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bl00dmeat, in 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says

The key point IMO is that it's generally accepted that life exists on other planets. The issue I have is any dissent to the thought that there is intelligent life on other planets. Statistically, it's more likely that there IS other intelligent life than that there ISN'T, even based solely off the fact that intelligent life is a known fact, and the universe as a whole is so much bigger than we can see/know/comprehend. We're basically nothing in the universal scale, I can't comprehend that we're solely unique in that aspect.

My generalistic perspective is that other sentient, intelligent life absolutely exists, or did exist, or will exist, but in my lifetime, and the lifetime of our species in the galaxy, we are not likely to make any comprehensible, meaningful contact that will give an undeniable and definitive answer.


Mainly because no one wants to talk to you. Humans tend to get homicidal when introduced to exotic species.


Oh yes, all the intelligent sentient life forms that exist an incomprehensible number of light years away from us with the knowledge and technology to manage and survive that journey both TOTALLY care about us as a species enough to try meaningful contact, but are TERRIFIED of our...satellites and exploratory rovers that haven't left our Solar System.

I don't doubt that we'd be ridiculously hostile to an extraterrestrial emissary if that were a thing, but like.
..bro they would have to be so much more technologically advanced than us to even make that happen in the first place that we're basically little greedy squirrels in comparison.


It’s not that anyone is scared of you guys. It’s just that most of you are assholes, and no one wants to hang out with you.

Sanctus, avatar

Whats up with the context in your replies? “You guys… you… we were working on…” its strange to exclude yourself from the rest of the human race. That one about the subliminal broadcasts working seemed completely out of pocket. What are you on about?


It’s only strange if you’re human.

Sanctus, avatar

I mean yeah, that's my point. We're squirrels. Why the fuck would any intelligent species with the technology to reach us bother making contact with us? You tried to talk to squirrels? Spoiler alert. They're kind of dumb compared to us. As are we compared to "them". If that were to happen, which is statistically insanely unlikely, we're lucky if they just give us a fly-by laugh.

"Look at these idiots stuck on their planet, barely able to send duct tape projects to their one moon."

You ever sprayed an ant hill in your yard? I fully expect any species with the kind of tech to reach us sees us the same way we see ants. And to your point, we would probably treat them the same way were we to be the instigators. But we're nowhere near that today.


Well, in your defense, you all do make intriguing test subjects when properly sedated.

vamp07, in 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says

Any thinking that involves “we are better off being lied to” is a non starter.


Thanks for the compliment - a lot of our team’s hard work went into the subliminal conditioning broadcasts, and it’s good to have confirmation that they’re working as intended.

SignullGone, in Last month, a unknown molecular biologist claimed to have worked on alien DNA at the Battelle National Biodefense Institute. They posted an incredibly detailed breakdown of their work on r/aliens, then disappeared.

I think this was shared before the transition to the new community. I found the content captivating. While there’s no concrete evidence supporting this individual’s claims, it’s notable that many experts in the field refrain from outright dismissing them. This is intriguing to me as I was expecting it to be immediately debunked. It would be great if, in time, we could ascertain the veracity of these claims.

Thank you for sharing!

Arotrios avatar

My pleasure- glad it's welcome here, I've been really enjoying the community you've built.

One of the things I found interesting was the timing of the post - coming after the announcement of the Grusch hearings, but before they took place. This indicates to me that the author may have been one of the people Grusch was referring to when talking about the research on non-human remains, which was not (to my knowledge) declared before the hearings. Given the clear frustration in the writing, they may known that Grusch couldn't talk about specifics, when the specifics were absolutely incredible discoveries that the author should get credit for.

There also may be some jealousy of Grusch at play - a frustration that Grusch could talk about things publicly the author didn't dare to.

After all, this research would be Nobel material IF real and IF not classified. 15 years of working on research that would change the human race forever, to have it locked away by government bureaucrats - I'd probably go and bitch on Reddit about it too.

That's what makes it feel more real to me than anything else, honestly - that frustrated, arrogant voice behind the writing. I've worked with writers for 20 years and there's a certain quality that comes from truth... not facts, but a truth purely written as the author believes it. This writing rings true to me, which is why I copied it and held on to it.


One of the things I found interesting was the timing of the post - coming after the announcement of the Grusch hearings, but before they took place. This indicates to me that the author may have been one of the people Grusch was referring to when talking about the research on non-human remains, which was not (to my knowledge) declared before the hearings. Given the clear frustration in the writing, they may known that Grusch couldn’t talk about specifics, when the specifics were absolutely incredible discoveries that the author should get credit for.

I hadn’t considered the timing. While we have no evidence to suggest a correlation, it’s intriguing to speculate about it.

That’s what makes it feel more real to me than anything else, honestly - that frustrated, arrogant voice behind the writing. I’ve worked with writers for 20 years and there’s a certain quality that comes from truth… not facts, but a truth purely written as the author believes it. This writing rings true to me, which is why I copied it and held on to it.

This is very interesting to me. Since writing isn’t my area of expertise, your perspective on this is new information for me. Thanks!

Sanctus, in 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says avatar

What nonsense is this? Question everything, especially “reality”. This doctor probably needs to spend some time with us laymen every so-often.


Says the guy who questions my reality… hypocrisy, thy name is Sanctus.

Sanctus, avatar

There is never a lie that helps.


How Pollyanna of you, especially coming from the species that invented megachurches, “Reality” TV, and the CIA.

Sanctus, avatar

You are not just Rogering it up on Lemmy, posting psychedelic music, and spilling the tea on abductions. You’d be shot dead that organization you mentioned for the reason you’ve posted about.

HM05_Me, in Help me understand? avatar

The core idea is that there are legacy programs that have acquired and are covertly researching non-human technology and biologics. These are a combination of compartmentalized government groups from the DoD, DoE, CIA, etc. and private contract companies. The programs are sealed away by over classification that prevents oversight. Even if you have clearance to know about the programs you’d need to know where to find them and who to seek for the information. And, just because these groups fall under a larger group like the DoD doesn’t mean the chain of command above them is in the know. They know that there are programs, they know just enough details about them, and that they’re needed. Outside of that, there is deliberate ignorance to limit any direct liability and to obfuscate effort to look into them.

While some individuals in Congress would have had briefings on incidents and certain programs in the past, they were still in the dark of the programs as a whole. David Grusch and other individuals provided testimony to help connect the dots needed for them to pursue disclosure. What Congress currently knows is pure speculation to the public, but there had to have been some damning details emerge that it has become a bipartisan effort in both the House and Senate to seek disclosure.

Naturally, there has been opposition so far from the DoD and members of Congress whose primary donors are companies with military contracts. Thanks to some legislation that has passed and more that is in the works, it seems that a form of disclosure is on the horizon. What the disclosure will entail and whether it will truly reveal any form of non-human intelligence is yet to be seen. But, over the next few years there will be details on legacy programs come to light. Some details will remain classified, but there should at least be enough come forward for the public to have a gist of what’s been going on and if there is indeed non-human intelligence involved.

BearOfaTime, in Help me understand?

In a word: Yes.

As in all the above to greater/lesser degrees.

While theoretically the president has authority to know about all of this, the reality is people/groups very likely obfuscate their behaviour/projects/agendas in myriad ways.

So fo any of us not closely connected to any particular story/allegation/project, the likelihood of learning anything with any veracity is highly unlikely.

I say this as someone with family in both military and aerospace who have varying clearances (fairly run-of-the-mill stuff, nothing significant), and I can tell when they avoid subjects which could expose they know something (again, nothing to do with UAP, just mundane tech, things like materials tech or current/past intel capabilities).

If they won’t even talk about mundane stuff from decades ago (I’ve looked at military records, which give hints to what they were involved with), I’m pretty sure anytime we hear supposed “secret” intel, it’s likely to have been carefully orchestrated for a specific goal.

treadful, in NBC News: Navy Rear Admiral speaks out about UAP sightings in new paper avatar

The admiral, who has an impressive resume, is playing a little fast and loose.

We know now that from [the Schumer amendment] that non-human intelligences are visiting us in all domains.

The amendment does not state that. It just says if such information exists that it’s seeking its disclosure.

HM05_Me, in Rep. Robert Garcia proposes UAP amendment to NDAA avatar

Interesting note that “non-human” appears 25 times in the 47 page amendment. That wording, grouped with “unknown origin”, is clearly casting a broad net to try to encompass anything that can’t directly be tied to human origin. Whatever the believed origin of some UAP are, both Democratic and Republican lawmakers are putting a lot of effort into uncovering potential non-human technology.

Yawweee877h444, in NBC News: Navy Rear Admiral speaks out about UAP sightings in new paper

Just saw this as well. The good thing is at least it’s being reported on, and importantly not in a negative mocking way. I like Tim’s reasonable responses as well. When he’s asked his opinion on what they are, his first response is we simply don’t know, then speculates the obvious possibilities.

This is the kind of reasonable reporting needed.

HM05_Me, in NBC News: Navy Rear Admiral speaks out about UAP sightings in new paper avatar
HM05_Me, in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C. avatar

I always hope that videos provide enough in the scenes to estimate depth and distance. One of the tricky things with capturing objects in the sky is that there will always be a sacrifice in what you capture. If you zoom in to just the sky, then you lose trees and objects on the ground to establish some sense of distance and visual anchors to match the movement of the objects to. If you’re zoomed out then you lose clarity of the object itself.

I do find the consistent rotation of the main object interesting. I’ve seen quite a few videos posted of objects that show tumbling movement, though it’s usually hard to make out exactly what they are.

Public sightings are a hard numbers game to win. It really just comes down to chance that someone with a good enough camera spots something and captures enough details. There’s a lot of open sky, time in the day, and not a ton of people actively watching the sky. But, enough videos like this can help categorize sightings to better determine what is anomalous.


Agree on all points.

Ideally we need multisensor + multilens systems to simultaneously zoom in and zoom out. Also we need next gen image stabilization or tripods.

As of right now the sightings are somewhat rare and it’s a big ask to have a pro level videographer with a tripod available 24/7 in every 20 miles sq area.

Eventually we’ll get something.

Witness testimony will remain essential. Once we get those crystal clear images, next we’ll hear how it’s all CGI.

Abductions with 8 hrs of lost time for all the debunkers. 🤣

RoyalEngineering, in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C.

Hmm that video really looks like bugs? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be seeing here. 🤔


The video is taken by a veteran flight tower operator living in the area next to the tower for, iirc 29 years.

Extremely qualified, trained observer.

The video does NOT look like bugs.

But it is not a $2000 nicon coolpix 80x optical zoom video. Which is why witness testimony is important in this case.


Since there’s no way to tell how far away these things are from the camera there’s no way to get even a reasonable estimate of their speed or size!

willington, in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C.

From the video description:

On September 24, 2022 at 12:48 p.m. ET, I personally observed and recorded on video a flight of 2 slow-moving UFOs and their numerous compatriots operating at length and with impunity inside airspace that the FAA calls the most restricted airspace in the United States: The Washington, D.C. Flight Restricted Zone (DC FRZ) a.k.a. "The DC Freeze.” My name is Lincoln Lounsbury and I am a retired FAA air traffic controller. I have 10 years of experience working in air traffic control towers and the last tower I worked in was at Washington National Airport (DCA). I am thoroughly familiar with the airspace and aircraft operations surrounding Washington, D.C., and I have lived in this airspace for 29 years. The DC FRZ is a cylinder of airspace that extends laterally to a 15-mile radius centered at DCA airport and vertically from the surface to 18,000’. Air traffic in the DC FRZ is largely restricted to three types of operations: commercial passenger flights landing and taking off from DCA; aircraft associated with Andrews Air Force Base; and a handful of very low flying military, police, and medevac helicopters. That’s it. My documented shooting location for this video was just 7 miles from DCA airport with my camera aimed straight up in the air. I estimate the flight of 2 UFOs in this video to be flying at roughly 5,000’ and the base of the clouds above the UFOs in the video were measured at 15,000’ by the ceilometer at DCA. All UFO operations in this video are well within the DC Freeze. Visibility was measured at 10 miles at the time of this sighting. Additionally, this flight of two UFOs passed through the traffic pattern for aircraft landing at DCA. The pilots of at least one passenger flight most certainly saw this flight of two highly reflective UFOs as they passed within a mile and a half laterally and 500’ to 1,500’ vertically of these UFOs. Peculiarly, this slow-moving pair of intruders met no response from the U.S. Coast Guard’s MH-65 helicopters stationed at DCA. These helicopters are D.C.'s first aerial responders who, otherwise, rigorously defend this airspace and the city of Washington, D.C. Routinely, these Coast Guard helicopters meet unauthorized, wayward aircraft well outside the DC FRZ and, with the help of considerable technology, have no problem getting these aircraft to turn away from the DC FRZ. As it turned out, there was no aerial response to these UFOs from any of the military, and the DC FRZ was eerily void of helicopter traffic for hours following this event. Interestingly, additional evidence shows at least one U.S. government organization was well-aware of and very concerned about the presence of these UFOs, and that evidence clearly indicates the UFOs weren’t ours.

TheDeepState, in Ask a Pol: "I set her up," Rep. Burchett gushes after UAP Caucus tag teams Energy Sec. Granholm on UFOs

I’d run the train on her too.

HM05_Me, avatar

You should see what they do during the closed door hearings.

HM05_Me, in Ask a Pol: "I set her up," Rep. Burchett gushes after UAP Caucus tag teams Energy Sec. Granholm on UFOs avatar

“Oh, I set her up. I asked about UFO within the Department of Energy. And they said, ‘Aliens don’t exist or spaceships,’ and after that: BOOM! Then everybody just lit her up,” Rep. Tim Burchett exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “Because they have a procedure in place and there were certain — and she said they’ve never had an incident of a nuclear facility, and there’s literally documented incidents. I mean, that’s weird.”

For reference, Burchett’s questions for Sec. Granholm followed Luna’s.

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