@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

is too stupid to realize that NOT voting for is a vote FOR , and that her boycott of could be her last — She might not get another opportunity to vote EVER.

Via @SteveThompson


@Eetschrijver@mastodon.social avatar
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar
@Eetschrijver@mastodon.social avatar

It's not a message that pleases me, since I personally have very little doubt as to where said meme in fact originates. Which is not, as one may naively believe, to Joe Biden's left.
@rameshgupta @SteveThompson

@RunRichRun@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff @Eetschrijver @rameshgupta @SteveThompson
Very good cartoon. Idealism versus pragmatic reality. This 👇= best brief essay/OpEd I've seen stating the same thing, perhaps with a bit more substance to back up the message:

"Abandoning Biden could repeat the 1968 mistakes that helped elect Nixon" (me: only this would be much worse*) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/12/2239229/-Abandoning-Biden-could-repeat-the-1968-mistakes-that-helped-elect-Nixon

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ @RunRichRun @GottaLaff @Eetschrijver @SteveThompson @joeinwynnewood

Short, and to the point.

“Only years later did I realize that I was mistaken, and we missed an opportunity to have a president who might actually have made America great by championing racial justice, labor rights, and the war against poverty.

I hope that today’s campus don’t repeat our mistakes by abandoning , who already has a proven record of accomplishments in his first term”


@donray@mastodon.online avatar

@rameshgupta @RunRichRun @SteveThompson @GottaLaff @joeinwynnewood @Eetschrijver

People have been beating the “stick with Biden” drum for months.

I just hope those same people are raising their voices (as the protesters are doing) to push Biden toward being less terrible. He has missed no opportunity to ignore the Palestinians while embracing the absurd view that criticism of Israel is antisemitic.

@SteveThompson@mastodon.social avatar

@donray @rameshgupta @RunRichRun @GottaLaff @joeinwynnewood @Eetschrijver

Biden is not "terrible" for aiding Israel in an attempt to demilitarize Gaza's Hamas terrorist government. If anything, he's lukewarm.

24 nations, each with a valid right to attack Gaza's Hamas for kidnapping and butchering their citizens, let Israel take blame for trying to get back their hostaged citizens. Israel is the victim, not Gaza's Hamas government and its supporters. Hamas release of hostages ends it today.

@melanie@bv.umbrellix.org avatar
@Eetschrijver@mastodon.social avatar

Congratulations. You've just earned yourself a block. No Trump enablers get to pollute my timeline!
@donray @GottaLaff @RunRichRun @SteveThompson @rameshgupta @joeinwynnewood

@joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar


I blocked her as well. Really getting tired of the morality police whose moral vision is limited to a single strip of land in the Middle East.

@donray@mastodon.online avatar

@rameshgupta @SteveThompson @joeinwynnewood @Eetschrijver @GottaLaff @RunRichRun

You somehow failed to mention the part of the story where American-made weapons killed 30,000 Palestinian civilians.

@jeremy_list@hachyderm.io avatar

@donray @rameshgupta @SteveThompson @joeinwynnewood @Eetschrijver @GottaLaff @RunRichRun it's pretty telling how the "Biden might not be perfect but we have to vote for him because of Trump" people never seem to have a problem with the "Genocide is good and Biden is good for supporting it" people.

@joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar

@jeremy_list @donray @rameshgupta @Eetschrijver @GottaLaff @RunRichRun

Point me to anyone on Mastodon saying that and I'll happily tell them they are wrong.

To date I've seen exactly zero such statements.

@jeremy_list@hachyderm.io avatar

@joeinwynnewood @donray @rameshgupta @Eetschrijver @GottaLaff @RunRichRun I literally blocked someone on this very thread for saying it.

@joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar


Who? I didn't see anyone saying that.

@rameshgupta @Eetschrijver @GottaLaff @RunRichRun

@ssfckdt@mastodon.cloud avatar

@rameshgupta @RunRichRun @GottaLaff @Eetschrijver @SteveThompson @joeinwynnewood one significant difference is that people had little evidence of what Humphrey in executive office would be like

@joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar

@ssfckdt @rameshgupta @RunRichRun @GottaLaff @Eetschrijver @SteveThompson

They had just as much evidence as any prominent US Senator who ran for President (with relatively rare exceptions of those who served in other roles like RFK as AG).

@Crispius@mstdn.crispius.ca avatar

H/t @Eetschrijver

Reposted with #AltText

@lin11c@toad.social avatar

@Crispius @Eetschrijver
Her not remaining quiet but instead trumpeting her "disappointment" with Biden really feels like there is a payday in here. Same as The Rock. POSs.

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ Another , this time by @kpop.social

>> isn’t stupid LIKE, AT ALL.

Her profile says, “I'll follow you back 9 times out of 10. Unless you're super political, sorry I just don't want all that in my head jit”

Let’s just say I don’t want to be .

Also, she’s right. I shouldn’t be as presumptuous. May be knows something I don’t.


@rameshgupta 😂

There are worse things out there.

You can learn something from everyone, even if it's a negative.

For me, cardi b is just coming at issues naively. Which is fine. Preferred over cynicism.

She should take the opportunity to voice her opinions, and they seem to be hers. Which cannot be said for every celebrity.

I don't claim to understand this other post, tho. Over my head.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta

It's important to have a moral center. But morality has to imply action. If your supposed morality moves you to inaction when you know and don't care that the world will get worse due to your inaction, you're not moral at all. You're privileged and entitled

Alternatively you're a plutocrat/ geopolitical agenda troll/ agent provocateur and you're pushing inaction because you're malicious, acting on fools because you understand the real world effect

@escarpment@mastodon.online avatar

@benroyce @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta You, like most people, appear to be a zealous moral realist / moral objectivist. Chiming in here to point out that there is another way of viewing things, as a moral skeptic / moral subjectivist. To the moral skeptic, "a strong moral core" is a fantasy that people simply hope exists.



@escarpment @benroyce @rameshgupta

Can it get more personal?

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @escarpment @rameshgupta

yes. Trump can become president and you're personally f***ed

then all the entitled fools who imagine they have the privilege to not vote can Pikachu face

i'm sure they will find some way to blame others for what they did

it's always someone else's fault. our rights are on the line and they are asked to but they can't sully themselves to matter in social responsibility and solidarity

what's important is maintaining the lie of their innocence

@escarpment@mastodon.online avatar

@benroyce @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta FWIW I think people should vote for Biden and will vote for Biden. And I think not voting in protest is misinformed. I just have a moral skeptic streak and tend to reject moral arguments as a policy.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@escarpment @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta

then i have nothing but love and respect for you and i embrace you

i would add though, that, considering what trump represents, morality itself is on the line. of course, morality never goes away, but anyone with half a brain understands trump has no moral center, and that absolutely has an effect on society and the world in terrible ways if such a malignant narcissist gains control of the white house again

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@escarpment @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta


thanks for your hilariously unaware zealous comment

if we get Trump as president, make sure to tell the fascists taking away our rights that you appreciate their alternative "moral" realities


@benroyce @escarpment @rameshgupta

I wish that I could say that I understood the criticism here. Perhaps someone will play it back at half speed for my edification.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @escarpment @rameshgupta

i believe, correct me if i am wrong, that ramesh and i are saying voting is important. extremely important in november of this year, considering what is on the line

and i believe that mr. heavy breathing reply guy escarpment finds us to be "moral zealots" for that. which i find hilarious


@benroyce @escarpment @rameshgupta well, I'm more than okay with her choice. First off, and yes, I want #biden2024 to win, he's just not well. He may still step aside, but should've done so already. Perhaps Biden considers that no one else can beat Trump.

I'd say that Trump could only beat Biden. Similarly, Biden can only defeat Trump.

But Cardi B is, in a sense, just a regular citizen. She's probably worried about blowback, and just confused and frustrated.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @escarpment @rameshgupta

you have a choice between a shit sandwich and a rotten sardine sandwich

if you have the choice to eat neither you're entitled and privileged: you're well fed

if you have no food, you're going to eat the rotten sardine sandwich

not because it's wonderful, but it beats starving

i wish those who are rich or white or powerful stood in responsibility and solidary with those who are trans, or a woman who needs an abortion, etc, and just fucking

@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@benroyce @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta I assume there is a moral argument to be made that the best thing for humanity the planet the environment & the future is to push us down a dark awful route that brings about a global collapse sooner rather than later as in the long run things will improve faster from the ashes of our old/archaic "civilisation". But this would very much wander into the "the ends justify the means" sociopathic worldview. But both seem like two cheeks of the same arse.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@Vonskinnback @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta

It's also a false argument

Some people romanticize #revolution

They falsely believe the only winners of violent revolution are the righteous

More often the winners of revolution are more vicious and society is worse

Nevermind they discount all the suffering and injustice during the armed struggle that is often worse than the injustice that moved them to fight

It's so much easier to just get off your fat ass and #VOTE

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@Vonskinnback @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta

Also while we debate the notion of / not voting we need to consider two other forms of players here:

They dont care about anything except watching the world burn. For lulz

Whether of the or / variety, their point is to play , cosplaying , and advance their / agendas by suppressing the vote


@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@benroyce @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta these people have always existed, in one form or another, it's just now they can be organised & managed on a global scale & paid for their troubles. They don't really concern me. What actually concerns me is apathy, that is the fastest path to either global collapse or global fascism (both paths look virtually the same) but we are bound by a universal structure that poisons everything, which is the bastardised version of capitalism we all participate in.

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ @Vonskinnback @benroyce @nicholas_saunders

#Apathy, Thy name is #CardiB.


Just do it.

@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@rameshgupta @benroyce @nicholas_saunders choosing to not vote is the same as choosing to not join in with capitalism, it makes you feel morally superior but actually does nothing to improve the situation whatsoever, working to improve those systems that have been forced on us is more likely to encourage more people to join you, well thought out changes are easy to get support for as long as they are promoted as a positive, not an "anti", people get put off by extreme people shouting at them...

@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@rameshgupta @benroyce @nicholas_saunders there is a reason that "never let the perfect be the enemy of the good" is the truest way to live your life & the best way to bring people with you in real numbers...


@Vonskinnback @rameshgupta @benroyce excellent reference, Baron.

I'll pick up the mantle of the apathetic. If Trump achieved one thing it's this: breaking the stranglehold Democrats have over the Black vote.

But, then, I don't see this as an existential threat the way, literally, everyone else here seems to. In my estimation the Constitution is sufficiently robust and our institutions strong enough to handle bad actors.


@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta

uh... electing a racist to "break the stranglehold democrats have over the black vote" is the most deranged ridiculous thing i have read in awhile


@benroyce @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta fair point with regards to Trump. However, the fact of the matter is that, if the polls are to believed, blacks are no longer voting as a bloc for Democrats.

I'm a Democrat. Just to the left of Marx.

I think that's a great thing. Regardless of how or why. But I'm also optimistic about the course of our country and don't perceive this as an existential threat as you would seem to.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta

it is possible to call every election a massive crisis and that's melodramatic

but, the possibility of electing trump again is indeed an existential crisis:


@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta @benroyce the UK (just as the US) has heard the structure of their own democracy creek & groan under the pressures applied to it over the last 16/17 years & though it has sprung a few leaks (on both sides of the Atlantic) it has held pretty strong & there is only so long that people can deny reality before it kicks down your door & slaps you around the face with a gigantic haddock, as is the nature of observable reality...


@Vonskinnback @rameshgupta @benroyce ah, well, when the Gestapo are stomping my face, as per Orwell, I can think back to this discussion and will, if possible, post that you are correct.

@philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta @benroyce it was the Blackshirts in Italy first leading to Mussolini's rise in 1922. Hitler, Franco, Tojo, Pétain, and others by 1944.

And of course Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin and others wanted to do it in the United States and had plenty of help from the resurgent KKK.

I'm not sure what Orwell has to do with it.

@Vonskinnback@mastodon.social avatar

@philip_cardella @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta @benroyce we had Oswald Mosley in the UK, plus some pretty prominent members of the royal family...😬

@philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

@Vonskinnback @nicholas_saunders @rameshgupta @benroyce but the common denominator is people not voting.

Hitler's party never got more than 38% of the vote. His opponents were too busy squabbling and people too frustrated with all of the bickering.

Fascists almost always if not always take power by dividing their opposition and getting people who'd vote against them to note vote.

Often by the boot to the face. Literally.

But some go winningly thanks to propaganda.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta

but why would you risk the gestapo stomping on your face?

if you're voting, i have no problem with you. but if you don't: it's such a small thing to forestall the possibility


@benroyce @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta well, Ben, I've never voted and see no reason to change that practice.

The electoral system is rigged through gerrymandering, or other means, to the extent that my individual vote would've never had an effect on any election I'm aware of.

Yes, that's a logical fallacy -- but there you are. If the world were logical, but it's not.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta

i am trying to insult you, but you are entitled and privileged. there will be no negative effects to you because you're not a woman who needs an abortion or a trans person, etc

eventually though, after the fascists have consolidated power, it will effect you personally, and you should have the honesty and foresight to acknowledge this

or don't. just say you don't care. in which case, why even comment on the topic? you don't care


@benroyce @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta you are trying to insult, or not? Regardless, I take your point. Very of you.

It's more that I calculate the probablility as effectively zero. I care about the future of many things and want everyone to vote.

But if you're going to argue that my individual vote could've ever swung any election that's a steep hill to climb.

@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@nicholas_saunders @Vonskinnback @rameshgupta you just always vote because it always matters, even if warped by gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc

because everyone who doesn't vote in those places where it does matter, are simply places where it used to not matter. it's just obliviousness and apathy sliding us into hell

voting is a social responsibility. if you lack it, ok, but recognize that you are failing society here

@ShaMyouiMo@kpop.social avatar

@rameshgupta @SteveThompson cardi b isn't stupid like, at all.

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