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Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.

PugJesus avatar

DeSantis is an intelligent man

Wouldn't be so certain of that. But at least intelligent enough to understand that State laws don't supersede Federal laws. You know, walk-and-chew-gum level intellect.

PugJesus avatar

You might be right; the '6' written on the photo could well be a '5'. I'll change the title.

PugJesus avatar

Tell me you don't understand the byzantine federal bureaucracy without telling me you don't understand the byzantine federal bureaucracy.

PugJesus avatar

Caught it JUST at the right time - in Pompeii, the streets were cleaned (or 'cleaned') daily by flooding them with surplus and wastewater.

PugJesus avatar

Explanation: The Romans were quite fond of omens - augury. Good omens, bad omens, all determining whether to go ahead with a plan or pull back. Even the mythical founding of the city was based on an omen - how many birds were seen by Romulus.

One method of omen-taking was by seeing if sacred chickens would eat at the moment - if they would eat eagerly, it was a good omen; it they would not, it was a bad omen. One irate Roman admiral is said to have tossed the chickens into the ocean after finding they would not eat that day, saying "If they will not eat, let them drink!"

He lost the ensuing battle and was shamed and removed from command by the Senate when he returned.

PugJesus avatar

Explanation: The Romans were quite fond of omens - augury. Good omens, bad omens, all determining whether to go ahead with a plan or pull back. Even the mythical founding of the city was based on an omen - how many birds were seen by Romulus.

One method of omen-taking was by seeing if sacred chickens would eat at the moment - if they would eat eagerly, it was a good omen; it they would not, it was a bad omen. One irate Roman admiral is said to have tossed the chickens into the ocean after finding they would not eat that day, saying "If they will not eat, let them drink!"

He lost the ensuing battle and was shamed and removed from command by the Senate when he returned.

PugJesus avatar

Yeah, I can't find it in abandoned mags, else I would have just taken it and cleaned it up.

PugJesus avatar

I got a few almost immediately after requesting them, though I did it just after the feature was released.

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