@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar



Labor Organiser 🎌, Journalist, Teacher, New Mexican, Kimagure Orange Road Fan
🗒:Anime Now, Jalopnik, Jezebel, The Daily Texan, Kotaku, The Intercept, Anime News Network, Anime Herald

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FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

🚨 We’re also received reports that Texas state troopers have taken into custody a number of residents of UT’s turtle pond 🚨

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar



FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

Let’s check in to see how things are going at my alma mater….


From: @thomasfuchs

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

@FlockOfCats @thomasfuchs

Just the 40 Acres being the 40 Acres hashtag hookem hashtag bleedingburntorange

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


2003-2006 there, and I was Texan staff. I saw many many Bush era protests.

wonder if we had any crossover

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


Ah, yeah, @ChrisJValdez and I were yukking it up over in Nacogdoches at Stephen F. Austin in 02.

I joke I visited a friend at UT for Spring Break in 2003 and just never left. Slightly overstated, but basically true. I just went there to hang out with him, but ended up realising I should have gone there in the first place. I'm just lucky to have found a last-minute back door in, on the merits I shouldn't have been able to even do that much--competition being what it was.

FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

If you scale up a pico de gallo recipe 1000x, does it become nano de gallo? 🤔

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

@FlockOfCats it 2024, tera de gallo or gtfo

jezebelkat, to random
@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

It's really sad that music has been dead for decades because of all that home taping we did. I really miss music. We should have listened to the recording industry. We'd still have music today if we did.

FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

Toad the Wet Sprocket is a weird band name, but I’m glad they changed it from Toad the Moist Sprocket

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar



Toad The Uncomfortably Damp Sprocket.

Toad is actually one of my favorite bands, Fear is probably my favorite album, and All I Want is in the running for my favorite song.

FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

Dear Wind,

You’ve made your point. Now please knock it off. Thank you.

Chibaraki residents

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar



jezebelkat, to random
@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

I'll give you three guesses on which solution isn't even mentioned, let alone considered, and the first two don't count: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VZwI7hDrbw

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Raising the fertility rate to 2.07 without national changes to child-forward policies and without immigration (immigrants by and large have higher rates of childbirth) that leads to citizenship is impossible.

The US and the UK both show growth in the report's chart. Why? Immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration </Baller>.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Kujukuri has the right idea. Other towns and the national government need to get with the program.

Invite immigrants or die.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


I am intimately acquainted with this, as a history of kokutai and Japanese radical ultranationalism from 1825-1945 was the focus of my masters work.

This is my wheelhouse.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

@jamesrg ha. Maybe one day, for now, alas, I am far too busy.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


FWIW, I think the ruling class is losing on this issue. People are not stupid. My neighbors have been nothing but welcoming, because they can do basic math--and the math is it is impossible to repopulate towns like this with children from the elderly who still live here or robbing peter to pay paul by poaching native Japanese of childbearing age from other areas.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


Ideology goes out the window when fear reigns, and we're starting to see areas, like my own, where that tipping point has already been reached.

Invite immigrants or die. And Kujukuri does not want to die.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

@jamesrg Oh, btw, the pure centre and the impure periphery?

That shit isn't even Japanese. It's Neoconfucianism and was stolen from the Chinese.

Literally, Neo-Confucianist scholars (this would be the predecessors to where my masters studies started, so think 1600s and 1700s) basically said "Naw, China isn't the middle kingdom. Japan was the real middle kingdom the whole time!"

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


Japan has always been really, really, REALLY good about bringing stuff from the periphery into the centre and then claiming "ACKSHUALLY, it's ours!" All the way up to KFC and cake for Christmas.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

@FlockOfCats @jamesrg

Stolen from the British, via the Imperial Navy from its training exercises with the Royal Navy in the time around the Russo-Japanese war, who themselves stole it from India.

A great example.

FlockOfCats, to random
@FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

I will soon be trying this tantanmen from the renowned ramen purveyor Denny’s

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


Call me when I can buy a Grand Slam in a styrofoam bowl.

jezebelkat, to random
@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Now Listening:

I honestly can't believe this album was 2022 and not... 2002. You know what you're getting here, it's Avril Lavigne. But, like, if that's what you want... There you go.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Called it:

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

I'm going to have to go back and listen to Let Go, not sure the last time I did, especially as a full album. I bet it has been several years, maybe not since it came out.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

I queued up Let Go and... ouch. Going from Love Sux in Hi-Res Lossless to what must be my original rip in 128kps MP3... on Sennheiser HD 600s.

The pain, friends. The pain. Them MP3s are crunchy. I'm going to need to replace these.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Okay, let's try this again with digital files suitable for 2024 and not 2002.

Now Listening:

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar

Oh yeah... Now my ears aren't bleeding. One advantage to not seriously listening to music, especially not on good equipment, until relatively recently, is that I haven't destroyed my ears.

@jezebelkat@famichiki.jp avatar


  1. Better than I don't remember. Equipment and quality matters, it's like a first listen.
  2. Sk8ter Boi is the worst song. Nobody's Fool rap parts are a dishonorable mention.
  3. Best songs: I'm With You, Tomorrow, Anything But Ordinary
  4. Greater range of styles than Love Sux, and Love Sux comes off as "What did I expect? Not this shit again" and Let Go comes off as "What do I expect? Do I know?" That alone tells you the age/life stage of each... More about this...
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