
bobburger, to memes in American bourgeois democracy
ReCursing, to memes in American bourgeois democracy
ReCursing avatar

Yes they're both shit, but one IS much worse than the other. Don't let this kind of shit tier meme allow fascism to slide in (yes trump is a textbook fascist)


Biden sidestepped congress to fund and provide weapons for genocide and the dnc went to court to tell their voters to eat shit, pretty fascist if you ask me even if they wave a pride flag as they fascist.

Pretty crazy how everyone is cool with fascism as long as they leave the gays alone (because, famously, fascists who pit group A against group B have NEVER gone after group A once Group B was subjugated)

ReCursing avatar

Yeah that's not fascism. Pretty fucked up, sure, but not fascism


Going to court to have it ruled that you’re a private institution that’s not bound by any obligation to your voters, supporters, etc sounds pretty “centralized autocracy” to me.

But whatever getting semantic won’t stop them from gunning for marginalized populations in a few years in order to ““court centrists.”” Look forward to seeing how yall justify it then!

sirico, to memes in Low perception skill experience.
@sirico@feddit.uk avatar
cali_ash, to politicalhumor in Liberals stand for Authoritarian Capitalism and Totalitarian Capitalism after all... There is more freedom and democracy under Socialism/Communism than under Capitalism...

Not a single one of the countries listed by name in the first bannel has a VPN ban.


@showmustgo@hexbear.net avatar

They’re also legal in PRC.

theodewere, to memes in USA priorities
theodewere avatar

Iran tries to destroy Israel, and the US is to blame.. what else is new..

Traister101, (edited ) to memes in USA priorities

No dude it’s literally everybody who wants them bombed. They are attacking civilian trade vessels. They were warned by the UN and shit. It’s not the USA going out of its way to bomb brown people it’s the USA bombing people who have continued to purposely interrupt international trade after being told explicitly there will be consequences. They were/are breaking international fucking law.

Edit: Ohhhhh I just saw Ops user name “VictimOfAmerikkka” which that in addition to their rather repulsive post history explains why they are acting like such a mouth breather

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

acting like running zionist propoganda and being pro-genocide such as yourself puts you in a morally superior position, eat shit.


When did I say I’m pro genocide? Jesus christ what a strawman. Genocide is bad, it’s hypocritical for the US to get so freaky over this when there’s an active genocide happening but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to get freaky over maritime trade vessels being threatened. They were breaking international law and were told explicitly by the UN among others to knock it the fuck off or there would be consequences.

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And are we meant to act like we should be listening to the genociders or to the people resisting them? Not a strawman, its a response to your point.

VictimOfAmerikkka, (edited )
@VictimOfAmerikkka@lemmygrad.ml avatar

No dude it’s literally everybody who wants them bombed

No, only the imperialist powers

They are attacking civilian trade vessels.

They are attacking “trade vessels” delivering to Israel, which is genociding people.

It’s not the USA going out of its way to bomb brown people

Lol!! That is literally all the USA does. The USA is the number exporter of genocide of brown people. They even kill their brown people every day and put them in concentration camps to serve as slaves aka prisons.

people who have continued to purposely interrupt international trade after being told explicitly there will be consequences.

People who are acting out of solidarity for the Palestinian people and who are actually forcing the hand of the imperialist powers by disrupting the trade to the Zionist entity

They were/are breaking international fucking law.

Laws put in place by the colonizers who decide to use their waters without their consent lol

You are being brainwashed by imperialist propaganda 🤣

drearymoon, to random in Zionist Times of Israel: “To see Jews as equal is antisemitic”

This is a prime example of how Zionism begets antisemitism. If you took this at face value, it’s very easy to come up with a stance that opposes and targets Jews instead of the root cause of these chauvinist beliefs - Zionism. Just as extremist Islamic groups taint general public perception of Muslims, Zionism taints the public’s views on Jewish people.

The issue is that Zionism is accepted in the mainstream meaning antisemitism has a foothold in the mainstream (as evidenced by the widespread acceptance of neonazis and right-wing fascist groups). Zionism as an ideology must be eradicated. Extremist views like this should not be tolerated. Israel and Zionism creates danger for Jews worldwide.

LostatSea, to memes in When you also send a carrier group to make sure no other outside forces interfere with that process.

Posts extremely flimsy sources and then throws in some racism to boot.


Calling Xi Jin ping whinnie the pooh is not racist.


Comparing a Chinese person to a yellow animal isn’t racist! What’s next? Saying that comparing Obama to Curious George or Netanyahu to Splinter is racist?

Political correctness gone mad I say!


Nice sarcasm. We can have a conversation if you want.

I was coming at it from the classic “squinty eyed caricature” that are typically associated with Chinese. Didn’t consider the yellow of whinnie the pooh so fair enough. But please continue being condescending.


I was coming at it from the classic “squinty eyed caricature” that are typically associated with Chinese. Didn’t consider the yellow of whinnie the pooh so fair enough.

Exactly right my friend! Each race has exactly one (1) racist characteristic assigned to it. Xi-Pooh doesn’t have slanty eyes so not racist. Obama-Curious George wasn’t eating watermelon so not racist. Netanyahu-Splinter wasn’t holding a bag of gold so not racist.


Jesus you’re a douche.


Yes, but at least I’m not a racist.


Man even when i admit im wrong you’re still a cunt. I feel like I’m on reddit.


I feel like I’m on reddit.

Pot calling the kettle black.

(Kettle wasn’t eating fried chicken, therefore not racist).


Are you still whining?


Don’t fall for this.


Obama isn’t a tiger.

Xi just Streisand’ed himself


See that’s what I always saw it as, him just Streissanding himself. He has the likeness of pooh and the “yellow skin” is an unfortunate side effect.


Nice sarcasm. We can have a conversation if you want.


But please continue being condescending.



It absolutely is, no different to calling a black person an ape.


Palestinians are under full blockade by the Zionist Entity and have their power cut off, yet they’re posting daily videos of Zionist attrocities.

Xinjiang has a huge land border with neighboring Muslim countries, no restrictions on the flow of goods, and Uyghurs can freely travel anywhere else in China and the world but we haven’t seen a single video of a Chinese attrocity over many years of alleged “genocide”.



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  • Tankiedesantski,

    Xi used Stalin’s comically large spoon to generate a cell signal interference field over all of Xinjiang and Tibet.

    jimmydoreisalefty, to memes in Liberals and communism

    Many different types of communism though, looking at countries with communist pasts.

    Unions were started by them, not by liberals and the like.

    Compared to today, unions are not that radical. More strikes are coming but both dems and reds stop them.

    Looking at Biden breaking the rail road strike.

    I think communists would be for gun rights and much more libertarian left polices, to a certain point.

    The first international efforts at organizing workers were established by Marx himself. Marx led the International Working Men’s Association (IWA), which was a coalition founded by union leaders in 1864, aimed at uniting various leftist groups, including socialists, communists, and anarchists, to join in the common goal of defeating capitalism.

    In 1872, the IWA focused its efforts on the United States, moving its headquarters to New York City. After it disbanded in 1876, the Workingmen’s Party of the United States (WPUS) was founded in its place. The WPUS organized railroad workers in the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, which started in West Virginia and spread across several states, leading to deadly riots. Over one hundred people were killed as a result, and in Philadelphia, rioters burned down 39 buildings and dozens of trains, as well as over 1,200 freight cars.

    Unionization continued along Marxist lines, as did the violence. In 1886, after a confrontation between striking employees, strikebreakers, and police, a group of labor radicals (including anarchists and communists) held a rally in Chicago, now referred to as the Haymarket Riot. When one of the speakers at the rally shouted “Exterminate the capitalists!” police intervened, and things became violent. One rioter threw a stick of dynamite at police and shooting broke out; seven police officers and at least one civilian died.

    As Weingarten noted in a recent interview, “80% of parents, most parents, want teachers to teach honest history.” That’s exactly what should be taught—honest history. Kids should know about the historical accomplishments of organized labor, and how employees came together to improve their workplaces. They should also know that unionization in America was driven by revolutionary Marxist organizations, and that unions often instigated and participated in rioting and violence.



    Unions may have started from the socialist movement, but insisting they’re communist in nature is just denying reality. Social liberalism also split from democratic socialism, and is an explicitly capitalist ideology. Genetic arguments are almost always shit, and I challenge you to walk up to the average union worker and ask them if they’re a communist.


    Communist movement, I do not think it was a socialist movement.

    I think most or all of them were not communist, just the leadership or the organizer that gets them together.

    Communists were a part of union culture since the bigging, the Red Scare removed most of them, then the unions became less effective.

    This is to the best of my knowledge.


    Unions became less effective when union rights were attacked by Republicans, manufacturing declined in relative employment, and workers were more exposed to international competition.


    The duopoly is the problem, once you understand why, then we can start fights the real battle: working class vs wealthy class

    Bill Clinton accomplished what Ronald Reagan couldn’t. Joe Rogan - Hillary Clinton Wasn’t the Lesser of Two Evils



    I’ll vote for whoever the strongest opponent to the Republican is. You want to make that a third party candidate, fine, but from what I’ve seen, the third parties are jokes.


    Really good options, you are not looking hard enough.


    Alright. Biden versus Trump, what’s my third option


    That’s for me to know, and for you to find out!

    Good luck on the search!


    So, there isn’t one. Gotcha


    If that is what you want to keep thinking, I will not stop you.

    Have a great day!

    Cleverdawny, to memes in Socialism will end class divisions and exponentially increase the quality of life of humanity

    It’ll work this time, guys! Communism won’t mean dictatorship, guys! I promise that there won’t be economic stagnation this time, guys! Trust me! I know this, because I believe it!

    @Ronin_5@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    As opposed to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie that we have now?


    Lmao ok tankie


    You use the word tankie unironically. Do you think that lends you any credibility as oppose to making you appear silly and unserious?


    It’s an accurate description of scum sucking authoritarian megafans of history’s greatest monsters federated in from Lemmygrad and Hexbear, like you


    Oh hahaha, it’s very funny to see that you are fully trying to be unironically in using this term. What’s next? I’m coolio?


    Dictatorship bad but not bad when companies do it.


    How the FUCK does a grocery store represent a dictatorship, you weird ass loser


    Ah yes grocery stores, the only businesses under capitalism.

    Are you serious? You don’t think large corporations are running this country?


    ever heard of blackrock?

    a small family business that basically runs the world :D

    TimeSquirrel, (edited )
    TimeSquirrel avatar

    Have we tried maybe...NOT putting anyone in charge of everyone and THEN trying socialism/communism? There are other theories we haven't explored yet...🏴

    And we just may be at the point where technology can make this happen.

    Just take a look at the self-organizing nature of the open source software industry. No one player has absolute control of anything, yet it thrives.


    That’s basically the underpants gnomes theory of politics.

    1. Communism but no leadership!
    2. ???
    3. Utopia!!! Don’t ask me how to get there
    Cleverdawny, to memes in The Democratic National Committee showing its true face

    ITT tankies pretend they don’t know that legal arguments are meant for court and are made to argue from every angle.

    No, this isn’t an admission that the primaries were rigged. They weren’t. It’s a hypothetical argument meant to progress a legal case to summary judgment, where the lawyer argued that even if everything the plaintiff said was correct, the DNC would still win the case.

    Essentially, what the lawyers for the Democrats were doing was “if I grant everything you claim for the sake of argument, you would still lose, and here’s why.” That doesn’t admit anything. OP knows it, but since he’s a literal Stalin-humping fascist who just wants to see anyone who wishes for a better world fail, he doesn’t care.

    @jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

    whats itt mean


    In This Thread


    It may not have been an admission that the primaries were rigged, and I know nothing about the OP, but nevertheless, the primaries were rigged.


    Which means you got actual evidence right? And this isn’t some sort of assumption based on the stats not choosing the candidate of your choice, right?

    Unless you mean gerrymandering, but everyone knows that is rigged.


    The primaries weren’t gerrymandered, that only applies to the US house general election.


    Did you not watch the Iowa primary? It was all out in the opem. They didn’t expect Sanders to make a strong showing so they dragged the vote count out for days. There were videos of districts choosing candidates with a coin flip, and visibly turning the coin over if Sanders was chosen. Their cronies at MSNBC and CNN were announcing a landslide against Sanders to sway public opinion even though it hadn’t happened. They set up the districts so that even though Sanders had the overall vote count, Buttigieg still won the delegate count.

    And this isn’t even getting into the super rigged element of superdelegates.




    ITT people still salty that Pete won Iowa 🤣🤣🤣


    I’m not really a fan of Sanders, so I watched it objectively, and he was clearly shafted.

    But go on with the attitude of treating important elections like highschool insult contests.


    He clearly wasn’t. The Buttigieg campaign focuses on turnout in areas the Sanders campaign ignored and won the contest because of the rules of the Iowa caucus, which allocate delegates to each individual precinct not based on their turnout but on their overall population. Sanders did well in highly attended precincts, Buttigieg beat him by outperforming him in less well attended precincts.

    It’s the way the rules were. Bernie could have employed the same strategy, but he didn’t.


    So you’ve nothing to say about the strange extended vote count and the switched coin tosses.




    Watch the videos. It’s right there.


    I just watched both videos and they were just normal coin tosses. What was I supposed to see there? If either person had faked the coin toss, why didn’t anyone on the ground complain? The Sanders people were RIGHT THERE and accepted the result.

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    comment from lemm.ee opinion discarded

    scytale, to memes in Liberals hatred of Stalin is unreal

    To be fair, just because somebody said something good/reasonable, it doesn’t necessarily mean they walked the talk. You can probably find a good quote from any evil dictator.


    There are a fair amount of Hitler quotes that sound reasonable. Until you zoom out and look at the everything else, anyway.

    zyratoxx, (edited )
    @zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

    The 3rd Reich had one of the strictest animal protection laws, it spoke out against smoking. and Hitler himself was vegetarian at the end of his life

    Under George W. Bush, the US invested in HIV/AIDS programs

    Just because somebody says / does something good doesn’t mean they’re a good person.


    I feel like this is a big thing modern communists have the biggest problem with. I mean, it’s a problem that spans most of the political spectrum, but communists have he biggest problem because it leads to them defending the ccp and denying history to prove that communism is good. Because political affiliation is team sports now, so it’s all about staking your ground and defending everything on your side, no matter how insane it makes you. Stalin did terrible things. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t right about some things. But e-communists just can’t seem to separate the two.

    @zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

    Yeah, and the absolute worst thing is, they’re gatekeeping harder than the Linux community.

    So you’re apparently “Liberal” if you don’t think that Stalin was a G?

    It’s not as if Stalin was beloved by his fellow party members either.

    Lenin once said: "Stalin is too crude, and this defect which is entirely acceptable in our milieu and in relationships among us as communists, becomes unacceptable in the position of General Secretary. I therefore propose to comrades that they should devise a means of removing him from this job and should appoint to this job someone else who is distinguished from comrade Stalin in all other respects only by the single superior aspect that he should be more tolerant, more polite and more attentive towards comrades, less capricious, etc. "

    Trotsky actively opposed Stalin and got the ice pick in return and last but not least Tito distanced Yugoslavia from the USSR after he fell out with Stalin.

    Ofc Cyber Ghost doesn’t directly say that every opposition to Stalin is liberal but I do think he does heavily imply not simping for Stalin makes you a liberal (which would technically make Tito, Trotsky and even Lenin liberal and imo shows the absurdity of their thinking).


    Nixon did a lot for improving environmental protections while also believing himself to be above the law in a way verging towards, "I am the state."


    You like Nazis? You are literally comparing the person who lead the Holocaust to the person who saved the world from the Nazis


    Dude Stalin helped the nazis take Poland, then when Hitler turned on the USSR, he threw 20 million soviets into the meat grinder. All to have Eisenhower coax a Nazi surrender, which made Stalin super butthurt and demand a new surrender the next day.

    The soviets were responsible for 3/4 German military deaths. They kicked ass. Stalin did not.


    Oh yeah, preventing genocide of your people by the Germans is really just throwing people to the meat grinder. Poland was aggressive towards the Ukrainian SSR and needed taken care of. The Nazis were irrelevant in that regard

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    Stalin did that when he was ignoring his generals telling him that the Germans were going to invade, then WHEN THEY WERE ACTIVELY INVADING? Because he LIKED HITLER and THOUGHT HIS FRIEND WOULDN’T BETRAY HIM?

    THAT Stalin?


    You clearly know nothing about this whatsoever. If you somehow think Stalin likes Hitler then you must be drunk or somthing


    JFC you tankies are batshit insane lol.

    Go outside and touch some grass.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    fucking moron he literally talked about it. read literally anything that isn't delivered to you by your fuckwit party.


    Care to cite where Stalin “literally talked about it”? Also, maybe avoid using obviously ableist terms


    Also, maybe avoid using obviously ableist terms

    This is such a strange line to draw for someone who defends the violent murder of political rivals.


    Still haven’t provided a citation for your laughable claims


    Different poster, friend. You haven’t denied any of my claims. Actually you said they were good things, like any responsible tankie should.


    You use the word tankie unironically. Do you really think anyone cares what you have to say?


    Ask yourself that question.


    Okay but Stalin mostly walked the walk. 7 good fingers 3 rotten fingers and all that.

    Lemjukes, to memes in Liberals hatred of Stalin is unreal
    @YuccaMan@hexbear.net avatar

    Actual Nazi propaganda. You get fucked

    @JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Goddamn you call it Nazi propaganda as if your any better than a Holocaust denier


    Denialism is a deeply loaded word which implies the Holodomor as genocide is fact and scholars who argue against it (the majority) are borderline genocide apologists and are basically lying.

    @Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

    This was a fascinating read

    @JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    My favorite part about this is that I don’t even need to argue back, the insanity speaks for itself!

    @BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

    People who know more about something than me are insane smuglord


    You’re calling a mainstream jewish expert on the holocaust insane for having a more informed opinion than you.

    @Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

    Calling Jews who’re combatting holocaust denialism in any form it writhes into the sunlight themselves holocaust denialists because the facts they lay out do not fit your distorted worldview is unto itself a form of holocaust denialism.

    The neo-nazis are proud that you’re doing the work for them.


    The holocaust is a proven genocide. Nobody is denying proven genocides.

    The thing people are doing is pointing out that calling something a genocide when it is absolutely not is dangerous and offensive propaganda literally stemming from the nazis.

    You can’t be a genocide denier by correctly pointing out something isn’t a genocide. If someone says France committed genocide in Britain last week and I say “no they didn’t, that’s ridiculous” it doesn’t make me a genocide denier - because it didn’t happen. Genocide deniers are people that deny real genocides everyone else is just stating the literal truth.


    All the Holocaust deniers are denying a proven genocide.


    Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams!


    Bro you’re dealing with lemmygraders, they think the holodomor was nazi propaganda, and even so, all those Ukranians deserved it too.


    Oh for sure. Hence the dismissal with reference and not actually engaging with the chucklefuck.


    Which are you, nazi press or a nazi collaborator turning in their Jewish neighbors as “holodomor collaborators”

    Oh, neither? Stop repeating their misinfo then.

    Perfide, to memes in “But… but… Stalin starved his people”

    Stalin literally did starve his people. Look up the Holodomor, for starters. Stupid fucking tankie

    WilloftheWest, to memes in Communism bad

    The good old Narcissist’s Tankie’s Prayer:

    That didn’t happen,

    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad,

    And if it was, that’s not a big deal,

    And if it is, that’s not my fault,

    And if it was, that’s Western propaganda,

    And if it isn’t, you deserved it.

    @autismdragon@hexbear.net avatar

    Yes, slavers and exploiters deserve to suffer for slaving and exploiting.

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