dojan, to politics in It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages avatar

Well obviously. It was never about children, because gender affirming care doesn’t involve surgeries or hormones for children. Those were all lies feeding into an anti-trans narrative so they could push for more drastic changes.

Start with children, because no one in their right mind would want to see children suffer, and then move on to the rest. After all the trans people are dealt with, they’ll come after the gays, and then the women and people of colour.


Only thing I’d dispute here is the “after that” part — republicans and conservatives in general are already coming for LGB, women, and minorities. Transphobia is their smokescreen / highest priority, rather than a first step. If they succeed (I hope not!) that will result in more of their energy going into attacking the other marginalized groups, rather than starting to attack those groups.


If they succeed (I hope not!) that will result in more of their energy going into attacking the other marginalized groups, rather than starting to attack those groups.

They already have. They were largely successful in their crusades against Target and Bud Light, which has emboldened them to use their thinly veiled threats of violence to push their agenda even more. I mean, we now have Republicans criticizing the Barbie movie because of they way a map is drawn in one of the background scenes. Or something.

The Barbie movie. Barbie. You know, the plastic children’s doll. Yes. That one. According to Republicans, the Barbie movie is a secret vessel to indoctrinate children with CCP propaganda. I wish I was joking.

This is what the Republican party has come down to. Everything they don’t like is a conspiracy theory that needs to be eradicated.

Pons_Aelius, to politics in Trump made a mockery of American democracy. Why are Americans shrugging this off? | BY THE MIAMI HERALD EDITORIAL BOARD

Personal Opinion:

The USA is one of the countries where religion intersects very strongly with politics. His diehard supporters have elevated their support to a level of worship.

Anything he says is true and correct because He said it.

Anything he does is right and proper because He can do no wrong.


I grew up around Republican evangelicals.

I’m a little bit with the dude with the blog post who said that the evangelical Christians should have recognised Trump as obviously the Antichrist. Mr. Trump is practically a physical incarnation of all Seven Deadly Sins. And he’s got seven towers, speaks blasphemy, consorts with foreign sex workers, promises greatness, …

(No links, because that same dude filled that blog post with lots of shitty ads.)


No links needed. Everyone not in a cult sees all of that plain as day. You don’t even need to be religious to see it.

CIA_chatbot, (edited )

Dude literally lived at 666 park avenue. Christians are stupid

Edit: 5th avenue, thanks blankets

Sarsaparilla avatar

😮I looked this up! It was Fifth ave, but your point still stands. That's so overt!
But I believe his cultists think they are the seven Trumpets in Revelation.


His cultists are trumpets all right

blanketswithsmallpox avatar

Oh yea my bad


Objectivist Republicans have so coopted religion, using owned media to gaslight and brainwash an evolved Southern Strategy, so as to create a blind cult following.

It is a coup 20-40 years in the making.

Nightwingdragon, to politics in Florida CFO blames insurer exit on ‘wokeness’. Dems point to $3 billion industry ‘handout’

This is going to become the norm more and more. Florida is not the only state that suffers from regular natural disasters. The entire gulf coast is basically in a similar boat. California has its wildfires. Tornadoes are common in much of the midwest. All of these are going to be exacerbated by climate change in the next few years even more than we’ve already seen, and I can see several states becoming just as uninsurable as Florida as a result.

This means that people are either going to have to move from those states, the government is going to have to nationalize homeowner’s insurance, or every natural disaster is going to be followed by a humanitarian crisis as thousands of families at a time see their homes destroyed and families bankrupted with no way to recoup their losses, forcing them to migrate to find other places to live.

And it isn’t going to change because half of our country believes mother nature is woke and the whole thing would just go away if we just hate gay people harder.


Hey man. I said 20 hate the gays last night before bed and the weather is nice today! it works!


Don’t forget that the weekend is coming up. If you don’t say at least 20 Hate the Gays and sacrifice the rights of at least one trans child, preferably while kicking his puppy, your Saturday plans are going to be completely ruined.

FancyLad, to politics in Guess which state is opting out of energy-savings rebate program because it’s ‘woke’ avatar

Here in Florida we like our appliances as inefficient as possible! I only wish I could pay more in utility fees or pollute more to offset the other states involvement in yet another woke conspiracy to save energy! /s


You can pry my gas-powered blender from my cold dead hands!


Your running gas? Hell, mine runs on incinerated trash!


Mine burns coal to boil the tears of libruls and power the turbine.


Gotta figure out how to make AC roll coal.


Florida’s all about that methane

Conservatives exist to maintain the status quo = funnelling as much profit into fossil fuel oligarchs as possible.

FlyingSquid, avatar

We were driving the 70-or-so minute drive to my mom’s house and we were stuck behind some asshole rolling coal so much that it literally impaired the vision of the people behind them from all the black smoke. It was so fucking disgusting. Why the hell do people do that? Just to pollute out of spite? I don’t even get it.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

I had to google rolling coal because I never even heard of it.

So people pay money to modify their vehicles just to fuck the environment. Holy shit that’s stupid.


Same here, and I immediately got to question its legal status and found out that it is apparently not illegal in many states despite US Environment Protection Agency saying so 😢

I just can’t believe people would do that out of, I dunno, spite? Like breaking an arm to spite your parents or something

Such meaningful acts of harming others directly or indirectly is what makes me lose faith in humanity sometimes

henfredemars, (edited )

I feel like there is an outsized asshole population in FL


Well the state is actively encouraging it now with pro-asshole policies.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m sure those inefficient air conditioners in Florida that cost people a fortune don’t need replacing. Why bother?

Goodtoknow, avatar

Can Air conditioners really get more efficient than window units or central? There are heat pumps which are better, but other than that the majority of better efficiency comes from better wall and window insulation to keep the cold in.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I am betting there are a lot of ancient ACs in Florida that could use an upgrade too.

captain_aggravated, avatar

My understanding is mini-splits are pretty efficient, specifically because of the small hole poked in the wall.


In addition, technology improves. A newer AC is more efficient than an older one.

I imagine heat pumps are fantastic down there as well, since most (all?) of Florida occasionally needs heat, but it never gets cold enough to keep heat pumps from working at their best

captain_aggravated, avatar

I’m from North Carolina, and heat pumps are plenty sufficient here. I grew up in a house with a heat pump, we stayed plenty warm. I’m SURE you don’t need a furnace in Florida.


EEV > TXV > Capillary tube, the evolution of expansion valves and pressure control in refrigeration units has been significant. The lower compression ratio you can run, the higher the COP.

Cap tubes are what you find in basic and old window shakers, completely passive and only work well at one power point, TXVs control superheat which is a big improvement and are common in “ordinary” central units, EEVs allow full control of high and low side pressure and compression ratio and are seen in modern inverter drive/heat pump/mini split systems.

Inverter drive compressors are a huge improvement too.


Black clouds of freedom…

HappyMeatbag, to usnews in In blistering order, judge tells Florida to stop blocking effort to aid medically frail kids avatar

“Obstruction for obstruction’s sake” might as well be the Republican Party motto. Good for the judge.

HumbleHobo, to politics in It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages avatar

I hate how Republicans seem to be enthralled with new and exciting ways to hurt people. This isn’t what government is for, I want government to create policies to help people not just throw violence at people for some random reason. Can we outlaw making the government hurt people or something? Is that possible?


On the subject of trans civil rights in the US, we already have. It's explicitly outlawed in a variety of places including the Civil Rights Act and 14th amendment.

A non-corrupt SCOTUS would see these anti-trans laws for what they are: discrimination on the basis of sex. Already explicitly illegal. The problem is, conservatism has never cared about rule of law outside of when they can use it as a tool to get their way.

lemonflavoured, to politics in It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages
lemonflavoured avatar

This was always going to be the next thing. Solidarity to all my trans friends (B with T is, sadly, not strong enough at times).

WhatAmLemmy, to climate in Sea levels are starting to rise faster. Here’s how much South Florida is expecting

So far, scientists have found that we’re trending toward the high end of those predictions. … “Presently, sea level is tracking in the intermediate-high to high, the two fastest,” said Randall Parkinson, a coastal geologist with Florida International University. “The other three scenarios, you might not even think about because we’re already rising faster than that.”

Gonna be real funny when that 6 ft by 2100 drops to 2050 and most of Florida become the climate migrants nobody wants.


Yea real funny. I hope when it’s coming for you somebody a little further north takes the same joy in your impending doom.


It's a common figure of speech. It doesn't mean actually funny.

TexMexBazooka, (edited )

The state continues to elect dipshits like Desantis, despite the evidence being blazingly obvious they’ll be the first in the line of fire.

What happens next should surprise nobody, and if somebody is surprised they were almost definitely part of the problem and should stay in Florida, if you catch my drift.


No I don’t catch your drift, spell it out plainly for me.

Zoot, avatar

If you continue to keep your eyes closed while walking, and everyone is screaming to tell you to stop… No one will be there to physically stop you from walking, you’re on your own journey. Either open your eyes and look around, or don’t be mad when you fall off the cliff.


What the fuck are you talking about? I’m one of the idiots trapped in Florida and can see it coming. It’s just shitty to see how people will treat you when devastation comes around. You know Florida is full of refugees that don’t get to vote right?

Zoot, avatar

I guess I’d take it as a warning, and start planning your departure soon.


You gonna help me pay for it?

Zoot, avatar

The open your eyes part means; start planning now. Shouting and screaming won’t do anything to solve the issues you will face in the future. I am sorry you are jn this situation, but is been growing for the last 4 years or so…


So as long as it’s just the poors swept away by the tide it’s cool?

Zoot, avatar

You clearly don’t get it: Start PLANNING NOW. I’m not saying fuck poor, or fuck anyone. You seem to understand Florida will be flooding in the next 100 years, that sounds like plenty of time to plan and not be “surprised” when one day your home is no longer insurable


It’s gonna be here way sooner than that, I’m stuck watching it in real time. What you don’t seem to get is people can’t just conjure money out of the sky to do whatever they want. In fact most people are having to work two jobs to maintain a solid 600sqft and be able to afford food. And they can be panhandling if their car breaks down. And it’s about to be illegal to sleep in your car. What I’m saying to all you fine assholes is that not everybody here is sipping margaritas and watching the heat dancers club baby seals on their yacht every morning. A lot of us are watching this bomb go off in real time and it’s really shitty to hear people acting like we deserve it and we’ll be mocked or turned away should we have to leave.

Like this is a wild amount of comments I’ve gotten from people I’m in mostly agreement with, except for the whole not shitting on normal people trapped in a shitty circumstance thing.

And finally I don’t own a home, but most insurance companies have already pulled out of the state or jacked up their rates to unaffordable levels.

Zoot, avatar

I’ve never owned a home, but when times get tough I always know what to do: Pick up my things and move. Yeah its not entirely possible a great swath of the human population, but thats not something I personally need to plan for now is it? No one deserves any of climate change to happen, but until people actually stand up and do something about it, it will not get better.


What are you doing about it aside from preaching to the choir? If you know it’s impossible for large chunks of the population to just up and move why are you being a dick about it?

Zoot, avatar

I didn’t know telling you to start planning and start doing something about your situation rather than just bitch about people “Hoping that I die because I can’t be assed to start moving away!” Was being a dick. But take care, I hope all works well for you.


Oh, well it’s a dick move to tell people to make more money. In case you didn’t know that. Take care!

Zoot, avatar

Moving doesn’t require money just so you know. Its very very possible to grab the things on your back and physically move yourself. If you haven’t quite understood that, then I’m sorry I had to paint it in such a picture. Its why I said “Not everyone can do this” but pretending money is the problem is an excuse.


Where can you live without money? What if I’m in a wheelchair?

Zoot, avatar

If you are disabled this is an entirely different conversation and you should be angry with the goverment for not assisting you more.


You’re not getting it, nobody deserves it and everybody should be angry with the government for not assisting any of us.


What do you mean trapped?


I mean I can’t relocate? I’m not chained to a radiator but thanks.


Bro I’ve met migrants who showed up with worn out shoes and a backpack. I’m not trying to be mean but most people mean won’t not can’t, you could drop everything and move to another country and get there largely by foot working odd jobs on the way. It being a smart idea is another thing entirely.


You know nothing about me or my situation and I didn’t ask for your input at all.


Clearly that’s why I asked a question rather than make an assumption.


I dunno talking about your migrant acquaintance moving with nothing but rags on his feet and a tattered knapsack sounds like you’re about to give me some variation of pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Maybe I was hasty, but all the same I don’t need tips on moving.


I said worn out shoes and a backpack, but your overdramatizing does in fact prove my point.


That you don’t know enough about me to be making suggestions on what I’m capable of?


Again, I asked a question. Your vague over dramatic tirade about no one knowing you though no one implied to but rather simply asked a question about it serves to prove my point and imply your circumstances without you actually saying them.


I’m just tired of answering all this nonsense. If you think it’s cool to wish death on people because they fit a certain set of criteria cool. Do it. But don’t get pissy when people start looking for criteria you fit into.


Notice I didn’t say anything about any of that. Again, you’re being over dramatic.


That’s what I was talking about though so fuck off.


Misplaced aggression isn’t helpful but sure swing at ghosts if it makes you feel better.


It’s not misplaced you’re being irritating as fuck.


Yes it’s me that’s being irritating, neat.


Is it fucked up to think that Floridians deserve to suffer more from climate change or not? I don’t care if you don’t like my tone. That’s what the heart of these 30 comments has been about. If that’s not what you’re talking about then we don’t need to engage any further because that’s what I’ve been talking about.


That’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying if you could buy won’t you can only blame yourself. Screeching “you don’t know me” is not now nor has it ever been a reasonable argument but rather a definite deflection.


I didn’t ask for that input to begin with. Making assumptions about strangers ability to move at will is absurd. And you’re still not answering my question? Is it fucked up or not to think certain groups deserve to suffer the effects of climate change?


Then why cry about it in the first fuckin place, you know people are gonna have opinions it’s a bit late to provide your own age then cry because other people offer theirs.


Still not answering my question.


Crybaby, you don’t get to demand my opinion on your question while you bitch and whine about my opinion.


So please fuck off then.


Great advice, you should take it crybaby.


I believe the above poster was merely pointing out the irony of the situation, not saying that it’s actually humorous. Florida’s politics tend to villify refugees, while the residents themselves may soon become refugees fleeing to other states due to climate change.


There is a lot of people in this state that don’t agree with any of that. That want to do something to mitigate the damage of climate change and are absolutely powerless. Constantly joking about how we are going to get it the worst and we somehow deserve it is gross as fuck, and it’s constantly applauded on these forums. Floridians are people too and if you stopped assuming all of them are red hat rocking dickheads that deserve to be drowned in global catastrophe that would be cool ya know.


I’m in Texas, not that far from the coast, and I make these kinds of jokes. I don’t move because this is where my immediate family live and I don’t want to leave without them. Texans are a great group to make the butt of the jokes. Doesn’t mean I think I should be drowned or assume I’m a red-hat maga person.

cerement, avatar

not all the gusanos wear red hats


This is why I specified Florida politics lean that way, not the residents.


But they still deserve it right?


No one of sound mind would imply that a group of people deserve suffering. No one here is suggesting that.


I mean you aren’t, but the sentiment is all over this thread.


Sorry the conservative bigots who deny climate change and pretend the water isn’t rising are going to get wet.

There. That’s my sympathetic statement for them. But, no amount of warnings or even pleading with them can ever cause conservatives to do the right thing. The more we implore them to recognize the science, the more likely they are to drown just to upset us.

I, for one, support a conservative’s right to drown exactly as they insist. We should be supporting their decisions for once. Let them face the tides bravely. We should be cheering them on as they sink beneath the waves. 👏 Good job, y’all! Good job! 👏

As for the innocent non-conservatives, we should be rescuing them and getting them to normal states just to get them away from the conservatives. Leave the rest behind.


My in-laws just bought a house near the coast in Southeast Florida. I don't know what they're thinking. Maybe they're too old and stuck in their ways to believe that this will actually impact them? I don't know, but I imagine it won't be long before they can't insure that house anymore.

teamevil, to news in Prosecutors seek to jail Miami mom for posting news stories about cop who shot son

Jesus Christ that police in Florida need to not only be protected from citizen review boards but also criticism…nope

Deceptichum, to news in Prosecutors seek to jail Miami mom for posting news stories about cop who shot son avatar

Fuck the murderer Jaime Pino.

BolexForSoup, to politics in Some migrants flown by DeSantis to Martha’s Vineyard qualify for victim visas, feds say
BolexForSoup avatar

I know we all hear "the cruelty is the point" but really and truly, what kind of monster do you have to be to not just pull this stunt but lie to these people's faces as you promise them work and help? I mean it's fucking monstrous. How does anyone who participates in this sleep at night? It's one thing to do it from afar, but there are people who participated in the logistics here just lying every step of the way going "hahahah they think they're getting help and a job HAHAHAHAHAHA."

I know the answers. They don't see them as people, they don't care, etc. it's just so horrifying to me nonetheless.

FartsWithAnAccent, to world in Should Venezuela invade its oil-rich neighbor? Maduro will put it to a vote Sunday avatar


PugJesus, to world in Should Venezuela invade its oil-rich neighbor? Maduro will put it to a vote Sunday
PugJesus avatar

Maduro “has no real intention of going to war with [Guyana] because doing so means greater isolation and more international problems than the ones he already has,”

Sure, but when have we heard that recently? Don't underestimate the stupidity of authoritarians.

cowfodder, to news in GOP donor known for racist tweet, American flag outfit dies in attempted murder-suicide

And, just like that, there’s one less Nazi in the world.

Ranvier, to politics in DeSantis said at debate a woman survived ‘multiple abortion attempts.’ Here’s the real story

Republicans? Making up outlandish lies as an excuse to force themselves into your doctor’s office and making your own private health care decisions for you? No, I don’t believe it, not the party of small government /s

But seriously, extra ironic Republicans would pick a story illustrating so well how wrong it is what they’re trying to do, then twist it to make it into some kind of false anti abortion story. Unfortunately their base will probably just gobble this up as fact and never learn the truth of the case.

objectionist, avatar

Unfortunately their base will probably just gobble this up as fact and never learn the truth of the case.

can confirm, have republican parents. they say they do their research but they don’t know that scrolling the front page of truth social isn’t considered research

TechyDad, avatar

My father keeps telling me “all the news stations, even the liberal ones are saying X.” Then, when I ask what stations, he’ll say something like “channels 6, 10, and 13.” The problem is that I live in a different area than he does. His “6, 10, 13” are different than my “6, 10, 13.” He doesn’t seem to get that.

And this doesn’t even get into the fact that the “liberal stations” he’s talking about might actually be owned by Sinclair. Or the fact that my father often thinks people agree with him even after they say that they don’t agree. (So he might watch a news report that says “X isn’t actually happening” and come away thinking “this station agrees that X is happening.”)


I’m sorry. It must be tough at times being at odds with your own parents on such topics

objectionist, avatar

the internet is my haven until i can express my opinions without instantaneous backlash

in other words, i’m doing fine-ish

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