@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar



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JayEchoRay, (edited )
@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Bethesda’s version is toned down

  • Cannot kill children in Bethesda games (without modding)
  • Fallout 2 dealt with some realities of porn, learnt about terms like being a fluffer if are not fit for porn and if you had the skills it provided a pretty salicious perk image and a stage name among a couple of other changes. Sex referencing was used quite a lot in game - sometimes disturbingly so at times.
  • Gravedigging fair enough, there is a perk one gets in fallout 2 that hits you with karma penalty when you do it but otherwise point taken
  • Joining the slavers in Fallout 2, you get branded with a facial brand telling the waste “Look at me, I am a Slaver” which had the effect to lock a character out of quests and be automatically branded an enemy of the NCR - which is a choice that can be made in the second town.
JayEchoRay, (edited )
@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I really would not like Bethesda level writing and character gating to muddy the classics. I seriously doubt it will do the old series justice with the level of inappropriate content.

Easiest examples being the thieving children in Fallout 2, it allowed you “solve” that problem if you didn’t have patience and got a negative quirk in the process.

A low intelligence run was almost a completely new experience with a different level of interaction that was tongue-in-cheek look at someone who really struggles with “standard” game narrative.

That not to mention how much of a mess it will be for bethesda to code for a player plus up to 5 party members per encounter ( making Charisma not a “dump” stat). I strongly doubt they can pull it off if it as a company is still struggling to make the player character plus 1 work smoothly.

I also feel that the old fallout’s sense of humour might not fly with today’s sensibilities specifically the level of objectification, a female character can use to their advantage or the level of “male power fantasy” with specific perks and SPECIAL loadout - which I am sure is something Bethesda will try to avoid as they seem to push for a more gamified systems.

And I really do not think they will be willing to make The Brotherhood play a minor role as they are like a “minor” faction that tries to avoid too much attention in setting in their mission to preserve the old tech from repeating the mistakes of the past

I strongly doubt Todd and his team are the right people to devote resources to truly capture the dark world of old fallout into a faithful reproduction. I think it would be toned down and would most likely follow a bethesda vision for the series.

Maybe I am being overly negative, but I feel even if they maybe revamped it with some prettier graphics and modern system sensibilities, it might still lose some of its soul in the process. I am willing to be proven wrong though

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Fair enough, Fallout 2 at least did deal with a lot of dark themes that I don’t see Bethesda retreading.

In regards to the kids thing, there were ways around it, it was more an annoyance having to buy back stuff that got stolen if one didn’t take those precautions and on an evil playthrough could cut the pretense and do it without much consequence besides the perk reputation as the place was a craphole anyway.

The older fallouts needed one to get into the setting to start the ball rolling, it is not a pretty game and would not be above throwing the playable character in difficult situation if they didn’t prepare for it but it had a way with its writing that helped one to roleplay once one got to a point where one got established which is an older game paradigm that isn’t popular nowadays - building a reputation, and once you have one can start to interact with the world proper.

New Vegas scratches that itch, but isn’t completely the same

I suppose it is like playing a interactive book and then falling in love with the writing and systems that represented uncomfortable realities in an interesting way.

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I can see them doing a better job of it yes, they are probably the closest to understand the how the older Fallout works and already have experience making games like it too in a more modern setting

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for more eloquently writing what I couldn’t really properly get out

There are things in Fallout 2 that stick with me since the first time I played it more than a decade ago because their are moments that feel impactful - it made me feel guilt for my actions, it made me laugh at something totally ridiculous and it has charm and subtlety that I feel Bethesda games struggle with.

spoilerI am playing it now, fallout 2 with restoration mod, it is totally different to the modern takes but I can still appreciate it because I can remember a lot of it and therefore know that I am going to suffer through some early game difficulty but I can still gleefully remember building a character that could pop eye balls from ten paces with a BOZAR, remembering Cassidy has a medical condition, remembering to leave farm girl alone unless I can bs, don’t bother with the Wanamingo’s until I am stronger, Marcus is a bro, a mother with a her child in refugee tents outside a city, refusing people coming in without them being able to provide something, and her asking to find out about her husband, intelligent deathclaws, hubologists, Vault City Entrance exam, gecko power plant and be sure to antagonise the Enclave over the monitor, the hooded man on the bridge asking riddles, the dogmeat dimension, the unlucky dog, super mutants don’t mess with until endgame, reno, vault tec and I can go on and on.

I played and finished fallout 3 and new vegas, played a bit of 4 and besides New Vegas giving me some of that old fallout charm, it does not have as nearly as memorable moments that live rent free in my head

Fishing from ponds.

My starting evac shelter was close to a small pond that had fish in it. I early on created some fish traps from gallon jugs and have been successfully fishing it. It is now summer day 66 and when I activated my reloaded fish trap as I had been doing regularly I received the message “You doubt you’ll have much luck catching...

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know about “fishing” ponds, I am guessing it is because the population is too small to sustain fishing.

I am guessing the message is saying that the area is not viable for fishing and whatever fish in there was probably caught.

I have only really done some fishing along the coast, as the fish lay their eggs in the water and replenish their numbers that way (I personally only really invest in sustainable butchery if I can help it)

I guess the water needs to be deeper or one needs to allow the fish to reproduce via their egg spawning, not too sure though as I haven’t really dabbled much with fishing?

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I can fold my ears twice - so from the top of my ear I fold it towards the bottom of my ear and at the point where it folds I can fold it again across over the first fold.

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds good, just be careful with the solar panels, they are made of paper, reinforcing them makes it hardier for a bit of a hit in its effeciency or you could build a foldable solar panel set or carry the parts to build a generator with a fuel stash in your vehicle and connect it with cables in a safe place to get you out of trouble before you get into trouble.

When building your vehicle sort of have an idea what you want it to do, so more tires gives you better off-road performance, try to account for any extra weight if you want to make it amphibious as it can sink if it is too heavy, if you can get your electronics skill up you can install cameras ( although it needs tweeking to work out the angles and isn’t perfect) and hook up some electronics for retractable screens on windows so you can avoid enemies spotting you while still seeing where you can go

Getting your mechical up high enough for 2 engines can help with the battery drain as you could use the gas/diesel engine to charge your batteries with an alternator. I feel like solar panels feel on the weaker side to power a heavy vehicle for reliable long distance travel so it is good to plan for moments when you might run out of power. I know with advanced motor can still be a bit of a energy guzzler, but I like build my vehicles somewhat boring.


An older picture with I am not sure if it still included, Blazes Industry mod. The enhanced electric engine with just one engine still leaves me moments where I had to explore a bit while I let the batteries charge and that is almost 8 tonnes minimum it dragging around

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I know the refugee center is a great place to get to know most of the factions, last time I played I ran into a bugged quests in regards to the quartermaster dude ( can’t remember the name but he is across the room from Smokes though)

Yes, Smokes is a vendor and acts like the general trader that sells a lot of basic stuff like general raw material and basic ammo that makes things a lot easier to play the game. He also gives you quests that you can “cash in” for vendor credit too

I feel like the refugee center is like the gateway through which the game gets you to explore its content.

You get your best trades with preserved foods, or you can follow a questline, I think Smokes eventually gives, where you can put your NPC companions to work for currency too and use that to purchase stuff.

Cars are a fun side activity to get into, but can be a challenge getting all the right stuff to make it how you like it, becomes like a game in of itself looking for the right stuff to get the vehicle the way one wants it.

I know looking at general cars in the world can help be a reference and from there you can tweek it to your preferences.

Perfect condition electric motors are great finds, doubly so if you can find advanced electric motors as they don’t make noise last I played. I think there is also an enhanced electric motor but those are from the really fancy electric sports cars.

Alternatively you could try use a diesel engine and try find a way to make biodiesel and work with that or go for a hybrid build once your mechanics skills are good enough to put two engines in a vehicle

I would mention to never underestimate a seat beat, besides the obvious reason, they can be a life saver if an enemy tries to pull you out of your car.

I know there is a fairly complex way to chemically make the acid from scratch, but you can also take a car battery, if I recall, and make sure you have the right type of containers and disessemble the car battery and if you are lucky you could get hydrochloric acid that way.

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I can imagine with the title and the comments, I have played far too much of this game so I pop in every now and then and see if I can share my accumulated knowledge

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I would recommend looking at trying to find the refugee center and cover most if not all your welding needs from Smokes.

If you cannot do that, look for places like auto-centers or car garages should have some stuff there. Can also find interesting stuff in basements some times as well -like a hobbyist’s den.

Been awhile since I played, but remember dissembling stuff to figure out what it breaks down into helped keep me stocked to make my own in a pinch and usually just picked the recipe that suited my needs as I recall one can use 1 of 3 types of welding types for material. Solder, I admit, is a bit of a pain to constantly make so I usually only settle down once I am near a refugee center as it can a bit of a chore having to make the stuff all the time

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

You would have hated the original Stardew Valley Gramp Pa, would give you a stern talking too and declare his immeasurable disappointment (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I can somewhat understand though, I like the timer aspect even if I do not like the feeling of being “rushed”. But I understand, you would hate pathfinder:kingmaker though

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

It would be glorious but that level of attention to the art of “dancing” is a dying breed in games, personally a fan of the “one-stop drop shot” and the “fire man shuffle”

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

I will also say, the original Fallouts are games of its time. It sold itself off its narrative and as I am playing Fallout 2, it is still enjoyable but I do concede there are moments of frustration that one learns to work around.

It is not a perfect game, but it is a game that was written in a plausible manner that could be considered too real look at human nature at times and in the same breath going off the rails crazy with something out of pocket that can catch one off guard.

It does a great job of allowing one to make it their story, although some of the writing might not gel with everyone it at least framed it well in setting.

It think it gels well with people that can roleplay in a setting as even the combat logs have humour to it. It requires a lot of reading and the people in the videos look like clay dolls but it is bound to envoke something in someone if they are enjoying themselves playing these types of games.

The turn-based nature of the combat can turn people off, but I cannot deny the charm of running up to someone and giving them a concussion by wolloping their head and then going in to gouge their eyes to make them useless in combat and finishing them off with a shot to the groin.

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

First thing that came to mind and I see others are here are of the same mind with platinum trauma response.


So leaves me to wonder how far are we from the cyberware then?

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting setup

I can imagine you have to rely on movement a lot to get enemies into a favouarable position or just outright avoid combat with things that are too much?

Do you avoid combat with with the higher level monsters, relying on distraction to get where you need to and fallback on the caltrops when you need to escape a bad situations?

Definitely a different style of play

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

That particular Hulk loses a little health to pop out raptors, but it regens the damage back, it is a bit faster than a kevlar hulk but a bit weaker than a normal one, still can cause problems if I cannot focus on killing it as it regens the health back.

Pretty much yeah, usually a automatic rifle can deal with it, but unless it can be killed quckly it just constantly spawns the raptors like a screen for its advance.

Grenades are another great option as the shrapnel rips things apart if it is close, with I think it ignoring armour if i recall, bombs are trickier to use as it is a lot heavier, although i recall it was fun dropping off a barrel bomb at a fungus nest once.

Usually a trip to a mine for raw materials and a few lab runs should get materials last I played.

I seems I pick my molotov targets carefully, as I have safely clear a small town of all its dangerous foes by luring a large group into a building and lreaving behind a tactical “molotov” in it, setting it on fire and the resulting noise drew the rest of the town to the barbeque. But true, unless used underground Molotov’s can be very dangerous.

Speaking of fire, I have escaped a frog mother’s grasp in the early game by lighting a nearby bush with a zippo lighter before as it has a chance to run away in fear of the flame.

Only thing I don’t like about carrying acid, is running into the acid blood and acid immune enemies, but otherwise yes the acid does do damage as I know I like to keep acid spewers alive to thin out the enemies by getting them between the acid and myself and especially with it keeping the goods intact is a bonus over the wild nature of the flame. Bonus for getting yourself acid immune boots and or gear and really using acid to its potential

@JayEchoRay@lemmy.world avatar

Fair enough,

I have seen an npc “event” happen that made good use of the blade traps with a loud speaker. Was quite funny to watch the zombies being blendered as they they swarmed the speaker.

Molotovs can be a great answer to a lot of your other problems, especially when trying to clear a new area with a “burner” house.

That hulk that spawns raptors must be a pain to deal with your setup I can imagine?

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