noellemitchell, to mastodon avatar

Wow wait a minute 👀 the co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone is one of the board of directors for the new Mastodon nonprofit in the U.S. That's interesting.

hankg, to mastodon

So as of today Mastodon now has a US 501(c)3 non-profit entity to go along with their German corporate entity that appears to be losing its non-profit status for reasons the don't know yet.…

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
⛔️⚠️Russians have managed to gain a foothold in part of the village of Ocheretyne in Donetsk oblast. This was reported by the spokesman for the Khortytsia military grouping during a telethon. (More)

vantablack, to mastodon avatar

holy shit

mastodon formed a US nonprofit and one of the founders of twitter is on the board of directors lmao

#mastodon #fediverse

jeridansky, to twitter avatar

As memories of my years on Twitter fade, I'm reflecting:

What I lost as Twitter spiraled downward and I left: A few cool people and some communities, including folks doing good legal explainers.

Some of what I gained on Mastodon: So many cat and bird photos! Much more coverage of climate change. New cool people!

And on Twitter I never saw before-and-now photos from trans women, and posts by furries.

hl, to mastodon avatar

I've activated two-factor-authentication on my #Mastodon account. That means you can be 53.42% more certain that the nonsense written here is genuine nonsense by me, and not imitation nonsense.

#security #2FA

LALegault, to twitter avatar

At least this will stop the “I can’t believe you’re still on posts.”

All dies in silicon valley with a tech bro convincing everyone they are going to change the world and then:

loveallexcludenone, to mastodon avatar

Junior, the Office Assistant, has an opinion about the numbers! & a good morning Blep to all our Friends 😽

Closeup of Junior & his good morning blep!

idoubtit, to mastodon avatar

I'm looking for a post I saw last night. Why, when I search for a word I know was in it, I only get search results starting from two months ago!

NaMi, to mastodon German avatar

Laut Eugen Rochko ist der 2021 zuerkannte Gemeinnützigkeits-Status in D begründungslos wieder entzogen worden
& sie haben jetzt in USA 501(3)(c)-Status beantragt u erhalten.

Wenn das so stimmt, wäre das ein ziemlich fragwürdiges Signal für dezentrale open source non-profits in Dtl und Europa.

Was allerdings auch ein ziemlich fragwürdiges Signal ist:


preslavrachev, to Germany avatar
bkastl, to mastodon German avatar

Deutscher gemeinnütziger Digitalerfolg: Geht nicht, irgendwann kommt das Finanzamt.

Deutsche Verwaltung digitalisieren: Geht auch nicht, daran spart das Finanzministerium.

Hm. 🤔

rysiek, to random avatar

I'll need to get an Akkoma account somewhere, won't I.


rysiek, (edited ) avatar

I wish we could define requirements for a decent replacement of (the software), and then find a way to fund a couple of people to work full time on creating that.

Perhaps starting with an in-depth review of existing options, to not reimplement the wheel from scratch.

I'd gladly chip in on a monthly basis for that kind of an effort.

Also, I am half-hoping half-expecting that somebody will point to exactly this kind of effort in the replies. :blobcateyes:

Edit: @gotosocial seems nice

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
‼️🇺🇦Hello Mastodon! There are only 4 days left until the end of the fundraising campaign to support the Live: Ukraine project for April. We are almost to our funding goal with just over $600 to go. (LINKS and More)

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
johl, to mastodon German avatar

#Mastodon hat in Deutschland den Gemeinnützigkeitsstatus vom Finanzamt aberkannt bekommen und hat dann einfach prompt ne 501(c)(3) in den USA gegründet. Das #Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Deutschland lässt soviel zu wünschen übrig, dass es nicht mal in den wenigen Fällen funktioniert, in denen dieses Land ausnahmsweise mal weltweit führend ist mit einem Projekt zum digitalen Gemeinwohl. Es ist doch zum Verzweifeln.

WindyCraigArt, to Flowers avatar
jglypt, to mastodon avatar

What do verification checkmarks mean on here & how do you get them?

janettespeyer, to fediverse avatar

Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social.

janette_speyer, to fediverse

Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social. #fediverse #flipboard #mastodon #community

RobertDaleParker, to books avatar

Proposed bill in Alabama to allow the arrest of librarians.

No one is perfect—not even librarians. But professional #librarians are terrific. They're dedicated public servants, and they know how to library better than politicians do.

Let's trust librarians.

#Libraries #Books #Mastodon #Reading #Bookstodon #Censorship #BookBans #Legislation

aral, to mastodon avatar

Co-founder of Twitter joins new Mastodon board of directors. Right, so federating with Threads wasn’t a mistake. This is just the direction Mastodon is going. Oh, well. Another Mozilla emerges.

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
🇺🇸🇺🇦Our Defenders Know How to Win, But They Need Sufficient and Timely Support Says President Zelensky Addressing Ramstein Support Group | In English (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Press #News #Mastodon #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

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