RobotToaster, avatar

“The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” - John Gilmore

FaceDeer avatar

And so, once again, people discover the unsolvable dilemma of DRM.

You can't both publish your data where it can be seen by computers that are not under your control and somehow keep control of that data. Anything that purports to do so is either a temporary bandaid soon to be bypassed or nothing but placebo to begin with.


I still could use an ELI5 about what this authorized fetch feature was supposed to do. Was it supposed to basically disengage the Mastodon network from Threads? To stop Threads crap from showing up on Mastodon? Or to stop Mastodon discussions from showing up in Threads? Or something different?

Kierunkowy74 avatar

Authorised Fetch existed long before Instagram Threads. When it is turned on, an instance will require any other server to sign their request to fetch any post. This prevents "leaking" of posts via ActivityPub to blocked instances.

This setting is turned off by default, because some software are incompatible with it (like /kbin, Pixelfed before June 2023, maybe Lemmy too), because it makes server load higher, and it may make some replies missing (at least on microblogging side).


When it is turned on, an instance will require any other server to sign their request to fetch any post. This prevents “leaking” of posts via ActivityPub to blocked instances.

Oh I see. Yeah that sounds pretty hopeless. Does it use the fetching site’s domain validated TLS certificate? Is the idea to permit fetching unless the fetching domain is on a blacklist? If yes, someone didn’t have their thinking cap on. The whole concept is dumb though, there is no way to prevent posts from leaking. The saying is that once 3 people know a secret, it is no longer secret.


I’m kind of tired of social networks offering even the pretense of privacy. Just loudly proclaim that everything is public but clients can filter out shit you don’t wanna see.

ada, avatar

That doesn’t work for vulnerable minorities. Manually filtering each shitty person after you step in their shit gets old. Coupled with the fact that not shutting down shitty people just means more shitty people are likely to turn up.

It’s not sustainable

0x1C3B00DA avatar

It’s not sustainable to keep offering poorly designed solutions. People need to understand some basic things about the system they're using. The fediverse isn't a private space and fediverse developers shouldn't be advertising pseudo-private features as private or secure.


A private forum may be useful in that case.

ada, avatar

Why even bother with that comment?


It’s the unfortunate reality. Social networks simply cannot in offer privacy. If they were upfront about it, then people could make rational decisions about what they share.

But instead they (including Mastodon) pretend like they can offer privacy, when they in fact cannot, resulting in people sharing things that they would not otherwise share.

ada, avatar

It’s not as black and white as you make it. The options aren’t “perfect security” and “no security”.

The option that most people that experience regular harassment want is “enough security to minimise the shit we have to deal with to a level that is manageable even if it’s imperfect”


While you’re theoretically right, we’ve seen in practice that nobody really offers even the imperfect privacy you describe, and on decentralized systems it only becomes harder to solve.

A Facebook style centralized network where you explicitly grant access to every single person who can see your content - is as close as we can get. But nobody is trying to make that kind of social network anymore, because there isn’t much demand for it.

If you want a soapbox (Twitter/mastodon/bluesky, Reddit/Lemmy/kbin, Instagram/pixelfed, YouTube/toktok/peertube) then privacy is going to be a dream, especially if decentralized.

ada, avatar

Vulnerable folk are looking for community, not a soap box. The goal is to connect with other folk whilst being as free as possible from harassment.

It’s absolutely possible to achieve that without perfect privacy controls.

cupcakezealot, avatar

reasons why i love 🥹


Privacy and being free of (in-context) harassment aren’t the same thing. Your posts can all be public but your client can filter out any harassment, for example.

If the goal is privacy so that people who aren’t in the community don’t know that you’re in the community, and don’t know what the community is even talking about, I’m skeptical that it’s practical. Especially for a decentralized network, I think that the sacrifices needed to make this happen would make the social network unappealing to users. For example, you’d need to make it invite only and restrict who can invite, or turn off any kind of discovery so that you can’t find people who aren’t already in your circle. At that point you might as well just use a group chat.

ada, avatar

Privacy and being free of (in-context) harassment aren’t the same thing.

They’re related. Often, the ability to limit your audience is about making it non trivial for harassers to access your content rather than impossible.

If the goal is privacy so that people who aren’t in the community don’t know that you’re in the community

That’s not the goal. The goal is to make a community that lets vulnerable folk communicate whilst keeping the harassment to a manageable level and making the sensitive content non trivial to access for random trolls and harassers.

It’s not about stopping dedicated individuals, because they can’t be stopped in this sort of environment for all the reasons you point out. It’s about minimising harassment from the random drive by bigots


Hmmm I think I understand the intent. I’ll have to think on it some more.

My gut tells me that protecting people from drive-by bigotry is antithetical to content/community discovery. And what is a social network without the ability to find new communities to join or new content to see?

Perhaps something like reddit where they can raise the bar for commenting/posting until you’ve built up karma within the community? That’s not a privacy thing though.

What would this look like to you, and how does it relate to privacy? I’ve got my own biases that affect how I’m looking at the problem, so I’d be interested in getting another perspective.

ada, avatar

You’re thinking about this in an all or nothing way. A community in which everyone and everything they post is open to everyone isn’t safe.

A community in which no one can find members or content unless they’re already connected to that community stagnates and dies.

A community where some content and some people are public and where some content and some people are locked down is what we need, and though it’s imperfect, things like authorised fetch brings us closer to that, and that’s the niche that future security improvements on the Fediverse need to address.

No one is looking for perfect, at least not in this space.


I don’t think I’m looking for perfect, I’m looking for “good enough” and while authorized fetch is better than nothing, it’s nowhere near “good enough” to be calling anything “private”.

I’m thinking that maybe we need to reevaluate or reconsider what it looks like to protect people from harassment, in the context of social media. Compare that to how we’re currently using half-functional privacy tools to accomplish it.

ada, avatar

I’m not saying existing features are good enough.

I’m saying that they’re better than the alternative that started this conversation.

“Just loudly proclaim that everything is public but clients can filter out shit you don’t wanna see”

That’s what Twitter does right now. It’s also a hate filled cesspit.

The Fediverse though, even though it has hate filled cesspits, gives us tools that put barriers between vulnerable groups and those spaces. The barriers are imperfect, they have booked holes and be climbed over by people who put the effort in, but they still block the worst if it.


Right, but what im saying is that the problem of privacy is different than the problem of harassment.

I’m not saying that we should give up on anti-harassment tools, just that I think that anti-harassment tools that are bolted onto privacy tools cannot work because those privacy tools will be hamstrung by necessity, and I think there must be better solutions.

Having people think that there is privacy on a social network causes harm, because people are change their behavior based on the unfulfilled expectation of privacy. I suspect there is a way to give up privacy and also solve the problem of harassment. That solution doesn’t have to look like Twitter, but I have my own biases that may negatively affect how my ideas would work in practice.

I’m asking you

What might an anti-harassment tool look like on a social network without any pretenses of privacy?

ada, avatar

What might an anti-harassment tool look like on a social network without any pretenses of privacy?

There’s no such thing. They are mutually exclusive. Take queer folk for example. We need privacy to be able to talk about our experiences without outing ourselves to the world. It’s especially important for queer kids, and folk that are still in the closet. If they don’t have privacy, they can’t be part of the community, because they open themselves to recognition and harassment in offline spaces.

With privacy, they can exist in those spaces. It won’t stop a dedicated harasser, but it provides a barrier and stops casual outing.

An “open network” where everyone can see everything, puts the onus on the minority person. Drive by harassers exist in greater numbers than a vulnerable person can cope with, and when their content is a simple search and a throw away account away from abuse, it means the vulnerable person won’t be there. Blocking them after the fact means nothing.


An “open network” where everyone can see everything, puts the onus on the minority person

But isn’t this already the case?

You make a good point about people still in the closet. That’s an excellent use case for privacy. But I still believe that’s a different issue. And I’m fact this is my great concern: people think they have privacy when they dont so they say things that out themselves (as any kind of minority) accidentally, because they mistakenly relied on the network privacy.

You’re right though, it’s not all-or-nothing, but I do think these are two separate problems that can and maybe should have different solutions.

The type of drive-by harassment you describe is by online randos, not in-person. For those situations, is it not enough that you remain oblivious to the attempted harassment? If a bigot harasses in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, did they really harass?

ada, avatar

is it not enough that you remain oblivious to the attempted harassment? If a bigot harasses in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, did they really harass?

The problem is, there are plenty of other people around to hear it. Everyone else except the harassed person can see it, and on top of that, the fact that harassment is trivial to do, and not policed, ensures that more harassers will come along. Each one having to be blocked one by one by the people they’re harassing, after the harassment has already taken place.

As I said earlier, this is how twitter does things, and there is a reason that vulnerable folk don’t use twitter anymore.

But isn’t this already the case?

No, it isn’t, because right now, local only posting, follower only posting, authorised fetch, admin level instance blocks etc, all combine to make it non trivial for harassers. If you’re familiar with the “swiss cheese defence model”, that’s basically what we have here. Every single one of those things can be worked around, especially by someone dedicated to harassing folk, but the casual trolls and bigots, they won’t get through all of them. The more imperfect security, anti harassment and privacy options we have, the harder it is for casual bigots.


I’m familiar with the Swiss cheese model and you make a good point.

But even still, I think what we have now is insufficient, has other negative side effects too, and I don’t see a good path to make it sufficient.

I was initially lamenting that social networks currently do a terrible job (dangerously negligent job) setting user expectations wrt privacy (or lack thereof). It’d be nice if social networks were upfront about the lack of privacy, and made the limitations of their tools inherently obvious. Sorry if it seems like I keep shifting goalposts, I keep changing the direction of the conversation as you give me interesting things to think about and discuss.

I’m not suggesting that we copy Twitter’s model for anti-harassment, especially since The Idiot took it over.

I’m suggesting that, rather than just double down on what exists now, you do a thought experiment with me where we explore a radical rethink of anti-harassment, and what it might look like if we don’t try to use privacy tools to accomplish it. I’m not convinced that there is no reasonable solution possible. Although the details would probably depend significantly on the type of social network (for example: microblogging vs reddit-like).

skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • PeriodicallyPedantic,

    It’s about the nature of the network. If it’s just a little bubble where you only see and interact with your friends, it’s probably doable. But nobody seems to want that anymore.

    People want soapboxes like Twitter or Reddit or tiktok or YouTube. Privacy there is a lot more complicated and dubious.

    In this case specifically, I think that the bad servers are spoofing as good servers. Which seems solvable (else cryptography signing things wouldn’t work), but still.

    Max_P, avatar

    I think in this context it’s meant on a technical level: as far as the fediverse is concerned, there’s not a whole lot instances can do. Anyone can just spin up an instance and bypass blocks unless it works on an allowlist basis, which is kind of incompatible with the fediverse if we really want to achieve a reasonable amount of decentralization.

    I agree that we shouldn’t pretend it’s safe for minorities: it’s not. If you’re a minority joining Mastodon or Lemmy or Mbin, you need to be aware that blocking people and instances has limitations. You can’t make your profile entirely private like one would do on Twitter or any of Meta’s products. It’s all public.

    You can hide the bad people from the users but you can’t really hide the users from the bad people. You can’t even stop people from replying to you on another instance. You can refuse to accept the message on the user’s instance, but the other instance can still add comments that don’t federate out. Which is kind of worse because it can lead to side discussions you have no way of seeing or participate in to defend yourself and they can be saying a lot of awful things.


    You can’t make your profile entirely private like one would do on Twitter or any of Meta’s products.

    Even those are not private.


    Stop asking for, and implementing, these pseudo-security features. The Fediverse is public by nature. Any “measures” to control access to the public posts on it are just lying to users.

    Server owners should be able to control who can access their servers - but that is NOT - and should NOT be - treated as a privacy feature.

    Zak, avatar

    What I think a lot of conversations about privacy and security on the Fediverse miss is that the Fediverse is radically public.

    A protocol that sends everything you share to a long list of servers that haven’t been pre-screened and could be anything from a professionally-managed instance of vanilla Mastodon to an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of ActivityPub running on a jailbroken smart light bulb can only ever be radically public. It’s possible to block most interactions with someone you don’t want to talk to, but not to reliably prevent them from seeing content you share to anything more than a short list of vetted followers.

    There probably isn’t any reasonable way to change that while keeping the open federation model, though it’s possible to build closed networks on top of ActivityPub for those who want the formats it supports for a curated group. This isn’t a problem to be solved in my view, but an inherent reality: the Fediverse is for things you want to make public.


    Exactly! The only way that we can make sure that the Internet is not controlled by anyone is to make it available for everyone. If we are fighting for an open internet, we need to understand that this type of thing will be part of the package.

    Zak, avatar

    We, by which I mean some loose group of people who want decentralized tools to thrive should also be building things for secure, private communication, and we are. Matrix, for example offers strongly end-to-end encrypted federated chat rooms and private messages. It also has a kind of rough UX and, IIRC resource-intensive server software. We should work toward improving that.

    I’m not advocating against privacy at all. I want people to understand as clearly as possible that Mastodon, Lemmy, and anything that works like them isn’t private and can’t be private when part of an open federated network so they can decide whether that’s a good fit for how they’re using it. The block evasion described in the link is just run a server on a domain that isn’t blocked, and I imagine any other mitigations bolted onto Mastodon that don’t break open federation will be little better.


    tools to thrive should also be building things for secure, private communication.

    Sure, but this should not be seen on the same class of software of “social media” or even “the web”.


    Matrix […] has a kind of rough UX and, IIRC resource-intensive server software. We should work toward improving that.

    Except that I get the vibes from the Matrix community that the shit UX is part of the attraction because it does a wonderful job of gatekeeping.

    I don’t hold out much hope for Matrix working out ever, but perhaps someday someone will use it as inspiration for making something that doesn’t suck.


    Matrix is the protocol. You can have whatever client you like. There are mobile apps that are similar to discord and connect to matrix servers.

    rglullis, (edited )

    Repeat after me: anything I write on the internet should be treated as public information. If I want to keep any conversation private, I will not post it in a public website.

    weeahnn, (edited ) avatar

    anything I write on the internet should be treated as my private information. If I want to keep any conversation private, I will still post it in a public website.

    EDIT: I’m so sorry that my stupid comment offended some people. Always forget how special some people can be on this website. Once again I’m sorry for my lack of better judgement.




    He thought he was funny, he repeated what the above poster said to repeat.


    Wow, why are you so triggered just because some people didn’t think you were funny?

    weeahnn, avatar

    About as triggered as those who downvoted me.


    No, you’re right. Everyone who downvoted probably also went on an angry tirade first, but they just didn’t type it out. Totally the same. 👍


    I don’t think your comment was offensive per se. It was just ridiculously naive. If we are trying to build practical tools, they have to fit how things work in the real world, not how they work in anybody’s dreams. If you want to have private conversations on a public website, use encryption.


    I agree with you, however there are issues with not just privacy but also authenticity. I should be able to post as me, even in public, and have a way to prove it. Nobody else should be posting information as me, if that makes sense.

    0x1C3B00DA avatar

    Sure, but that's already solved on the fediverse by using HTTP Signatures and isn't related to Authorized Fetch.


    I meant to say generally, for folks that might read this comment and think problems surrounding the platform and security are solved.


    For that, we should start bringing our own private keys to the server, instead of trusting the server to control everything.

    And if we start doing that, pretty soon we will end up asking ourselves why do we need the server in the first place, and we will evolve to something like what nostr is doing.

    I’m all for it.


    …evolve to something like what nostr is doing.

    Giving places for cryptobros to wank without being pointed at and laughed at by their betters?


    No. You are thinking of Discord.


    I’m pretty sure that 99.44% of nostr is cryptobros.


    My friend, you suck at trolling. Can you just let it go?


    When I see nostr users that number more than, say, six who aren’t also cryptobros, I’ll drop the nostr disrespect. Until then … 🤷‍♂️


    You are doing nothing but a strawman. Lemmy is developed by shit-for-brains tankies, yet there is no denying that their work has brought progress to the distributed web.

    Same thing for nostr. Whether you like it or not, nostr “cryptobros” have shown a bunch of things that need improvement on the Fediverse and they are backing their words with actions and working code. You on the other hand have done nothing but smug, pretentious bullshit to throw around.


    Again, when you can show me a cryptobro concentration lower than 99.44%, I’ll take nostr seriously. And when you can show it not turning into a Hellhole worse than Xhitter and Farcebook combined because of the very philosophy underpinning it, then I’ll think it’s actually worth looking at. (Hint: this is not possible.)

    Until then I’ll call it what it is: a place for cryptobros to wank to their faux-libertarian fantasies.


    Clear sign every post using a third-party application. Make your public keys known far and wide. Authenticity solved.


    And now we’re dealing with key management instead


    You always need key management if you have decentralized authentication.


    You always need key management if you have decentralized authentication.


    To add a bit of important nuance to this idea (particularly how this argument comes up with regards to threads). This does not apply to legal rights over your content. That is to say, of course you should treat any information you put out there as out of your control with regards to access but if somebody tries to claim legal rights over your content they are probably breaking the law.


    Right. Publicly available does not mean in public domain. But the issue here is not of copyright, but merely of gated access.

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