@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar



Polytheist and Pagan still trying to find their particular branch of the tree. Cottage Witch. Tarot reader. Owned by a couple of cats.

Queer. Non-binary. They/them.

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quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

I just bought a new tarot deck. I do not need another one, no matter HOW pretty it is...

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Crazypedia Especially when the art is gorgeous and the deck themeing is something that absolutely resonates with you.

Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Today's , in honor of Freya!

I'm wondering how common it is to give offerings, as a pagan practice. Choose all that apply to you.

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey When I was a bit more in tune, my practice involved offerings to my gods, but also to whatever entities/spirits were around. Like I made a point of being polite to the nature spirits around our house since we used to live pretty much in the woods. I'd give them water and stuff like that.

Though I also remember this one time when an entity dropped by and very specifically wanted to lay claim to a jar of raw honey from a local beekeeper that we had in the house, but it wasn't mine to give them. They settled on some honey I /could/ give them spread over a piece of toast, though. To this day, still no idea what one was about.

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey You know, whatever-it-was being fae never crossed my mind at the time, but it does make sense. I think that was around the time I was going through a hyperfixation on the fae and vaettir and whether or not they were similar.

It definitely wasn't a nature spirit, though, I know that. It felt different. The nature spirits always felt... bigger. And older, if that makes sense. They had been there longer than I had and would likely still be there long after I was gone, so I wanted to be sure they knew I respected them. The offerings felt like a good way to do that, though I always kind of wondered if they were baffled by whatever I gave them.

quietcatatelier, to tarot
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

I know the Fediverse has some readers, so of the Fediverse, I have a question for you!

When you're planning on doing a tarot reading (whether it's for yourself or a client), what are some things you need to have or do first?

Speaking for myself, I've settled into a routine of making myself some tea and lighting a candle before I do anything. I'm not sure what about this particular combination gets me into the right mindset for a reading, but it does.

What about you?

quietcatatelier, to tarot
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

When I tell you all that I have been in love with the Egyptian Art Nouveau Tarot for almost a year now, I need you all to know this is not an exaggeration. This particular deck was included in a witchy subscription box almost a year ago, something I only learned when I watched an unboxing of this particular thing on YouTube, and I fell in love with the art immediately.

It never felt like quite the right time to own the deck, though, so I kept putting it off.

But then I realized if I kept waiting for the "right" time, I was likely never going to do it, and since I was still in love with the deck all these months later, I decided I could let myself have something new as a treat.

So I bought it.

I am beyond happy right now.

Two cards are shown. The card on the left depicts a woman wearing a reddish-brown kaftan about to step off the edge of a rocky cliff. Behind her is a pale sphinx cat wearing a little jade scarab on it's collar. The card borders are white, although dividing the white from the rest of the image is an elaborate, almost swirled border in yellow. The top and bottom of the border has a spot free where the number 0 is displayed. The card on the right displays the backs of the cards: two scarabs (mostly green, with it's wings in shades of green, blue, yellow, and orange) with wings splayed. Both are lifting a sun disc above their heads.

quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

🧠: Hey, you know how you've been debating revisiting Kemeticism and have been fixated on that for, like, a week straight?

Me: Yeah?

🧠: What if we made that ALL you can fixate on today?

Me: I.... what?

🧠: Oh, and we're going to fixate on two deities from that pantheon you never really had an interest in when you were a kid, so you don't know a whole lot about them.

Me: Hold on--

🧠: And you're going to want to research them instead of getting work done today!

Me: .........what did I ever do to you?

🧠: Have fun! :D

Me: (sigh) Gods damn it.....

Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

It's Freya's Day! Time for a #FridayPaganPoll:

Paganism is nature-centered, but not everyone has an easily accessible, semi-private area to actually practice outside. Also, weather happens. So I'm wondering:

What percentage of your practice happens outdoors?

#Pagan #Witch

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey I think if I had the space to do more things outside, I would. I've always wanted to attempt a ritual outdoors, but....

Leaving aside weather concerns (because sometimes, the outdoors around here are just not safe at all) and the lack of a private yard space, I live in a fairly conservative area. My neighbors would absolutely not be okay with me conducting anything overly ritualistic in what yard we have.

quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

(cackling) I'm sorry, I'm losing it over this right now. I love the evolution of language....


quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

........I saw a source today that claimed that the rune Tiwaz was associated with Thor and, uh... the confusion is real.

Tyr is literally mentioned in all three of the rune poems associated with this rune. All the other sources at my disposal associate Tiwaz with Tyr because of that. Thor is never even mentioned.

So where the hell did this one person get that the deity associated with the rune Tiwaz is Thor? I'm so confused... Anyone have any ideas where that came from?

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@SpiritBearDreaming That seems like a viable theory to me!

Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Hail Freya! Time for a #FridayPaganPoll

When I started learning witchcraft, the majority taught that a spell should not be performed on someone without their consent, even benefic ones like healing or protection. I'm wondering how much/if this opinion has changed.

Would you do a spell (or pray) on someone without their consent?

#Pagan #Witch #Witchcraft

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey For me, it actually depends on the context.

Generally speaking, I try not to do spells or pray for other people without their consent. For one thing, doing it without always struck me as being rude, and for another, it might make the other party feel incredibly uncomfortable if they find out about it. For me, consent is a huge part of the process, and I want to respect the boundaries of the people involved.

Curses and hexes, though... no, I don't get permission from the person I'm cursing before I do it. It's not something I do very often, mind, but if I do it, it's usually because the guilty party did something to warrant it (and in my experience, they crossed boundaries the minute they did the thing worthy of being cursed for, anyway).

Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Hail Freya, it's Friday! Time for a #FridayPaganPoll

The Pagan path is winding, and it's actually encouraged to explore all different flavors and traditions until you find one that's right for you.

How many did you try out before the one you’re on right now?

#Pagan #Witch #Polytheist

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey So when I answered originally, I think I selected one or two, but I've realized it's actually more than that. Definitely started with Wicca, moved on to a more dragon-flavored Wiccan practice (please don't ask) before shifting to more of an Eclectic Witchy practice and then falling hard into Norse paganism.

And even though I don't consider myself purely a Norse pagan any more and have been calling myself an Eclectic pagan, I kind of feel like I'm back at the edge of the woods that is the large Pagan umbrella and trying to figure out if where I am is where I want to be or if I want to wander further in and see if something else fits better.

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey Wait, seriously? 😮 I've actually never met anybody else who went that route, so that's really cool to hear.

Also, if I'm being completely honest, the Norse paganism was a surprise to me when it happened. When I finally let myself start exploring, I expected to wind up somewhere on the Kemetic or Hellenic side of things since those myths made up a good chunk of my formative years, but that... definitely wasn't what happened.

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey Now, see, Nidhogg and Jormungand aren't dragons I ever approached, but also.... considering Nidhogg's constantly gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil, that felt a little like something I shouldn't do, along the same lines as trying to interact with a specific Kemetic Nope Rope. >>

quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

Welp, since my brain has absolutely NOT let go of it's runic hyperfocus, I'm making the decision to try to pull a rune stone every day in an effort to actually teach myself how these work.

Will I be successful? I don't know. But I'm making the attempt nonetheless.

Runes and I have something of a rocky history. I'm the kind of person who's a bit more visual, so when I draw tarot cards, I'm drawn to certain areas of the card I'm looking at and that helps give me a more thorough interpretation of the card.

I can't really do that with runes, though, so... this is going to be interesting.

quietcatatelier, to tarot
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

I might have treated myself to a new deck for the holiday and I regret nothing.

If anyone's curious, this is the Cozy Witch Tarot, and yes, it's just as cozy as it looks.

wihtlore, to music

I know I’ve quiet, but I’ve been working on a concept album for the magic year for the Jutish / Anglo / Saxon people. I have just finished the music for Mōdraniht — Mother’s Night (tonight) where we celebrate the great mother goddesses: Frigg, Hreða and Éostre.

Who wants to hear it?

#music #anglosaxon #jute #jutish #yule #yuletide #pagan

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@wihtlore Who WOULDN'T want to hear that?

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@wihtlore Oh, this is beautiful! :o

quietcatatelier, to random
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

The is coming up! Which means it will soon be time for me to do my traditional "Year Ahead" tarot spread and give myself an idea of what 2024 might look like for me.

What do you do for the solstice?

Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Hail Freya, it's Friday!
For today's #FridayPaganPoll I'm asking about land spirits- landvaettir, genius loci, etc.

Have you made any offerings to the spirits of the land this year?

#Witch #Pagan #Polytheism

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey You know, I was 100% ready to answer yes to this but then I realized.... I hadn't. At all.

No wonder the landvaettir around here seem grumpy....

Cat_LeFey, to crochet
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Years ago, I taught my niece how to , and now she made me these gnomes for the Yule tree!
They're so cute, I feel like I should give them names. People name their gnomes, right?

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey I've never had gnomes, so I'm not sure, but I feel like naming them is appropriate since they're technically going to be tree guardians if they're going to live on there. Guardians should have names. :)

Cat_LeFey, to random
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

I'm inventing a new word: pagansplaining.

Like when someone replies to a lifelong pagan talking about their practice, and then spams them with youtube links tryna teach them about how Christmas was originally a pagan holiday.

Has someone ever pagansplained something to you?

quietcatatelier, (edited )
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey The most I ever usually get is people seeing I'm a witch and then telling me I can't do something I've mentioned I've done because those things "violate the Rede" or something along those lines. The number of times I've had to try to explain to people that just because I'm a witch doesn't mean I'm Wiccan are far too many to count.

Back when I considered myself more Norse Pagan leaning, though, I did have some people tell me I shouldn't use particular runes for something because they were associated with white supremacy, which.... I'm well aware of that, thank you, but I'm not going to stop using the offending runes for bindrunes when those are part of my religious practice.

quietcatatelier, to paganism
@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

Today feels like a good day to get a discussion going while also learning something, so today, I would like to ask the instance (and, well, all the and folks in the relevant hashtags) a question: what's your favorite myth? It could be one from your faith or one that relates to a deity that you honor.

I'll go first, and this is going to be hard for me because I've had a few myths I've really loved over the years.

When I was a kid, I was weirdly obsessed with a myth from Ancient Egypt where Set killed Osiris. I honestly couldn't tell you why, but I knew all the details by heart.

In the version of the story I knew, Set created a box perfectly sized to Osiris' measurements, and brought it out as a party game. Set said whoever could fit into the box got to keep it. Naturally, Osiris was the only one who could fit inside, and when he climbed in, Set slammed the lid shut, trapping him inside. Once he was dead, Set tore his corpse to pieces (I specifically remember it being 14 pieces) then scattered the pieces of Osiris' corpse throughout Egypt. Later, Isis set about putting Osiris back together, but that part of the story wasn't that interesting to me. >>

When I started exploring Norse Paganism, though, I fell in love with several myths, and a lot of them are about Loki. My favorite one, though, is mostly about Thor.

One day, Thor discovers Mjollnir, his hammer, is missing, and gains Loki's help to find it. It turns out the jotunn Thrym stole it and he won't give it back unless Freyja comes to him to marry him.

Freyja, quite understandably, becomes very angry by this idea and refuses.

After consulting with the rest of the gods, Thor is ultimately made to dress as a bride, complete with a veil and jewelry. Loki dresses up as one of "her" handmaids, and they go to Jotunheim together.

Thrym, surprisingly, accepts this at face value, and holds a wedding feast for "Freyja." Thor being Thor, he eats and drinks voraciously which is in contrast to Thrym's impression of Freyja. Loki makes the excuse that "Freyja" has starved herself for 8 days and nights before coming. Thrym raises "Freyja's" bridal, intending to kiss her, but sees furious eyes staring back at him, seemingly burning with fire. Loki makes the excuse that "Freyja" hasn't slept for eight nights as she was so eager to be here.

Eventually, the jotnar bring out Mjollnir and lay it on "Freyja's" lap to "sanctify the bride." This, however, put the hammer right back into Thor's hands, and with it, he struck Thrym, beat all the present jotnar, and returned home with his beloved hammer.

But now that I've shared some of my favorites.... what are some of yours?

18+ Cat_LeFey, (edited ) to paganism
@Cat_LeFey@pagan.plus avatar

Hail Freya! It's time for a

Have you ever used mind-altering substances during active practice?

@quietcatatelier@pagan.plus avatar

@Cat_LeFey You know, I never thought about it before, but it's possible!

In my case, though, it was legitimately just me not liking alcohol. 😅 I stopped trying to drink it even casually shortly after that.

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