposed to consolidate information and help people start the process to questioning some things that maybe were once set in stone. Not fully change change minds or be referenced as a resource.

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