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Was hoping to see the video in the article, but just screen caps.

Was under the impression that Taiwan would likely use thousands of Ukraine style drone boats to sink the Chinese fleet.

Instead all I see is screenshots of missiles the size of cities raining down. I assume it’s a perspective issue, but those missiles are unrealistically large.


You’re right, my ad blocker was making it look like an image. My bad. Basically a video of missiles being launched from land, air, and sea in mass.


I saw your post that you downloaded Voyager.

I love Voyager, but if you already haven’t noticed, Voyager stopped supporting the version of Lemmy that beehaw uses. If you intend to stay on Lemmy, and/or use Voyager, then beehaw probably isn’t the best choice, since beehaw will not be updating Lemmy versions, and plans to eventually leave Lemmy.

That said, beehaw is a great community, just bear the above in mind before making such a switch. I will probably join another instance when beehaw’s lemmy instance closes down, but until then, I have great respect for beehaw’s team, the community they have built, and generally making this a safe place for it’s users, so I will likely stay until that switch happens.

Truck_kun, (edited )

Sodium based batteries have reached at least 247 Wh/kg in the lab at least. While lithium in the lab does have much higher instances, that isn’t far off from current commercially available Li-ion EV batteries.

While such sodium batteries are not commercially available, it at least shows their potential to reach close to current EV batteries (around ~270 Wh/kg).



The linked batteries all appear to have energy densities of about 130 Wh/kg or less.

I wasn’t denying sodium batteries are not commercially available/viable, just pointing out that while currently available sodium batteries have lower energy density than lithium ion batteries, in the lab, sodium batteries have the ability to reach similar energy density to currently commercially available lithium ion batteries.

The linked batteries are plenty useful for many purposes. I would gladly use them for home energy storage, electronics, or recreation vehicle use. I’m generally wary of lithium battery safety in outdoor, or high heat environments, and look forward to safer options becoming more available/common.

Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet

I plugged into ethernet (as wifi w/captive portal does not work for me). I think clearnet worked but I have no interest in that. Egress Tor traffic was blocked and so was VPN. I’m not interested in editing all my scripts and configs to use clearnet, so the library’s internet is useless to me (unless I bother to try a tor...


My first reaction is yeah, you don’t just plug into random Ethernet.

The wi-fi is likely a visitor network setup for guests to the library. That ethernet port could provide access to their private intranet, and be a security risk to the library. Worst case scenario, it could result in malware, ransomware, and/or millions of dollars in expenses to recover (on a library budget, that could mean permanently shutting down the library even).

After reading your post, I would say, no harm intended, just don’t do it again.

After reading your comments about intentionally being vague about ‘plugging in’ to lead the librarian to think you were asking to plug in a power cord, and not specifically meaning ethernet connection… yeah, you’re clearly in the wrong. Just be up front; if they say no, so be it. They may be able to direct you to a visitor ethernet plug-in, or maybe not. If this were an AITA thread, i’d say yes, YTA in this case.

Asking in an security community… I would assume some level of technical awareness, and you are likely well aware of network segmentation, and that no IT department would be happy about a guest plugging their laptop into random rj-45 jacks around the building. Maybe it’s not well designed, and that actually has access to firewall administration?


Also, it is a library… very real possibility they have actual computers you can use/borrow for people that cant use their wifi for whatever reason (such as not having a laptop/tablet/smartphone).


That a handful of extremist republicans can grind the government to a halt, is a sign of how weak the republican party has become.

It literally only takes about the same handful of republicans to work in a bi-partisan fashion to completely neuter the movement and get the government working, but they are all too scared of Trump and his followers, and deciding to retire early instead of tough it out.

None of this is necessary if you just don’t lock arms with the crazies on the most inane shit you don’t even believe in.

Truck_kun, (edited )

I’m always surprised by how little people think Biden has done. It’s not even because they don’t pay attention to the news; it’s just that the news barely, if at all, covers Biden’s accomplishments in office. They still focus so much on Trump, and other culture war BS, because it activates emotions, gets views, and drives engagement.

Not to promote Reddit, but since long before the Reddit migrations to Lemmy, there has been a community tracking most of it (for anyone that actually wants to go through it):

Edit: The lists got much shorter after the 2022 elections when Republicans took the house and basically have stalled the government.

That particular thread also has links to Trumps years in office, so not an exclusive Biden thing. I didn’t read it, but a commenter states that most of it was just undoing what Obama had done in office.


I keep hearing ‘sanctions arent working’.

And every now and then I see things about them working; it’s almost like sanctions are a long game that don’t immediately show all the results in want within 3 months, and you need to keep them up long term. That said, of course when some don’t comply with those sanctions, it will permanently alter the landscape as the sanctioned try to work around them. Russia’s movement toward the Yuan, and reliance on China and N. Korea are not going to be undone anytime soon, if ever.

Pre-Ukrainian invasion, 1 USD was ~78 Russian Rubles. Now, that 1 USD is valued at 92 Rubles. After the start of the war, the Ruble lost a lot of value immediately, but appears to had gained value for a few months, and has steadily decreased in value as the sanctions drag on, and seem to have semi-stablized at a much lower value than going into the war. As a generalization, it appears looking back to 2003 (max on the chart i’m looking at), as Putin’s leadership drags on, the Ruble has steadily decreased in value (in 2003, it only took about 30 Ruble to value 1 USD). Looking at other major economic powers in the world is like looking at an inverse chart, where their currencies have increased in value against the USD consistently.


Is that an economist url?.. yeah, no, not clicking that.

Typically the “financial type media”, are full of political opinion instead of focusing on finance. Very often bad takes, and over the years, I’ve learned they just aren’t worth a click, and my time.


A few years ago, wasn’t there a company (maybe it was uber?) that was being overwhelmed by arbitration fee’s for a large number of arbitration cases? I forget the outcome, but it may be due to their agreement stipulating they would cover arbitration fees. Either way, forced arbitration needs to go.

Truck_kun, (edited )

Russia actually does produce their own CPUs:

Edit: Likely Chinese fabs, but point was that they are producing them… just ~half are defective products


I’m curious how an oil refinery in Russia affects global oil prices in any significant way? I would imagine it would lower prices globally.

Don’t refineries turn oil into fuel, like gasoline? To the best of my knowledge countries don’t typically export gasoline, do they? I thought they exported crude.

Wouldn’t being unable to refine crude, mean they need to export more crude, since they can’t indefinitely store it, thus bring down oil prices? In the short-term, I wouldn’t be surprised at an increase in global price due to news media/speculation, but long term effect, I could only imagine global crude price going down.

On the other hand, I would of course think local gas/fuel prices would skyrocket in Russia due to not being able to refine it.

I’m sure I’m very much wrong in my logic; if someone on the internet wouldn’t mind correcting me with a proper explanation. Of course this is all based on refinery attacks, I didn’t read this specific article, but I am not aware of oil rigs/oil extraction sites being attacked (that would clearly be a separate situation if it is happening).

Truck_kun, (edited )

Edit: As a possibility? I’ve not implemented or tried it myself, just heard of the research. Probably better implemented at utility scale, than individual houses, but not reason cant be both.


I do use passphrases, but I combine with randomness.

I memorize one random 8 character string to use with something more memorable.

Then when I need more security, or I feel that random 8 character string is no longer safe (password leak/hacked), I memorize a new 8 character string.

Then I combine them.

Then I memorize a new 8 character string and mix it in.

It’s a process built up over years that ingrains into memory. Sometimes I forget the order, or if i added spaces, or did no spaces. Luckily, as long as I am sure of the discrete segments, I can remix them to recreate until it works (in a reasonable time).

My last addition was when I made the move from Lastpass to another password manager, after their endless bad news.

Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?

My friend works for a company which requires her to use Microsoft specific application, she didn’t really want to switch to Win 11 and choose to just use Wine Linux package and install a 2016 version of MS office on her Linux laptop. That’s all well and good, but this company she is working for servers other clients at...


You said you are ‘in the EU’, as in currently living in the US for said job?

Are you considered an independent contractor? Or an actual employee of the company?

As a US citizen… I would just advise EU citizens to ‘in general’ avoid working for US companies, we have bad employment policies, and our companies think they can just do the same things in other countries. Obviously everyone should choose for themselves; if you think the extra income is worth it, that is your call, but our work culture is awful.

At the very least, if you do decide to work for a US company… keep it remote. Cost of living in the US is really high, work culture is awful, it’s dangerous, and healthcare costs are crazy. Unless your household is making at least $150k USD/year, you’ll be considered poor to middle-class.


Biden’s biggest problems are:

-he is old (which, yeah, obviously), and the media (both sides) does nothing but talk about how Biden is old. - but starting with the State of the Union, he is showing that he is mentally still there, and plenty capable of holding office.

-The media just loves Trump. he gets views, so they won’t stop talking about him. They don’t give Trump the same kind of scrutiny they do any other politician.

-Biden has a Gaza problem - if Gaza wasn’t an active issue, he’d probably be doing a lot better. He has spent so long ensuring Israel receives the support it needs to continue to exist in the middle east, and they have a place after the Holocaust, that he just can’t adjust to the horrible crimes their government are committing. I understand he will never not supply their Iron Dome and other defensive measures, but that doesn’t mean he cant restrict Israeli weapon sales to just that.

-he doesn’t talk about his accomplishments in office, and the media doesn’t cover it, so the general populace doesn’t think he has done anything. He has done plenty - in the general election campaign, they are starting to advertise these things.

People still don’t know that he continued backing Rail workers helped get them a deal, they just remember he kept the supply chain open.

Many student loans have been forgiven. He can’t do forgiveness as broadly as he’d like, the GOP is fighting him on that, but he continues to fight for it and is getting more. My own mother is in her 60s and has another 10+ years on her student loan - but I am hopeful his student loan forgiveness will reach her - she has applied and right now it is just a waiting game (information over the past year has been very confusing regarding what to do and when).

I only ever hear the media talking about the negative aspects of Biden, so of course he is going to lose supporters. I just happen to follow political news more closely than the average person, so I am aware of the positive things he has done as well. Hopefully he gets the message out; Trump was awful, but he isn’t losing support - people staying home and skipping this vote because Biden isn’t ideal, is how we get Trump back in office.


Also to be kept in mind is what winning is for Ukraine.

That is for Ukraine to decide, but it is decidedly not conquering Russia.

The point being, Ukraine doesn’t need to be supplied to the level of razing Moscow and St. Petersburg to the ground; simply enough to defend their borders/land, push back Russian troops, and causing some long range strategic damage behind Russian borders.


Weekly reminder for everyone to go get their free epic store game of the week…

And never install the launcher or play any of said games.

I Made a English Dictionary Front-End for Terminals (

This project was interesting. Recently, I’ve been digging into the functional programming paradigm. This is one of my first tries at it. I’ve been doing OOP until recently, but this project really was impressive to me. The whole implementation took about nine hours. Functional programming is much less convoluted. I spent...


Wasn’t there a video a while back of a presentation that OOP was created as a joke or something, and the person was surprised people were taking it seriously. Might have been advertised as the creator or OOP.

I took the video as a joke anyways, not a serious thing, but who knows. I don’t even remember if it was OOP, or some other paradigm, or language, or who knows what else.

If anyone could find/link to it, I’d love to watch it again, but I’m having no luck; so my memory may be faulty.


And there’s also KivyMD after you learn base Kivy, that adds more widgets with the intent of following Google’s Material Design spec.

I’m not going to vouch for the project, or link, just mentioning it exists.


I did watch the state of the union address, and Biden did a wonderful job overall.

There were a few word stumbles, and his stutter came out at a point; but I know I couldn’t give an hour long plus speech, and not stumble several times. There was one spot he stopped mid-sentence to respond to a heckle, which will probably be clipped, but I cant remember the exact words.

Republicans need to learn to just shut up during his speeches and not heckle. He is on the ball, and at his best when responding to their heckling, it makes him look good, and he gets concessions out of them every time.

Gaza was probably the toughest segment he tackled in the SOTU; primarily that he repeated several things I’ve heard to be false, but may well be stuff that either stuck in his memory hard, or the US intelligence community has more information than the media I’ve seen, and could be accurate.

Overall, he did look energetic, intelligent, and delivered on a lot of the messaging for what his office had helped accomplish, that people generally don’t hear about.

If your issue with Biden is his age, or you think his office hasn’t done much of anything, I suggest you watch. If your issue with him is Gaza… likely nothing he does is going to placate you, and this address won’t change that. He clearly is for a two state system, and not anti-Palestinian, but also is anti-Hamas, and is well aware of Hamas tactics of blending in with civilians, and using them as a shield (which isn’t new, it has been how they operate for a long time prior to the current conflict).


When he was the senator, he pushed forward a lot of bad policies we are stuck with to this day. Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act and Anti-Drug Abuse Act are only a couple of bad laws he’s helped advance while in the Senate.

His age is not of concern for me either. I’ll vote for him, because the alternative is Trump. But if the country weren’t under the threat of MAGA, Fascism, Nazis, and white/Christian Nationalists, and there were other reasonable options, I probably would vote for someone else.

Is it worth buying the Mac keyboard for a dedicated Linux PC instead of the windows one?

What is your personal preference based on experience? I Assume because Mac is Unix and Linux is Unix based, it would be more suited, but I have no personal experience with the layout. I am willing to try something new if i hear enough merits for it, and I also find the windows layout somewhat inadequate(The grass is greener on...

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