



@fabiscafe ​:neocat_sign_thx:​ maomao says thank you


Happy happy birthday 🎁🎉🎉 ~

@matthewcassinelli@mastodon.social avatar

Anybody have a favorite pen that writes well in Field Notes notebooks?

I just got a set and want something more casual than fountain pens.

@collin@ruby.social avatar

@so @sam @matthewcassinelli maybe you’re using a lot drier inks than I am, but my impression was that ballpoints are really what that paper was made for. I never had much luck with anything else.

If you want to use a fountain pen, any cheap Japanese notebook tends to work well, but for on the go ballpoint + Field Notes is a good combo.

@BenRiceM@mastodon.social avatar

@matthewcassinelli The Lamy fountain pen is my favourite for Field Notes

But for something more portable and disposable, try the Rotring Tikki Graphic 0.5


@billbennett@mastodon.nz avatar

Back from the dentist. Three weeks ago I had Covid, which kicked off tooth pain, now I need two extractions and a root canal. Will cost a fortune. Dentist tells me major tooth problems caused by Covid are commonplace.

@b3f585f3e038f1dccdfaf2d7a1449a418605c392cd33ba7f137bca24842f5f90@mostr.pub avatar

Really no soda? How do you have no soda?

@billbennett@mastodon.nz avatar

@b3f585f3e038f1dccdfaf2d7a1449a@mostr.pub Never have. It hasn't ever been part of my or my family's culture.

@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Has anyone here taken a golf cart, made changes to it & turned it into a street legal electric vehicle?

In my dreams, last night, I was driving around roads, on an upcycled, electric golf cart with a trailer attached to back, with my cat in a backpack windowed carrier in passenger seat. We were heading to a cats cafe.

@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@mzedp Completely out of my budget range 😔

@mzedp@mas.to avatar

@msquebanh I know, thats the problem with these things so far. The design is right, but they cost too much.

They shouldn't be so expensive, but until the chinese start mass producing them economically (as it seems we're incapable of doing it here) we're SOL.

Claire, French
@Claire@mamot.fr avatar
@Wildebeest@mastodon.social avatar

Pour le moment, dans les prairies picardes, faut les bottes...
😒 😁

@athenavocat@oc.todon.fr avatar

@Claire uhuhuh tu m'épuises de motivation, je vais bosser si c'est comme ça ❤️

@hotdogsladies@mastodon.social avatar

The SKÅDIS System meets the Akro-Mils System meets the Universal T-Clip System.

This is a massive crossover event for a very specific kind of nerd.


@pretz@mastodon.social avatar

@hotdogsladies well crap now you have to print out a tiny tray of recursive things to put in the tray of recursive things that are recursive.

@capnmariam@mastodon.social avatar

¡ rôti sans pareil !

@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

5.25" vs 5.5" floppy disks.


@georgeharito@mastodon.au avatar

@NanoRaptor the extra 60KB capacity sure was welcome back in those days

@nini@bitbang.social avatar

@NanoRaptor Juuuust off enough to be deeply upsetting.

scudery, French
@scudery@piaille.fr avatar

Allez hop, liste des hommes que je déteste :
(c'est participatif, hésitez pas à contribuer)

  • les hommes qui claquaient les soutifs des filles et jetaient les filles dans la piscine quand ils étaient jeunes
  • les hommes en vélo qui vont super vite et te frôlent sans faire ding ding avec la sonnette
  • les hommes qui sont sympas avec toi et qui deviennent des merdes humaines quand ils comprennent qu'il y a pas moyen
  • les hommes qui exigent des faveurs sexuelles en échange de quelque chose auquel tu as droit (comme un directeur de mémoire, oué spece de bâtard je me souviens de toi)
  • les hommes qui ont l'alcool violent
@Ash_Crow@mastodon.social avatar

@jehansanspour @Gallorum @scudery un ding-ding discret ça va mais les ding-ding insistants genre "pousse-toi de là que je m'y mette" c'est insupportable

@Gallorum@mamot.fr avatar

@Ash_Crow @jehansanspour @scudery

C'est un problème insoluble.
J'utilise un ding ding discret pour ça, mais si les piétons sont inattentifs ou discutent entre eux, il sert à rien.

J'incrimine aussi les infras cyclables mal foutues, typiquement les diaboliques bandes cyclables sur le trottoir, qui vont obligatoirement aboutir à des conflits d'usage.

parleur, French
@parleur@mastodon.parleur.net avatar

Il y a un an, notre maire a décidé de créer une « brigade de l'environnement » : deux personnes en uniforme chargée en pratique essentiellement de verbaliser les crottes de chien ou les dépôts d'ordure sauvage.

La semaine dernière, ils sont missionés sur un écobuage non signalé… chez un conseiller municipal.

Qui dit qu'il va régler ça avec le maire, .

Quelques jours après, celui-ci convoque les deux agents, et… les menace d'une mise à pied et d'une dissolution du service.


@parleur@mastodon.parleur.net avatar

Ouais, ben c'est mal barré : aux dernières élections il a été ré-élu dès le premier tour, et le taux de syndicalisation est inférieur de moitié à la moyenne nationale dans la FPT.

@Monolecte@framapiaf.org avatar


C’est purement dégueulasse.

@tvaziri@mastodon.social avatar

Watching “Aliens” (1986) with a first-timer.

@virtualbri@mastodon.online avatar

@CStamp @tvaziri Even if I disagreed, I think he was a great advocate for film. Appreciated when he got excited about a movie.

@cwalkatron@mastodon.social avatar

@siracusa @tvaziri Game over

@quinn@social.circl.lu avatar

Young people are waking up every day to media about war, genocides, dead children. They are unsure of being able to make a living, scared by debt, violence, addiction, homelessness. They are unsure if the burning planet will even support their lives. They are struggling for secure basic housing after having their lives upended by a pandemic...

meanwhile the NYT:

@frogzone@wizard.casa avatar

@sun @mrsaturday @quinn i wouldn't blame communication itself, i blame the bigtech that control and pervert how the communication channel operates... if the article doesn't bring attention to bigtech then its effectively calling for more communication censorship imo.

the difference is subtle but it means the difference between freedom vs further inflicting mass narratve control. we should start actively informing folkthat the o/ses and firmare on their phones is bad for them, is all well and good, but it means zip nada null if the underlying technology is a black box.

@fdroidorg@floss.social avatar

@frogzone @sun @quinn It's a gradual process, and F-Droid hosts not only the apps but also the tools to allow anyone to control their communication channels and beyond. F-Droid is the easiest step to take first.

scudery, French
@scudery@piaille.fr avatar

Y a plein de féministes qui adoptent une posture misandre pour les besoins du combat politique, alors que moi je suis une authentique misandre 👍😎

@Looping@anticapitalist.party avatar

@LoboTom @scudery ça me parle tellement.

@BrKloeckner@piaille.fr avatar

@scudery @Lisoo Eh bien voilà. Prends ton ellipse préférée, et dessine un hexagone dont les sommets sont sur l'ellipse. Pour chaque paire de côté opposés, tu marques bien, disons en rose parce que c'est joli, le point d'intersection des deux droites qui prolongent les côtés choisis. Tu as donc trois points roses. Eh ben ils sont alignés !
Et si tu as un hexagone avec cette propriété d'alignement, tu peux alors trouver une ellipse (ou une parabole ou une hyperbole, bref une "conique") qui passe par tous les sommets.
Quand il y a des paires de côtés parallèles, le point rose est à l'infini mais avec les bonnes définitions ça marche quand même.

@sarahtaber@mastodon.online avatar

Everyone get ready for MEMORIAL DAY FOOD FACTS tonight

Starting at 6pm Eastern, for every donation to this link, I will post one (1) fact about food, agriculture, & military supply chains.


@sarahtaber@mastodon.online avatar

In WW2, the US gov't asked Hershey to make a chocolate bar that tasted bad.

Why? They needed an emergency ration protein bar-type thing, and wanted it to taste bad enough that troops would save it for emergencies.

@garland@social.seattle.wa.us avatar

@sarahtaber Pellagra (niacin deficiency due to extremely limited mostly cornmeal-based diet) was also a massive problem in the US in the early 1900s. It was essentially eliminated when flour and bread started to be fortified with niacin during WW2.

scudery, French
@scudery@piaille.fr avatar

Ai-je interrompu des vieux messieurs ronchonchons d'un tonitruant "wowowo ça va les bonhommes là on entend plus" pendant une AG de copro ?

Vous n'avez aucune preuve

@PearceJanice2@piaille.fr avatar

@scudery nan mais je te comprends, j'ai le cul en bois d'allumettes en ce moment moi aussi

@Camille_Poulsard@mamot.fr avatar

@LivBu @scudery

Pas très écolo en plus ! ça s'est les gauchiste. Ils sont pour le partage temps qu'ils ont qu'un reste de beuh, 2 kronenbourg, une Fiat Punto d'occasion et un Samsung que leur grand-parents ont acheté il y a 15 ans pour noël.

Mais dès qu'ils ont un truc potable, la propriété, c'est les Droit de l'homme !

@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Anyone ever tell you that you were being "too negative" or a "Debby downer" when stating facts about something? Just happened to me earlier with my family. In this case it was reasons why I prefer not to travel often (routine change haha). The whole time I was thinking, "but I'm not trying to be negative..."

@Sci_Fi_FanGirl@hessen.social avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic Gladly my church isn't too much into this kind of "entertainment" either (fog machines, lights etc).

But it's increasingly challenging for me. It used to be a very small congregation and over the last three years we have grown considerably. Which is nice of course, but also a lot worse for me sensory wise. Sometimes I don't have enough spoons to go to church.

I enjoy singing together as an activity, but spiritually it's better for me to sing alone with my guitar.

@chevalier26@mastodon.social avatar

@Sci_Fi_FanGirl @actuallyautistic That's one of the things that has bothered me about our weekly "convocation" meetings at university.

The administration always defends our worship team playing "CCM" 99% of the time because that's "the most popular style among our generation," even though many of us have sensory issues during convocation or prefer other worship styles altogether.

We do have a "hymnology" convocation once a year but it always feels forced.

@cell@pl.ebin.zone avatar

i am pretty sure the amount of girl enjoyers on this part of fedi vastly outnumber the amount of boy enjoyers

@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

@cell tfw man who wants girl

tfw fedi girls often dont want men

@shpuld@shpposter.club avatar

@cell what about bro enjoyers

@mcnado@mstdn.social avatar

Burning down a refugee camp is not a tragic mishap, especially if you first burned down the refugees original homes, their hospitals, their water pumps and treatment plants, and their fields. No, it is not a mishap. It is an intentional act of violence against people who have lost everything.

@PadreWil@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@Frankyt @mcnado We must also not forget that Netanyahu is attempting to correct HIS gigantic mistake RE: Hamas and the Palestinians , years ago at an incredible humanitarian cost. He is a WAR monger ….. NOT a diplomat OR a man of peice. Jews need to speak-up against this misguided leader.

@PadreWil@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@Kathmandu @mcnado YES !! Israel needs to tell Netanyahu to step-down NOW. Humanitarian is NOT in ANYONES vocabulary if you are going to destroy EVERYTHING just to get at the root cause that NETANYAHU started. I’m telling the world that there is NO plan to destroy Hamas ….. aside from just killing everyone in the way. It ‘s beyond barbaric and stupid.

ciredutempsEsme, French
@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

Je me suis fait passer pour une daronne féministe.
Reportage au sein du gauchisme extrême sur Mastodon.

Une exclusivité Le figaro

@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar
@1HommeAzerty@mamot.fr avatar

@ciredutempsEsme Et pour cause : le fedivers n'est peuplé que de journalistes de droite en immersion.

@dotstdy@mastodon.social avatar

subgroup ops are a mindfuck on top of the existing mindfuck of work groups, local work groups, dispatches and invocations.

@oblomov@sociale.network avatar

@dotstdy @zeux wait, what's a global workgroup? You mean the launch grid / ndrange?

@aras@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
@decryption@aus.social avatar

Got the Casio watch and it’s much smaller than I remember. Looks stupid on my fat wrist. Need a bigger watch!



@decryption Those are a legendary $7-$12 watch. I picked up a new G-Shock DW-5600BB which is the blacked out version for 70 bucks on ebay but even those have a small face compared to other model G-Shocks. The prices vary bit DW-5600 series are usually around $120 or less.

@decryption@aus.social avatar

@joeyjojo I wanted to love the F91W but yeah, looks small on me. Something cheap and in the 49mm x 44mm zone or bigger would be nice


​:neocat_aww:​ you are all so sweet


@puniko awawawawa


@luna ​:neocat_hug:​

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

my writing hyperfocus wore off and now i'm just sad lol

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar


@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

damn it's 10:30 PM and i finally feel like a human being today lmao

@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

One of my favorite nuggets of writing advice comes from James D Macdonald. Jim, a Navy vet with an encylopedic knowledge of gun lore, explained to a group of non-gun people how to write guns without getting derided by other gun people: "just add the word 'modified.'"

If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:



@mattdm@hachyderm.io avatar


This is also a great tactic when running a D&D game! Inevitably, no matter how clear the clues you think you are dropping for your clever puzzle, the players will come up with some complicated complely wrong answer.

Solution: don't even bother with more than a vague idea of the right answer. Go with what the players come up with (maybe after foiling an idea or two to make it a challenge). Now, you've done less work, the players feel satisfyingly clever, and think you clever too!

18+ Bananaphone,

@pluralistic I’m chuckling to myself while imagining an author taking that advice to satirical extremes, while picturing gun nuts just seething. “Her modified .22 revolver sent shockwaves through the building as she fired 10, 15, 20 shots, non-stop, ripping basketball sized holes through the concrete walls, and shattering windows in every building on the block”

@QasimRashid@mastodon.social avatar

Just to be explicitly clear.

After Israel condemned the ICC for accusing them of deliberately targeting civilians, Israel forced Palestinians into a safe zone where they wouldn't be bombed—then Israel bombed & killed 32 children in that safe zone.

They burned Palestinians alive. On purpose.

ICC: Prosecute these war crimes.

@FrankFrank@newsie.social avatar

@anubis2814 @QasimRashid

And now a word from the encampment live microphone.

@FrankFrank@newsie.social avatar


"ADHD/BPD/autism/autoimmune. Social justice berserker. Anticapitalist & antifascist. Epistemic wanderer. Optimistic nihilist. he/they?"

"Anticapitalist & antifascist. Epistemic wanderer. Optimistic nihilist", the Hamas wish list.

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