@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar



"How'd I get here? Ah, it's a long story. I graduated from UMSOT (Undergrad MS Operator training) and test pilot school in '77, back when it was on side 6. Oh, yeah, back then it was something different, we didn't have mobile suits back then, it was MWOTC...

Anyways, when the war started, I was a ball pilot for a few weeks, flew three sorties and scored a lucky kill on a Zaku I, and 'cause I was the only one with a kill under my belt, I got chosen to fly with some secret squirrel things on the White Base (back then they just called it the Pegasus).

Turns out in order to work on that top secret, feddie zaku ripoff, we couldn't be active EFSF personnel. We got discharged from the service so we could fly for some private shell company. Yeah, we lost MIL benefits, but the pay was so good we figured we'd go for it. We had three weeks to study the manuals and get trained on the simulators while we flew out to our assignment. They put me on the RX-78(a3/4) , but when we were en route to rendezvous to Side 7, the EFSF gave me my walking papers.

Turns out, get...get THIS shit: They didn't "need my services any more." Can you believe that? One of the only guys trained on their new, crazy invincible MS, and they fired me.They tossed me, an ace, a qualified TEST PILOT out on my ASS. FOR A G/D FOURTEEN YEAR OLD.

Yeah, you know who?! It was the doctor's kid, right? Remember that Tamm Ray guy from the training videos? Yeah, he got HIS kid to be the gundam pilot. Oh, no they tossed all of us. The entire team of mobile suit pilots, gone. Didn't even reassign us. So we're sittin' there, just lookin out the window, watching the stars go by, just angry as all hell, y'know? Fuming. I get an idea, right? So I says to the other guys, who cares? The zeeks need us more than the feddies do, so I went up front, showed the captain our discharge papers, and turned that sum'bitch around.

Anyways, long story short, boy do those GM's explode easy! Oh man, jokes on them, the feddies drafted a LOT of stupid 14 year olds to drive those death traps.....so uh, what brings you to Axis?"

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

s2208, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@s2208 Another day, another "wow why does {difference} unexplainably exist in america?!?!" post in a forum where you can't just clearly say

"we're flooded with squat brown hordes from the global 3rd world, their habits, lifestyles, and natures compel them to embody the worst of human nature

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Paultron @s2208 It's remarkable how even the shittiest village on the fringe of civilization happens to have shelves fully stocked with cheap oreos, cheeze its, and goyslop. I can't imagine there's anywhere on earth where the peasants still have a normal human diet, they all get processed shit and copious amounts of vegetable oil to fry everything in.

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Paultron @s2208 I've only been working in the west, but I have a hard time believing the dynamic is any better in africa. The goyslop WILL flow to every corner of the earth.

Hell, you know what was SUPER common in cities below the equator? Little kids fainting because they were dehydrated in the 125 degree summer - because they ONLY drank coca cola (actually the domestic imitation brands, cheaper)

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar

Azov is cheering that a nationalist AFD politician in Germany is getting gulag'd because he didn't condemn Putin or something.

The guy is going to jail for tweeting "Everything for Germany" a slogan the authorities are claiming is a nazi slogan.

Azov is cheering this.

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Eternal_Iratus @Terry It's truly stomach sinking when you consider they were fattened up for slaughter like this. I used to wonder why the ukrainian government, given their close ties with AmeriZOG, allowed them all this freedom to make military units, own ordnance, conduct training facilities for "far right nationalist", hold children's indoc - It was all explicitly allowed because they knew all of them would be tossed into the fray to die soon anyway - why NOT make your fattened calf enthusiastic about being sacrificed to moloch?

Azov boys were raised for the slaughter, bred for it, fattened up by a regime that was excited to turn their flesh into a well-marbled steak.

All that time they would mock us, "well unlike you niggercattle OUR owner feeds us better than yours!! look at how fat and healthy we are! Our owner is afraid of how big we've become! We're the biggest bulls there's ever been!"

We've literally watched the death of a people, I really don't think they can come back from this. Just like the imperial japanese, their descendants will be around in a century, but our grandsons will be asking "what the hell happened? Why are they all like...that?"


@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Twoinchdestroya @Eternal_Iratus @Terry I need to dig into that, I have a suspicion that they can't make a similar ideology over here. They were easy to manipulate w/ the ethnic resentments in place and grievous wounds of WWII. Trying to institute a widespread US ideology is like herding cats, it would not be so easy. We got MAGA and that was only "unified" in the most surface-depth ways, you notice that the Capitol tour was generally a VERY narrow demographic that showed up - and they weren't fighting-age boys with nothing to lose

WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

"Why do guys have all these anime girl pics pasted everywhere? We didn't do that in my day!"

I actually hear - and once said - this out of ignorance, too. It's a side effect of being raised in the feminist society where every space is intramural, there's no area where boys are able to make their own clubhouse and put hot women on the walls. When you realize that kids are increasingly so hyper segregated from each other they've accidentally re-created the boys' lounge of old, you'll find we're just doing the same thing our grandfathers did.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/6982ba52-4781-4012-8a5d-8c9effbdfb92

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@PapaPole I was looking for that post about how they even echo further back w/ masts on ships. You'd carve a woman into it as a kind of aspiration for beauty, a goal and reward at the end of your adventure, and a blessing of luck & fortune as you sail into the dark.

It's so freakin' brown to look at those and say "uh u think ur a little redhead in a cocktail dress lol gay"

Also notable that the USAF got rid of noseart about 10 years back, banned it in totality, though even then the only stuff they allowed was cheesy truck stop "never forget" goyslop

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@EcceStuprator @PapaPole lately I was thinking I ran out of things to write about, fun to revisit

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@merchantHelios @EcceStuprator @PapaPole I also haven't bought a keyboard in a while, nothing to really test and enjoy.

WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

>Open poast

> 44 notifications

> Oh cool so many interesting new comments to respond to

> actually just nicecrew boys flirting with one of their ladies again

Yawn boring

WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar
WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

I figured out why this pisses me off lately:

These dating podcasts are just the "Hate Watching" industry applied to women.

I don't like how so many normiecons went from avowed starwars/marvel/LOTR/GOT fanboys to starwars/marvel/LOTR/GOT-hate fanboys. It's fun to mock retarded stuff, but you can't just make that a hobby in and of itself. It's just as pointless watching a 10 hour rumors & lore stream dissecting a marvel trailer as it is watching a 10 hour "WOKE MARVEL SUCKS, Just LOOK!" ramblestream. Either side of it serves the regime's ends equally by diverting your attention to a non-issue you can only spectate without ever really changing.

Likewise, this industry of "dating shows" just seeks to convert boys in the throes of red pill rage to full-on perma-bachelors who spend their time "hate watching" white girls instead of impregnating them and building a family.

(I don't like reposting this so much but I assume you're all smart enough to not be endangered by it. This girl also sounds like she's acting, playing it up, but she might just be drugged)


BigDuck, to random
@BigDuck@poa.st avatar
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@BigDuck I'll use this thread to clear out the new stuff in the queue:


rlier23, to random
@rlier23@detroitriotcity.com avatar

@Rasterman joder, viva milei

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@rlier23 @Rasterman it all sounds too good to be true. I half suspect that argentina is being used as a laboratory, like there are a thousand glowniggers tabulating all the data to see if they can harness and utilize the upswell of right-wingish populism to their own ends.

It's very suspicious that he doesn't get the same terrified "LOOK! It's a bad guy!!!!" articles that bukele does. Plus the whole jew thing, that's odd too

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Rasterman @rlier23 To you guys, but not to us. That's what's weird. They made bukele a front page guy, NPR listeners know his name and can recite his rise to power - meanwhile milei is "that funny guy from uh...israel? IDK"

It's odd to see. Maybe if he acts and jails a lot of people then we'll see the kickback, but until then it's suspicious to me

Suzu, to random
@Suzu@detroitriotcity.com avatar

So, apparently the guy who created the Steam curator thing for Sweet Baby Inc was a Brazillian, and the Sweet Baby people are insanely buttmad with him.

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Suzu I miss how we used to have cutie pies representing dos basãos

RatPoster, to random
@RatPoster@poa.st avatar

Please fill out the bunny identification chart.

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@RatPoster I don't watch but pekora has some cute moments and the best design


@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@Victor_Emmanuel @RatPoster There's some very cutehot art of her but I just dislike pippa's tryhard act, you can tell she learned it all from her old BF. In private, when it's just the two of you, it's terribly endearing for a girl to be kooky and weebish....when it's shared with the world, it's gross.


@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@AmericanChampion @Victor_Emmanuel @RatPoster Yeah, I just couldn't ever feel affection for her, even if it's attractive the very fact she's putting it out there is grody.

IDK, maybe that's just my own thing. I'm "incredibly possessive", I guess, because I like absolutely monopolizing a woman if I love her. The idea that she's out there performing for other men is gross to me, on a base level. I guess that's why I'm so into femNEETs, they don't go snagging attention from simps or strangers, they're content to in habit a small, intimate world with the family and a close-knit group of friends

(I don't have any more pippa pics, just the ai goth one)

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@graf @AmericanChampion @RatPoster @Victor_Emmanuel I forgot who posted these, I have a couple folders of the ones he generated. He's got fancy dress pippa, goth pippa, goth-midriff pippa, skinny pippa, thick pippa, gyaru pippa, sweater pippa, miscellaneous pippa...


WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

Libshit discourse ranting about how starship troopers' bug enemies are more worthy of understanding and camaraderie than humans. All the usual takes apply here, but it reminds me of what I really hate about these people taking the anti-human position in all this human-meets-alien war media:

Every narrative is a tiny sandbox, a chance to impose your will on a simulated universe. Everyone cares how you treat it because it often betrays a sliver of our nature - That's why the lefties see normal people saying "ew gross crush and burn every last ugly, fithy, wretched bug creature that's out there I will not happily coexist with such affronts to beauty and goodness" with utter fear.

They identify with the lowly, wretched, foul, and broken. A primal sense of "oh fuck, I'm next" arises in their brainstem when they see good people begin a jihad against vermin in all their forms.

WashedOutGundamPilot, to random
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

first time I've seen someone accurately figure out those "sleepy anime milf eyes"

Moon, to random
@Moon@shitposter.club avatar

I had a Windows Mobile phone and it was basically a PDA with a phone in it. But it was plagued with unacceptable problems.

@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@takao @Moon You exchange 60% of your phone surface area from buttons (which only niche weirdos use) for screens (which everybody uses)

Phones are for media consumption more than typing, it's a good trade. The only people who don't are the IT guys who are heavy users anyway...but then they are the type to say GUIs are a mistake because "the command line is so much more efficient" which is why they're never marketed to anyways

SuperSnekFriend, to random
@SuperSnekFriend@mugicha.club avatar

Major Update

The two meme titans have been fist fighting from the word go. Both seem equal in their power level as neither has achieved a significant lead in the first few hours.

That being said, Osaka has been enjoying a slight advantage over Konata as the aho from Azumanga has more Nat Soc fans than the Lucky Star otaku.

Osaka - 29
Konata - 28

RT: https://bae.st/objects/89aae25f-8c99-4935-a783-e56df89311c2


@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar
nugger, to random
@nugger@poa.st avatar
@WashedOutGundamPilot@poa.st avatar

@nugger @coolboymew We were cleaning the other day and while she went through the mountain of old discs/movies/games/shit (bless her heart, I could never go through that crap) she found a V-CD (not a DVD, note) of Invader Zim that my 14 yo emo gf burned for me

I told her it was my handwriting and she asked "why'd you stop drawing these cute hearts & clouds on everything then?"

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