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Community for showcasing and discussing death doom metal.

Check out the following communities for more doom metal:

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a place revolving around the micronation known as Kummin König Ludwig Gorgonzola, or the Goddard


No fascist rhetoric
All people are equal (no xenophobia, racism, transphobia, ableism homophobia etc)
No spam
No glorification of behaviour harmful to others

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anarchia Icon


How to use JustText:

  1. Do post text
  2. Do NOT post pictures
  3. Do NOT post links unless it is part of a post that is mostly text
  4. Do NOT post pictures of text or links to text, and certainly do not post pictures of links
  5. If you are unsure whether or not something is text, it’s probably not text


For all disturbing hole-y things.





Bienvenue chez vous,

Espace de discussion et partage autours des systemes Gnu/Linux et BSD likes,

Ailleurs sur le Fediverse,

Linux :



Everything anime related, episode discussions, anime news

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Pour parler de rap, peu importe la langue et l’origine des artistes.

Communauté francophone.











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Someone say something witty that you thought of, but got there before you?

rule: No spamming with chain reposts

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I'm a group about podast. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName


Community für Austausch zum Thema Mathematik.

Wikipedia: “Die Mathematik […] ist eine Formalwissenschaft, die aus der Untersuchung von geometrischen Figuren und dem Rechnen mit Zahlen entstand. Für Mathematik gibt es keine allgemein anerkannte Definition; heute wird sie üblicherweise als eine Wissenschaft beschrieben, die durch logische Definitionen selbstgeschaffene abstrakte Strukturen mittels der Logik auf ihre Eigenschaften und Muster untersucht.”

Verwandte Communities:

Netiquette wird vorausgesetzt. Gepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung.

Bitte beachtet die Community-Regeln (TOS) von Feddit.

Attribution- Das Banner zeigt die fraktalen Muster einer nicht genauer spezifizierten “Green Succulent Plant”. Photo by Martin Rancourt on Unsplash- Das Icon zeigt einen Hypercube. Das wurde mit einem breiteren Rahmen versehen. Icon und Originalbild stehen unter der Lizenz CC BY-SA 3.0.



Berita Hiburan



Um lugar para seus sites úteis ou divertidos, de preferência exclusivos. Pelas coisas belas que tornam a web mais web.


FPT Aptech - Nơi ươm mầm những lập trình viên quốc tế

Bạn đam mê công nghệ? Bạn muốn trở thành một lập trình viên chuyên nghiệp, tự tin chinh phục những thử thách trong ngành công nghệ thông tin? Vậy thì FPT Aptech chính là điểm đến lý tưởng cho bạn!

FPT Aptech - cái tên đã trở nên quen thuộc với những ai theo đuổi đam mê lập trình. Là một trong những trường đào tạo lập trình viên hàng đầu Việt Nam, FPT Aptech luôn dẫn đầu về chất lượng đào tạo và định hướng nghề nghiệp, giúp học viên tự tin bước vào ngành công nghệ thông tin với đầy đủ kiến thức, kỹ năng và tâm thế chuyên nghiệp.

➡️➡️➡️Theo dõi website của FPT Aptech:

Tại sao nên lựa chọn FPT Aptech?

1. Chương trình đào tạo chuẩn quốc tế:

FPT Aptech áp dụng chương trình đào tạo quốc tế, được thiết kế bởi các chuyên gia hàng đầu đến từ Aptech - một tổ chức giáo dục uy tín toàn cầu. Chương trình học tập trung vào thực hành, giúp học viên tiếp cận kiến thức và kỹ năng thực tế, ứng dụng ngay vào công việc.

2. Giảng viên giàu kinh nghiệm:

Đội ngũ giảng viên của FPT Aptech là những chuyên gia có trình độ cao, kinh nghiệm thực tế dày dặn trong ngành công nghệ thông tin. Họ không chỉ truyền đạt kiến thức một cách hiệu quả mà còn định hướng, tư vấn cho học viên để phát triển sự nghiệp.

3. Môi trường học tập hiện đại:

FPT Aptech sở hữu cơ sở vật chất hiện đại, đáp ứng đầy đủ nhu cầu học tập và thực hành của học viên. Hệ thống phòng học được trang bị đầy đủ máy móc, thiết bị công nghệ tiên tiến, giúp học viên tiếp cận với môi trường học tập tương tự như môi trường làm việc thực tế.

4. Cơ hội nghề nghiệp rộng mở:

Sau khi tốt nghiệp FPT Aptech, học viên sẽ được hỗ trợ tìm kiếm việc làm tại các doanh nghiệp công nghệ trong và ngoài nước. FPT Aptech đã và đang hợp tác với hàng trăm doanh nghiệp uy tín, cung cấp nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao cho thị trường lao động.

5. Hỗ trợ học tập toàn diện:

FPT Aptech luôn đồng hành cùng học viên trong suốt quá trình học tập. Từ việc tư vấn lựa chọn ngành nghề, hỗ trợ học tập, luyện kỹ năng mềm, đến việc định hướng nghề nghiệp, tìm kiếm việc làm, FPT Aptech đều có những giải pháp phù hợp và hiệu quả.

Các ngành học tại FPT Aptech:

- Lập trình web
- Phát triển ứng dụng di động
- Khoa học dữ liệu
- Bảo mật mạng
- Trí tuệ nhân tạo

Bên cạnh chương trình đào tạo chuyên nghiệp, FPT Aptech còn mang đến cho học viên những trải nghiệm thú vị:

- Tham gia các cuộc thi lập trình, hackathon, giúp học viên rèn luyện kỹ năng và trau dồi kiến thức.
- Tham gia các hoạt động ngoại khóa, kết nối với cộng đồng, giúp học viên phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp, làm việc nhóm và tự tin hơn trong giao tiếp.
- Được tham gia các buổi workshop, hội thảo, cập nhật kiến thức mới, xu hướng công nghệ mới nhất.

FPT Aptech - Nơi khơi nguồn đam mê, chắp cánh ước mơ:

Với những ưu điểm vượt trội về chương trình đào tạo, đội ngũ giảng viên, cơ sở vật chất và cơ hội nghề nghiệp, FPT Aptech chính là điểm đến lý tưởng cho những bạn trẻ đam mê công nghệ, muốn trở thành những lập trình viên chuyên nghiệp, tự tin chinh phục những thử thách trong ngành công nghệ thông tin.

Hãy đến với FPT Aptech, bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm một môi trường học tập năng động, chuyên nghiệp, nơi bạn được tự do sáng tạo, phát triển bản thân và trở thành những chuyên gia công nghệ tài năng!

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I'm a group about health. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName


A place to chill and discuss the game of Flesh and Blood.


Welcome to the IE.


  1. No nazis or fascism
  2. No dog whistles, racism, or prejudiced language
  3. Expect intolerance to be met with intolerance - if you don’t understand, Google Karl Popper.

In short, have fun and follow the golden rule.


Vote Cornel West for President in 2024

This space is about Cornel West’s 2024 Presidential Campaign,

Share Memes, News, Interviews and Analysis about Cornel West or the issues central to the Campaign: Mass Incarceration, Palestinian Liberation, Police Militarization and Mass Surveillance, The Climate Crisis and Green Energy Solutions, White Supremacy and the legacy of the Black Liberation Movement, Class Struggle and Workers Unionism, Ending the Blockade of Cuba, and the dismantling of the American Empire. etc.

Those skeptical about the campaign are welcome to participate and ask questions, so long as they are respectful and do not insult people or derail the discussion

You can Volunteer for the Cornel here


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download twitter videos here

linuxfrommacos Icon

Linux from MacOS

For those considering switching to Linux from MacOS, or those who have already made that switch. This is intended to be a safe space for new users and for those not all that interested in learning the intricacies of Linux, but who just want to use their computers to get things done.

Good topics include, but are not limited to:

Recommendations for the best Linux distros and desktop environments for former MacOS users.

Replacements for software previously used under MacOS.

How to accomplish things in Linux in a manner similar to how they were done in MacOS.

Theming a Linus desktop environment so that it more closely resembles the MacOS desktop you're used to.

Issues and problems encountered with switching from MacOS to Linux.


Remember you are responsible for what you post. Don't post anything that will get someone in trouble. Be nice!

Don't post spam, or links to products with referral codes for which someone will receive a commission.

If a user asks a question, and you are about to post an answer, please consider whether it will be genuinely helpful and refrain from posting if it is not.

Examples of things that are not helpful:

  • Telling a user to read a man page or documentation written by a programmer that obviously has no idea how to write documentation that ordinary users can understand.

  • Pointing a user to a page with a command and a list of options/arguments for that command, that gives no clue as to what those options do or under what circumstances you might need/want to use them.

  • Telling a user to "just Google it" without giving any suggestions for appropriate search terms that might actually get the user the information they are looking for. And please remember that Google isn't what it used to be; it has been suffering the effects of "enshittification" for a while now, so even if you give it good search terms it might not return helpful results.

  • Accusing a user of not putting in sufficient effort before asking a question, or wanting to be "spoon fed" answers. People have used MacOS specifically because they did not want to "learn" an operating system, or have to jump through hoops to get some piece of hardware or software to work. And if you respond in that way, you're just doing the very thing you accuse them of - nothing is lower effort than a response consisting solely of insults but no helpful information.

In other words, if you can't actually give the questioner a useful response that answers the question that was asked, and do so in a friendly and helpful way, consider not responding at all. General conversation about an issue is okay, you're not limited to only posting answers, but avoid the negativity toward new and inexperienced users, and people who have no interest in becoming "Linux geeks", that is often seen in other Linux forums.

Also, if a question can be answered by recommending a GUI-based program or a command line based program, and the questioner did not specify a preference, assume they'd probably want to know about the GUI-based program. Most MacOS users don't do much from the command line.


Come join the Vegan Home Cooks!

Participation is really easy, just take a picture of what you cooked today and post it, no recipes needed.

This is a public forum for a discord server of friends who are all vegans and cook at home for their families.

We are here to share some inspiration, to see what others are doing and to stay engaged in something that is both our hobby and a required task.

This forum is not a “food porn” community, a recipe book or a place to teach you how to cook. It is a place for people who already cook to meet other people like themselves and provide on topic support and conversation as much as long distance friends on the internet can do. We are doing show and tell about what we made and we don’t care about its instagram worthiness.

Veganism isn’t a diet but I have to eat every day. This is for the vegan home cooks. Anything non vegan will be deleted.


1. Be Vegan.

If it is not vegan it doesn’t belong here… or anywhere.

2. Post home cooking.

No restaurant or fast food. This is what every other vegan space is about and we don’t want to promote any large or small business tyrants.

3. Join the Discord

We’re an active community of vegan home cooks that like to talk about what we are cooking today.

4. Do not make any rude comments or digs at anyone’s food, cooking style, specific diet, restrictions or technique.

While we are all cooks, we all have different requirements and we’re not asking for help, we are doing show and tell.

5. Do not use trademarked brands

Use generic names. We’re cooking with tvp not whatever business brands it and we’re not trying to turn comrades into billboards. No plant-based vegan-pandering capitalist crap like Impossible, Beyond, Dairy-company owned “vegan” cheese.

6. Do not ask for a recipe without otherwise engaging the OP (No posts that are just “recipe?”)

We are not food bloggers. Sometimes we’re excited to share and will tell you the recipes we used but this isn’t required. Instead try doing your own research and tell us what you learned and we can talk about it.

7. Careful with making unasked for suggestions.

Sometimes we like to hear suggestions but you should be nice about it and know the person you are making suggestions to. We are in the discord and you can get to know us that way. If you are just a visitor from the fediverse, this isn’t the place for you to start telling other people what to do.

8. Grown Ups Only.

Cooking for our kids is great, Acting like one is not. While this isn’t a community for adult material we expect everyone who participates to be an adult and act like one. Please follow the Anarchists Code of Conduct. No profane usernames allowed.


A community dedicated to sharing vegetarian recipes. All posts must include an image (your own image, not a stock photo, or AI) and the recipe. The actual recipe just be posted, a link alone is not sufficient.

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Is it that sweet? I guess so

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Switch it up like Nintendo

Say you can't sleep, baby, I know

That's that me, espresso

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Peraturan BALON168: Slot Mahjong Ways Banjur Scatter
Untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang adil dan menyenangkan di BALON168, berikut adalah peraturan yang harus diikuti oleh semua pemain yang memainkan Slot Mahjong Ways:

  1. Pendaftaran dan Akun
    Usia Minimum: Pemain harus berusia minimal 18 tahun untuk mendaftar dan bermain.
    Informasi Akun: Pemain harus memberikan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap saat mendaftar.
    Keamanan Akun: Jaga kerahasiaan informasi akun Anda. BALON168 tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan akun yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian pemain.
  2. Permainan Slot Mahjong Ways
    Aturan Dasar: Pemain harus memahami aturan dasar permainan Slot Mahjong Ways sebelum mulai bermain.
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Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony True story a powerful man!iI am Mrs Mojabeng from benoni south africa promise to share this testimony all over the world had tried many sangomas in the news and nothing worked this is when i found his number on the internet and I called him I told him about ma work problems with consultation of be honest he was a last resort,he talked to me and helped me with spiritual water after showing me ma step father in the mirror who did everything bad to put me down i got promoted at work and ma family problems where solved. I also directed ma cousin who had financial problems and he gave him a magic ring which is giving him after buying a red cloth that reflects the power to the ring a He has so many ways of helping people's problems so if your heart broken or financially disturbed, If you want a child. Do you want to be promoted in your MES PROBLEMS +27736844586 or whats app office in sandton and benoni,

After three painful years we are now happily married thanks babawanjimba

AFTER THREE PAINFUL YEARS WE ARE NOW HAPPILY MARRIED Many years back before i meet this powerful spiritual Ashinna there was no happiness in my life because my husband cheated me In fact he later separated from me and left the kids with me to suffer i visited priets, gurus,and healers for help. Money was wasted without any results.Luckily i saw a testimony on a local TV station about another man whose son Ashinna had saved from many problems like house abuse, drugs and alcohol abuse I booked an appointment, I paid R300.00 consultation fee she accurately read my fortune and told me all my problems without me mentioning a word he even used a mirror to show me real faces of the people who were trying to pull me. Ashinna performed a special-prayer for me cleansed me from bad -luck and also gave me a powerful love crystal plus a special mutti to (fix my financial problems) Four days after a prayer my husband was back home asking for forgiveness.Am happy we are in love again after three years of separation all my friends i have been referring to her with different problems also they got GUARANTEED RESULTS in few days any one who have a problem contact now THAT IS THE ONLY WAY OF THANKING HER CALL:+2773 684 4586



Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony True story a powerful man!iI am Mrs Mojabeng from benoni south africa promise to share this testimony all over the world had tried many sangomas in the news and nothing worked this is when i found his number on the internet and I called him I told him about ma work problems with consultation of be honest he was a last resort,he talked to me and helped me with spiritual water after showing me ma step father in the mirror who did everything bad to put me down i got promoted at work and ma family problems where solved. I also directed ma cousin who had financial problems and he gave him a magic ring which is giving him after buying a red cloth that reflects the power to the ring a He has so many ways of helping people's problems so if your heart broken or financially disturbed, If you want a child. Do you want to be promoted in your MES PROBLEMS +27736844586 or whats app office in sandton and benoni,

After three painful years we are now happily married thanks babawanjimba

AFTER THREE PAINFUL YEARS WE ARE NOW HAPPILY MARRIED Many years back before i meet this powerful spiritual Ashinna there was no happiness in my life because my husband cheated me In fact he later separated from me and left the kids with me to suffer i visited priets, gurus,and healers for help. Money was wasted without any results.Luckily i saw a testimony on a local TV station about another man whose son Ashinna had saved from many problems like house abuse, drugs and alcohol abuse I booked an appointment, I paid R300.00 consultation fee she accurately read my fortune and told me all my problems without me mentioning a word he even used a mirror to show me real faces of the people who were trying to pull me. Ashinna performed a special-prayer for me cleansed me from bad -luck and also gave me a powerful love crystal plus a special mutti to (fix my financial problems) Four days after a prayer my husband was back home asking for forgiveness.Am happy we are in love again after three years of separation all my friends i have been referring to her with different problems also they got GUARANTEED RESULTS in few days any one who have a problem contact now THAT IS THE ONLY WAY OF THANKING HER CALL:+2773 684 4586
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Icon


Welcome to the feminism community on Lemmy.World!


  1. This is a feminist community, meant for discussing issues around equality and gender. Disagreement is acceptable but anti-feminist statements are not. Similarly, TERF-aligned comments, including anti-trans or other anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments are not allowed. This does not preclude debunking anti-feminist talking points.
  2. Posts must be related to feminism, gender issues, or related content. Topics can include current issues/news, historical topics, personal questions/thoughts, or discussion threads. If you are unsure if your post is on-topic, feel free to message the mods before posting.
  3. Memes and humor are allowed but should not be excessively posted.
  4. No hate speech, slurs, celebrating death, advocating violence, or abusive language. This will result in a ban. Utilizing such language in your username will also result in a ban.
  5. Follow site-wide rules.





Dofus Unity



Da ich zum Thema Autos weder im deutschen, noch englischsprachigen Lemmy-Space eine Community gefunden habe, dachte ich mir: probierst es mal selbst.

Macht es euch hier gemütlich, vielleicht kriegen wir den Bums ja ans Laufen. An Inhalten und Diskussion bitte ich um folgendes: lasst politische Diskussionen draußen, lasst uns um die Sache sprechen. Ganz egal, ob Oldtimer, Youngtimer, Neuwagen, Verbrenner oder E-Auto oder sonst etwas.

Tipps und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind immer willkommen.

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SfA Gruppe für Nonbinäre, Transfeminine, Transfrauen und Femjungen (ja Transmänner dürfen auch solange sie eine feminine Ausdrucksweise haben oder feminine Sachen mögen).

  1. Das ist eine SfA-Gruppe, das heißt Sicher für die Arbeit (Englisch: Safe for work). Es ist auch Regeln auf der Feddit Instanz.

Nacktfotos und pornografische Inhalte werden sofort gelöscht und die Schuldigen wird das Pfostieren/Posten in der Gruppe auf unbestimmte Zeit untersagt!

  1. Inhalte dürfen beinhalten Austausch über feminine Sachen, Austausch über Hilfen für Transmenschen, Selbsties (aber nicht sexuell!) und Maimais/Memes.
  2. Inhalte die NICHT ERLAUBT sind: Pornographische oder sexuelle Inhalte, sexuelle Belästigung, Dating-Anfragen, Eigenwerbung, graphische medizinische Diskussion, Transmedikalismus und sonstige Sachen die gegen den verstoßen!
  3. Seid lieb zueinander.
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