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The point is never that we need more democrats. The point is always that we need fewer Republicans. Democrats refuse to make things better, but they typically block things from getting worse, which is a better starting point than anything the GOP would give us.

So please, organize, protest, do whatever activism you can do, but on voting day take the little bit of time and effort to block Republicans from undoing all that hard work, even if it means voting strategically for a pile of shit.

The left will always be fighting against the administration to some extent, and through voting we get to pick our enemy, and the dems are going to be an easier fight and on fewer fronts.


I tend to believe that even if something is bad, it’s fine to be an unashamed fan of the parts that you like, and that you should wear your tastes with pride even if they’re unconventional. Because of that, I don’t think I have any anime I’m actually ashamed of liking.

Well, that’s what I’d like to say, but actually there is one, though it’s a manga rather than an anime. As someone with an extremely low tolerance for ecchi (I’m not attracted to ladies), my one shameful fave is Nana & Kaoru, which is basically softcore porn. I’m honestly not sure how I got through the first few chapters, but once you get into it holy shit the character depth and the way that the ecchi scenes inform and develop the relationship between our leads. It’s so well written, oh my god. But on the surface the whole manga is just boobs, butt, and bondage, and I swear that’s not what I’m there for, lol.


Been MIA for a little while because I broke my hand a little bit and it’s been hard to type. Everything’s looking much better now and I seem to be recovering well, so I’m back!

I showed my friends the sampling platter of anime I’d prepared and they chose their winners pretty quickly, so Tonari no Yokai and Windbreaker are joining Dungeon Meshi in our lineup (definitely the best of the season, IMO)

Meanwhile, I’ve trimmed my own watchlist down to what I think is a manageable size: Astro Note, Bartender, Vampire Dormitory, Whisper Me a Love Song, and Yatagarasu. I’m still trying to stick with Spice and Wolf, but I can feel my motivation failing, so I’ve switched to the dub, which should have a lower motivation requirement (since it doesn’t require reading).

In non-seasonal news, I convinced my family to join me to see Spy x Family: Code White in theaters, and it was a really fun time. I’d heard that the movie was accessible to people who aren’t familiar the show, and my mom can confirm that’s true, lol. Very nice little self-contained story that managed to not feel redundant with the show even though it’s written to be optional, and the animation was amazing as expected. My brother and I had a great time and Mom didn’t resent us for taking her (she’s not into animation and I think only went because she felt bad for me and my broken hand, but still seemed to think positively of it in the end), so that’s a complete win.


Oh jeez, that sounds rough. I’m glad you were able to recover, even if it took a while. Luckily mine is just a small fracture in one of my wrist bones, not even displaced or anything, so by now I’m mostly just dealing with building back up my range of motion from being immobilized, though it’s been a rough time because it’s my dominant hand, lol.

I definitely recommend Tonari no Yokai, and ya it’s pretty iyashikei. I think it strikes a similar tone to Natsume’s Book of Friends.


So, fun story: I go to the hidive homepage and it has a “continue watching” section where I see something I don’t recognize. I check the information they gave me - the episode’s title and description - but those are pretty vague and don’t help. So, I click it, guessing it’ll take me to the show’s page… Nope, it takes me to a page about the episode, with basically the same information as I had before. But there’ll be a link to the main show page there, right? Of course not. So, I go to play the episode, hoping there’s a link in there, and the closest I can find is the back button… that takes me back to the episode page. As far as I can tell, there is literally no path from the continue watching section to a show’s page (I did eventually figure out what show it was after looking for the OP in the episode - it was Dark Gathering)

Also check out this screenie I took of the (4-pixel tall) only place the title is written on Whisper Me a Love Song on the front page (because it’s so small in the splash image)


I mentioned last week that I am in charge of putting forth proposals for a little makeshift anime club with a couple friends, and now that everything’s out, my anime tasting menu is finalized (from which we’ll likely pick 2 or 3):

  • Astro Note - captures a retro aesthetic without needing to be tied to the baggage of the past, and manages to be sincere without taking itself too seriously
  • Bartender - none of us are big drinkers, but the healing genre is strong with this one and we all love a comfy time
  • Spice & Wolf - I’ve been a bit underwhelmed so far, but it’s interesting enough and if my friends latch onto it I’ll have an easy time actually finishing it, which I would like to do either way.
  • Tonari no Yokai - this one is delivering big time on both its slice of life elements and its dark mystery plotline
  • Whisper Me a Love Song - very cute romance, plus it’s gay
  • Wind Breaker - excellent action and very fun characters. Definitely my favorite of the season thus far, but it might just be that it’s delivering on a lot of my personal favorite tropes (specifically: kind-hearted delinquents, lovable weirdos, friendship via punching, and non-romantic tsunderes)

notable other anime:

  • Dungeon Meshi - my friends and I are carrying this over from last season and I’m so excited for more every week
  • Kaiju No 8 - I passed along this recommendation which I am not going to be able to follow myself due to a sensitivity to gore and body horror

Stuff that didn’t make the cut but I’m still following (for now):

  • Appraisal Skill - hasn’t hooked me yet, but I’m curious
  • Banished Former Hero - what can I say, I love a good powerpoint
  • Train to the End of the World - has some good ideas, but I’m not sure how well it can execute them
  • Unnamed Memory - it’s a bit hard to tell where this is going
  • Vampire Dormitory - look, everybody has their own anime slop they can’t help but slurp up, and this is mine
  • Yatagarasu - episodes 1 and 2 were so different in content and quality I’m not really sure what to expect yet

Episode 3 was great, but episodes 1 and 2 i found to be largely very slow and bogged down by dialogue. If it does more short story type episodes with the different stations I’ll be happy to see more, but I’m just not sure which parts we’ve seen are indicative of the overall quality, if that makes sense.


Hello! Y’all may have seen me around in every new anime thread, lol. Each season I watch the first episode of every anime as blind as I can so that I don’t miss all the weird little gems and also because it makes every new show a little surprise of wildly varying content and quality. I give every premiere a first-impressions rating, based on how much promise I think it has, though I’ll admit I can be pretty off at times. I also have a group of friends I put together an anime tasting menu for when all the shows are out, and we pick out a few to watch together.

For returning shows, this season I only have Dungeon Meshi (which I’m watching with friends), and I’m really eager to see what it has in store for us, since I’ve heard we’re entering the “what the fuck” section of the plot.

For new shows, I’ve got a lot of maybes, but I’m really excited to see more from Wind Breaker and Astro Note, both of which really impressed me.

I came back to the community a bit late for the end-of-season discussions, but I still want to shout out a couple of (imo) underrated shows that just ended:

  • Cherry Magic: A lovely adult-oriented romance focused on healthy communication and personal growth. It uses its mind reading premise to tell a story about the desire to know others and be known by them, and the tension between wanting to be loved for your true self and wanting to be seen as the best possible version of yourself. And the anime community would have easily called it an aoty contender if Kurosawa had been a woman.
  • Delusional Monthly Magazine: Maybe it’s just my weird taste, but this was a blast, start to finish. The adventures were wacky and fun. The plot twists were nuts. One episode had an unexplained dance number. Absolutely phenomenal.

It’s definitely random and out there, lol. I feel like a lot of anime take themselves too seriously these days, and dmm absolutely does not have that problem. I get that it’s not for everyone, though.


OP is implying gender transition. Do you know where you are right now?

glilimith, (edited )

It’s not explicitly trans (like atkion said), but it is hosted on, an explicitly trans instance.


Are there any plans to move rikka over to c/episode_discussion? I know originally discussion threads were only temporarily allowed here because shinobu was having problems, so I’m curious what the plans are going forward. Either way, rikka seems to be working great so far, so nice work!


I would NOT recommend mushoku tensei to an anime newbie, as it requires an extremely high tolerance for anime bullshit (particularly creepy sex stuff)

Also, made in abyss needs to come with a heavy content warning, as it is a horror/gore anime despite its cutesy artstyle. Not to say it’s a bad recommendation, just it’s not for everyone.


Yes. People say it outgrows its premise but I’m really not sure that’s possible, and I noped out after the first episode so I wouldn’t personally know. Explanation point I think does a good job of exploring both the problem and why people still defend it


It feels like this anime has big ambitions, but I’m really not seeing the ability to follow through on the stuff it wants to discuss. The vibes I get every time they try to bring up themes are extremely “I’m 14 and this is deep”. The scene that particularly stood out to me was the doctor talking about how sometimes civil rights movements go too far, like ???

On top of that, I feel like our main character is very weak for a philosophical story. It feels like, despite being a nean herself, she has literally never considered whether or not it’s moral for neans to be an underclass, nor the implications of her hunting down alters (which she seems to also be). I’m sure she’ll end up taking a moral stance eventually, but she really doesn’t seem equipped to tackle complex moral issues.

I think this is the end of my time with the show, at least for now. I’ll probably check in after the season is over and see how people ended up liking it.


It’s not a great sign when the first episode tells us nothing and then the second opens with a bunch of lore infodumping. They didn’t even really answer the big questions and mostly raised new ones for me (for example, where are all the nice aliens?)

The fight was flashy, but as zabadoh said, the storyboarding felt really off, and it made the action a bit hard to follow at times.

The characterization was also a little strange. I still don’t feel like I know our mains very well (except that Naomi is the type to wake a sleeping stranger just so she can ask him about his life instead of minding her own business), and the only characters I feel much attachment to are the handful of people I feel like we’re not going to see much of going forward, like the granny, the doctor, and the veteran android.

I like to give original anime the full 3 episode test but I’m already pretty checked out.


I pay special attention to the anime-originals every season and this one caught my eye because of what seems to be a group of artistic leads stacked with heavy hitters. I try not to get hyped about anything going into a new season because I hate to be let down, but I couldn’t really help myself this time… and ultimately was only proven correct.

This one was a fantastic ride. Not sure exactly what’s going on but I’m absolutely here for it.

The question I have, though (as my friends asked me multiple times in the middle of the episode when I showed it to them): is this gay? The director/original creator has done gay before (banana fish) and her other original anime (sk8) apparently is headed in that direction as well (I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet, but I’ve heard it’s not just subtext). I’m getting major Vibes off that childhood friend and seemingly the only girl in the show is a psychopath, so maybe? I sure hope so.


I wanted to like this one, but the final action scene kinda killed it for me. Ultimately I feel like witches have a bit too much political baggage rooted in actual real-life history for this story to work the way that it wants to, and the lore doesn’t seem to want to shy away from those associations.

Witch hunts historically were invoked in order to reinforce patriarchal systems, punishing women who stepped outside of their assigned roles (for example, you often see witches flying on brooms because it’s meant to be a perversion of the cleaning they were meant to be doing). The show even brings up that the grandmother witch saved the town and then was burned at the stake anyway, drawing connections to the real history of prejudice and cruelty.

Because witches are historical symbols of female autonomy and power, I think stories about fighting evil witches really only work with a female lead. It allows you to tell a story about the correct way to achieve liberation and equality rather than if liberation and equality is worth fighting for (though the latter story can still be told with a female character if you do it wrong).

That brings us to Guideau. At the start, I sort of assumed they’d* be filling that role in the story for us, but the twist is that they are not the teenage girl we thought they were. Let me tell you, when my mind was primed for explorations of feminism and the cycle of violence, only to watch someone who appears as a large buff man physically beat the woman who had been associated with symbols of patriarchal victimization… I just couldn’t engage anymore. It’s not in the text, but they made so many deliberately choices that ended up constructing (I assume by accident) a metaphor of a man violently beating a woman for stepping out of her assigned role.

Maybe people who haven’t engaged in as much feminist media analysis as I have won’t get the same impression. The animation seems good and the fight scenes will probably be fun (real-world symbolism aside). I really can’t keep watching though. I give the premiere a 3/5.

  • I use they/them for Guideau because I have heard that the author has said their gender is meant to be ambiguous/undefined.

I think this is where I depart from the anime. The first episode had a bit of a different vibe from your typical isekai, but this one feels much more in line with what’s typical for the genre. I’m also not really a fan of Rose as a character, nor as a force for the plot. I do like the idea that healing magic can be used to circumvent normal physical limitations in training, allowing you to basically powerlevel your body, but neat ideas on their own don’t really carry a show.

For those still watching, I hope the show ends up being what you’re after, even if it’s not for me.


This looks like it’s building on top of tropes I hate to make a story I could genuinely enjoy. It’s so frustrating to see a story go “don’t bully the weak… because what if they’re actually strong??” and I’m hopeful that this time we’ll see more of a meaningful story about the weak learning to look out for each other and compassion winning out instead of force.

There are some choices in the story so far that baffle and frustrate me, like the past life’s voice being absent but Ivy echoing her questions every time for our benefit, or like Ivy constantly taking her bags off and putting them back on, but overall I enjoyed the episode a lot. I give the premiere a 4/5.


The animation was amazing, but it just felt like the same exact joke being told three times in a row. I have to assume that the story will move on to different jokes once it gets tired of this one, but I already don’t trust it to not beat its new jokes into the ground, too. It could end up being really good, but just from the premiere I have to give it a 2/5.


I love a good fake-out mc, and the fake op was a masterpiece, but they dragged it out way too long. Like, the title already gives away the twist.

Even with the anime stalling, I was fully on board when we switched characters, but that good will ran out fast when the real main character was just grinding video game levels for her whole childhood. Like, if she doesn’t want to be the last boss, can’t she just… not attack the main characters? Doesn’t she have any interest in learning why her game counterpart did what she did (so she can avoid that plotline?)

I really wanted to like this one, but the poor storytelling got in the way for me, and the premiere ended up at a 3/5.


Really, truly strange to have an anime with dominatrix imagery where the main girl seems to not consent to the ecchi scene she’s the top for. Not a vibe a like to see.

On the other hand, the rest of the show outside the ecchi seems really bland and boring, with nothing really notable except the cgi (which looks predictably bad).

Overall, I can’t really give this premiere any higher than a 1/5.


Pretty boring wish-fulfillment ecchi. The characters seem flat, the story is basically non-existant, and the fanservice is pretty blatant. If you’re a gyaru enjoyer you may have a good time, but there’s really nothing else here. I give the premiere a 2/5.

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