
Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

As a former redditor I am glad to have found a new "home" and I hope I'm not intruding. Nevertheless, we are all a huge migration that is bound to change how kbin works and we're bound to piss off some pre-migration Keebinetters. The fact you guys were here before and not in reddit makes evident you don't want this to become a...


I'm all for leaving the broken arms and dead wife at Reddit, but "and my axe" predates Reddit, and as a meme/inside joke originated on 4chan. I'm pretty sure that's just part of the internet at large at this point.


The AI excuse is a smokescreen. If it was really just about fleecing the AI bros they could have made a tiered system where free API access is rate-limited. The AI trainers "read" millions of times faster than people, so a paid access that lets them read that quickly would absolutely be worth paying for. This has always been about killing apps that don't give Reddit absolute control over what you see.


I have to imagine with today being the day the boycott starts that the servers here are absolutely swamped. Every new site has growing pains. When I came here to try it out I made a point of consciously reminding myself of that fact. I'm sure it'll improve with time.

Kbin Roadmap 2023

A certain stage of development has ended - a prototype was created that allowed me to verify whether such a form makes sense in the #fediverse. Until now, it was a project that I developed in my free time. Now, thanks to the great people from Nlnet, I will be able to devote much more time to it. This time, we have already...

A person pointing to something that resembles the kbin platform's homepage.

Two questions: Is there any plan to add the ability to collapse comment chains? That's, like, the one big UI thing from Reddit that I'm missing. The other question is, is having the comment box for adding a top level comment at the bottom an intentional design choice, to encourage people to read the threads before commenting? I think at the very least adding a shortcut to take users to the comment box near the top would go a long way to improving usability.

Other than that, if the goal is to be a replacement for Reddit refugees, my first impressions are that this has the right recipe. Very impressive work so far.

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