@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar



Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

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@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

You can install multiple kernels along with their respective headers. As long as you create a hook that runs mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig whenever you update the kernels, you can then choose which kernel you want to use when the grub menu comes up.

This way you can always use whichever kernel you want, and is good practice should an update to one of the kernels have breaking changes.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

It may not be the same problem, but I took notes on connecting a bare bones Artix ISO to WiFi using wpa supplicant a while back. Take a look, see if that helps. I believe you have to change some settings using rfkill.

I highly recommend signing up and using Artix’s official forums. As long as you provide enough context about your problem, the devs and community there is super helpful.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Nice find. Here it is without JS, or giving medium your traffic:


@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I know. I have a bunch of redirect extensions on all my device’s browsers, so this is what I get when I click on these links. No such extensions on iOS sadly.

Setting up such a bot shouldn’t be too hard though, I see it all the time for YouTube to Invidious instances.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not. The Movie Execs have no idea how people pirate their shit. The ISPs could block, but VPNs and I2P exist.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Agreed. It detracts from the point that misgendering others is a form of hate speech when done intentionally and/or maliciously.

This is reflected within other minority communities as well, who often have to prove that they are demonstrably “better” at whatever field of expertise or topic they wish to engage in to be considered “worthy” of engaging with those who have historically wielded power and authority over said minorities.

That said, the US justice system is in a tumultuous turbulent state right now, and I’m happy to take whatever wins we can for my Trans comrades, no matter how small they may be.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Librewolf turns on resist fingerprinting by default. If you go into about:config and disable resist fingerprinting, you can re enable light/dark mode preferences being recognized by the browser.

Or you could install the Dark Reader extension, but that will overwrite all CSS and approximate Dark Mode rather than use a customized CSS stylesheet.

Or you could install Vanilla Firefox and use that only to develop while you use Librewolf to privately browse, which is what I do.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Don’t be put off by my jargon and in depth explanation. It is actually STUPID simple to do this. Do a SMALL bit of research and then use a Stock Market simulator to simulate a small purchase Call Option on the S&P 500 for 2 or 3 years. Then leave it. Don’t look at it don’t think about it forget about it.

Come back in 2 to 3 years and look at your simulated account. If the US did not go into a recession in the last 2 to 3 years you will have at least doubled your simulated money. After that do it for real.

Or you could be like me and walk away in disgust. It just made me very jaded about US economics and modern capitalism.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree. I’m not saying its not without it’s risks, Options on individual stocks are pretty risky, but a call Option that follows the S&P500 over the course of 3 years? That’s a pretty safe bet. It takes a multi year US recession to lose that bet, and while certainly not impossible (we’ve obviously had a few of them over the past couple decades), but it’s the safest bet I’ve seen on Options.

And yeah, there’s somebody on the other side of the bet, in this case usually a Brokerage Firm or other large Financial Institution, as they’re the only ones I can think of that would consistently bet against the S&P. This part I’ll admit does elude me somewhat, but generally there’s always somebody who believes a US recession is coming, and occasionally they’re right, just not as often as the person willing to believe US line go up. The amount of pensions, IRAs, and 401ks that rely on the S&P is massive, and because of that I think there’s a strong incentive amongst the Fed and Wall Street to make sure that line generally always goes up.

I’m not advising people to buy Options, btw, I’m using this scenario as an illustration to point out how making money on the US stock market is usually based off of mass speculation rather than any actual value made by people actually producing goods and services on the ground floor.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

This is a better explanation than I gave, thanks.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m looking forward to when the Linux community, and society at large, has forgotten about noninclusive Transphobic assholes like this fuck.

I honestly don’t care if the work you’ve done saves the planet and proves you’re the smartest human to ever live. If Vaxry can’t understand why being sympathetic to the LGBTQ+ community by adhering to their conventions around identifying pronouns is a good thing, then he’s simply chosen to align himself with those who don’t care, i.e. Transphobic hate groups.

That’s the company he keeps now, and it might as well be who he is.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I honestly, but respectfully, disagree.

Brodie has been playing the apologist lately, and finding himself on the defensive when Nicco criticized Brodie for giving a floor to Lunduk, who is another example of a toxic individual within the Linux community. Brodie basically has played the card , “I’ll hear out anybody because it’s important to get both sides of the story.”

But imho it shows he lacks spine to take a real stand. I get why, he needs to retain his audience which is a mix of people from different political and social backgrounds. I just don’t respect it.

This latest video of his shows exactly his own reasoning. He says something along the lines of, if you take a position, you’re going to lose a lot of your audience. He was talking specifically about the FDO iirc, but he might as well have been talking about himself.

I do have some sympathy for Brodie, I’ve been following him from almost his first video when he was still in Uni showing off his BSPWM configs, etc. And I don’t think he ever thought his channel would become politicized nor do I think he ever wanted to address his own political leanings on his channel. But in my own life I’ve just noticed you can’t avoid that, even in a public platform. Everything is political, and if you don’t show people who you stand with, (like solidly, on one side or the other, you CANNOT have it both ways) then you just are saying you’ll sit on the sidelines while the people you’re supposedly advocating for (the Linux community) burn from within.

Until he’s willing to have Danielle Fore (Trans Developer on the Elementary OS Distro) on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, I’m going to say he’s giving a lot more attention and positive exposure to toxic people than not. And he’s not exactly actually on Both Sides, like he wants us all to believe.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I really don’t think he should take a stand, This is why I actually like him a lot more then pretty much any other linux youtuber. With him I don’t need to worry about removed distro takes, stupid drama takes. Just information.

That’s fair. I just don’t see this as stupid drama. If someone is being a hateful bigot, and that is not an opinion it is simply a fact here, then that is the information Brodie should report, using rhetoric that reflects that. From my point of view, Brodie is either avoiding the certain left leaning politics because he’s actually right wing, or he’s too afraid to admit he’s left wing because he’ll lose a good chunk of his audience. Either way he’s lost my respect.

Im not sure who that is, Was there some kind of drama involved here? It never made it across my feed personally and being honest, due to my recent findings of new time, I’m partially suffering terminally online syndrome. Not to sound demeaning, but I genuinely have no idea who Danielle Fore is outside of the small tidbit you just brought up. Can you tell me more about them?

Danielle Fore is a lead UX/UI developer on the Elementary OS Distro who has documented her transition on Mastodon. She fields both technical and sociopolitical questions on her Mastodon account. She recently received some attention due to SwitchedToLinux spouting anti Trans rhetoric on his channel specifically referencing her, with both Trafotin and Nicco responding very negatively against SwitchedToLinux for that.

Her technical chops are up there with the best of them, especially when you consider ElementaryOS being known for their clean UX/UI design. If Brodie wants to truly take the mantle of an unbiased information only Linux influencer, then he should be covering the facts across the board, including her or at least someone who can speak from experience on the more than occasional occurrences of misogyny and transphobia that crops up in the Linux community.

Unlike Trafotin and Nicco, Brodie has chosen to handwave away this serious problem as drama while continuing to give a platform to those that are the toxic perpetrators of said rhetoric. All I ask is where is he platforming those who offer up counterarguments? People who are going to call it out for the toxicity it is? No? Nobody… Guess that speaks to the company he’s willing to keep and the company he’s not willing to. And honestly that doesn’t appear to be unbiased and willing to hear both sides. And it’s not even just presenting the facts. It’s hand picking them.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree, I’m just not one of those people. I’m personally very unforgiving of Nazis, Trump supporters, White Nationalists, homophobes, and transphobes, etc. etc. All the lefty wokisms right wing assholes like to dunk on you can apply to me (I don’t care, come at me bro).

And when people say, why use their products then? Like this whole boycotting of Hyprland shit. No, use Hyprland, AND make such a big deal about it on their discord server that the toxic community is shouted down. Is told THEY are not welcome. And if you lose, then you straight up call them a Transphobic right wing community. That’s what they will have become at that point. That is who they will have proven themselves to be should they be willing to turn a blind eye to hateful rhetoric.

Ignoring hate speech is endorsing hate speech. I invite anyone to prove me wrong.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Misgendering someone by mistake is just a misunderstanding. Misgendering someone on purpose is a form of hate speech or at best, willful ignorance. It is a not so subtle way of dehumanizing them in not recognizing them as who they are.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Exactly. His channel used to cover interesting command line tools, configuration instructions, explanations on technical topics, but my guess is that those subjects don’t please the YT algorithm enough, and he probably noticed the more he covered Drama that takes place within the Linux ecosystem, the more engagement he got with his content.

Which is fine, but firstly, he’s obviously pretending he hates the very drama he’s engaging in, which is disingenuous. And secondly, he’s playing the apologist for those spewing hate, constantly saying he “sees both sides of the argument”.

To which I’ll always point out, “I see you hearing out the perpetrators of the hate speech, Brodie, when are you going to hear out the victims of that hate? Where is the OTHER side?”

But yeah, he is just repeatedly revealing his lack of a spine, lack of integrity, and most pathetic of all, his lack of genuine empathy.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Why would it be hate speech? I’m not doing it because I hate anyone, I just don’t have enough fucks in the bag.

You’re unwillingness to do the bare minimum of simply addressing someone by their preferred pronouns means you’re either okay with misgendering people or you intentionally want to.

If, however you mean what you say in that you don’t intend to dehumanize those who wish to be called by their preferred pronouns, then I highly suggest you find those fucks and give them.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Its not an urge. It’s a correction. If I tell you my name isn’t Joe, it’s John, and you continue to call me Joe, I’ll have to assume you’re either crazy forgetful or purposefully being an asshole.

If I tell you I’m not he/him, but she/her, and you continue to call me he/him, it’s the same thing. Prove me wrong.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

In my experience, those that asked to be referred to as they/them identify as being non-binary, though in reading more on the topic, this is not always the case.

I only adopt the pronouns of those that the person in question expressly asks to be referred to as. Otherwise, if the pronouns are not explicitly mentioned, I default to the pronouns of the gender I perceive said individual to be presenting as until otherwise corrected.

In my opinion, it’s simply a sign of mutual respect and acknowledgement that I recognize their identity as they proclaim it to be.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Perhaps that would be a good first step then. Figure out how Shazam works, then create a standalone application that catalogues and recognizes the audio of advertisements. An obvious name for such an app would be along the lines of “IsAnAd?”. Then hook that standalone application up to a podcast aggregation client and use the timestamps of that to create the desired sponsor block functionality.

Thanks again. Just hashing this out with others like yourself has been super helpful.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Great thread! Just subscribed to this c/

Sorry I know its a few days old now, but I thought I’d just chime in and ask my question.

First and foremost I’m a self taught web Dev(TypeScript, NodeJS, HTML, CSS), who has also done some small bit of learning C (built a basic UNIX shell and rebuilt some of the ls command in C) and done some shell scripting.

I’m about half way through the Book and am also following along with a 9 hour long intro Video course from Free Code Camp where the instructor generally just has you go through practice.rs

I’m mainly interested in using Rust as my go to back end language for HTTP/TCP servers and developing JSON and HTML APIs. Can you tell me which frameworks and crates/packages would be good for me to be aware of?

I’m also interested in creating some CLI and TUI applications, so any frameworks/crates/packages I should be aware of in that realm you might recommend would also be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much. I got some great insights just by perusing this thread thus far!

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks so much! I’ll be bookmarking these and checking them out as I go along.

Lastly, I just wanted to ask a couple more questions if that’s OK.

How long did it take you before you started to become proficient enough in Rust that you could be productive for your employer? Were you already proficient in other systems level programming languages like C or C++ before learning Rust?

Did you get hired as a Rust developer or were you working or your current employer utilizing another programming language and you eventually move to developing in Rust?

Do you see there being more jobs utilizing Rust in the future?

I know that’s a lot, so if you don’t want to field all of those, I understand, but I’m very curious so I thought I’d just put those out there.

Thanks again!

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks so very much. Very informative and encouraging. As a mainly TypeScript developer whose only done some dabbing in C, bash, and python, I’ve been looking for a language that’s a bit more abstracted than C, but not so pigeonholed into specific use cases like Golang (I’m still developing an opinion on Golang, not sure how I feel about it).

Rust so far has appeared like quite a beautiful language and the compiler in particular is the best I’ve ever seen in terms of helpful error/warning messages!

I’m sure I’ll have my small complaints as I struggle to get good at Rust in the near future, but I think this is going to be my go to back end language for some time.

I have plans to eventually convert the C code of the terminal based browser, links, to a Rust project to learn more about how a very basic browser is built. I’d also like to do the same for the TUI system monitoring tool btop, which is written in C++.

I think just attempting those two “rewrite it in Rust” projects, once I have other smaller projects under my belt, will probably give me a good understanding not only of Rust, but also aspects of the HTTP/HTTPS protocols and systems programming not commonly encountered in the field of web development.

Last question, I promise, lol. But what do you make of this plan? Are their any caveats or concerns I should be made aware of in regards to this endeavor?

Again, thanks for everything!

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Definitely. Okay, that’s about all I have to ask now. I’m bookmarking this thread though to refer back to. You’ve given me some great insights and resources, and have also pointed me in the right direction going forward.

For now I’ll be just making my way through the Book. I also have Programming Rust, by O’Reilly, Command Line Rust by O’Reilly, and Rust for Rustaceans to reference along with the plethora of online resources.

I might PM you some time in the future (if that’s okay) should I get stuck on something I can’t figure out through the usual means (i.e. documentation, stack overflow, etc.).

Again, can’t thank you enough for the help. Cheers!

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