@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar



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The_Terrible_Humbaba, (edited )
@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

Not the person you replied to, but in my opinion was Oblivion was pretty good, but not as good as Morrowind. Compared to MW a lot of things felt dumbed down (i.e. beast races can wear shoes, no armour/clothes layers, no spear, etc.), and although I don’t think there’s much they could do to make the environment more interesting, since the setting is what it’s meant to be, the dungeons felt incredibly boring and repetitive.

However, I did quite like the story - especially how you are not a chosen one, which is rare for such games - and I thought a lot of the quests were pretty interesting, arguably at MW’s level or better (there are definitely some exceptions*). The Dark Brotherhood quest line especially, which is not present in MW, and is much better than Skyrim’s DB quest line.

*I will also add something that I hated: despite not being a chosen one story, it allowed you to be the head of all guilds, resulting in a quest where you may have to steal something from yourself.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

Firstly, the first and only rule of the instance you are commenting on is “be nice”, but you couldn’t even do that for one comment. Why are you even here? It’s like going to a place whose sole purpose is having somewhere where there isn’t rubbish on the floor, and throwing something on the ground as soon as you set foot in the area.


This situation and WW2 are not remotely the same thing. And no historian would call what the allies did to the Germans “genocide”, because it wasn’t. What Israel is doing has been. And it will be remembered as such. Just some differences:

  • They don’t hold even remotely the same kind of power and influence over the people in their region. The Nazis were given power through legal elections, Hamas was not. And Hamas is only in control in Gaza, not in the West Bank, where Palestinians still suffer at the hands of Israel.
  • The existence of Hamas is a direct consequence of what Israel has been doing for several decades; this conflict did not just start last year. There was not an ongoing genocide of Germans before WW2, and it’s not how the Nazis came about.
  • WW2 was a war being fought between mainly armed soldiers, and people do not defend or support the bombing and killing of civilian targets, nor were they the primary targets. Israel has bombed and killed Palestinians indiscriminately, and that is what you are defending.
@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

You ignored most of what I said, cherry-picked things, and even then had to leave out context and use vague language to make your argument seem anything less than insane.

The rise of the Nazis before WW2 was definitely partly caused by the imposition of the allies after WW1.

You mean economic sanctions? Around the same time that Germany was suffering from those economic sanctions and Hitler was rising to power, the world was going through The Great Depression, and by the time Hitler rose to power Germany’s economy was already improving. And even you are aware enough to use the word “partially” in that sentence. More on this towards the end (*).

They write the history books after all.

That’s an argument made by people who don’t know history and have nothing to back their claims. I really would not be shocked if you tried to claim the Holocaust wasn’t real, next.

They still killed about 8% of the total German population during WW2.

I’m not gonna bother to check that number because 8% of the population of a country being killed during a war is not a genocide, and not even an inherent attempt at one. What the Nazis did to the Jews, and what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians, that is genocide. Push them away from where they live, close them off in ghetto’s or walled compounds, and slowly kill them off. That’s how the Holocaust started too, before they moved to concentration camps and gas chambers.

Almost 50% of German casualties during WW2 were civilians…

Firstly: According to this, about 2.25M civilians were killed during expulsions, and 500K Germans were killed by strategic bombing, but it does not specify how many are civilian. Even if we assume 100% of those are civilian and say the number of civilians casualties is 2.75M, that still only makes up 39% of the German death toll. That “almost” is certainly doing a lot of work there, for someone complaining about reality.

Secondly: How many civilians do you think make up the Palestinian death toll when they indiscriminately (and sometimes purposefully) bomb civilian areas? Israel has purposefully bombed civilian targets; 4 in 10 killed in Gaza are children; just in 2023 22K Palestinians were killed.

Finally: That still doesn’t cover the important part you ignored, which is that no one is defending the bombing of German civilians during WW2, (*) and most people acknowledge the sanctions on Germany after WW1 were too harsh. Meanwhile, you are actively defending the ongoing killing of innocent civilians, and the genocide that has been ongoing for decades. Even if (and this is a giant fucking if) you were right in your comparison, you are merely arguing against yourself, because most people are not okay with any of those things.

You are somehow both (1): trying to equate Nazi Germany to Palestine, when Israel is the one doing to Palestinians what Nazi Germany was doing to the Jews, and (2): at the same time, purposefully or not, trying to victimize and justify the fucking Nazis.

I’m pretty sure we’re not far from this conversation straying into Holocaust denial, either by you or someone else coming in here, so I’m leaving this convo permanently. I hope neither you nor your loved one ever get bombed because of people living in your general area; peace.

The_Terrible_Humbaba, (edited )
@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

That’s a bit over the top, in my opinion. I’ve tried plenty of courses, and Duolingo is pretty good to get a hang of the basics of a language.

I’d say, in my experience, the hardest part of learning a language is getting started, and I feel Duolingo is perfect just for that. To get deeper knowledge and become more comfortable, one should probably switch once they start feeling more comfortable with the alphabet (if there is a specific one), and with the basic vocabulary and grammar.

EDIT: Forgot to add but another advantage of Duolingo, is that it’s also great to get a taste and basic feel for different languages; and that can be especially useful for someone who is looking to learn a new language but can’t quite decide on one.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

This is frustrating, but it has always been an issue; and usually the more you advance in a language tree the more it happens, because fewer people have found the problem and reported it. It’s a human problem that comes with not considering every possibility when creating an exercise. I’d imagine that using AI (in addition to humans) would actually help reduce cases like this, since they could be detected before users run into them.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

Colby is 35, last fight was over a year ago, against a 38 yo Masvidal. His last win before that one was against a 38 yo Woodley in 2020.

If Colby wins this I won’t just be sad, I’ll be absolutely shocked.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

What the hell kind of response and way of thinking is this? You were just told “hundreds of children were killed” and your response is “yeah, but how many innocents did the people living in the same area as those children kill?”

Not only is your comment propagating the fucked up idea that children should pay for the crimes of their parents, but it’s also quite racist/xenophobic (“they live in the same area, so they/their parents must be just like the rest of them!”).

Perhaps there’s something going over my head, but the more I read it, the more it just sounds like a really fucked up comment to me.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

He created JavaScript?!?!

I can excuse controversial right-wing views and homophobia, but I draw the line at creating JavaScript!

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

Why art specifically?

I assume because the topic is video games. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure they are against the whole current system and would prefer a gift based economy. I don’t think they are defending a capitalist system where artists don’t get paid.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

They’re a user too, and they’re arguing respectfully. What’s the problem?

The_Terrible_Humbaba, (edited )
@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

What they were describing was basically a society that relies on a gift economy, which has already existed in the past, and still exists in some places and forms today. We’ve been brainwashed by capitalist societies to think that would be a “hippy-dippy, fantasy land” because capitalism and bartering are what is natural to us, but it’s been shown that a gift-based economy is what a lot of uncontacted tribes use. It’s also how a lot of friend groups interoperate - hell, start a minecraft server (some other survival game will do) with your friends right now, and you will almost certainly naturally default to using a gift based economy.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

It’s immature, and unprofessional.

This isn’t a job. They are a user like you who happen to also volunteer to mod because someone has to. They have just as much right to share their opinion as you do, and they did it politely. Besides, they didn’t even start an argument, they just shared an opinion, confirmed it, and then clarified again; all of it in a polite manner.

Anybody could goad a mod like that to misusing their authority

They seem to have handled the situation just fine and even left the report for other mods to handle. I really don’t see what the big issue is.

@The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

Maybe it’s just my experience, but this just does not work. Maybe it’s because I’m asking “get to know you questions” and perhaps those should be reserved for dates; but the one time I decided to start by arranging a date, I got the answer “I would prefer if we got to know each other better here first” - which I agree with, by the way. So I do end up asking “get to know you questions”, but the women I’ve matched with don’t even try to put effort into the conversation.

To demonstrate what I mean by that, here’s a fictional representation of an actual conversation I’ve had (the content is fictional, but the structure and tone is real):

in her profile, she says she likes movies, so maybe I’ll ask about that

Me: Hey! So, what was the last movie you watched?

Her: Oppenheimer

Me: Cool, I went to see it last week! What did you think of it?

Her: It’s good

ffs, it’s always like this. fuck it, instead of asking another question, I’ll just answer my own question and make force her to come up with something to say

Me: [Give some of my thoughts on the movie]

Her: Ok

I never replied to her “Ok”, and she never said anything else. Most conversations follow along the same lines: me asking questions and getting the shortest answer back with no question turned my way.

This might make me sound horrible, but I had to stop using dating apps because it was beginning to give me a horrible view of women.


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  • The_Terrible_Humbaba,
    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    Ah, by bad. I didn’t even realize it was a known quote, I just thought it was a sarcastic reply making fun of the other user.

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    I already wrote another comment on this, but to sum up my thoughts in a top comment:

    Most (major) games nowadays don’t look worlds better than the Witcher 3 (2015), but they still play the same as games from 2015 (or older), while requiring much better hardware with high levels of energy consumption. And I think it doesn’t help that something like an RTX 4060 card (power consumption of a 1660 with performance slightly above a 3060) gets trashed for not providing a large increase in performance.

    High school boys are trending conservative (thehill.com)

    While many believe young people are becoming more liberal, data shows that 12th grade boys are nearly twice as likely to identify as conservative compared to liberal. Around 25% of high school seniors identify as conservative while only 13% identify as liberal. In contrast, the share of 12th grade girls identifying as liberal...

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    A “Democrat” is a member of the “Democratic Party” of the USA, it is not a political ideology in itself. Democrats are usually economic Liberals and don’t care that much about workers or the environment, but some are Social Democrats (Bernie Sanders). They are also usually socially progressive.

    The Republican Party is also composed mainly of economic liberals; however, they are typically socially conservative.

    The_Terrible_Humbaba, (edited )
    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    There is such a thing as a “Libertarian Socialist”, which seems to be what you are looking for. A lot of Libertarian Socialists also just call themselves “anarchists”; and “anarchism” essentially just means something like “anti-authority” or “anti-hierarchy”.

    If you want to maybe explore it a bit:

    • Homage to Catalonia is a book written by George Orwell where he tells of his time in Spain fighting alongside the anarchists and socialists in Spain (against the fascists supported by Hitler and Mussolini, and against the republicans backed by Stalin).
    • The Dispossessed written by Ursula K. Le Guin; it’s a sci-fi story about a society living on a moon, who are anti-capitalists and supposedly anarchists (whether they are anarchists or not is one of the focus points of the story).

    If you just want to read theory instead, you can also search for Pyotr Kropotkin, and Emma Goldberg.

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    I can easily go without using my phone for extended periods of time, and always have been. I’ve never really been “phone addicted”, and never used my phone during class - despite having one for the entirety of my school years.

    That still never stopped me from not paying any attention in class. Drawing on a book/desk, talking to the person next to me, looking out the window, or just spending time with my imagination were things I did too often, and I never needed a phone for any of it.

    I seriously doubt banning phones would make much of a difference, other than pissing plenty of kids off. You’re essentially being forced to go to a place, every day, where you will be stripped of your personal belongings and are not allowed to be in contact with the outside world.

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    I know some vegans who would disagree with that

    I definitely would!

    Usually, the reason people go vegan is to try to reduce (hopefully eliminate) animal suffering, and/or to reduce green house gas emissions from animal farming.

    Cultivated meat deals with the first, and, depending on how it's produced, can probably entirely avoid the second as well.

    I don't know the process in detail, but I would also imagine that cultivated meat is no more sourced from animals than a plant that was fertilized with animal dung, and that would still be considered vegan.

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    Reddit was emailed twice by operators, once on April 13 and one again on June 16.

    There was no attempt to find out what we took.

    And now they are going public with it, but still haven't posted any kind of proof, or leaked anything at all. The most they say is "Did you know they also silently censor users?" which everyone already knew about as well.

    It seems like a bluff to me, but of course I could be wrong.

    Do you think younger generations will enjoy Futurama (both new/upcoming episodes and older content)?

    I don't know about you all, but I consider myself to belong in the GenX population. Most of my younger coworkers have maybe heard about Futurama but have never seen it. So many of the references and jokes relate to older pop culture. I am hoping some of the new episodes will be relatable to GenZ and beyond. What are your...

    The_Terrible_Humbaba, (edited )
    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    This is maybe only semi related, but it reminds of something I was thinking the other day, which is how much Futurama (like all sci-fi taking place in the future, I suppose) is affected in thought by the technology of its own time, to the point it might look weird or confusing for us or people in the future.

    The main thing I'm talking about is the internet. The show started before the internet really took off and became as ubiquitous as today. Just yesterday, I was rewatching a season 3 episode (can't remember which) where Hermes' son and Cubert create a newspaper delivering company, and suddenly it hit me how that's not really something you see today, and almost certainly not something most kids now are going to be familiar with.

    Anyway, it's not exactly a big deal or even the best example, perhaps, but it got me thinking.

    @The_Terrible_Humbaba@beehaw.org avatar

    I understand why some people would want to do this, but there's a lot of stuff there that I would hate to be gone forever.

    There's an old game - I always forget which game it is until it happens again - that I play once every few years, but which always gives me problems when installing or starting for the first time. And every time I looked for a solution, I always ended up in the same Reddit thread; one with a solution that always worked. After I landed there a few times, I even left a comment thanking them for it.

    I don't so much want Reddit gone forever, as I just want for there to be more competition and for users to be spread out. Or, maybe even better, for there to be a searchable archive of Reddit.

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