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"Why it matters: Xi's erosion of established guidelines for succession creates uncertainty and puts China at risk for high-level power struggles in the future."


Here is an article that isn't blocked behind a paywall and that accurately attributes the damage to Russian forces.

Evacuations begin after a major dam in southern Ukraine is heavily damaged


My speculation as to why they would do such a horrible thing is because they know they can't hold the position and want to cause as much damage as possible before they leave. Why would they bomb civilian targets like apartment buildings?


It's disgusting what Russia is willing to do just to spite the rest of the world.


"The botched launch triggered false alarms in South Korea and Japan. Cell phones in Seoul blared out warnings to prepare to seek shelter, while alerts in Japan advised residents on the island of Okinawa to take cover. Both were later canceled when it became clear that the projectile posed no threat."

"South Korea's military released pictures of what appear to be pieces of the rocket, which it salvaged from sea, possibly allowing the South to analyze the North's rocket technology."

These quotes from the article would suggest that the more trustworthy sources of Japan and South Korea feel confident that it did in fact fail. Apparently the second stage of the rocket which was supposed to take the satellite much higher into the atmosphere failed. That isn't the type of thing that you can easily hide.


I plan on actively posting to counter the constant barrage of tankie propaganda that is very clearly an issue here. Misinformation is a very real issue that we face in our society and unless we actually do something about it, it will only continue to get worse.


If this community doesn't welcome people who actively fight against misinformation then I am more than happy to be banned.


It is my understanding that that has been the case for a long time, yes. But I also hope that with the large influx of new users that we will overshadow any bad actors attempting to spread misinformation.


I gave reputable sources for my information. Please enlighten my as to how spreading this news and reminding everyone of the very real Tiananmen Square massacre that occurred on June 4th, 1989 is misinformation.


Okay, let's go through this slowly and rationally.

First of all, this community is self described as being "News from around the world!" China is a part of the world and this is news from China. This is news from around the world. If you are trying to insinuate that any post involving news from China does not belong in this community then why did you not seem to take issue with this post that was also about China and was posted in this community?

Clearly you take issue with the fact that this news paints China in a bad light, not with the fact that it is about China to begin with. So your claim of "I really don’t care about what you believe, but what I do think is reasonable is that this is not world news." VERY CLEARLY does not hold water.

Let's move onto the next issue that I have with your thought process. You just spent quite some time defending the Tiananmen Square massacre and didn't even respond in any way to the actual news article that I posted which is about restricting access to the physical location and detaining 32 people. This isn't just a post saying "it's the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre" which you seem to be defending.

You also state "It’s always what about, what about with you liberals. What about China, what about North Korea, what about Cuba, but why don’t you try and look a little bit under your own rug?"

I never said "what about" a single time. In fact, this post is not a response to anyone telling me anything so it wouldn't make any sense for me to say "what about, what about". Furthermore, I never claimed in this post or anywhere else for that matter that America is perfect. I even take issue with many of the things going on in America too. However, that is in NO WAY relevant to the news that I posted or the Tiananmen Square massacre.

So lets review, your claim that this post doesn't belong in this community is absolutely ridiculous. You refuse to address the actual article that I posted about and instead just tried to justify the Tiananmen Square massacre instead. And finally, your last point was "well what about under YOUR rug" while claiming that I was the one saying "what about, what about".


Nice job trying to justify the Tiananmen Square massacre. Now can you justify the detention of 32 people and the restriction of the square itself which took place yesterday?


No thanks. I don't give a fuck about getting ratio'd. Let the people decide. Assuming this platform ever gets more traction, which it seems to be doing, the vast majority of the people that come here won't be tankies so... no, no I don't think I will go somewhere else.


You boys seem to have that handled.


Enjoy my "shitposting" then. I won't be engaging with someone that refuses to actually address the points that I raise. Again, this is not a post stating "yesterday was the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre" so your claim this time that "if the world would start shit posting every day would be memorial day to remember atrocities committed by your own government on your own people, and there is plenty." makes no sense.

"You don’t need to say the literal words to mean something." - By criticizing the CCP I am not in any way implying that America is good. It's true that you CAN imply things without actually saying them, but it is disingenuous at best to assume that me criticizing the CCP is the same as me "actively contributing to the image of the US and its lapdogs as good guys". I am very much able to hold the belief that the CCP is in the wrong and that USA isn't perfect at the same time.



CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party


And would you not agree that the easiest way to do that is to run away without fighting?


So if Ukraine invades Russia and threatens to commit genocide then Russia should just flee and give them as much territory as they want right?

Edit: excuse me, I misread your comment. That's my fault. Let me rephrase. If Ukraine invades Russia without intending to commit genocide then Russia should flee and give them as much land as they want right?


You said that if the invader intends to commit genocide that that should influence the leader of the country being invaded to fight, right? That implies that if the invader does NOT intend to commit genocide that you shouldn't fight, you should instead flee, correct? I don't want to put words in your mouth here so correct me if I'm wrong please. Do you think they should fight in either case or am I understanding you correctly in that they should run if there is no threat of genocide?


First of all, if you didn't mean to imply it that's one thing, but it is clear to me that "Depends on if the invaders plan to genocide the people or not. The threat of genocide should influence a leader to fight. The cost of genocide outweighs lives lost in conflict." implies that whether or not you should fight an invading force "depends" on the threat of genocide. The word depends in this context means that the outcome will be different if there is or is not genocide. So let's not say that you DIDN'T imply it because you did. Misspeaking is fine, misrepresenting what you said after the fact is disingenuous and reduces your credibility in my eyes which makes it harder for me to engage in a meaningful way with you.

Now that we've established that you believe that fighting back against a hostile invading force is a reasonable course of action you have moved the goal posts back to claim that while fighting back (which Ukraine is doing) is fine, the fact that you view them as dependent on foreign countries to support their ability to fight means that they shouldn't fight back? Clearly it isn't a gamble since Ukraine has been successfully defending for nearly a year and a half. Of course they are also losing lives in the war, but not only are they losing lives at a FAR lower rate than Russia, but even in your perfect hypothetical where a country is invaded by a hostile force and can successfully defend without receiving any aid from any outside sources, they will still lose lives in that successful defense.

Finding the right instance

So in light of finding out that I can't block an instance as a user, I am trying to find an instance that actually suits me better. Specifically I do not want to see anything relating to and from what I can see, the main instances that block lemmygrad are which isn't accepting new applications and beehaw...


I appreciate the heads up. I just applied to which also blocks so I should be good for now hopefully.

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