What Columbia Should Have Done Instead of Brutalizing Its Student Protesters

One example, from just up the Ivy-garlanded I-95, at Brown University, was announced just hours before Shafik again called in the police. Brown’s governing body agreed to vote on a proposal that would divest the school’s endowment of companies affiliated with Israel in a meeting in October. The proposal is based on a 2020 Advisory Committee on Corporation Responsibility in Investment Practices that identified and recommended divestment from “companies that facilitate the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory,” per the Brown Daily Herald.

In exchange, the university’s nonviolent student protesters agreed to vacate their encampment by 5 p.m. that afternoon.

Another plausible outcome from California: When a similar encampment went up a few days ago at the University of California, Irvine, it seemed likely that police might sweep the protesters away. Orange County sheriff’s deputies began to appear in riot gear near the protest.

But, rather than traffic in vague allegations of misconduct before hiding behind a belligerent mayor and an aggressive police force, like Shafik, the UC–Irvine administration took a much different tack. “UC Irvine respects the rights of any students to engage in free speech and expression including lawful protest,” the school said in a prepared statement. This, remember, is at a public school, where keeping public police forces away is more challenging than a private enclave like Columbia.

And in fact, Irvine’s mayor did get involved in the action. Not long after that, Mayor Farrah N. Khan issued a resounding statement declaring that she would not tolerate any violation of students’ free speech or right to assembly. “I am asking our law enforcement to stand down. I will not tolerate any violations to our students’ rights to peacefully assemble and protest.” She asked the deputies to leave, and they did.

Archived at web.archive.org/…/columbia-student-protests-nypd-…


People have decided that its easier to appease the right wing media so they go after someone else than stand up to them. But in reality that just shows them that you’re an easy target and makes things worse.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

this article fails to mention to stop funding genocide.

i think that would have been effective.


How can you say " brutalizing" with a straight face? These kids are fucking protesting something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. They WILL NOT change the issue with Israel and Palestine. It’s been an on-going religious war for years. Do they really think Israel leaders are like “hey, some kid at Columbia wants us to stop…pull back!” I mean, it’s ridiculous. They are inconveniencing EVERYONE else for a cause that will have no effect on their lives. Campuses have the right to forcefully remove these people. They are giving them more than enough time and warnings to leave…


Reddit needs you, you need to go back.


A religious war? How can anyone still be this ignorant. As others have mentioned, Reddit is <<—- that way

@tearsintherain@leminal.space avatar

Folks, to sum up this poster: Basically anyone protesting is irrational and stupid.

(I am getting right wingnut republican, maybe even Q anon, vibes)


No, I think protesting is good, I support protesting many things.: Housing crisis, student loans, I’m pro-choice, so I support protesting the right to abortion for women, protest all you want if it’s going to help Americans…I just think it’s ridiculous to protest something that can’t benefit them in any way. Why aren’t these kids protesting in masses all over campuses for lower housing? Better health insurance? Lower gas prices? This Israel/Palestine conflict is beyond a bunch of middle class kids holding up signs about religious conflicts in another part of the world… it’s much deeper.

Riccosuave, (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

- Housing Crisis: Largely caused by Republican fiscal policies

- Student Loan Crisis: Largely caused by Republican fiscal policies

- Lack of Single Payer Healthcare: Directly caused by Republican social, fiscal, and legislative policy

- Revocation of Abortion Rights: Directly caused by Republican social policies and weaponization of the Judicial system

- Destabalization of the Middle East: Directly caused by Republican (Neo-Conservative) foreign policy

Every fucking issue you just posted about was caused by the party YOU CLAIM TO SUPPORT. I really don’t understand how it is possible for someone to be this fucking ignorant. I really feel bad for you homie.

You are working so far against your own interest you don’t even know it. Conservatism is about preserving power, control, and resources for those who already have them, and that ain’t you. Grow the fuck up, and understand what world you are living in.


I’m registered independent, but I tend to vote more Republican because the Democrats have gone crazy. I live in an area of California where homelessness, crime, and drugs are rampant. Literally, in my line of work, we see theft, drugs, and crime every day, with little to no repercussions…it’s the same people doing the same shit. And what do liberals and Democrats say every single FUCKING time? “It’s not their fault!”. Nothing gets done. As soon as someone is arrested, they’re let out and right back at it. It’s getting tiresome. I’m so burnt out, I work hard, 2 jobs, and these people break the law every day, and no one seems to care. Even the police have told me their hands are tied because in most cases, the DA will not do anything for “petty” stuff. Well, it’s not petty to me, and many like me who work hard and just want to live in a safer environment. I, like many others in my area, blame our liberal/Democrat political leaders. I know the Republican Party is field with horrible shit, I get that, but at this point, I just want a normal life without worrying about a homeless drug addict trying to stab me. So, the only thing I can do is to stop voting for the people that are allowing this kind of stuff, which are MOSTLY Democrats.


“You should only protest for things that directly benefit yourself.”

You have to love conservative ideology. I love how open you are about it.


Do you REALLY think Israel leaders are saying “stop everything, there’s some kid at Colombia University protesting!” It’s ridiculous…choose your battles. Boycott, protest, and scream about things that are not fair for YOU and how you want change in YOUR country… not for other people in other countries that your protesting will have ZERO effect on.


Yeah…, these protests aren’t trying to stop Israel directly. They’re trying to effect US policy. Israel would care about the US giving them less money or less support. They would be bombed to hell without the US. They’re trying to effect our country, which effects other countries.


Again, do they REALLY think this will help US policy? I mean, this country is doing shit behind the scenes to protect itself…the US is constantly under threat because so many other countries hate us… let’s not be naive.


But it does matter. The US backs Isreals Genocide and is the one supporting there iron dome systems. Affecting public sentiment via protesting would make the US politicians less willing to send money to Isreal. That would influence the outcome.


I hope you really don’t believe this. The US will always support Israel, it’s literally a matter of national security. There are bigger things at risk by not supporting Israel. Without US support, Israel would literally fall into “survival mode.” It would probably wipe out all of Gaza and get rid of the Palestinians just to be on the safe side. If left unprotected, the entire Middle East would attack Israel, possibly created a 3rd World War. If the US wasn’t their main support system, they’d turn to someone else, like China or Russia, who would then be their primary source for protection. What the protestors don’t understand, is that the US doesn’t give foreign aid out of the goodness of our hearts. If it’s not good for America we don’t do it. Every penny comes with strings attached. If we stop supporting Israel we will no longer have a seat at the table and leverage, among other benefits for the US. This is much more than just the Israel/Palestine conflict.


How was that not your first comment instead of that horrible first comment? This is a very nuanced view on the topic i didn’t expect from someone that said “the US has nothing to do with the war in Gaza”.

I’m not a USA citizen so I won’t comment on the rest.


How does Israel give the U.S “a seat at the table”? Isn’t the U.S a UNSC member with Veto powers? Does the U.S really need to support Israel for everything?


Columbia should continue to expel students who breach the code of conduct. They’ve started with that person who went on the unhinged rant and that’s a good start.

College is supposed to prepare you for real life. Real life has consequences.

Protesting is an important part of democracy, what we’re seeing clearly goes beyond protesting and is a clear violation of the school rules in many places.

It does seem that the protests that haven’t evolved into hate filled homeless camps are having better success negotiating with the various schools they’re pushing to change. It’s odd that the other camps aren’t taking notice and following suit. Talking this out is going to bring much more favorable outcomes than barricading buildings.


Universities and cops that have attacked students like this have historically, pretty much always been on the wrong side of history. Fifty years from now, these protests will probably be seen the same light, students standing up for what is right, with governments and institutions standing up for the grotesque.


I mean…we have witness of this happening in the 40s, with Jews being locked out of American schools. Dunno if you’ve seen that photo going around but it’s pretty striking.

We’ve got witness of it 30 years later when the students in Iran were on the streets calling for change (change that led to my family having to flee) so we know for sure that students can and definitely will be wrong at times.

The students could be right today, if they are they sure have lined up with some of the worst people this world has to offer, with the regime in Iran, Hamas and Russia lining up to support. I’m fascinated by the Saudis coming to the defense of Israel and American kids protesting against Israel right now. If you told me this would happen twenty years ago I’d have thought you were crazy. Turns out crazy is the flavour of the day.


Maybe you should correct yourself on the fact that Iran is not the palistinian people, Israel is not Jews. Conflating these things is going to lead you to side with oppressors.


I’d correct myself if I was wrong. But only the most ignorant would try and claim that the Iranian regime isn’t directly responsible for the conditions in Gaza Right now. Hamas is Iranian regime controlled and supported, and Gazans support Hamas. Being intentionally ignorant about the context doesn’t help the situation.

Once the Palestinians choose peace over hate, peace will be had. Letting ignorance and misinformation spread like you’ve been the victim of only leads to more suffering.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

Dunno if you’ve seen that photo going around but it’s pretty striking.

I’m assuming you’re talking about this one:


If so, it’s a bullshit false equivalence, and not even the right context/time/place.

We’ve got witness of it 30 years later when the students in Iran were on the streets calling for change (change that led to my family having to flee)

Seems like you’re misplacing your anger of the government’s actions on the students.

The students could be right today, if they are they sure have lined up with some of the worst people this world has to offer, with the regime in Iran, Hamas and Russia lining up to support.

A broken clock is right twice. And let’s be honest, Iran and Russia are only in it to see the US’s interests (Israel as a middle east oil base) fail. And no students are lining up to side with Hamas, they’re protesting the genocide.

The USSR, China, North Korea, and Cuba sided with the students when they protested the Vietnam war. Same shit, different year.

Turns out crazy is the flavour of the day.

Given that “stop killing people” is currently a controversial opinion nowadays, yeah.


How is there a false equivalence between Jews being locked out in the 40s and Jews being locked out today? It’s clearly happened on multiple campuses and has been documented by more than a few pro Israel groups.

I’m not misplacing anything or confused here. This is one thing I think Biden is getting right LoL, these aren’t protests. Protests are needed, these are crossing multiple lines in multiple locations and in many cases are not protests at all any longer.

There’s way more people being killed in a lot of places right now. Have you considered what’s prompting this now? When the region was on the verge of widespread peace? After a half dozen countries turned away from war and chose peace and the biggest player in the region was about to follow. Have you considered that this isn’t the organic Movement that you harken to the past as your examples? I’m assuming you’ve seen the publication linking the funding for these protests together. Were the students protesting against Vietnam all using tents provided by the Vietnamese? You’ve surely noticed that coincidence right?

Stop killing people…by supporting the people who kill people for not being in lock step with them really seems to be an interesting approach. I’m doubtful it’ll work, we’re seeing the people funding this mess step up their public hangings and jailing all while being cheered by the very people they’ve sworn to kill so ya, crazy really is the flavour of the day.

The White western saviours have really established themselves as useful idiots here. It’s fascinating having a foot in both worlds listening to people actively involved on both sides and watching the utter stupidity breaking out in America that’s disconnected from reality. Crazy really is the only way frame it.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

How is there a false equivalence between Jews being locked out in the 40s and Jews being locked out today?

You could try reading the article:

  • “The attempted comparison falls flat since the color photo doesn’t show the April 2024 protests. It was taken during a separate pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University in October 2023. There’s no evidence the protesters in the 2023 photo were blocking access to the college campus.”
  • “The photo was taken by The Associated Press in October 2023 during a separate pro-Palestinian demonstration at the school, days after the Hamas surprise attack that spurred the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The photo’s caption doesn’t mention anything about the demonstrators blocking access to Columbia’s campus – for Jewish students or anyone else. The Columbia Journalism School also debunked the false claim on X on April 26, responding to a viral X post shared by singer Sean Feucht. “In this tweet, that has 22.8k views and was reposted on Instagram, Feucht claims that protestors blocked Jewish students from entering Columbia’s campus,” the post reads. “This is FALSE. The ‘2024’ photo was taken inside the campus gates in October 2023, at the latest.””

It’s clearly happened on multiple campuses and has been documented by more than a few pro Israel groups.

Prove it.

Protests are needed, these are crossing multiple lines in multiple locations and in many cases are not protests at all any longer.

This is needed. Thousands of people are dead, and that count is only increasing. Protests that don’t disturb the status quo or force us to look at the ugly actions going on are pointless.

There’s way more people being killed in a lot of places right now.

This is a whataboutism.

Have you considered what’s prompting this now?

The thousands of dead civilians, some of which having been found in mass graves, of which half are children, and half women is what is prompting this.

When the region was on the verge of widespread peace?

There hasn’t been peace in the region since before WW2.

Have you considered that this isn’t the organic Movement that you harken to the past as your examples?

I don’t give a shit how organic it is. Killing civilians is wrong.

I’m assuming you’ve seen the publication linking the funding for these protests together.

Why does that matter?

Were the students protesting against Vietnam all using tents provided by the Vietnamese? You’ve surely noticed that coincidence right?

Surely this is a joke?

by supporting the people who kill people

You have fundamentally lost the plot on what the students are saying.

The White western saviours have really established themselves as useful idiots here.

Yeah, nothing screams “white western saviours” like telling your university to stop funding a genocide.

Take a look at this:


I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be on the side of frat boys making monkey noises to mock black people.


Hey, guys, if you say and post stupid things, no one will care no matter how angry and emo you feel.

@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

Man, you’re really desperate for attention. I guess the lack of human contact will do that to you. Poor pathetic troll. 😢


Just doing my part while sitting on the throne, champ.

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

sitting on the throne

Boss Make a Dollar

I Make a Dime

That’s Why I Shitpost

On Company Time


I was at the store earlier and overheard someone say: ‘Nothing made me smile more than watching our boys in blue wreck those scumbag commies.’

These fascists make me sick.


Did you mean to time travel to the 50s?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

I was as surprised as you are. We’ve got to stop these fascists at all cost.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

What’d it say?

@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

As opposed to all those yuppie, middle class protestors who are pretending that Israel is going to effect them in any way? Lol…the protestors are ridiculous.


Murder is fine so long as myself or someone I happen to like isn’t the one being murdered. got it.


Their ridiciuluousness deserves breaking their bones?

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar


The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is a military strategy involving the destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile regimes. It is a type of asymmetric warfare. It endorses the employment of “disproportionate force” (compared to the amount of force used by the enemy) to secure that end. The doctrine was outlined by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot.

American police leadership has been trained by the IDF for decades.

DarkGamer avatar

So, give in to all of their demands or let them make encampments and keep the police away? Riiight

Peaceful protests on public property aren't the issue, those are perfectly legal. When they break into buildings, prevent classmates from attending class, make semi-permanent defensible barricades, call for genocide against Jews, recruit people to be martyrs, and start assaulting people then it's a problem.


Divested from Israel. The answer is that they should have divested from Israel.

DarkGamer avatar

Quite possibly illegal and they stand to lose a lot of funding by doing that as per anti-BDS laws




I’m only vaguely keeping up with the news (I have PTSD relating to war/violence). Can you help me understand how universities are invested in Israel? What would divesting mean?


To over-simplify, making sure that they don’t accept donations, grants, etc. from companies or other third-parties that are involved with Israel. The article gives some brief details on how “divest from Israel” is the approach that Brown University actually took here.


In addition to what @JakenVeina said, a lot of universities have endowments that are invested in stocks, bonds, etc., to provide a baseline level of passive income. Divestment would mean getting rid of any existing investments and barring future investments in Israeli companies and companies that do extensive business with Israel. The result is to lower the access to cash and value of said companies.


Cops love to beat up people protesting genocide but they won’t run into a classroom of kids being murdered because they’re too afraid.


Maybe the solution is to have peaceful armed demonstrators 🤔


Worked for the Black Panthers


Seeing as we still have capitalism and racism I wouldn’t quite say it worked, but yeah it made people take them more seriously and we would do well to study how exactly it failed

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Well… right up until it didn’t.

But I can’t help thinking a parade of armed college students marching through the quad could change a lot of views on the 2A very quickly.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

It’s worked in the past. Force is the only language that bullies and thugs understand. “Moral high ground” isn’t going to do it when the state can just shoot you and get away with it.


Apparently not Phili cops.


There hasn’t been a school shooting in NYC in decades. Kids know the NYPD is not afraid to shoot them. They’re bullies with badges.

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

There hasn’t been a school shooting in NYC in decades.

Police increases presence near Manhattan schools in wake of 3 recent shootings

~ Wednesday, March 15, 2023

That suspect, 19-year-old Cheick Coulibaly, faces several charges, including attempted murder, after police say he shot a 17-year-old student multiple times near 68th and Amsterdam. Police say the suspect, believed to be a former classmate of the victim, has three prior arrests, including two arrests for narcotics in 2023.


I wonder why the city didn’t classify them as school shootings. Maybe it’s different because they were gang related shootings outside of schools and not armed assailants entering a school and killing indiscriminately?


Well that’s obviously because one group is preaching no violence and one is shooting everyone and everything.

So of course the police attack the easier target.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

so we need to shoot guns to be listened to, ok got it.


South Park called it a while ago


@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Can’t help but wonder what would happen if Columbia’s students were armed.

I know there’s a guy who said something about this once, a long time ago. German fellow with a big beard. Wrote a few economics texts. Gah, it escapes me.


Oh brother, here we go… let us know when you’re going to join your local police department and show those cops how it’s supposed to be done!


Pigs. No thanks.


Then just sit there and enjoy your life tough guy. There’s people literally dying to be part of this country… you’re part of this “cops suck” movement who have no idea just how good you have it.


The “how good you have it” part could be taken away in seconds if you look at a cop wrong. Cops need to be level headed and not trigger happy. It should be a disqualification if the first reaction to any situation is to pull the trigger on your gun.


Oh I know. I also am surrounded by racist pigs in family and ex cop coworkers. They’re all cunts. Fuck most cops.


They won’t accept people above a certain IQ or those who are level headed.

Potatofish, (edited )

This article is misleading and obviously written by an imbecile. The biggest problem Columbia had is that it IS open to the public.

Edit: there are only 3 threads. You cannot downvote my comments into oblivion.


Don’t feed the trolls y’all

DarkGamer avatar

Disagreement is badthink


Something tells me you don’t know what that means.

@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

Awh, poor troll feels offended for being called out.



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  • Theprogressivist,
    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    What high ground, bro? This isn’t a battle of life and death. Cry some more.


    What would make you think that? What makes you think? Hamster on a wheel?

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar


    I’m just smart enough to spot bullshit when I see it, unlike you.


    I know you are but what am I. Lol

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    Exactly how a child would respond.


    That’s the point. It’s no fun when you make fun of yourself 😕

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    Lol, that doesn’t even make any sense. But good job, at least you’re trying, champ.



    @TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

    Block them and ignore them like the rest of the world does. They do this for attention, so remove it.


    Get blocked, fash.


    Oh nooo… Stop… please


    I’ve never seen a campus that was “closed to the public”. The article probably means the UCs are on state-owned, not private, land. But I’m not sure that’s true or makes any difference.


    The gates close at certain times and specific occasions. The article is clearly meant to be deceptive how it is written.

    @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar




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