18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Didn't go to icu - major good stuff

Got top up of potassium while I in here, reassuring.

Private room yay
River view - could have been joking, time will tell.

Got a dedicated pain delivery delivery button - winning.

Grammar and spelling mistakes, you be the judge🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

The nurse just walked down the hallway and her shoes made a soft, scrapy sound

In my semi-asleep state I thought it was Pi using the kitty litter, and thought, "good cat" 🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Nurse mentioned how cold it was in here
I offered her some of my menopause symptoms. 🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

The river was not a lie!

Mind you, I can't actually see it from my bed, but hopefully I'll be cleared to move around soon!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Just had a visit from the hospital physio.

I achieved:
✔️ Getting out of bed (mostly by myself).
✔️ Sitting on the edge of the bed without fainting!
✔️ Standing with a wheely frame without keeling over.
✔️ Taking a step to the left (3 times).
✔️ Getting back into bed (with lots of help).

I accused the physio of being a Rocky Horror fan and wondered if I needed to do a full performance of the Time Warp before I would be released.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Yay, you survived!❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

@anathema_device always a good starting position.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Indeed. Hope you continue to improve❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I have a machine that goes beep in my room.

It started going beep, beep, beep and was not stopping.

No one came in response to the beep so I pushed the nurses button to assure them I was still alive.

The plug had come out of the wall. It was a low battery beep.


18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea just what you need!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Tonight's dinner choice.

Salmon fillet with a 'small' serve of steamed veggies (broccoli , cauliflower, carrot sticks and a tiny corn on the cob) + icecream for dessert.

I am taking my surgeon's instructions to heart. Eat eat eat! Not difficult when this is the hospital food!

Hospital resort-style!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Unfortunately it looks better than it tastes. First fail of the day. The salmon is overcooked. :(

So it's veggies and ice cream for me. Such a hard life. 🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

4 times this afternoon the beep beep machine has gone off, moments after a nurse has left my room.

Just now, she literally closed the door 2 seconds before it started beeping.

The current and previous have been to notify that the IV bag needs changing.

She'll be back soon, but I tell ya, I'm annoyed (especially after she tipped my CPAP machine on its end while there was water still in it - which can royally fuck with the electronics).


18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea :(

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

My 2 cats are staying with my parents while I am in the hospital (they miss having a cat in their life).

Family cats always slept in the laundry behind a closed door. My cats are used to roaming the house. The compromise was that my parents were going to keep their bedroom door shut.

The compromise has not happened, the cats are in the bedroom as they please. Reports coming in suggest Phizzy is snuggling up with Mum and Pi is keeping my Dad company. 🤣

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 😊❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Mum's already referring to them as "our" cats.

I guess they are the new family cats. They'll be quite happy with this designation.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea sooo, either you’re never getting them back, or you’re moving back with the parents permanently :)

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

@anathema_device I have offered to loan Phizzy out to them. I think after 3 weeks with Pi they will be begging me to take him home. 🤣

I also suspect I'll be living with them (to monitor and gently support) at least part time within the next 6-12 months. :(

  • not unhappy at that prospect for me, just that they value their independence and feel guilty that their needs are impacting my freedom. I keep reassuring them.

This got a lot deeper than expected!

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️ No worries. Hope you are doing well

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Who knew that pain led to nausea!

I've spent the last 3 hours in a not very happy state, but the pain medication has kicked in and I'm doing much better now.

Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the worst days, so I guess I'm halfway through the worst?

I've got dinner coming in a hour, would really prefer not to eat it, but food is necessary for healing.

At least there's a lovely display of building lights across the river - very pretty.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

It is 8:30pm and I'm crashing out for the night.

I appreciate you all keeping me company today. I've got another 4 or so days in here, hopefully less eventful than today.

More Netflix and Plex is on the menu for tomorrow.

G'night y'all.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

The nurse said she'd be in just after midnight for the first checks of the day.

12:02 am I woke up, turned the light on, took off my eye mask and CPAP and was sitting up alert when she walked in 5 mins later.

She has now learnt about my internal alarm system.

She has just informed me she'll be back at 5 am and I'm not sure if I believe her or if she's testing my intenal alarm.

News at 5!


18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

5am on the dot!

Another day:
Sit in my chair by the window.

I feel like one of those Victorian era ladies in a fancy care facility.

Happy Monday y'all!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Hospital update (Day 3) 🧵

@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 🤣❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Interesting, the CW fell off. I wonder if there's a limit, or is just an undocumented feature.

Today I am feeling sorry for my floor nurse. The second nurse on the floor this morning is a midwife not a surgical nurse, and she's having to do explanations etc and taking up extra time.

Both lovely, neither's fault, you all know how it goes.

But my floor nurse is looking just a bit frazzled and apologizing etc. I am being understanding and supportive in all the ways.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

My Fitbit says I've done 10 minutes of exercise so far today.

I got out of bed and had a sponge bath. So, ya know, this is how my body is going on its healing journey.

Also, lunch arrived!

Tofu stir fry. Yum!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Dinner was a GF vegan pizza.

Looks great, taste was pretty good too.
Unfortunately I could only eat half of it.

I have some dessert as well (making use of the special dessert stomach to get some more healing calories into me).

Eat, drink, sleep, repeat!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

All set up for another night. Pain killers installed and updates ready to go.

I'm missing my cats tonight. Would love to have them snuggling in with me right now.

G'night pocket friends. May your evening be sparkly and the day that follows be better than today (in whatever way matters most)

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️👍

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Progress is progressing.
All is well and going to plan.

The surgeon has said 4-5 days, the nurses have said it's usually 6-7 days in here

Surgeon also said that around day 4 I might experience some depression due to the changes in my body.

Yes to the depressive feelings, but I think it's more because:

  1. I'm not going home
  2. I'm over the novelty of the hospital

My goals for today:

  1. have a proper shower (I stink)
  2. be able to eat while sitting in a chair.
18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

My surgeon has just been in and said I can go home if I want.
He's also happy for me to stay in for another 2-3 days if I need.

I think it's too early, I want to achieve a few more milestones in hospital while I have nurses around.

But maybe tomorrow. 🤞

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 👍

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

This morning's shower and fresh clothes and being able to sit by the window (+ some good pain killers) have definitely helped my mood.

I've just realized that the nurse call button is still beside the bed though, and out of reach.

Currently wondering if I can throw something across at the button on the opposite side of the room with enough precision, or if I just call the switchboard and ask to be out through to the nurse on this floor. 🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I've been chatting to a friend in Melbourne and mentioned that I was sitting in my room beside the window watching the city cats.

This elicited a query.

I imagine he had a mental image of the streets of Brisbane filled with cats that I could see from my hospital room. (I wish!) 🤣

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 🤣

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

All the nurses and other staff here have been saying how cold it is in the ward.

They keep trying to give me blankets and cover me up.

I tell them I'm boiling hot and refer them to menopause (the general aneasthesic apparently escalated my symptoms).

One nurse just came in with a fan for me.


18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 😀

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Pretty good day in the end.

I did 3 walks in the corridor, racking to a whole 313 steps for the day.

I had a shower, not quite independently.

I think I could get dressed if I had to, but I would need some strong pain killers after.

I ate not quite enough to make my surgeon happy, but I feel stuffed to the gills and didn't want to chance the dessert stomach.

G'night pocket friends, thanks for your company today.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️👍

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Had dreams last night.

Aliens invaded Earth and a ragtag band escaped to another planet. A mix of ex-prisoners, military and regular office folk. (I'm always male in my dreams, make of that what you will...)

Anyway, there were meetings scheduled to plan the escape and the military folk went mad because we cancelled one in lieu of getting actual work done.


Also, why do I have calendars and meeting schedules in my alien survival dreams?

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Day 5 and no poos yet, which meant action needed to be taken.

Various concoctions later and I've spent 1.5 hours on the toilet with some limited success.
Absolutely exhausted though. Called for pain killers and more concoctions.

Day 2 was painful. Today is making me question the whole operation though. :(

An hour into it, the physio came to visit. Saw I was on the toilet and offered to come back in 5mins. I did get a good laugh out of that.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Nurse shift change and the one who has become my #1 is back on.

She praised me for advocating for myself and saying I wasn't ready to go home yet. She agrees.

She also keeps it real.
When I asked her how she was, her response was, "I'm alive."

I hear you woman, I'm with you.

Other updates:
Appetite null, and I've chosen not to push it today, at least until I'm 'cleared' out a little bit more.
Very tired, just dozing while the city cats run around outside.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Phizzy is loving having multiple humans to cater to her every whim. Currently this involves a lot of lap sitting.

Apparently Pi made a break for it this morning when the door was opened to water plants. They managed to catch him though and bring him straight back in.
He's such a strong agile cat that he must have wanted to be caught, or my 82r old parents wouldn't have stood a chance! (I'm not concerned, he'll come back for food if nothing else.)

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Full moon tomorrow night, but I don't plan on being here, so here's a photo from my room window from just now.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Today I have apparently done 632 steps, and a massive 42 minutes in the exercise zone.

Just getting out of bed gets me into it.

I've also done 3 (very slow) laps of the floor, all followed by requests for fast acting pain meds. 🤣

And much shuffling around the room, moving things from beside the bed to beside the chair and back, and back, and back.

Also sitting on the toilet gets me into the exercise zone. 💩🤦🏻‍♀️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

A good sleep, albeit still interrupted by the nurses doing their checks.

Pain is under control (thanks be to pain killers 🎉)

I've still got one drain in, hopefully it can come out today, but I'm pretty sure I'll be going home today regardless.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I've been told my cats know I'm coming home today, they were acting differently this morning.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I managed all the components of a shower by myself this morning.

I did need frequent breaks, and to sit for most of it.

But that and the getting dressed by myself afterwards were the final milestones I wanted to achieve before being discharged. So I'm going home this afternoon. 🎉🎉🎉

Unfortunately I still have a drain, it will probably be removed tomorrow, so that will be an exhausting trip somewhere. But I'm over hospital TBQH.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea well done!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I am at my folks. Slowly getting settled in.
The cats have worked out they'll get more attention from Mum & Dad, and have barely acknowledged my presence.

After an hour here, I've now had short visits from both.

A silver spotted Bengal cat standing in a high bench next to a grey haired woman (me). The cat is sniffing my hair.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea You’re out! ❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

It's lovely to be "home".

I'm staying with my elderly folks for a few weeks until I feel ready for true independence. They are also helping out with the cats.

Since I got home, Pi has been the nautiest cat ever (mum's words). He must be the centre of attention, and suddenly he isn't. He's currently trying to break into my bedroom. The door has a lever, I'd personally bet on the cat.

Dad is hovering trying to help, Mum is practical, helping.

I am ❣️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Pi finally succeeded at getting me up at 4:30am after slamming himself against the door enough times.

Getting out of bed is the hardest but now I'm upstairs with a selection of books, devices, food, drink, & cats - and the pain killers are kicking in.

The cats have not been fed yet, they've gotten used to that while they've been at my parents' house. Dad is an early riser, and is good with boundaries.

A cup of tea would be excellent, alas. I am impeded.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Normally I'm the one in my extended friendship group providing the empathy and emotional support.

Right now I'm the one needing it, and I've got nothing (minuscule) left in me to give.

It's been interesting as I state my capacity with some of my older friends, that they are interpreting my boundary setting as me "disengaging" with the world.

Um, no dudes, I'm just saying it's turn around time, and please don't trauma dump on me.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

A lot of rest today.

Good, healthy food, not quite as much as I should be eating, but everything is a balance, I'll get there.

I didn't let the cats sleep with me last night, so straight after their dinner at 6pm they both snuck into my bedroom and curled up.

I felt like such a heel tossing them (gently) out just now, but I just don't trust them not to walk all over me in the morning as all the painkillers are wearing off.

Goodnight all.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Definitely improving, but the pain is still next level and first thing in the morning all of the previous night's have worn off.

I guess this is one thing being in hospital was good for, pain meds delivered every 4 hours.

Quality of sleep is still lacking, a likely side effect of the strong pain killers, but it's not like I have anything to achieve today. 🤣🤣🤣

So, morning folks! Hopefully some more cat photos for you all today.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

The cats are being starved*.

Phizzy is wondering why I don't get up to tend to this terrible situation.
Pi is wandering around yelling, and then sitting (strategically) in the hallway between my parents' bedroom and the stairs down to the laundry where they are fed.

*They free feed crunchies, they just want their morning wet food, and possibly (definitely) more of that chicken they were treated with last night.

Pi, a silver spotted Bengal cat, sitting upright in a hallway with beige carpet. He has one eye open and one closed. I think he has misunderstood the phrase "sleep with one eye open".

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea I see they are vastly sympathetic to your situation :)

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar


All the pre-prep I did organizing all my various bags for each stage of my journey (parents, hospital, parents) and I've either misplaced or forgotten my prescribed multivitamins.

I'm going to have to order some more. I already order them in bulk to avoid shipping fees. I'll be without for a few days, not a huge issue, I'm just annoyed with myself.

Of course, the extra bottle will probably materialize as soon as the replacement is delivered.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar
18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea awwww❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

At 8pm my folks headed to bed.

Phizzy was on their bed and proceeded to hide. They are convinced she left their room, and shut their door to prevent cats from walking on them during the night.

Pi and I have searched the rest of the house and Phizzy is nowhere to be found.

It's 8:30pm and I'm heading to bed, and will be shutting my own door to prevent cats walking on me during the night.

I predict at least one human will be walked on by a tiny feline before dawn.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea I’m sure they will 😄

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Pi: arrooowww, which I think loosely translates to 🎶 "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do."

Possibly more actually translates to, "Where is Phizzy? Why have you all shut your bedroom doors to keep me out, I just want to be loved and to love you! Let me in!"

Possibly with a few swear words scattered in.

Yes, I feel terrible about it, but it is unfortunately necessary. :(

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

My pain levels escalated today around 5pm and the maximum dose of pain killers is only just keeping it under control, hopefully knock me out soon.

Not sure if I twisted wrongly, or it's drain removal time indicator, or ?

Hopefully tomorrow resolves it, or maybe needs a call to the clinic's emergency number.

I'm not overly concerned, although that could be a side effect of the pain meds. 🤔

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 😬

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I am much better this morning, pain levels returned to normal.

The mystery of Phizzy has been solved.

She is a cupboard cat and Dad's wardrobe door was slightly open (and only held closed by a weak magnet).
She emerged at 3:30am, to walk over my parents and snuggle up in their bed.
She is a clever and happy (and sneaky) cat.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea ❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Pain has been much decreased today, best day yet!

I've also had quite a number of proper naps during the day. Less overall walking and movement in general, but I suspect that is balanced by the extra naps. I may be leaving the house tomorrow, preparation is important.

The Phizzy-cat is currently having a bath on my lap, whilst Pi is asleep on a dining room chair.

The oldies have gone to bed and I might stay up and entertain myself for a bit.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Glad you’re progressing so well ❤️

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

A good day.

Many naps, fewer pain killers.

Both cats beat me to my bedroom, so I had to trick them with the promise of food before they'd leave.
The food was a lie.
There's always crunchies though.

Hopefully soon I'll be able to let them sleep in the room with me... any day now.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I'm told I'm improving, all I feel is exhaustion and pain. (Observation, not complaint.)

I do know I'm taking fewer painkillers, or at least stretching them further.

I had a shower this morning, I'm averaging one every 2 days. They feel so good, but do exhaust me and increase the pain levels.

Time for a nap soon, I think!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I had 2 drains in my torso after surgery. One came out on day 4(?). I came home from hospital on day 6 with the other one still in. It has been mildly uncomfortable at times, but mostly just extra care I needed to take all the time.

The 2nd drain was removed this morning, and it's the best thing to not have to worry about it!

My parents insisted on driving me into the clinic and now they are next level exhausted. :(

Couple of days of rest now.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Mum's lap is the best lap.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Today I:

  • had a shower
  • left the house
  • returned to the house
  • had fewer pain killers
  • ate more food
  • progressed on other medical issues
  • helped a little bit in the kitchen

Tonight my bedroom door will be left open for the cats!

Tomorrow is a rest day. 😴

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I'm preparing for bed and tonight is the first in 11 nights that the cats are allowed to sleep with me.

There is not a cat to be seen, found, or otherwise communicated with.

None followed me to the bedroom, none tried to sneak in, none cried at being locked out, nor had to be tricked away from the door.


Hopefully I'll wake up with 1 or 2 in the morning.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

A Bengal appears, purring madly.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

As previously mentioned, Pi joined me at 10:30pm to sleep.

At 3:30am he woke up and needed pats. This woke me up enough to warrant a visit to the facilities.

At 6:30am, Phizzy woke up from somewhere (apparently their cupboard until 3am, whereupon she walked over Mum in bed and settled down after establishing her presence) and joined me in bed.

Shortly after that I got up to take morning pain killers, shut the cats out, and had more sleep.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

A good day.

Fewer pain killers required.

Not doing much though (this will continue for at least another 2 weeks).

Made a booking in 2 weeks to see an OT recommended by my surgeon and I'm guessing to also get a lymphatic drainage-type massage. I'm just doing everything that is recommended. Bonus, they have a site at Redcliffe, which is about 25 mins from home. I should be cleared for driving by then.

Both cats were already in my bedroom tonight.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

The cats heard that massages would help, and started on me early this morning.

So I am awake and out of bed early.

I don't think they are appropriately qualified for post-surgical massage.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea 😀

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

First post-op check-in.

All looking good... except for a small haematoma. So I'm back in for surgery tomorrow to get that taken care of. Short appointment, but still a general anaesthetic.

My surgeon is going to take the opportunity to clean up a few of the sutures in the same area while he's there.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea yikes. Good luck!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Pain levels good this morning then terrible this afternoon.

Messy day.

1 car, multiple ppl with medical appts around Brisbane.

Dad had his next cancer treatment.

I had my 2 week post-op check-in, which is resulting in a quick surgery tomorrow morning. Still 🤦🏻‍♀️ at the thought of a "quick" surgery.

I had pre-op blood tests.

Dad & I got gf donuts!

I needed max pain killers.

Dad now radioactive.

Cats locked out of my bedroom.

Poor Mum. 💜

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea that’s a lot. Hope you’re all resting now

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Current status: in a hospital gown, on a bed, waiting for day surgery.

Head is all over the place, it's been a whirlwind.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea it will all be over soon :) Good luck

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

Day surgery, went in at 9:30, quick op, but still here. I think it all went well, but Iron infusion, B12 injection and now 2 bags of blood because my numbers were low after surgery 2 weeks ago and hadn't recovered when they did pre-op tests for today.

Another couple of hours and I should be home!

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Yay!

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I'm home!

Pain is very much under control.
Cats are thrilled to see me.
Parents are thrilled to see me.

I'm feeling a bit delicate, to be expected! And I'm thirsty, so I'm drinking all the things. I also remembered I bought gf donuts yesterday, so had a small treat. Thanks past-Andrea!

I slept most of the afternoon, so I'm not particularly tired, also riding high on donated blood. Thanks random donors!

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea glad to hear all this :)

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

All is right in the world of Pi.

18+ Andrea,
@Andrea@bne.social avatar

I had a good night (thanks medication!)

The cats slept elsewhere.

Dad let them into his bedroom at 4 am and enjoyed Phiz snuggles and playing with her (I think he's teaching her bad habits though). He thinks he's training Pi in boundaries (Pi is very assertive in getting his wants met).

He kicked them out at 7 am at which point Pi howled at my door loudly enough to wake me and get me up.

They won't be fed until we're ready though.

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Yeah, your dad isn’t training anyone. He’s being trained :)

18+ anathema_device,
@anathema_device@bne.social avatar

@Andrea Yay for you all, now sleep :)

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