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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The GUR released footage, allegedly from the Ka-32.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Dear followers. From today until April 30th I will be less active due to a short holiday. During this period there will most likely be no SitReps at the end of the day, and less active news posting. I will be fully available again from May 1st. Thank you for understanding!

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

PERUN unit within the 42nd mechanized brigade found and destroyed a Russian infantry group trying to approach Chasiv Yar in the Bakhmut direction with FPV drones.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The Ministry of Defence of Estonia, in coordination with Denmark, has announced the delivery of two patrol boats to Ukraine.

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Remains of a shot down Russian Kh-55SM cruise missile.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

🕯️As a result of repatriation activities, 140 fallen Ukrainian defenders were returned to Ukraine. The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War reports.

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The USA has already started supplying essential parts of the weapons and ammunition to Ukraine as part of the new aid package. This will arrive within days, if not sooner. https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3756690/pentagon-press-secretary-air-force-maj-gen-pat-ryder-holds-a-press-briefing/

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Overnight, Ukrainian air defense units shot down a Russian Orlan-10 and ZALA reconaissance drone.

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Ukraine has withdrawn US-supplied Abrams M1A1 tanks from the front line due to Russian drone attacks. Five out of 31 are known to be lost. The U.S. will work with Ukraine to reset tactics, said Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman Adm. Christopher Grady https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-abrams-tanks-19d71475d427875653a2130063a8fb7a

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Spain will supply a small batch of Patriot missiles to Ukraine but refused to deliver a Patriot battery. Furthermore Spain is preparing a new arms package which will be sent befoe the 30rd of June. It includes 10 of the 19 Leopard 2 A4 battle tanks that are being refurbished at this moment, and will be added to the 10 delivered last year.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Russian losses per 26/04/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff

+950 men
+7 tanks
+15 APVs
+31 artillery systems
+12 UAVs
+1 cruise missile

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Dear followers, good night and sleep well. See you tomorrow.

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The 25/04/24 SitRep is ready: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1783606034486972732.html

Would you like to support us? Then you can do so by becoming a member for only €5 per month at https://patreon.com/NOELREPORTS or by donating your own chosen amount at https://buymeacoffee.com/noelreports.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

⚡️The U.S. is putting the finishing touches on one of its largest Ukraine military aid packages to date, preparing to ink contracts for as much as $6 billion worth of weapons and equipment. It would include Patriot air defense systems, artillery ammunition, drones, counter-drone weapons, and air-to-air missiles.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Allied countries asked Greece to send S-300 or Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine. However, Greece will not supply them because the country says it needs them for their own defense.

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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

A Ukrainian E-300 enterprise fixed wing long-range UAV crashed in Russia, 1000 km from the border. Russian media write a camera was installed and that it carried a FAB-100 aerial bomb.

Deeper and deeper.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

FPV strike unit within the 77th Airmobile Brigade hit a Russian T-80., leading to its destruction.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

A Russian attempt to attack in the Novomykhailivka direction was thwarted, leading to burning Russian equipment.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

ALASTOR unit within the 25th Airborne Brigade repelled a Russian attack. Disabling and destroying two tanks. A Russian attempt to attack in the Novomykhailivka direction was thwarted, leading to burning Russian equipment.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The Russian rag is hoisted in the eastern part of Soloviove, Avdiivka direction. It is likely that Russian forces control the small settlement, and the AFU has retreated further west towards both Sokil and Novopokrovske.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling not to recognize the pseudo-elections in Russia and the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. They also expressed regret that Hungarian PM Viktor Orban congratulated Putin on his 're-election'.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

The Danish authorities have agreed to increase the financing of the Ukrainian Fund for 2024, which provides military aid to Ukraine, by €590 million.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Footage from FPV Strike company within the 47th Mechanized.

"Our operators discovered a group of occupiers in the Berdychi area near Avdiivka. The first one who wanted to throw a stone at our FPV was eliminated immediately. Several other Muscovites were injured," they add.


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

Zelenskyi's evening speech


We are preparing for tomorrow's meeting of "Ramstein". We will talk about how to quickly overcome the difficulties and problems that have accumulated for half a year, when we were waiting for decisions about American support. Politically, we have already worked for support. Now we need to work both on filling the packages with the necessary weapons and on logistics.

Thanks to all the countries that at this time made their new decisions to help Ukraine!


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@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

A bogged down blyatmobile near Krasnohorivka, stuffed with electronic warfare.


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