
Mines a small box with two ethernet cables that connect to the switch. Its amazing. It has no wifi built in and as a result I don’t have to worry if my stove ore refrigerator is between it and my bedroom.


A sect of MUDders worships Shub-Internet, sacrificing objects and praying for good connections. To no avail — its purpose is malign and evil, and it is the cause of all network slowdown.

“Freela casts a tac nuke at Shub-Internet for slowing her down.”

“Shub-Internet gulps down the tac nuke and burps happily.”

-- Taken from the Jargon File


My cat will sit on either of them.


Ugh not good for the heat to get trapped 😩


I use a firewall, so none of these apply to me.

My firewall doesn’t have wireless, I have a separate system of access points to provide wifi coverage across my house. Little White/beige squares dotted throughout to propagate the wireless in a coordinated effort to allow clients to connect, backhauled through a PoE switch to the firewall.

Any box my ISP gives me gets put into bridged mode and stuffed in a closet with the rest of my hardware. I never see it.

I don’t like having network equipment out in the open, on shelves or whatever. All my aps are ceiling mounted and well out of the way, so they pose no more inconvenience than a smoke detector.

I have long since abandoned the consumer router industry. Most of it is borderline ewaste as far as I’m concerned. I don’t trust my ISP to provide a good combination modem/router to use so all of their stuff is restricted to bridged mode, so it acts as a modem only. I won’t fault anyone for not doing what I am, it’s usually not cheap, but bluntly, I haven’t had any significant problems with any of it since switching to this type of network, and I can upgrade any part at any time without throwing the whole thing away like you would have to for a consumer all-in-one wifi router. This path isn’t for the feint of heart. It’s much more difficult to manage when you need to, but when you get everything configured correctly, you basically can forget that it exists. The only down time I’ve had has been either power or ISP related. Obviously if the power is out, wifi doesn’t work. If the ISP is having trouble getting your connection out to the internet, then all the equipment on my end isn’t going to provide internet access, even if it’s working flawlessly.

I’ve taken great pains to ensure that I don’t need to look at, modify, or even think about my network or wifi very often or at all. It just works. It blends into the scenery and I don’t even see it most of the time.


Consumer routers are fine if they run openwrt


The list of consumer products shipping with openwrt is pretty small.

Most consumers couldn’t care less about what their router is running for software, so most won’t even bother trying to find one or even get one that’s compatible.

It really is a shame.

For me though, I usually find that most of the hardware is lackluster at best. So I tend to use cast-off gear from enterprises. It’s older, but usually a lot faster, more capable and more reliable than anything you can buy from a shelf at your local retailer, and generally not much more expensive. It serves me well, and lasts a lot longer than anything I’ve bought at a computer store.

I’m using a business firewall from sonicwall, a Cisco catalyst 4948 switch as my core, and a Cisco catalyst 3750-X with PoE for my access switch. I have Cisco aeronet wireless, a WLC 2504 as the controller, and a set of AIR2802i access points, IIRC. I don’t think I’ve spent $2000 Canadian dollars for everything, and I don’t expect to have to replace anything for probably 10 years, unless I want something faster than 1Gbps for my computers. The main interlink between the core and my access switch is 10Gbps and I’m all set to aggregate that to 20Gbps. I don’t need the bandwidth right now, but I run a home lab which I wanted to have very fast access to. I haven’t yet, but the lab will be plugged directly into the 4948, effectively eliminating any bottleneck between it and my workstation, regardless of what other traffic is on the network, since they’re both using 1Gbps and I have faster connections between those systems at all points. Unless you hold out have the equivalent knowledge of a CCNA, or your seeking that knowledge, then something like what I have isn’t for you (and that’s most people), but it works well for me and I have the knowledge required to make it all work.

I still have a lot to do before I can put away my network engineering hat and call it good for the network, like running a lot of ethernet around my home, relocating a few access points to finish the WiFi, and repatch all my homelab systems into the 4948; among other things. If someone wants something like what I have but doesn’t want to earn a degree in network administration, I usually push them towards ubiquiti. It’s much simpler to administrate and offers many of the same benefits when using it. The only time that wouldn’t be my recommendation is on very fast internet connections, somewhere in excess of 5Gbps, because even the UDM Pro and UDM SE can’t really keep up with that velocity of traffic. They usually cap out around 6Gbps and only if the internet traffic is the only thing you’re doing. Going faster for a home network gets rather difficult with the current state of technology. It’s absolutely possible with a custom built opnsense or pfsense gateway, but then you need to deal with routing and switching that capacity and the situation gets difficult pretty quickly. Nearly nobody is even connected to an ISP who is offering that kind of speed right now, and even if they are, people generally won’t buy the top tier speed, so the people who find themselves in this situation are generally few and far between.

The thing I like about ubiquiti is that it scales down too. You can buy a UDR and get almost all the same benefits, then scale up as needed, adding a switch and access points when the built in equipment isn’t sufficient anymore. Replacing it with a USG or UDM if internet speed exceeds 1Gbps, or moving to a pfsense/opnsense router and adding a cloud key for the wireless/switching management for medium builds is also very good.

Ubiquiti is more expensive than what I do, but it is much easier for non-network specialist people to use.

Sorry for the rant.


To spend thousands on networking equipment you have higher needs then most home users, so it makes sense to use that enterprise gear. For most home users, it doesn’t



The UDR I would recommend for most homes, is a far better choice for the average user. Basically if you need less than 1Gbps, that’s the way to go. If you need more, look at either pfsense/opnsense hybrid with ubiquiti for switching and access points, or move up to the UDM pro if that’s what you want. Over 5Gbps internet, you basically need to do hybrid with several vendors, and going 10G+ for internet speeds, talk to a professional.

I am a professional, so I have crazy stuff compared to what I need. My internet is only 300mbps or so. As you can imagine, I can change nothing and go 1G+. I have some QoS rules and stuff I’d need to update, but all the equipment can handle much faster internet without trouble. My current issue (and frustration) is that I can’t get fiber here. If I put in a neighbor’s address from across the street, a local fiber provider offers 1G symmetrical service. I contacted them about this and they gave me some jabber about city permits and such. Meanwhile when I got my internet from the local cable provider, they shut down the street for 5 minutes and installed a cable from the utility post to my house, brand new for my install. I don’t know why they can’t do the same, and I don’t understand why they would have permits to install on one side of the road and not the other.

My issues aside, the choices really depend on each home and what it’s situation is. I would never pretend that people should do the same as I do.


This is the way

anarchy79, avatar

The cybernetic gods require BLOOD, before your wifi works.

Kolanaki, avatar

The original BLOOD or a more modern source port?

anarchy79, avatar

I don’t do magic and vampires, and I don’t mix toys, but I also haven’t read the release notes so couldn’t actually tell you.

Kolanaki, avatar

Oh man, if you’ve avoided BLOOD for the fantasy elements you’re really missing out on one of the best FPS games on the Build engine. Arguably the best of all time.

anarchy79, avatar

I am sorry. I decided long ago that magic, elves, dragons, vampires, magic, trolls, gnomes, and magic was anathema.

I don’t swing that way. Yeah it’s a shame because a lot of great games contain that kind of entartete kunst, alas, here we are.

I almost get triggered just talking about it.


Ironically, it’s the innocent-looking white boxes that are hellspawn devices of pure evil that will wiretap your house, force you into a subscription service and have a 2-year planned obsolescence timebomb in it.

Meanwhile anything that resembles an arachnid will let you do whatever you want, support every imaginable open standard, and work with community firmware that will still be supported a decade later.

Justas, avatar

So Jehovah’s witnesses vs Satanic Temple?


Jehovah’s witnesses have lasted more then 2 years sadly

Justas, avatar

Sadly indeed


Mikrotik have innocent enough boxes, although some are black but no subscription service, although it’s proconsumer so it’s not a easy device unless you know what are you doing or you watch a video for each thing you want to do 😅.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Microtik looks very expensive for what they offer. What are their actual advantages of something like an ASUS?


Generally speaking I’ve found them to be far cheaper than similarly specced hardware, for the sfp+ and multigig hardware. (I’ve also seen benchmarks that show they can’t handle the same kind of total throughput though either)

Linkerbaan, avatar

For price-value I only knew of Ubiquity, which also offers these kinds of products at supposedly more reasonable prices than the majority of the market.

Mikrotik seems to be older than Ubiquity but hasn’t shown up on my radar for good value professional/prosumer equipment whereas Ubiquity has gotten a lot of hype a few years ago. I wonder what the difference is between the two


Maybe because you’re not European? Mikrotik is Latvian, Ubiquiti from the US.

Linkerbaan, avatar

I remember Ubquity making a huge impression on the scene being touted as “professional hardware for a better price”. I have never really heard that hype around Mikrotik. I’ll keep them in mind though


I’m not European either. I was just looking for cheap fast hardware. I have a ubiquiti access point, it beats the pants off anything else I’ve used before. That said, I will never buy ubiquiti management equipment because they keep having either security issues or outages that affect your ability to administrate the network in the same room.


Try to get a carrier-grade router with 20 SFP+ cages from Asus, Mikrotik’s higher end plays in the same league as Cisco or Huawei.

Mikrotik’s lower-end hardware isn’t really much more expensive than what you get from Asus but runs the same carrier-grade software and will never, ever, let you down when it comes to things such as packet throughput. The reason you don’t see OpenWRT images often for their devices isn’t because they’re locked down but because people prefer their software.


I don’t think that is true for Wi-Fi 6 routers. Are there any open firmwares for those? Those bastards at TP-Link removed features after a firmware update and I no longer have any visibility to anything that is going on my network. It will be relegated to access point soon, if I don’t chuck it at a wall in spite, after I figure this opnsense thing out.


OpenWRT supports 70 devices with 802.11ax. 7 of them are TP-Link.

I haven’t tried any of these devices myself though.

anarchy79, avatar

If they also crawled around my living room floor I would probably buy two and make them fight each other over AP privileges. May the strongest signal win.



mrmanager, avatar

I very much prefer the white style. But the black style probably screams cool to more consumers. :)


Cool is exactly what I’m looking for in a router


The Elders of the Internet demand… a shrubbery!



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  • MystikIncarnate,



    I’ve got the corporate ubiquiti flying saucer in my house. It kind of irritates me, but it works.

    anarchy79, avatar

    If only they came in chromed hexahedrons… I would get one and obey it.



    mlg, avatar

    That rounded white box is a POS At&T locked down fiber modem/router which they patch biweekly at 3am without your control because they don’t want people hacking their devices to change the DNS server or anything useful.

    It wouldn’t be a problem if AT&T let you use your own fiber ONT but they don’t which is technically illegal but no one has sued them yet because they are a billion dollar company.

    Thankfully the workaround is to grab a supported ONT, upgrade to 2.5g or higher fiber speeds so they are forced to use XGS-PON, then swap in your ONT with some cloned IDs and downgrade back to whatever plan you want. This all allegedly works because businesses that use AT&T as their ISP also don’t want to pay money for a proprietary piece of junk, and they have enough power to throw around to demand AT&T allow them to use their own fiber hardware.


    I love having Google Fiber, they gave me a modem with one open RJ-45 port and said “have fun with the other side of this network”.


    Google fiber still exists? Huh, I figured that would be another good project they kill off after a year or two


    It’s only in certain areas, I live in Seattle and it’s in Seattle but not everywhere in Seattle.


    There are total bypass options now to completely remove their hardware from your network using an ONT that lets you clone the att device serial number. Just a heads up.


    Mind to direct me to the right direction on this? For academic purposes, of course.

    mlg, avatar

    Basically has all the documentation and links you need in one section because its made up of various forum posts and google docs lol.


    Oh hi. What XGS-PON device allows a cloned ID?

    I’ve actually been looking for one forever.

    mlg, avatar

    Check here:

    The two most common are:

    So you figured out you are on XGS-PON. I hope you love your speeds!

    For XGS-PON, there are 2 devices that we currently support that allow for bypassing:

    Azores WAG-D20 (now called the X1Z1E) ONT with a 10G Ethernet port

    Where to Buy:…/azores-1x-10gbe-1x-2-5gbe-in…

    Our Documentation:…/edit#

    Azores WAS-110 (now called the XSS) ONU in a SFP+ form factor

    Where to Buy: [Wait for a group buy, it’ll be cheaper]…

    Our Documentation:…/edit#heading=h.f8l0u…

    There are notes and some people who have found others that work as well


    Thanks, I like it. $200 is a bit steep for the SFP+ unit, but if I don’t have to deal with the ISPs modem nonsense, it’s probably worth it. I’ll probably check out the discord later.

    anarchy79, avatar

    I picture you whispering this at the full moon while sharpening a blade.


    Mine is white, but with 4 long antenna sticking up. So I think of it more as “deer antlers mounted on the wall.”

    Kolanaki, avatar

    Like early wifi routers weren’t also stupid looking? I don’t think I have ever had one that fit properly anywhere because of their odd shapes and/or antennae, and I’ve had wifi since 98 or 99.

    As an aside: While I was working for a WISP, I came into possession of some older Ubiquity antennas and I used a couple to blast my home network’s wifi across my small town so I could use wifi on my phone pretty much anywhere within 3 miles of my house. Shit was rad as fuck.


    You’re right. That is rad as fuck.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    My fiber modem is sort of a white diamond-shaped tower.


    “Does either model spy on me?”


    “Which one?”



    The one on the right is ASUS, they make pretty good quality hardware and software and don’t spy on you, at least for what concerns routers.


    You are talking about the same Asus that uses proprietary Trend Micro spyware on all its routers? At least it can be disabled, but by default it is enabled and spies on you


    Yes. I thus recommend to flash Asuswrt-merlin. It is based on the stock Asus firmware, plus some features and minus some inconveniences as the one you mention.


    I assume if it can be flashed it can take OpenWRT too? I like the aesthetic, but IDK I think I’d rather not support them at all if they put spying software on their stock installs.


    I have a ASUS RTAX53U running OpenWrt 23.05.

    Here you can find a list of devices supported by the current version.

    Oha, avatar

    Why dont you give me your Routers source code if you have nothing to hide, Asus?


    They are obligated to publish the routers’ firmware source code under GPL-2 since it’s primarily based on Tomato and OpenWRT firmware.

    You can find the respective source code on the Support page of every router, tab Driver & Utility > Driver & Tools > OS: Others.

    If the version you find there does not match the last published firmware, you can send them an e-mail.

    mrmanager, avatar

    Depends on your firmware. You can install FreshTomato firmware on these things and enjoy a much better experience with many more features and higher stability.

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