The Archers

wibble, avatar

Thunderstorms are forecast this morning, so I'm stuck indoors, preparing myself for Omnibus.

I missed the last one but, unless the agriculture adviser has suddenly recovered, I doubt that anything happened.

Still, if hope and patience serve me well, I might have questions later.


wibble, avatar

@thearchers Joy's behaving like the murderer in an episode of Columbo. Given the impending absence of our local policeman, I wonder who'll be playing Falk - Mick, perhaps, or the sainted George?

But it's all over now, so I'll just have to tune in next week. Unless it isn't raining...

Malwen, avatar

@wibble @thearchers I disagree about the Rochelle mystery, I'm enjoying the speculation. There are some great theories on Reddit eg:

Rochelle was stillborn, Joy has made her whole life story up and the address in her address book is actually her therapist's address.


Rochelle is now a transgender man but Joy won't accept his new identity. The man Mick spoke to at the Borchester address is actually Joy's child.

slowe, avatar

Blog post: A workplace parking levy tool for Ambridge In which we use the fictional Borsetshire as a demo.

patrickhadfield, avatar

Catching up with last night's .

A gentle, relaxing fifteen minutes.

NadineHere, avatar

@patrickhadfield @Wen I usually listen to falling asleep happily but the recent storyline is so upsetting.

Wen, avatar

@NadineHere @patrickhadfield Happily I migrated to simple Hammer Horror 😁

BashStKid, avatar

Well, that was the script equivalent of upending the chessboard.

I’m sure Joy will be returning to ‘I shouldn’t have sold her that bottle’ …

junesim63, avatar

@BashStKid And will George get found out?

wibble, avatar

It's nearly time for #TheArchers Omnibus, and I'm practically smouldering with optimism.

That's because I've spent all morning waiting for the rain to stop so I can put the rubbish out, which is just the sort of mental preparation a regular listener needs.

As for the rain, that hasn't stopped either.


wibble, avatar

@thearchers It seems that it's the script that's the problem, but we'll let that lie. Do we know what Laura does, yet? Feed merchant seems unlikely, HSE inspector too convenient, and if she was big in turnips I'm sure we would have heard.

Good lord. It's dancercise. But at least it's an opportunity to read up on rogue milk purchasing businesses. You won't hear about them on the wireless.

And it's all over now. It seems to have stooped raining, too. Or maybe it's just my mood that's lifted.

Sarahw, avatar

@wibble @thearchers
I suspect Laura may be in insurance. Or marketing. Either way she's far too exciting for Alistair.

Btw, it's always a good idea for women to bring a table full of friends along on a first date. In case they turn out to be, you know, Alistair.

wibble, avatar

It's nearly time for Omnibus, in which a weekload of episodes are shovelled out at once for the benefit of those who couldn't be bothered with it during the week yet, somehow, have nothing better to do on a Sunday.

So let's see what's happened this week. Did anyone win the cricket? How many wheels are on Harry's wagon? And will there ever be sheep?


wibble, avatar

@thearchers Ah. The Lord Mayor of Felpersham. I was wondering, though I can't think why.

There's a robin at the rewilding, and Harry's helpfully fallen off the wagon, posing a dilemma that we've spent a fortnight doing to death already.

Personally, I'd have just re-badged some dandelions, but the primrose path has literary implications that have gloriously ambiguous merit in an educational context.

And now Lilian's rumbled Alice, too. She's getting good at rumbling.

wibble, avatar

@thearchers Happily, Alice "can't do this any more" and, if our luck holds, she''ll stick to that next week.

Still, we've paid a heavy price for that tiny shard of hope. Including, most notably, a hefty dose of no sheep. It's a terrible world we live in.

wibble, avatar

It's almost time for #TheArchers Omnibus, a weekly round-up of all the desperate things the scriptwriters have had to do to map the nihilistic vortex of existential despair onto the agricultural calendar.

Which almost makes it sound exciting.

And we're off!


MikeFromLFE, avatar

@wibble @thearchers
I'm going with Grundys Global Arboriculture as a winning trading name 😅

suearcher, avatar

@wibble @thearchers

And a bit before mine! Well, most of their time.

wibble, avatar

It's nearly 10 o'clock - time to clamber aboard Omnibus and see where it'll take us.

Last week we were off to the races, with an interesting detour via cowhide flooring. Both of which turned out profitless.

So who'll be in the money this week? And will there be sheep?


wibble, avatar

@thearchers If DH Lawrence isn't spinning in his grave, it can only be because he isn't listening.

wibble, avatar

@thearchers And that's our lot for a week in which the scripties seem to have given up on Gaskell and turned to Bulwer-Lytton.

Who, admittedly, had his points, not least as unwitting Grand Patron of the Rosicrucians, but has otherwise been allowed to rest in well-deserved peace.

As we all shall be, until next week.

wibble, avatar

We're lumbering up to Omnibus so it's all tea and excitement in this household, or will be if I manage to find any.

Last week we found Jim spoiling for a restraining order, ill-advised wall hangings at the tea-room and soupiness at the dog-mender's, but nothing at all (again) in the way of sheep or goats or barley.

But still I live in hope. Perhaps unwisely.


wibble, avatar

@thearchers "When I don't speak them out loud, they just go round and round in my head" says Alice, of her thoughts. As if thoughts ever do anything else, whether you speak them out loud or not.

wibble, avatar

@thearchers And that's it.

Soundwise, we got some horses, though not at Cheltenham, and George's electric screwdriver.

And Miranda, who has no office "as such", is for some reason sweet-talking Brian, presumably to serve the scripties' purpose of getting Will's house foreclosed on by Justin.

What larks.

wibble, avatar

It seems to be time for , so my tea will have to wait.

"It's not flannel, you know" says Brian, as a prelude to a week's worth of helpful exposition.

In the meanwhile, have a field of turnips, if turnips are what they are.


wibble, avatar

@HeatherMJ @thearchers Nor me. A cow hide seems a gruesomely imposing sort of thing to have on a wall.

That said, I'm not too sure about sheepskins, either. But that's probably because, once upon a time, I used to walk daily past the yard of a Yorkshire fellmonger, and have never been able to entirely forget the clouds of flies or the spring-to-autumn stench.

HeatherMJ, avatar

@wibble @thearchers
I'm perhaps a bit more disposed to sheep's fleece. I have got a spinning wheel and, very occasionally, have been known to spin some fleece badly. Which reminds me, it's time I had another go at it.

wibble, avatar

Time is hobbling, as it does on Sundays, towards Omnibus and I've forgotten to go for a walk.

I've not fancied the idea of laundry, either, so I guess I'll be sitting this out.

Which only leaves the question of whether there'll be sheep.

Oh. And where's my tea?


wibble, avatar

@thearchers Still no livestock (bar a silent horse in Cumbria), and I can't say I'm pleased.

The Bull's still so quiet that even the scripties have noticed, and Plod's managed to get himself investigated.

"Am I going to lose my job" he asks. A question we might see answered after eighteen years and an FOI request.

wibble, avatar

@thearchers Those listening in the hope of drama might like to know that my tea's gone cold.

We seem to be having the same scenes retold a lot this week. Has there been a writers' strike? Or was the photocopier playing up?

wibble, avatar

It's time for #TheArchers Omnibus; even more so if, like me, you missed the last one.

We seem to be kicking off with a review of Tony's birthday, so it's not looking good.

Still, there may be sheep.


wibble, avatar

@HarrietMonkhouse @thearchers That's an idea. And a much more wholesome one than I was having regarding any potential Burns-Casey collaboration. Though I doubt, unless crime was involved, that it would pay any better than crime.

wibble, avatar

@thearchers To be fair, we did get a passing reference to a 1970's sit-com, and a little clunky sky-hookery but the expected "many hands make light work" gag, which must be celebrating its centenary around now, went sadly unremarked.

HarrietMonkhouse, avatar

I'm not sure Natasha and Tony have thought through the impact on vegetarian customers of dead animal skins on the tea-room walls. @thearchers

HarrietMonkhouse, avatar

@MikeFromLFE @thearchers I agree entirely with the sound-absorbing idea, which is a problem in a lot of cafes etc. (I speak as somebody whose birthday dinner had to be switched to another restaurant because when we got there one of our group found the noise migraine-triggering). But I think wall-hangings are the way to go. Bet there's someone in Ambridge who does tapestry in their spare time.

MikeFromLFE, avatar

@HarrietMonkhouse @thearchers
I agree about the problems of background noise - I have relatively minor hearing loss - and find cafeteria style restaurants exhausting.

Get the residents of The Laurels on the tapestry & quilting job!

Who's going to set up a tannery instead of going into tree surgery then?

wibble, avatar

It's creeping up to 10 o'clock in Grim and Miserable Time, and thus , a radio soap in which a handful of actors (or one skilful impressionist) reads out a script against a wilfully curated background of allegedly agricultural noises.

Last week, IIRC, a sweet little doggy had eaten part of a publican, and I can't see them improving on that. But, being charitable, I'll suspend my disbelief, at least for one more week.


thebaywindowgirl, avatar

@wibble @thearchers
I stopped listening a few years back, so I greatly appreciate your succinct round-ups of the week’s action. Thus far, I haven’t felt the need to tune in again.

wibble, avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @thearchers That seems wise.

Not that I'm admitting to silliness - there have been plenty of times when I haven't felt the need to tune in, either.

But, sadly, my resolve often fails. Possibly it's because I was brought up when Sundays were a sort of penance; a scratchy-clothed day to consider my sins, put my pocket-money in the vicar's plate and spend the afternoon quietly watching nothing happen.

So, in some subtle ways, The Archers re-connects me with my childhood.

wibble, avatar

Is it time for ?

Yes it is!

I've missed a couple of weeks, so this might be fun.

On the other hand...


wibble, avatar

@thearchers The fashion show was mercifully brief. And now we're within earshot of a road that has a car passing every fifteen seconds, which seems a bit much for the rurals, even after closing.

Is a circus moving in, or what?

wibble, avatar

@thearchers That was odd, and somewhat implausible. As was the instant reconciliation of Mia and Brad, presumably hurried along to make way for a sudden idea.

But, disappointing though it was, with all the no sheep, no cows, no deer, no rustling corn and no burgeoning potatoes, I'll probably tune in next week, all the same.


Mia needs a mentor or someone in her life that helps her manage her expectations guide her through these stressful situations. Where's Wil? Perhaps Fallon will be that person for her. She's very young and very idealistic.



MikeFromLFE, avatar

@VeryAud @thearchers
Maybe she'll hook up with Kate who was pretty much the same at one time


So this new character flashing money in the Bull? @thearchers


@MikeFromLFE @Malwen @HederaVulpes @wcow @thearchers unless Jolene wasn’t being altogether honest.

MikeFromLFE, avatar

@JezCaudle @Malwen @HederaVulpes @wcow @thearchers
Which is a distinct possibility


Hopefully Brian has an allergy to Hilda in



Adil leaving to go surprise his BiL. Sounds like he is going to uncover something that will impact his sister and ensure he returns to Ambridge to be by her side to offer support.


BashStKid, avatar

@VeryAud @thearchers That’s a good idea!

MikeFromLFE, avatar

@VeryAud @thearchers
I really do not understand the Adil character - he's almost like a character put in by a SW that no one really knows what to do with.

HederaVulpes, avatar

Question for please: is it possible to determine the sex of unborn lambs when scanning for pregnancy?
I thought it showed how many lambs.

A character in said a ewe had 'scanned for a ram lamb'.


BashStKid, avatar

@HederaVulpes @thearchers
Interesting question. I’ve not done it, but it’s never wise to assume.

I would think it tricky with regular simple reflection ultrasound, it’s not like an xray, but you can reliably get the number of lambs which is v useful.

I’d guess you probably can check sex, but it would likely have to be an internal transmission probe, might take too long to apply to a big flock, and is knowing worth the cost?

HederaVulpes, avatar

@BashStKid @thearchers

Thank you very much for the helpful replies :)


Is Harry the grey man?



@starran @snim2 @thearchers Blake spoke of The Grey man being one of the people involved with the slavery situation

starran, avatar

@VeryAud @snim2 @thearchers

Ah yes. But I don't think so. I do hope we've moved on from the Philip plots


I don't think a 13 yo would understand the implications of owning land. Helen is a fool for jumping to conclusions about Rob's motives. She is the one who will instigate rivalry between 'the boys'. Natasha has the right idea.


BashStKid, avatar

@HarrietMonkhouse @NAB @VeryAud @thearchers Yes, that was fairly grating when the solution should be her doing a conservation biology / ecology degree and getting Brad to help with the modelling. (No, not that modelling)

HarrietMonkhouse, avatar

@BashStKid @NAB @VeryAud @thearchers But, having established characters they want to keep in the show, we have to abandon realism in order to prevent their leaving the village for most of the next three years (and, indeed, the rest of their lives, because they would have so many more opportunities somewhere else).


Rob will be returning from the dead to ruin Henry's birthday.


simon_lucy, avatar

The dull dry January could feature an enticing menu of mocktails at the Bull.


BashStKid, avatar

@VeryAud @thearchers
At least Lilian will no longer be drinking the Bull dry without paying, so it might survive.


Goggles, gloves and gear today on


BashStKid, avatar

@VeryAud @thearchers
Joking aside, I’m pleased they’ve highlighted the Forestry Commission is currently pushing a lot of cash at arboriculture training and certification. Ed will need that if he’s getting a bank loan and the insurance …

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