@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar



I like cake. I'm an East (San Francisco) Bay, California, USA human. Married, cis, old, white.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #BlackLivesMatter

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Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

"time" is the runt of the data-structuring Series family

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

“How do you manage to not compulsively read the entirety of every book you start?”

Simple explanation, really. I’m a natural born quitter.

I quit when things aren’t working & when they are. For any reason or no reason. I’ve probably quit more things than most people have begun.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Oops All Bath Water Technology

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

I guess that makes sense.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Sears, Roguelike & Co's Christmas Big Book Catalog.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Is it really a Telephone Encounter if I didn't pick up, tho?

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@tuban_muzuru They did! It was: call me back.

Short, sweet & entirely useless.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

> Save $100 on NFL Sunday Ticket

Buddy, that better result in me getting cash back.

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@Dseitz co-sign

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Hey did y'all know this ad co offers personal messaging? - Me, discovering gMail in 2024

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

More of a quick comment than a quick question.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Borrowing a cup of stone off of the neighbor to get some soup going.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Keiji Nishitani's The Self-Overcoming of Optimism.

MishaVanMollusq, to random
@MishaVanMollusq@sfba.social avatar
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@MishaVanMollusq 😍 Sea Hag & Goon!

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

I imagine smarter people than me are already planning for it but I just realized that next week would be a really good week for a .

molotovcockatiel, to boardgames
@molotovcockatiel@mastodon.social avatar
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@molotovcockatiel Oh, nice. Tzolk'in is so fun.

Sorl, to random
@Sorl@goblin.camp avatar

bite the hand that starves you

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@Sorl 👏 👏

gregly, to random
@gregly@retro.pizza avatar


@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@Carnivius @gregly It means that video games will become endless, meandering, self-refuting & tedious but on the plus side, publishers will be able to stop paying thousands of creative people. So who can say if it's good or bad?

PlinyTheOlder, to random
@PlinyTheOlder@sfba.social avatar

This is 52.

Despite — well, everything in this sad, crumbling year; the background noise of a world falling apart — I think my thirteen-year-old self would be so surprised at where I ended up after all this time. As a young queer growing up in the 80s, I had no sense that it was possible to reach this age. (Hard to convey just how pervasive this was.)

I’ve spent my life working with kids, and outside of that I do believe that that finding and creating moments of queer joy is a revolutionary act in the face of oncoming fascism.

So I’m looking forward to a great dinner tonight at a restaurant that Tina and I love. This weekend I’ve got book club — always a treat — and some theater. So I’m going to play my little playlist of Maggie Rogers, Chappell Roan, girl in red, and (yes) Beyoncé and get ready for all the day offers.

A photo of me standing under a balloon arch with my arms crossed and a serious expression

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@PlinyTheOlder Happy Birthday!

ryan, to random
@ryan@dads.cool avatar

it’s my birthday today, and for my birthday present I just want you to watch something weird, old, foreign, obscure, and new to you. the less you know going in to the movie the better. hit shuffle play on your watchlist. say fuck it and fire up something you’ve been wanting to watch but haven’t. go hog wild and report back with a screenshot of the title card

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar
Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

I don’t know who needs to hear this but

18+ Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Phil comes to the door, astrally projecting from the jaw pain, and sees the beam bounce off the fish pendant & the shadows spell out "you should listen to Griff's Astronaut"

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

@fleur_de_LA Honestly, after having read

> All Valis games are platform games except Valis X, an erotic visual novel released for Windows in 2006 on the 20th anniversary of the series. Developed by Eants, it was the last game published by Telenet Japan. Valis X is divided into five episodes that retell the stories of the first four games, containing copious amounts of lesbian acts and tentacle erotica.

I, too, am surprised, that that's not the VALIS of which I spoke.

@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar
Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Reply Geyser is also a periodic erupting natural phenomena

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

The dark matter theory of ActivityPub postulates that 90% of the Fediverse is imperceptible to any individual observer. The best which one can hope for is trying to include the unperceived in your actions.

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