
I have an assignment due at midnight. It’s quarter past 11. Fml.

I already got an extension on it and is bound to be overdue. I need a certain average to keep the option of getting into honours open but I’ve already fucked up and let the shit I’ve gone through fuck me up. There’s always the option of pursuing research later down the line if that’s what I want to do.

Maybe it would be better if I went to sleep and got up early to work on it, taking the 10%.

I have another assignment due on Monday. I have had so much time to do them but I’ve spent all this time wallowing in self-pity. I am so mad at how I’ve let this stuff affect me. Another failed uni semester!

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Don’t let guys get in the way of study. A good guy never will.

The worst will interrupt you all the time so you can’t get anything done. Will make drama that distracts you from your aim. Might even get nasty and sabotage you if you persist. Might start using put downs.

An example of subtle sabotage is organising an event when you have classes or work to do and expects you to come.

Do not blame yourself. If he is out the house and you are in no danger be done with him and get to work.

Baku, (edited )

Ugh. I really want to like paradox games, at least based on the description, most of the game they publish are right up my alley. But it also feels like they only make games to sell DLCs for them, which sort of kills my enjoyment. Like cities skylines, I should really really really like, hell I have 30 hours on it, I want to like it. But I just don’t enjoy it. It feels like no matter how much I spend on it, there’s always more that should’ve been in the base game but wasn’t. Millenia and Victoria 3 I want to buy, but they seem like the same story.

Victoria 3 (a $70 game) has a $40 DLC releasing in a month that includes a bunch of stuff I just assumed would’ve been included in the base game, like you can nationalise your assets… In a country simulator… For an extra $40… I don’t think I’m going to buy cities skylines 2, partly because of price, but also because it’s probably going to cost like 2 grand to actually own all the different parts of the game, just like the first one.

I know that to continue receiving game updates, game studios need a way of continuos monetisation, and it’s unfair to expect them to provide years of updates for a $40 upfront fee. But the way paradox does their DLC just feels tacky and like a cashgrab. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying even $80 for a fully fledged, actually enjoyable, city builder if it included everything I’d need to play and enjoy the game in that price.


Edit: Nacon seem dodgy too. They’ve published a lot of “life” games that seem to get abandoned after a few months when they move on to the next project. I want to buy Chef Life, which does have good reviews, but there’s a train Sim they made called train life which was abandoned half finished 6 months in. Taxi life has mixed reviews. garden life has positive reviews overall, but mixed reviews recently. The Devs don’t seem to be acknowledging or fixing critical bugs, so that’s probably abandoned too, and that was literally released less than 2 months ago. I want to buy Chef Life, but I don’t want to put 100 hours into a game just to have my save file wiped because the Devs can’t be arsed to fix bugs

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

ffs, reddit is having tor issues again 🙄

Seagoon_, (edited )
@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Last bit of TV stuff.

In the first episode of Invincible there is an ink painting of bamboo in Nolan and Debbie’s house with the Japanese characters/word for Totoro, not the words for bamboo. Obviously a homage to Miyazaki.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

What a terrible shock, I did not win Powerball. At least I am not alone, no one else won either. Sorry pets, unfortunately you shall have to remain treatless ☹️

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

I didn’t win, either. Perhaps my odds of winning will improve slightly if I actually buy a ticket. But only very slightly.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

I usually figure the chance of someone randomly giving me a winning ticket are not that different to the chance of winning by buying one, so I choose to save my money instead. But occassionally I feel I should buy a ticket, just in case all the laws of physics and mathematics are just for show and we are living in some Matrix like simulation or in a fake world created by some sort of deity, who has decided due to my absolute wonderfulness that I should be rewarded with riches the next time I buy a ticket. Every time I discover nope, the statistics were right.

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

You can beat those pesky statistics! You just need to increase your chances. A $27 Powerhit ticket for example increases your odds of winning from one in 134,490,400 to one in 45,379,620! You’re guaranteed the powerball. How awful would you feel to get all seven numbers and not the powerball.

In fact, you could go all the way! Simply buy 45,379,620 powerhit tickets and you are guaranteed a Division one winning ticket. In fact, it’s so easy I’m amazed that nobody has thought of doing this before!

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

Amazing plan, I’ll do that for next week. All those people at work with their $50 a share syndicate and their “but you’ll feel so awful if we win” will be so jealous.

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar



That’s ok. Gibson needs to start earning her room and board anyway lol

@ajsadauskas@lemmy.ml avatar

Outrageous. Time to demand a refund on that defective ticket 😂


If anyone wants to see brushies in action here you go:


@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar


@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Another movie review, this time a tele-movie. Rogue Agent with that handsome guy from War and Peace…

The clue to every con. They isolate you and they want money.

Really good movie on how cons happen, how cons work by appealing to our better nature and with fear and what it takes to get out of one.

4.5 hobbits


Bed time, so drowsy. I have to look put together and presentable tomorrow. 😭

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

TV and Movie review.

Locke and Key, Netflix. Billed as the next Narnia, it was not even close. Not really a kid’s show, not really an adult’s show either. Might have been a lot better if it was all done from the kid’s perspective. 2 hobbits.

The Long Trench, Netflix. Life under Franco’s fascism. So many lives wasted.

Please think hard who you vote for at the next election.

4 hobbits


So people are camped out at Melbourne Uni because they don’t like their relationship with Lockheed Martin.

From what I’ve read the relationship amounts to a few million in research funding to Melbourne Uni for non military related purposes. i.e. powerline management and first responder technology.

Even if Melbourne Uni cut ties and rejected funding it would make 0 difference to the conflict.

So either there’s something I don’t know, or the protesters aren’t very smart and/or mentally ill.


@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

I just want to be able to leave the building for lunch without being yelled at. Current situation, student elections, vegan whatever…


If they feel that strongly about it fly to Israel and camp out the front of the Knesset. I guess that would require effort and conviction.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Eh, guess what there is a back door.

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Much more useful if they protest against the companies Putin sees as impediments to him taking over Europe.


Had to battle the ring road at peak hour this afternoon. Haven’t had to do it in a long time and can report it’s as stuffed as ever. Glad its not a daily commute. Dinner saved the day, lamb cutlets, mash and veg followed by an apple crumble.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

Oh, that is not fun. I was on it the other day and experienced the once car per green light entry system for the first time, then got to sit in very slow traffic banked up from the Greensborough Hwy exit.


the ring road

Just gave me flashbacks to Dad losing his shit at morons and bad drivers while driving along that road 😂

I mean, he still does it, but now it’s Eastern Freeway. He just can’t help himself lol!

@dumblederp@aussie.zone avatar

No one happens to have a resin 3d printer? I can’t get replies from any of the facebook ads for it. I’m looking to print a DnD mini, pro places seem to want $50+ for it, I can get it posted from hero forge for that, and I don’t want to spend that much.


I’m not sure about specifically resin, the public ones are usually plastic, but I do know that there are makerspaces that will allow you to print something small for free. There was one in Hawthorn near Swinburne due to the techy students there

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

I have decided today is the day to buy a lottery ticket (an event that only happens once every few years). If I win 100 million in Poweball tonight I will buy all DT pets a treat. Plus some extra termites for Nellie.


Pretty sure you could trade me for a large packet of temptations cat treats to my cat and she’d be cool with it lol

@Eagle@aussie.zone avatar

Just not the green ones.


I have a pet… alligator. It needs a laptop


Mittens would like some “kitty crunch” treats please.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

The FishieOne could go some glided claws if you want pure waste…

Gibsonisafluffybutt, (edited )

Crawled out of bed to make dinner, and heading straight back. Of all the days to get a migraine…

I told the interviewer an incident had occured at work blah blah but they didn’t care.

Ah well.

Hasn’t stopped Gibson hassling me for treats though


@ajsadauskas@lemmy.ml avatar

Gibson deserves all the treats! 😸

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

After today’s little win for me it got me curious to know what everyone’s strongest and weakest link in life is?

Weakest link - technology and its lingo

Strongest link - I can read and follow instructions well.


Strongest - street smarts and tech savvy

Weakest: suck at social engagements and chores

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

See I’m the opposite. I don’t particularly like social situations but they don’t bother me. With tech shit I can make things disappear and then I get asked what happened and I don’t fucking know.

@Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone avatar


Weakest: Self-application (failure to capitalise on endless opportunities).

Strongest: All-rounder (not sure if I would say quick study, but I do learn fast on the job).

Catfish, (edited )
@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Strongest: I am creative, format near irrelevant I can and do make pretty stuff. [this is as much about a neat line of code as it is well turned hem]

Weak: peopling, and pretending to be polite about it. Sometimes I just can’t.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

I have managed to find myself one of the few jobs that allow you to deal with people and not be polite - in fact sometimes being abrupt and rude can be an advantage! Being able to cut people off and focus single mindedly on getting the information you need is an asset in emergency situations.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Congratulations! Drilling to essentials that fast is a real skill. If I understand what you do do properly, the burnout rate is pretty terrible.

Thank you 😻🚑

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Strongest : peopling. Also other species-ing. Mostly due to lots of practice. When I realised that tech was operated by people, a lot of things that were in the skills black hole suddenly became understandable and therefore doable. Weakest : I am the world’s WORST procrastinator. Particularly when it comes to my personal lifestyle. I really do have to prioritise life admin, and quite a lots of things are a lot further down the list compared to almost everyone else I know. Also not a film/movie/tv person - just the wrong format for me. When forced to watch a ‘show’, I have a strong temptation to heave half a brick through the screen. No matter what the show is. Haven’t actually done that yet, but give me time.

@Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone avatar

Team Procrastination reporting for duty…


Weakest link : getting sick (no one to help me really and feeling very alone and isolated)

Strongest link: will and determination (quitting the top 3 most addictive substances on earth by myself and making a somewhat normal life without giving up)


Weakest: I have a huge penis that can make ambulating uncomfortable.
Strongest: I’m not allowed to say

@Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone avatar

I mean…


Weakest link: difficulty with verbal instructions, people.
Strongest link: independent, honest, loyal.

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Weakest- I like food

Strongest - brave

Seagoon_, (edited )
@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Weakest- ignorance of too many life skills and ignorance of too much life knowledge

Strongest - I learn well

@calhoon2005@aussie.zone avatar

Weakest - I think I know everything

Strongest - I know everything…

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

I love the confidence there.

@calhoon2005@aussie.zone avatar

See that’s the trick… Unfortunately the theorem falls apart if tested.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

I’m fond of the scream test

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

You must know Mr Seagoon 😹

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

Strongest link - organisational skills & the ability to create systems

Weakest link - social skills, including all abilities that allow me to be in positions where my strengths can be usefully employed ☹️

@Eagle@aussie.zone avatar

Is this a mirror?

@ajsadauskas@lemmy.ml avatar

Weakest points:

There’s many.

I’m atrocious at sports and physical activities. I’m not handy at all. There’s a lot of stuff, particularly in more advanced math and science, that I don’t know much about. I don’t watch much TV or many movies compared to most people, and end up with little to say when the topic comes up. I know nothing about cars.

Strongest points:

I’m modest enough not to mention them 😂

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

If someone is talking about stuff I just nod and then they go “oh you know about that” and I go “nah. No idea”. Usually makes them laugh.

@ajsadauskas@lemmy.ml avatar

If it’s a one-on-one conversation, I tend to ask questions about whatever it is.

Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to them thinking I’m actually far more interested in learning about their GX-Holden-whatever than I really am, and they decide to tell me all about it next time we meet as well… 🙂

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