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DanyWho, German

Does anyone know what that is? I don’t see any pests and it’s the only plant affected. @plants


@theTractor @plants I was wondering about that. I recently got a greenhouse where I put plants in that just won’t survive in my room conditions. It’s not fully insulated so I thought I don’t need a fan. Maybe I need one.

theTractor, avatar

@DanyWho @plants

probably yes, but arm yourself with fungicide because when it attacks a plant it is difficult to make it recover, at least in my experience. Good luck! 😉

teletravail, avatar

@plants does anyone know what this crocus is up to?

teletravail, avatar

@plants If you are concerned about the planet I am seeking help in keeping my ecostrike alive on my website: where anyone can join to take on eco challenges by staying off platforms that don't run on green energy. We make field notes and get points which can be used to trade eco goodies. You can also indicate on your profile if you are looking to date and find the challengers who have similar lifestyles to yours in the challenge who are open to dating new ppl!


@plants Thanks for the boost!

michael, avatar

last night over dinner my wife casually dropped that seven hardy almond trees are arriving in a few days.

two weeks ago, also at dinner, she dropped that five persian mulberry, two apricot and two arctic kiwi were arriving.

i need to stage an intervention.

then i need to find their forever homes.


Permacultureandpolitics, avatar

@michael @plants all of those are delicious, although you guys will need to spray the almonds and apricots with a weak copper and neem solution to keep fungal diseases at bay since you (like me) are a little north for them. I spray 3x in spring and once in fall, never while flower buds are open so I don’t hurt any bees.

Geisseltierchen, German avatar

Hm. Ich suche für'n Garten ne stabile Beetumrandung für's Gemüsebeet. 20 cm hoch soll sie sein, auf individuelle Länge zuschneidbar (Standard is nich). Die Kunststoffdinger (welliges Plastik vom Meter) waren ja nur eine Übergangslösung. Einerseits soll sie stabil genug sein, um die rechteckige Form zu behalten, andererseits so flexibel, dass ich auch ne Rundung abstecken kann.

Hat wer da Erfahrungswerte?

Googeln kann ich selber!


optimist, avatar

@Geisseltierchen @plants
Soll helfen, das Geflecht mit Leinöl einzubinden...
Hab's aber nicht selber probiert


Mein Opa hatte Bierflaschen kopfüber in den Boden gesteckt, als Einfassung.
Ok, damals gabs darauf noch keinen Pfand...


Wer noch günstiges Zubehör braucht für seine Pflanzenanzucht, bei Lidl gibt es ab 22.02. ein Anzuchtset mit Licht für 9,99€. @plants

HaraldKi, avatar
balkongarten6, avatar


Auch wenn ich sowas nicht benötige - aber bei dem Preis kann man nicht meckern 👍


sebastian, avatar

#Dorstenia gigas in winter hibernation - only a few leaves

#Yemen #soqotra #succulent

#botany #plantscience


#Dorstenia gigas in winter hibernation - close-up
#Dorstenia gigas in winter hibernation - close-up
#Dorstenia gigas in winter hibernation - whole plant - only a few leaves

DanyWho, German

Ich muss mir dieses Jahr wirklich einen Schlauch kaufen, den ich im Badezimmer anschließen kann, um den Balkon zu gießen. Die Gießkanne ist zu schwer um sie mehrmals hin und her zu schleppen und Wasserflaschen in die Kübel stecken war letztes Jahr auch nicht das Wahre. Hat jemand Empfehlungen? @plants

atarifrosch, avatar

@DanyWho @plants Ah. Hier ist eine in jeder Wohnung.

hahn_cornelia, avatar


Halftime report on a long hard freeze:

Polar vortex deep freezes are now becoming normal. We’re halfway through the January 2024 polar vortex, so I figured I’d write a little about how we’re keeping plants alive as the temps drop to 5F/-14C and the weather stays basically below freezing for a full week.
In-ground row crops: We’ve got various winter veg, mainly greens, right now. We topped the tall ones and took the largest of the kohlrabi. Then we covered them with two layers of ag-15 row cover. They are currently maintaining a temp difference of 5F/2.5C at night, and more than 15F/8C with sunlight. We had some tunnel collapse from snow & wind. We’ll know later what survived.
In-ground trees: We have two meyer lemons and a bay laurel in a very exposed part of the front yard. These all got a wire frame around them, filled with loose leaves, then covered with ag-15 and 8mil translucent plastic. The lemons also got a wrapping of incandescent Christmas lights, ~50 watts each. There’s no way to get a good temp reading, but this type of scheme has worked for us before. There’s also a trifoliate orange rootstock in the same area – it’s on its own.
Unheated greenhouse: We have a QuicTent polytunnel with basil & cilantro on a planting table. This is covered with ag-15 and a moving blanket. This is holding 10F/5C above at night, 15F/8C with sunlight. The basil is probably dead, the cilantro will probably be blanched, but survive.



Heated greenhouse: Another QuicTent, with lots of cobbled together remediation. It houses all our tenders, including potted citrus, dahlias, and peppers.
The north side is covered with two layers of heavy black/silver tarp. The south side has one layer, retractable during the day. We’ve insulated where possible with moving blankets and fuzzy acrylic materials, making a room within a room. We also added about .25 tons of water in buckets for heat inertia, I believe that was wasted effort. The mulch floor is damp from recent rains and has done a good job of keeping humidity high (50-85%).
There are two resistive heaters for a maximum 2kw heating. I’m running both heaters at 50%: one set for 50F/10C, the other for 40F/5C. We can hold a 35F/20C difference with 1kw overnight. I’m estimating $15-20 for the full week of heating. Which is about half the cost of any one tree in here. During the day, with the south tarp retracted, it will almost get to 70F/21C when outside temp is 20F/-7C.

Planning for next year:

  • We will be re-locating the unheated greenhouse, and adding a climate-battery. This will circulate greenhouse air through tubes buried in the ground, which is still warm 2ft/.6m down. If this works, we’ll fit a similar system for the heated greenhouse as well.

  • Both greenhouses will get permanent 1-2inch/25-50mm insulation board on the north side. It will be white to give diffuse reflection of the winter sun. We will cut insulation board to fit the endcaps, overlapping the door zippers. The doors will be covered with moving blankets.

  • We’ll do a better job preparing to make the room within a room, by putting shelves and tables such that they don’t cross rib lines.

  • The outside of the greenhouses will get mulched leaves to about 12 inches/25cm.

  • I’m not going to bother moving a quarter ton of water for “heat inertia”.

  • I am going to flood the mulched floor to ensure keep humidity levels high and steady.

  • All greenhouse zippers will be replaced with ones made by YKK. QuicTent makes a decent product for the price, but the zippers are crap. The Velcro on the windows is also crap. Window corners will either get snaps or holding stiches in the corners to ensure they don’t leak air during the winter.


michael, avatar

found the dr. seuss section of the aquarium.



It's very rewarding to see what these native plants bring to our gardens. My garden at this time is 60% native. Will be 100% native in the next 2–3 years. Cardinal Flower-Humming bird magnet and Great Blue Lobelia from last summer.
@plants @nativeplants
@nativeplants @nationalparks
Appreciate a boost if you love wildlife and native habitat.

Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower

Coho, avatar

@rmishra @plants @nativeplants @nativeplants @nationalparks
The lobelia is stunning! Thank you for converting your garden to natives

DanyWho, German

I have two plants in the foil greenhouse ( in the living room) that got these black spots recently. I don’t see any pests, could it be fungal? They still grow well and it’s not on the newest leaves. They live next to each other. @plants

A small peperomia obtusifolia variegata in a terracotta pot.

kate, avatar

@DanyWho @plants It looks like sooty mould to me. “Crassula ovata is susceptible to mealybugs, unarmored scale insects that are common pests of succulents and other houseplants. The nymphs of mealybugs pierce the outer layer of plant tissue, feed on the sap, and excrete honeydew which can cause sooty mold. Wiping the infected area with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol can help control them.”

sebastian, avatar

I winter sowed swamp milkweed in two dozen spots along the fence of my backyard. Merriest of all Christmases ever! @plants @plants @nativeplants

Pollinators, avatar

@rmishra @plants @nativeplants. Mastodon has a great native plant community. Native plants and native pollinators photos are common. Being in Minnesota in December I don’t have any current pollinator photos to share.


@rmishra @plants @nativeplants A happy bumble bee!

Irisfreundin, German avatar


Eine freiheitsliebende Sanserverie hat den Hydrokulturtopf verlassen :ablobcatattentionreverse:

Wer will den Ableger (bei Interesse DN)?

Nahaufnahme des "Flüchtlings"


@Irisfreundin @plants Nö danke. Omma hat das Fensterbrett schon voll.


Unpotted one of my larger Alocasias, it’s an Alocasia California. It’s bulb weights a whopping 321g! Compare that to a typical juvenile Alocasia rhizome (on my hand palm) with its 520mg. I don’t think I have any other Rhizome that comes close to 321g

Bonus: the two plants depicted are actually the very same plant, just in very different stages of maturity



@artem I’m afraid that that is all that is currently left of it. There were some pests and it went dormant, the plant should come back by next summer.

Here is it from last summer:

A big plant in front of a shelf of plants

artem, avatar

@jana it looks impressive 👍. Thank you for sharing!


it's November, which means that my Frankencactus is getting ready to bloom!

i started this xmas cactus (really Thanksgiving cactus but we always call it a Christmas cactus) a few years ago, from cuttings from my mom's ~25-year-old 'mother' plant. as a hobby project i then grafted several different colour varieties onto the new plant, to see if it would give me multicoloured blooms. and it did! there are even a few pieces of Easter cactus grafted on, though those have not yet flowered.



@ignova @plants I just bought some cuttings from eBay. I have it on a shelf, because there is no space at the window. How much light does it need? Should I put it on the regular shelf or the one with a grow light?


One of my Alocasia decided to unfurl a huge leaf over the weekend :3 @plants

jana, (edited )

And my Alocasia Amazonica followed her :blobcataww: :blobcataww: @plants

artem, avatar

great plants! 👍

Kuchenschwarte, German avatar

Schau an - neulich aus dem 'halb tot - halber Preis'-Regal mitgenommen und jetzt das.

Croco, avatar

@Kuchenschwarte @plants
Nochmal jemand, der verlassene Pflanzen aufnimmt ♥️

cohanf, (edited ) avatar

sorry- edited to include CW @plants @nature This one's an #InsectFriday + #FlowersOnFriday #combo!
#bee on Carlina acaulis in the #garden
This is a #composite #flower so those 'petals' aren't, nor are they ray flowers as in many composites (sunflowers, asters, daisies etc)- those white strappy parts are papery bracts, just there to draw #pollinator attention.The actual flowers are all those tiny things in the centre- --cont-
#BloomScrolling #florespondence

cohanf, avatar

@plants @nature though I can't say I've figured this species out, exactly-- I think those all look like pistillate flowers that are open in the outer rings of the central area, I can't tell whether the whitish middle part will be more pistils, or stamens/pollen.. Nor am I sure whether the various plants bear both ovaries and pollen, or just one or the other, or one at a time... I need to watch more closely, or read


Wild Bergamot @plants

sheilamaverbuch, (edited )

These crisps were delicious.

50 g of kale leaves, central rib removed
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/8 to 1/4 tsp salt

Preheat fan oven to 130C
Wash and dry the kale thoroughly. Rip large leaves into smaller pieces, and discard the tough central rib.
In a large bowl, mix leaves with oil and salt so every leaf is coated

Line two trays with baking paper and arrange leaves so they're not touching.

Bake 15 minutes. They should still be green when done, but crisp.



@Dero_10 @plants I should try that next time

bunnytown, avatar

@sheilamaverbuch @Dero_10 @plants
Yours look so delicious!
I make a 'spicy bloody mary' flavored version. 😂


Update from my balcony. The tomatoes have grown quite big, but only a few tomatoes, as it has mostly been dark and rainy this year. The beefmaster had about twenty flowers, but only got one tomate now. The Lollo Rosso salad has grown so big I can’t eat it all and the physalis has grown huge leaves, but no flowers yet. @plants

Two tomatoes growing on a vine.
Three tomatoes growing on a vine.
A single tomato growing on a huge plant.


@DanyWho777 @plants

Looks like a good haul and congratulations on the lettuce?

  • am saying that because I had a super rough time with lettuce this year and I only produced 1 out of 20 😂
su_layug, (edited )

Good morning! From my new babies (well, they’re not exactly baby plants). I bought the decorative vase ftom a thrift shop by in Chicago last spring for $2. And the echevarrias (2 varieties) and aloe vera from @homedepotfound in Chicago two days ago. The southwestern motif reminds me of when I used to drive to Eloy for immigration interpretation gigs, many years ago. @plants @houseplants

artem, avatar

looks great! 👍
@plants @houseplants


@lionelb @gardening @plants arghhh I was afraid they looked exactly like potatoes for that reason. Stupid volunteer potatoes!

lemay, avatar

@OxgardenZ @wormerama @donkeyherder @gardening @plants I agree, those are all potatoes.

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