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ganymede, (edited )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sapien nibh, tincidunt vel felis sed, sodales eleifend eros. Nunc commodo laoreet erat sed imperdiet. Fusce elit lectus, sagittis quis volutpat sit amet, eleifend id magna. Vivamus sed tellus sit amet nibh interdum sagittis. Sed condimentum fringilla purus, at elementum metus accumsan non. Suspendisse et libero commodo, efficitur mauris pharetra, congue felis. Sed dictum rutrum laoreet. Vestibulum ultrices vehicula pellentesque.

Integer hendrerit risus ante, eget accumsan enim tristique ac. Curabitur nulla erat, accumsan in sem ac, cursus pulvinar nisi. Nunc auctor condimentum est, non sollicitudin risus mattis a. Proin pretium enim et suscipit condimentum. In id egestas felis. Cras porttitor sit amet ligula quis accumsan. Donec vestibulum in dolor non venenatis. Nam at commodo sem. Nunc volutpat in ipsum facilisis pulvinar. Integer leo quam, varius vel aliquam vitae, lobortis at justo. Cras quis odio enim. Curabitur felis augue, placerat non tellus non, malesuada fermentum lectus. Proin non magna purus.

Quisque laoreet malesuada congue. Nulla sit amet facilisis ligula. Sed sed enim et nunc placerat porta. Cras hendrerit hendrerit quam quis luctus. Cras id feugiat quam, a semper enim. Praesent vitae nibh luctus, feugiat ante accumsan, varius libero. Aliquam sed laoreet sem. Mauris vitae sem pretium ex vulputate ultrices sed ac turpis. Pellentesque congue mi sit amet massa consectetur, ut ultrices quam varius. Donec ut dui et neque sagittis vehicula. Maecenas maximus tincidunt fermentum. Proin posuere dapibus dui quis convallis. Nulla quam mauris, posuere sed volutpat a, consectetur in ex. Morbi tortor dui, placerat bibendum nulla nec, aliquam venenatis lorem. Integer vel dignissim risus, in gravida metus.

Praesent vulputate metus eu ipsum sagittis fermentum. Fusce scelerisque metus vel dolor iaculis auctor. Mauris viverra suscipit sapien, quis consectetur dolor hendrerit pulvinar. Nulla dui justo, consequat nec erat quis, blandit malesuada elit. Aliquam euismod velit quam, et convallis enim tincidunt nec. Vestibulum lacinia dolor volutpat enim pulvinar pretium scelerisque eget lacus. Mauris ultrices sit amet libero ut ornare. Pellentesque eget pellentesque neque. Aenean condimentum placerat nunc sed tristique.

Suspendisse ultrices imperdiet nibh non venenatis. Vivamus hendrerit sem at nibh semper imperdiet. Vivamus fermentum vulputate rutrum. Aenean vitae venenatis dolor. Nulla hendrerit sapien et fermentum placerat. Fusce massa ante, dapibus et turpis eu, tempor scelerisque enim. Sed feugiat tincidunt eros, sit amet molestie tellus interdum sed. Donec condimentum a dui eu dictum. Donec pretium orci dolor, eu ornare ligula facilisis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ac nibh elit. In condimentum, felis at dignissim interdum, metus massa iaculis lorem, sit amet tincidunt dolor ipsum eget justo. In cursus magna elit, et mollis justo egestas eu. Mauris tristique id nunc sit amet rutrum. Donec eu lorem et lectus imperdiet pharetra at eu diam.

ganymede, (edited )

nowhere in this entire essay, nor in any of your other comments for that matter, do you even address my point that lumping in Windows users with the immoral actions of a company results in a harmful dissonance

anyone can see the scrollback for themselves, it’s plainly visible i denounced it multiple times. the evidence is right here for anyone to see:

But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool. Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that


As I mentioned, I’m not here to criticise you for making the choice you have, or defend those who do criticise you for it.


As stated we are not listing reasons for condemning you for your choice


As stated many times, you are welcome to your choice, and your choice is understandable.


dude its just sad at this point. why are you bothering to pretend its not addressed when its addressed repeatedly and was even requoted like 2 posts before you made your ridiculous, verifiably false statement.

what is the purpose of this game? who do you think you’re kidding? anyone can see you’re being dishonest. and don’t even have the grace to admit it, you’re wrong. completely wasting an opportunity for us both to learn and for us to be friends even.

whats even stranger is the original discussion was about linux community shitting on windows NOT windows users:

The Linux community shitting on Windows is worse


you’ve fixated on this windows user issue when, as quoted, it was never even about that, was already denounced by me immediately as quoted & sourced repeatedly above.

i can see why you think linux users are smug arseholes, you pull this shit and cry when you don’t get away with it. its just sad dude. noone at microsoft is paying for your time to get invested like this. you think you give a fuck about you???

but you know who might actually give a fuck about you? us, here, in this community. but you need to start by being honest with yourself about this, otherwise you are the one making it a waste of time.


Tbh I’m a bit disappointed, the influx of new users is great. It’s great people are leaving closedsource places and enjoying free and opensource places like lemmy.

Its good seeing new faces and making new friends.

And I get they’ll inevitably bring some of that default “closed is better than open” mindset with them.

Its just disappointing when given the opportunity to learn a bit more about the world of open freedom, instead of considering maybe there might be something new they could learn and potentially enjoy.

Instead they try to drown us out with mindless and (mostly) unsubstantiated downvotes.

And it often turns out to be people who inevitably declare they don’t know how to use linux or couldn’t get it working properly.

So WHY is it when someone admits they don’t really understand the topic, do they think they’re the right person to vote on the legitimacy of the claims being made???

ganymede, (edited )

just venting. lol

ganymede, (edited )

Microsoft is like the rich guy with the nice pool. Its looks nice. But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool.

Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that

But I equally believe it is right and fair for us to have the freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing not to go up there.

ganymede, (edited )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sapien nibh, tincidunt vel felis sed, sodales eleifend eros. Nunc commodo laoreet erat sed imperdiet. Fusce elit lectus, sagittis quis volutpat sit amet, eleifend id magna. Vivamus sed tellus sit amet nibh interdum sagittis. Sed condimentum fringilla purus, at elementum metus accumsan non. Suspendisse et libero commodo, efficitur mauris pharetra, congue felis. Sed dictum rutrum laoreet. Vestibulum ultrices vehicula pellentesque.

Integer hendrerit risus ante, eget accumsan enim tristique ac. Curabitur nulla erat, accumsan in sem ac, cursus pulvinar nisi. Nunc auctor condimentum est, non sollicitudin risus mattis a. Proin pretium enim et suscipit condimentum. In id egestas felis. Cras porttitor sit amet ligula quis accumsan. Donec vestibulum in dolor non venenatis. Nam at commodo sem. Nunc volutpat in ipsum facilisis pulvinar. Integer leo quam, varius vel aliquam vitae, lobortis at justo. Cras quis odio enim. Curabitur felis augue, placerat non tellus non, malesuada fermentum lectus. Proin non magna purus.

Quisque laoreet malesuada congue. Nulla sit amet facilisis ligula. Sed sed enim et nunc placerat porta. Cras hendrerit hendrerit quam quis luctus. Cras id feugiat quam, a semper enim. Praesent vitae nibh luctus, feugiat ante accumsan, varius libero. Aliquam sed laoreet sem. Mauris vitae sem pretium ex vulputate ultrices sed ac turpis. Pellentesque congue mi sit amet massa consectetur, ut ultrices quam varius. Donec ut dui et neque sagittis vehicula. Maecenas maximus tincidunt fermentum. Proin posuere dapibus dui quis convallis. Nulla quam mauris, posuere sed volutpat a, consectetur in ex. Morbi tortor dui, placerat bibendum nulla nec, aliquam venenatis lorem. Integer vel dignissim risus, in gravida metus.

Praesent vulputate metus eu ipsum sagittis fermentum. Fusce scelerisque metus vel dolor iaculis auctor. Mauris viverra suscipit sapien, quis consectetur dolor hendrerit pulvinar. Nulla dui justo, consequat nec erat quis, blandit malesuada elit. Aliquam euismod velit quam, et convallis enim tincidunt nec. Vestibulum lacinia dolor volutpat enim pulvinar pretium scelerisque eget lacus. Mauris ultrices sit amet libero ut ornare. Pellentesque eget pellentesque neque. Aenean condimentum placerat nunc sed tristique.

Suspendisse ultrices imperdiet nibh non venenatis. Vivamus hendrerit sem at nibh semper imperdiet. Vivamus fermentum vulputate rutrum. Aenean vitae venenatis dolor. Nulla hendrerit sapien et fermentum placerat. Fusce massa ante, dapibus et turpis eu, tempor scelerisque enim. Sed feugiat tincidunt eros, sit amet molestie tellus interdum sed. Donec condimentum a dui eu dictum. Donec pretium orci dolor, eu ornare ligula facilisis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ac nibh elit. In condimentum, felis at dignissim interdum, metus massa iaculis lorem, sit amet tincidunt dolor ipsum eget justo. In cursus magna elit, et mollis justo egestas eu. Mauris tristique id nunc sit amet rutrum. Donec eu lorem et lectus imperdiet pharetra at eu diam.

ganymede, (edited )

why is that? it’s not punching down when its a billion dollar company

I’ll bite, I down voted you because I think you’re missing the point of what the above commenters are talking about. It’s not about whether it’s punching down/up to criticize Microsoft.

It literally started with a question.

why is that?

As yet noone has even answered that question.

Why is it worse? You’ve gone to the trouble to downvote, and reply, yet still haven’t answered the question.

Tbh most partisan camp debates in technology are pretty tiresome: ios vs android, playstation vs xbox. They all have pros and cons.

(Even linux and windows both have their pros and cons.)

That said, there’s a huge difference between comparing two commercial products both from competing companies vs a powerful open source tool, with almost limitless potential. Virtually ANY complaint you have about linux CAN be fixed by the public, even YOU if you put in the appropriate effort/resources.

The fact that you can freely boot into modern hardware with something offering that kind of power & freedom openly to the public is frankly incredible.

So tbh it’s pretty difficult to see why it is worse.

ganymede, (edited )

it’s hardly a conflation, this hostile modus operandi is baked into the windows product itself with malicious and intrusive features. i’m not sure if this is news to anyone, but those user-hostile features were added to windows by microsoft. and the best defense offered thus far for that is basically “most or all tech giants do it too” - yes, thankyou that’s exactly our point. the fact that shipping this kind of abusive software has been normalised is part of the problem too.

i agree in as much as not everything about windows is bad. and it can be useful sometimes out of necessity. though its worth remembering that necessity may often be the result of hostility on microsoft’s part, either past or present. so it’s not really possible to have an honest conversation about what windows is, without an awareness of how microsoft has maliciously managed our perception of desktop operating systems in general. happy to explain what i mean by this in more detail if anyone’s interested.

and also agreed, i’d never pay for it.

ganymede, (edited )

As I mentioned, I’m not here to criticise you for making the choice you have, or defend those who do criticise you for it.

What I am here to defend is our freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing to avoid it as much as possible.

Therefore, it’s unclear to me exactly which stance you are taking in reference to what i said.

Our position is there are at least two core topics for why we choose not go there. They are 1. issues with the product and 2. issues with the company.

With the pool analogy the corner cutting and then further elucidation regarding the escalation of user-hostile features, are both specific criticisms with the windows software itself. Not the company.

Regarding issues with the company, as stated we are not listing reasons for condemning you for your choice but rather listing the reasons why we make our choice as we do.

Therefore, it is unclear exactly which position you are taking which is contrary to this? Everyone will have a different moral line for the myriad of issues when dealing with evil companies and their products/services. Do you wish to tell others where they choose to draw their own lines for their own lives are incorrect? I doubt that’s really the stance you intended to make, so what do you mean, then?

Finally, I’m not sure how much of the history you’re aware of, but microsoft’s open hostility to linux devs & users is extensive and bitter. We have the case of a billion dollar company, actively trying to spoil & ruin the harmless pleasure many people take in a wonderful piece of technology.

This is almost entirely unlike any other “us vs them” technology debate. In nearly every other case, its wealthy corporation vs wealthy corporation with the users caught in the middle. In this case it is literally freedom of the people vs corporate profits. That freedom being actually incredibly important: its not only about the harmless enjoyment of the community. But also, considering the tech trajectory our society is on, very likely serving a critical role for actual human rights today and tomorrow.

As stated many times, you are welcome to your choice, and your choice is understandable. But it would really be alot healthier if people take the time to appreciate the breadth of the problem, and perhaps better appreciate why we make our choices the way we do.

OR considering that may involve more effort than you have time for - fair enough - at least appreciate this is a topic some of the people who clearly have looked into it, might know some things about it you haven’t had time to learn yet.

ganymede, (edited )

all linux users are smug arseholes because once upon a time some of them hurt my feelings. and even though another linux user repeatedly denounced that and said its unfortunate, i pretended they didn’t because they wouldn’t endlessly cry with me about my hurt feelings and instead talked about actual real world facts, what a horrible group of people

ganymede, (edited )

why is that? it’s not punching down when its a billion dollar company

edit: no coherent thoughts then? just mindless downvoting? well you’ve convinced me with that persuasive logic.

it’s genuinely concerning to see the microsoft stockholm syndrome in the wild, but on lemmy it’s honestly baffling.


and for the record i don’t think its about ‘inadequacies’. its not a magic skill or secret knowledge. its just about investing the time to learn. put the time in and it will come, as you’ve already seen with your server.


if you wanna continue to embarrass yourself go ahead. i won’t be entertaining this sad display any longer.

anyone is free to search the thread and read what i wrote in the full context it was stated.

and to see your blatant dishonesty.

good luck mate, i hope you find some kind of peace to whatever is keeping you so fixated about windows users that you need to fabricate an enemy in me over that aspect, despite me clearly and repeatedly denouncing it from day 1 of this discussion. all the best.


nice! how to you assess if the old appliance is likely to be salvagable or not? either when viewing online, or in person at their place?


its not the actual money laundering they object to.

it’s that they didn’t get a cut.


Could you give some examples for us please?

ganymede, (edited )

Thanks, do you know if/where we can download the full phind source including the full models, training data etc? To run 100% offline?

edit: for anyone reading this thread, YOU CAN’T. it’s not currently opensource. and afaik there is no concrete timeline for it to be opened, other than sometime “down the road”.

to be clear, i definitely agree we have the creative nerd factor the corporations lack, but unfortunately there’s been a bit of trading on ‘open’ while still being very closed in the “AI” world, really hope this doesn’t turn out to be another example of that.

ganymede, (edited )

agree 100%

have also noticed an uptick in “new is always better, those old ways are so dumb and they were so stupid” mindset.

not sure if this is directly part of the reason, but the upshot is you don’t need to learn the fundamentals. you’re protected from learning how things actually work, because there’s always a bloaty house of cards chain of libraries to keep you separated from reality.

and of course its always easier to write off all of the fundamentals as ‘pointless old garbage’, than actually challenge yourself with any of it.

then you can enjoy a false sense of superiority, not because you overcame anything, but by never even trying.

“undefeated”, not because you ever won, but because you never fought.

and its not the “kids these day’s” fault. training institutions are corrupted by greedy suits, its all about the $$$s and pumping unprepared grads out at a blinding rate is more profitable (short term).

ganymede, (edited )

this is the (un)fortunate reality.

unfortunate in that keeping a modern browser up to date is a serious task when you need to compete with the agenda and scale of google etc

fortunate in that its a relatively simple solution, the community needs to fund the software.

its tough though as i can imagine if they pulled the kind of popup shit wikipedia does, it will just drive people away. what people don’t realise ofc is that with chrome you are paying for it (with your data), but for some reason they’re not viewed in the equivalent light.

ganymede, (edited )

true, though its fairly easy to use the build interface to setup basic debugging support (breakpoints, watches etc) for unsupported languages. but i admit, its not the same.

you’re right, that’s a fair criticism

ganymede, (edited )

these are examples some of some fair criticism of geany

ganymede, (edited )

not customizable

themes, plugins, ridiculously easy custom configurations/build commands etc you can even control the window manager from config files if you want to, its insanely customisable

lacks support for a lot of things

edit: trying to sound less snarky, but do you have a lot of examples?

i could see these criticisms arising from a quick glance. or we may have slightly different definitions of these terms. which is fair enough.

imo geany’s ratio of features to weight is remarkable, perhaps singularly so?


suggestions should work by default, if by which you mean basic completion of names etc

anyway fair enough, its not for everyone.

sorry for being a bit overly defensive, i just really love geany lol


hashing is still a form of snooping tbh. especially when paired with other metadata

but ofc its not as direct

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